Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Honor the Elder, if you want Blessings!

Golden Age (Old) Age Appreciation & Blessings!  by Captain Kelly Durant 5-27-12
1- Titus 2:2,3  2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
Lev 19:3232 Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD.
2-Tell me something that is not valuable when it is old? You can find old cars, old furniture, old mansions, paintings, practically anything old is valuable, right?
There is a quote in English that says: And No wise man ever wished to be any younger! There are a lot of benefits to growing old, but I mean growing mature in the Lord!  But like they say, wrinkles should be on the face, not on the heart!
3-Let’s think about how many people are in the Bible that God waited until they were old to use them for a great work!
Noah, Moses, Abraham and Sarah, and there are many more! Think about the ones who when they were young they messed things up. Esau, Samson, even King David! Age and experience certainly contribute to God being able to use us more readily. Maturity usually means one is more educated, more informed, more wise to make decisions, and more careful and slow to not do terrible mistakes!
4-That scripture in Tit. 2 tells the elderly to be serious, Why? Because some are not! Serious (which means they are using their time to be productive, not wasting time on games and distractions), temperate (which means living life in balance, not exaggerated in any area), strong in faith (which comes over time after years of study of the word of God), love and patience (Older people should display their soft hearts full of love for all and patient with all).
Apart from honoring the elders, notice how in so many places it mentions we are to include not just the men but the women as well. 2 Timothy 1:5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
Now revert back to the last part of the verses of Titus 2: 4 where it mentions the women who are mothers and grandmothers. 4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, The idea is that the older women are respected as teachers explaining about good family relations as well. Who here does that? A few of you do that! And if not?
5-Today, sadly, we have a generation of kids that disrespect the elderly and their parents, and according to the 10 commandments to honor your father and your mother, if a child insulted his parents breaking this commandment, he was to be stoned to death! God is serious about us respecting those that are older! But today the laws of man seem to protect the rebellious?!
Do you want to know how a young person shows they are mature? When suddenly they want to be around older people so they can learn from them! This usually happens about college age when young people realize professors and older people are not so dumb after all, they actually have learned a lot! And the older ones should always be ready to teach the lessons of life!
6-It is the job of the young to learn from the aged and experienced and the older ones should be willing teachers! That is willing if they are close to the Lord! You lived all those years and all you know can benefit many people, so all the elder here need to consider they have a job in our Corps, they should be mentors to the younger. That is what the Word commands us to do and we need to retain the mentality of respect for our elders!
There are many articles about how we age and most of them are positive and state how people often get more mellow, worry less, more friendly, more happy and less worried, and even more productive. Later in life many people go on to accomplish great things in business, in writing, in service to the community. Old age, or maturity, is a blessing from God!
7-God waits for maturity and see how He has acted throughout the Bible history. He called Abraham and Sarah when they were old to raise their son of the promise. He called Moses when he was 40 but he was still too young and impulsive and he didn’t call him again until he had watched sheep for another 40 years, and he went to free the children of Israel at age 80! Many of God’s prophets were not used by God until they had become aged men or women. It is not the age of the body that matters as much as the maturity of the spirit and how much you have learned to obey God’s ways. When I was young I often prayed, Lord make me mature, I need it!
It is God’s plan that we all grow more mature in our faith, holiness, and love. There are some people that get older but still make the same mistakes over and over though, and that is because they are not seeking God every day. Some people, usually the non-Christian ones, get older but not wiser.  Let’s look up. Prov 16:31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.
8-In other words, if you are old with grey hair, and you are close to the Lord, living in righteousness, you are wearing a crown of glory! But the older ones must live in the path of righteousness, and that is a purity that comes after years of practicing righteousness & holiness. White heads should be symbolic of whitened spirits!
