Men in the World vs Men of God By Capt. Kelly Durant 9-15-13
1. I Tim 5: 17 The elders who direct the affairs of the church
well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and
2. Have you heard about the woman waiting for the perfect
man? She waited and waited and then so much time went by that she just never
seemed to find him! (See image of skeleton) Ha!
It is a very complex problem when we want to analyze men
being perfect. How can men be perfect in his relationship involving the treatment
of the woman and in relation to the treatment of his fellow man?
The real issue of men being perfect is in them being how God
wants. This is found in spiritual maturity, wisdom, and a connection to God
that provokes a passion to treat everyone with respect, loving and guiding them
into God’s truth by his words and deeds. Men must mature, and maturity means
learning to be humble and doing God’s will in everything. Altruistic love is
the foundation.
3. Men maturing into men of valor as God intended
contrasts the opposite image to what the pride of the world projects. There is
a glory in men being strong; we all like to see strong soldiers. But consider
this, the strongest man who ever lived was Samson, and he killed a lion with
his bare hands, but look how the ultimate strongman ended up without
faithfulness to God!
The ultimate question is, what does God want from me and you,
or man in general? All cultures have different ideas of how the perfect man
should be. Usually when you say the word “man”, an image of how a man should dress,
talk, and act is usually shaped by the expectancies of that culture and by the
standard of the women of that society.
Woman live concerned about what the men do in relationship to
them, so they are usually focused on the home and family. Men care for the women
but men usually live very concerned about what other men might do to them and
they think more about the society at large preparing their selves for survival
and making a living within their environment which is often surrounded by
4. Ever since the murder of Able by Cain men have worried how
to protect their selves. They govern the society with police and armies and
write laws and carry arms to help protect their selves from their own fellow
man, and in particular defend their selves from those of other tribes, gangs,
belief systems, or countries. For millennia men have had the tendency to scheme
how to conquer and dominate their part of the world and this comes by cruel brute
organized force.
I will confess as a man when I go out in the community, I
subconsciously put myself on high alert and I focus in on any danger or threat
that could be around me either while walking or in the vehicle. It is a natural
tendency, right?
The sad reality is men, due to the sin of pride in the world,
have failed in their mission to stop all hostility and greed and just love and
obey God and enjoy Him! Men were created to love, not fight, kill, and the inflicting
of pain and the absorption of pain creates trauma and the results create the
broken hostile, sad world of men today. Why
are there so many addicts in the world? Men (and women) are often trying to
drown out their pain! Sin either committed or imposed on a person causes pain
but Jesus does heal it and take it away!
5. God created men and women to give and receive love through
their families and friends and fellow brothers in the faith. Every person in
life gets an interest in knowing God usually because someone who loved God was
loving, caring, and helpful to them. Doesn’t it seem that way? Love changed
them and they gained hope, faith, and a new happy life. But only the Christian
faith expresses correctly the most important concept of God that exists: that
God is love!
What is the final purpose for man’s existence, anyway? Why am
I here on earth we often ask ourselves? Ecclesiastes 12:13 Now all has been
heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his
commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. Jesus said to love God with
all your heart mind and soul as well! Men analyze: If God made me in the womb, then
He is the Father I must obey. Those who hate, steal, and do violence of course
hate God even though they know inherently He exists. The demons fear God and
tremble! Hell ultimately is a prison for the rebellious souls will not stop at
their destruction.
Imagine how perfect, holy, and righteous a man could be if he
would just practice the wisdom of God in the Bible! The men who truly understand
God’s word always want to live to teach and preach it! It becomes their burning
6. Reviewing the verses of today, a man highly honored by a
double portion in God’s view is one who teaches His Word. I Tim 5: 17 The
elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor,
especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. Here is the example; the
ideal man is esteemed by God and others when he learns the Holy Scriptures so
well he practices them becoming responsible in the church; it is then he becomes
qualified to teach.
What God wants from a man, which is his love, service, and
obedience transferred into living a life of teaching & preaching, and what
about loving your neighbor as yourself? Who is your neighbor closest to you?
Usually your wife and family right? How a man treats his wife and family
reveals everything about his character!
7. Expounding more on a women’s definition of a perfect man she
might describe him as one that is faithful with no other loves, one that is
faithful to provide and protect, who does not lie, kill, abuse, and loves her always,
caring to listen to her intimate concerns and communications.
Do not these desires remind you of something? They sound a
lot like the list of things included in the 10 commandments, right?
The Mosaic laws set up a good control and in most parts of
the world, most of these basic commands are applied in some form because it is justice
and righteousness to punishment those that offend God and others. The Law may guide
and teach so to deter man’s natural born abusive nature, but only love can
transform him into a self-controlled exemplary model for others.
8. Christians in the church, or the body of believers, are
compared to being the bride of Christ. In the real world men must submit to other
men in their jobs, schools, & etc., Women submit to men as well, but the
ultimate submission of everyone must always be to Jesus & God’s will.
Submission brings on freedom and protection and in our case with Jesus, eternal
life as well!
Romans 7:4 Wherefore,
my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye
should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we
should bring forth fruit unto God.
Men were created to live in relationships. God desires a deep
connection with each one of us. God also desires that we have a connection with
one another and that being one with love. This brings health, happiness and
9. Sadly, a majority of men in the world today are deceived
and not being real “men” submitted to God and loving as we have covered