In my time here with the Salvation Army I have meet many older and retired Officers and what I have seen is amazing. They are an usually sharp bunch! I have seen some retire at 65 and keep working another 20 years! And just like some of you here, your memory of Bible stories and of life’s experiences is lucid. I’d say the average life span of a US Officer right now must be at least 85, and many even more! Even though we live a busy stressful life for the Lord, it is as though the Lord blesses us with length of days for serving Him. Look up…
9-Ps 92:13 15
13 Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. 14 They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;15 To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
Let’s go back to verse 3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; Here it talks about not being false accusers. Or in other words , v15 “and there is no unrighteousness in him.”
Basically that means not to manipulate others with invented stories. Before people would drink a lot of wine apparently and today some people take too many antidepressant prescription pills that are even stronger than wine! The idea is to be respected for being sober, not high & crazy!
10-In my life, as in yours, you have met thousands of older people. I can tell you the names of some people right now that I know that have sought the Lord even later in life, come to church, and lived better holy lives, and they have prospered. On the other hand, some people I know that have been too slow to get close to the Lord, I see them now the same or in worse condition than what they use to be! We are on God’s time but always our time has a limit, our days are numbered.
William Booth started the Salvation Army later in life and look how much he accomplished! When he died the whole city of London stopped that day to honor him! Age with faith will regenerate you and you will be useful and fulfilled, or age will degenerate you and kill you, when you have not been on the right path spiritually!
11-I know I have said this many times, but Hialeah is made up of many immigrants that are getting older! What are all of these old people doing day to day? It is our job to bring them into fellowship and love! Most of them have solitary lives and some pray every day to keep their health so they can get around walking, getting to the store, and buying food. And we always need to thank our drivers who pick up those elderly ones here who do not drive due to their age or heath! That may be you getting picked up one day!
We need to thank those who visit the elder in the Community Care ministries too! Remember, the people out in the world, those that have not known righteousness and our loving, life filling renovating Christian way of life, are not anywhere near as happy as most all of us are in this Corps.
If you want to have sympathy and do more to help the elderly just go out with the Community Care people (raise your hands) and also consider the following issues they face:
Relationship issues such as having a deceased spouse, living far away from family, loneliness, etc. Mental issues such as depression, forgetfulness, moodiness; Health issues such as arthritis, osteoporosis, high or low blood pressure, cancer, and many more issues such as a loss of hearing and eyesight.     
On the less bright side, you and I have been in enough rest homes to see that there are all kinds of elderly people. Some can be angry, insulting, and rude, while others can be very nice, calm, and sweet!
12-Answer this question, what habits do you have today? You will be more of who you are today tomorrow!
Will you be energetic, in love with the Lord, and with life, and blessed because you planted in His house so you could reap? Isn’t it true that we see amazing things happen in this Corps? Teaching, service, generosity, and encouragement, all come from the older faithful ones! My question to you who are younger, how is it going to be for the rest of you when you are older with grey hair?
Will you be old and bitter about how you don’t have what you wanted out of life? Will you complain how others treated you unfairly, how you should have been richer, how your family held you back! Age & time is a collection of what was lived day to day and daily living in God’s praises will always be renovating but our own thoughts with our own carnal minds are degenerating and discouraging!
Here is some news…each of us are getting older! So if we cannot escape time, and some will pass on before others, why not grow wise, happy, and mature in Jesus Christ? Paul said he died daily, and that means we ourselves kill the bad in ourselves that is preventing us from being holy and right with God. But yet he also said that even though the external man was perishing, the internal man was being renovated!
13-Each one of us is responsible for the effect of what we are feeding our minds and spirits day to day over our time on earth. People look up to the older ones, and what do they see?
With age we get better or bitter! Like wine that gets more fine, or like vinegar that gets more tart!
Let’s appreciate, respect, and pray for those with us that are mature here today! Make plans to grow old gracefully, full of His grace, and His love, and His righteousness, His wisdom, and His patience, and His faithfulness!
Pray for those you know who are elderly today, for family members, friends! Ask the Lord how you can honor them!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Do You Consider the Weak? If you want blessings, you must!

Do You Consider the Weak? If you want blessings, you must!                       
 By Kelly Durant      
Ps 41:1-3
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak;
the LORD delivers him in times of trouble.
2 The LORD will protect him and preserve his life;
he will bless him in the land
and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.
3 The LORD will sustain him on his sickbed
and restore him from his bed of illness.

1. How many of you know that the Salvation Amy helps 30 million people in the USA per year? That is one person out of every 10! (See stats)  We are saved to save and to serve with compassion the needy! You need to always be ready to help anyone as God will put you & I in situations in which we must respond to the needs of others! We are in the compassion business!

 2. We have always had our appreciation dinners to thank all of you who help but what matters most is not public recognition but how Jesus appreciates all of what you do! If you have been a part of impacting the lives of the elderly, of children, and everyone for Jesus then He knows! And you now, are you ready to help? Someone who is weak and in need may need you today!
     I could tell you many sad stories from people I have met in my recent past of compassion. Often you don’t expect it, but the Lord puts you and I there by people so He can use us to open up our heart of compassion. Can you tell me a few stories of how you have helped someone? We should all share our testimonies! You might realize how blessed you are protected and in good health!

3. Prayer for people is worth more than anything! All Christians must encourage someone when someone is weak, sad, poor, discouraged, hurt or down in any way!  
One time I met a mother in the park who explained that her house got burned down last week and she lost everything she owned! And to make matters worse her husband was burned on over 90% of his body and he was in the hospital in serious condition! I was thankful the Salvation Army had a way for me to help them through the social services! We paid 3 months’ rent and she had no government help either! That really helped her!
     People cross our paths all the time with needs but serious pain really does make cry and pray! Another young mother one time during the kids soccer game, not knowing we could help her, started to tell me that her husband had been killed in a car wreck by a drunk driver last week. She was 22 years old and she was doing the best she could to survive with her two small children! Imagine, no job, no papers, a deceased soul mate, and no other family to help you!
     There must be times when you just need to stop and pray for people! How cold it would be to just watch them wipe tears from their eyes and you not be moved with compassion! You and I know that our comfort comes from God and the Holy Spirit; and just as Jesus drew strength from his Father, you and I must draw strength from God and his promises too!

 4. Our mission, as Christians and in particular, as member of this Salvation Army Corps is to win souls for Jesus Christ and we do that by compassion or doing tangible deeds proving our love for God and our love for our neighbor as ourselves! In other words, God works through us showing compassion on the weak! The word “Christian” should be synonymous to the word “compassion”! Clearly hard-hearted uncompassionate people are the enemies of Christians and there are even some of them in most churches!
      The people who come to the Corps to hear the word God and then do not practice love and compassion in their personal lives by being a servant to help others do not stay long as members in our Corps. We focus on salvation, compassion, mercy, service and love! And over time people either get it understand it and start practicing it, or they get embarrassed by the word of God exposing their own selfishness and they run away from obeying God’s ways!

 5. We, TSA, are unique and not in competition with any other church; and history speaks of all the heroic deeds of compassion! There are too many people in the world that prefer churches where they will not be asked to do anything. How comfortable!  Many people prefer bigger and richer churches than ours, with mega praise bands for their entertainment, but what we offer here is simply an opportunity for anyone who comes to serve others and express their love and faith, and compassion, for the weak and needy!
       Church will always disillusion you if it is taken as a place where you should get your needs supplied. Church, as it was for the disciples, is any place, anytime; a moment to be with Jesus hearing His word, but then you put it into action in the streets to showing the love and compassion you have learned!  
       Most churches serve their own people, there is nothing wrong with that, but there have been hundreds of times people have commented to me that their own church could not help them in a crisis, which is why they came to The Salvation Army, and we help them! What a great record right? Who do you call when someone is weak and down?

6.  Some people know about our help but do not know about the Salvation Army as a church and that is why it is so important that you spread the word to everyone that you have the best support out there that practices their faith by helping others like Jesus did! Each of us needs to be inviting friends and getting others on board with the method of Jesus which is love and compassion shown on the weak! God’s plan for millennia is to help the needy ones!
Deut 15:11
11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.
      But remember many of God’s promises in the O.T. have an, if clause, in other words God will do many things for you and bless you but he puts on it requirements with His promise.
Zech 3:6-7
6 The angel of the LORD gave this charge to Joshua:7 "This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'If you will walk in my ways and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.
The requirement here for Joshua, and for all Christians, is to walk in God’s ways if we want to have a place of authority to govern, a place where you are worthy to serve. Many of you govern well in this Corps and it is a practice for how you may rule as princes and princesses in heaven!

Looking at our verses of today in Psa 41 it says:
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak;
the LORD delivers him in times of trouble.
2 The LORD will protect him and preserve his life;
he will bless him in the land
and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.

 7.  In these verses God states through David that He will bless you take care of you and me and protect you and I, and deliver you and I from trouble, from those who wish to harm us but notice how God’s promises work. God can protect our health, avoid problems with the law, and bless us. But God’s blessings have implications and requirements. He blesses his children but like with a contract, He expects you and I to fulfill your part in following His ways and doing His work.
     In this case, if you are Christian who has a heart to help those who are weak, those in need and you do it as often as you can, if you are practicing helping others who are poor or weak, then God will use you as His own child, because God has no other hands but yours, no other feet to go to help the needy but yours, and you will be blessed! You will be protected, delivered, preserved, and blessed in the land! I consider that I have been blessed all my life!

8.    But what does it mean for those who hear God’s word and they do not regard the weak and they remain selfish or always busy when we need help? What about those who have obtained help but still they do not help others? Those who hear God’s word and never practice it?
      This verse empirically implies that this type of non-participant person will be treated with the absence of the promise. They will not be protected from having troubled times, they will not be blessed in the land and they may fall into the trap of those who wish them harm!
      How terrible is that! To think that you are like time bomb and at any moment the judgments of God are going to fall on you because you are not practicing His ways of compassion on the weak! I have seen it hundreds of times. People who stubbornly remain far away from God and they punish their own selves by receiving goodness from God with no appreciation.

9.   You and I have already seen blessings and bad consequences happen over and over to people depending on how these people have reacted to God’s love! In the Salvation Army I have become accustomed to seeing about one thousand people come through our doors year after year asking for help; and we pray with them, and tell them, ‘We love you, come and seek God!’, but when they don’t then some time later they almost always come back for more help in an even worse situation! But there are the ones who obey God and get blessed by our help and then they give help and then keep on getting blessed because they are in God’s will!

      It is a simple as this; God makes it clear, you will walk in His ways of compassion for others, helping the needy, or simply He will not be with you and bless you!
10.    Prov 19:17
17 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.
Prov 21:13
13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.
      Are you willing to increase your faith today to practice helping the weak and the poor more and seek ways to help others around you so they will see your good works and glorify God in heaven? Help implies not just giving food, it implies spiritual encouraging that costs you hours of preparation and spiritually feeding dedicated to those around you in your part of the world! It costs to give! Even someone sitting right here in the church right beside you may need you!
      Each person must be interested in the well-being of his brother and sister! God comforts us why, to be comfortable and blessed? No, there is another reason. Look here:

11.     2 Cor 1:4
4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
     Ask yourself, when was the last time I comforted someone suffering? Someone weak, how long has it been since I did something generous for someone in need, for someone in a weak painful moment in time?
     Come forward and confess it if you feel guilty for not doing all you can to love your neighbor as yourself and ask God to help you help the weak so in your time of weakness and poverty, God and the true Christians with compassion will be there to help you too!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Perceptions of Poverty Report by The Salvation Army 2012 National Poverty Report – Key Findings and Messages

Perceptions of Poverty       Report by The Salvation Army 
2012 National Poverty Report – Key Findings and Messages

Report Overview:

·         The Salvation Army conducted a survey of the general public’s attitudes toward poverty in order to highlight some of the myths and misperceptions around poverty and raise awareness of its programs and services that help those in need.

  • “Perceptions of Poverty: The Salvation Army’s Report to America” was compiled from data collected during an online survey of the general public and examines Americans’ attitudes toward poverty.

  • The survey was conducted online in February 2012 with a sample of 1,004 Americans drawn from thirty-party research firm Vision Critical’s Springboard America panel.  With a sample of this size, the data can be considered accurate with a margin of error of +/- 3.1%.

Survey Results:

·         Americans with lower household incomes are much more likely to have ever experienced a lack of shelter, as well as a need to request assistance or food from a food bank or charitable group.
o   Thirteen percent of Americans reported having spent a night in a shelter or on the street due to a loss of housing.
o   Twenty-six percent of Americans who earn less than $25,000 a year reported sleeping in a shelter or on the street, while the number dropped to six percent among those who earn at least $50,000 a year.

·         Overall, while most Americans believe people in poverty deserve a helping hand, a significant number are skeptical of how much can be done to help those in need.
o   Eighty-eight percent of Americans believe people living in poverty deserve a helping hand.
o   Thirty-two percent of Americans believe there is nothing much they can do to help people living in poverty.

·         The general public believes a yearly income level of approximately $18,472 makes a family “poor.”

·         Americans are unsure of the benefits of providing assistance to people in poverty.
o   Sixty percent of Americans believe providing those in need with more assistance can help them escape poverty.
o   Forty-seven percent of Americans believe poor people would take advantage of additional assistance if it was provided to them.

·         A majority of the American public recognizes the disadvantage of childhood poverty, and understands the link between helping families and children.
o   Seventy-five percent of Americans believe helping families in need benefits children from these families and sets them on a better path to success.
o   Thirty-five percent of Americans believe children living in poverty in America have the same chance as any other child to achieve in life.

·         A majority of the American public believe escaping poverty is difficult, and that eliminating poverty is not possible.
o   Sixty percent believe it is difficult to escape poverty once you become poor.
o   Fifty-nine percent of Americans believe poverty is a trap that some Americans can’t escape, no matter how hard they try.
o   Fifty-five percent of Americans believe it is not possible to eliminate poverty in our society.

·         Though nearly half of the American public believes a good work ethic is all that’s needed to escape poverty, a slight majority also believe escaping poverty is nearly impossible, demonstrating Americans’ uncertainty of the realities of poverty.
o   Forty-nine percent of Americans believe a good work ethic is all a person needs to escape poverty.
o   Forty-three percent of Americans believe people living in poverty can always find a job if they really want to work, with twenty-seven percent of Americans also believing that people are poor because they are lazy.
o   Twenty-nine percent of Americans believe poor people usually have lower moral values.
o   Sixty percent of Americans believe it is difficult to find a way out of poverty.

·         The farther a person is from poverty, the less common he or she thinks it is - individuals with a yearly income of at least $50,000 are less likely to believe that poverty is common or widespread than those making less than $50,000.
o   In total, the public believes approximately thirty-four percent of the general population is living in poverty.
o   Americans who earn less than $25,000 a year believe forty percent of the general population is living in poverty.
o   Americans who earn between $25,000 and $50,000 a year believe thirty-seven percent of the general population is living in poverty.
o   Americans who earn at least $50,000 a year believe twenty-seven percent of the general population is living in poverty.

·         While most Americans recognize the difficulty in surviving solely on minimum wage, a significant minority are relatively unconcerned about poverty, particularly those with a yearly income of at least $50,000.
o   Eighty-four percent of Americans believe it is almost impossible to survive on your own on minimum wage.
o   Sixty percent of Americans believe being poor robs you of your dignity.
o   Thirty-two percent of Americans believe people in America who are living in poverty “still have it pretty good.”
o   Twenty-seven percent of Americans don’t see many people who are truly poor.

·         Despite the reported mixed feelings regarding the realities of poverty, those who earn a yearly income of at least $50,000 are most likely to donate money to a charity.
o   Fifty-nine percent of the public reported contributing to a charity in 2011.
o   Seventy percent of Americans who earn at least $50,000 a year donated to a charity in 2011.
o   Sixty-one percent of Americans who earn between $25,000 and $50,000 a year donated to a charity in 2011.
o   Forty-six percent of Americans who earn less than $25,000 a year donated to a charity in 2011.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Honor Mothers (Or you live a short life!)Honra las Madres

Honor Mothers!  (Spanish quotes included)                           5-13-12   by Kelly Durant
Eph 6:2-3
2 "Honor your father and mother"-which is the first commandment with a promise- 3 "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."  

1. God expects mothers to be strong characters that defend what is right and raise their children in the knowledge of the word of God! Every mother must accept that they are influencers and leaders in society. The founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, had a strong character, and his wife, Catherine Booth, and mother of their children had a very strong character too! They fought for women’s rights and they were the first in history to bring equality in the pulpit; in other words Catherine Booth obtained respect for a woman to spiritually teach and preach which was not accepted up until then in the late 1800’s.

Did you know when the Salvation Army was founded in 1865 that 60 to 70% of the initial members were young mothers and they were valiant preachers too! And today in this Corps, we expect the mothers to be leaders not just to their children, but leaders in society too winning many souls to Jesus!
 2.  Paul states that men and women, fathers and mothers, are spiritually the same in Christ.   Gal. 3:28 Ya no hay judío ni griego; no hay esclavo ni libre; no hay varón ni mujer; porque todos vosotros sois uno en Cristo Jesús.
 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  Women, or mothers, deserve the same respect as anyone else and sometimes deserve even more because they are sacrificial.
 3.  Una madre es alguien que nos guía y nos inspira.  Ella nos ayuda a lograr nuestros sueños y deseos.
Con su sabiduría y profundidad alumbra el sendero de sus hijos y les trae alegría.     A mother is someone who guides us and inspires us. She helps us to accomplish our dreams and desires. With her wisdom and depth she lightens the way for her children bringing them happiness!
 4.  “Todas las madres son ricas si aman a sus hijos.  No hay madres pobres, feas ni viejas. El amor que brindan siempre da los gozos más inefables” —Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)
All mothers are wealthy if they love their children. There are no poor mothers, ugly ones, or old ones. The love they give will always bring happiness.

5.  Deuteronomy 5:16  Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
6.   Partió el pan en dos partes y las dio a los niños, que comieron con avidez.
     —No guardó nada para ella -gruñó el sargento.
     —Es que no tiene hambre -aventuró el soldado.
—Es que es madre —añadió el sargento.     —Victor Hugo (1802-1885
She broke the bread in two halves and gave it to the children that quickly devoured it. She kept nothing for herself, grumbled the sergeant. It is because she was not hungry, added the soldier; it is because she is the mother replied the sergeant.
7. Mi madre me decía: «Si te haces soldado, llegarás a general; si te haces monje, terminarás siendo papa.» En vez de eso, me hice pintor, y terminé siendo Picasso.  My mother told me: “If you make yourself a soldier, you will become a general, If you make yourself a monk you will become the pope”. But instead I made myself a painter and I ended up being Picasso.
8. En cierta ocasión, un niño parcialmente sordo volvió del colegio a su casa; llevaba una nota de la dirección, la cual recomendaba que los padres lo sacaran del centro docente, ya que «era demasiado falto de inteligencia para aprender» La madre del niño leyó la nota y dijo: «Mi hijo Tom no es “falto de inteligencia”. Yo misma le enseñaré.»
     Cuando Tom murió muchos años después, los estadounidenses le rindieron homenaje apagando todas las luces del país durante un minuto. Pues este Tom fue el que inventó la lámpara incandescente; y no solo eso, también inventó el fonógrafo y un rudimentario proyector de películas. En total, Thomas Edison patentó más de mil inventos.
 A mi madre le debo lo que soy!
Once there was a child that was half deaf and he returned from school to his home with a note with some instructions recommending that the parents remove their son from the educational center due to the fact that “he had too low of an intelligence to learn”. The mother of Tom read the note and said, “My son Tom is not lacking in intelligence. I personally will teach him”.
 When Tom died years later, the students rendered homage to him turning out all the lights for a minute. It was Tom that had invented the light bulb; not just that but also he invented photography and a film projector. In the end Thomas Edison had a patent on thousands of inventions. I owe to my mother who I am!’
9. Así poseas riquezas incalculables, cofres de oro y joyas deseables,
jamás podrás ser más rico que yo: pues tuve una madre que me leyó.—Strickland Gillian (1869-1954)
If you own incalculable riches, chests of gold, coveted jewelry, you could never be richer than I, because I had a mother that read to me.
10.  Prov 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.Prov 31:10 Mujer virtuosa, ¿quién la hallará? Porque su estima sobrepasa largamente a la de las piedras preciosas.
11. Jamás en la vida encontraréis ternura mejor, más profunda, más desinteresada ni  verdadera que la de vuestra madre --Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850), novelista francés.    Never in life will you find a tenderness, a depth, a sacrificial-ness and truth better than the one found in our mother.
12.  Lo que hace maravillosa a una madre es el espíritu abnegado que la mueve a sacrificar tiempo, fuerzas y, de ser necesario, hasta la salud por el bien de su hijo. What makes a mother so wonderful is that she has a self-denying spirit that gives up all the time and strength needed, and even her own health, for the good of her son.
13. Mi vida comenzó cuando desperté y amé el rostro de mi madre. —George Eliot (1819-1880), British Novelist.  My life began when I woke up and loved the face of my mother.
14. La maternidad es la más importante de todas las profesiones. Exige más conocimientos que cualquier otro asunto relacionado con el hombre. —Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) Motherhood is one of the most important professions there are. It demands one have more knowledge of all subjects related to man.
15. Prov 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Prov. 31:28 Se levantan sus hijos y la llaman bienaventurada;
   Y su marido también la alaba:
 16.  La mano que mece la cuna, es la misma que rige el mundo. William Wallace (1819-1881) The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Everyone has a different memory of what their mother was like, some have better memories than others, but in the end you are here, you were fed, you did have clothes, and you do remember the time you had together, the food and the love.
It is the women, the mothers, throughout history that have been the ones to bring about a real change in society, in their homes, and with their children!  Let’s pray the Lord brings more mothers to learn about God’s word and let’s pray for them to have the strength they need to do so many things for their families, church, and friends in need.  Where there are few mothers, the world suffers!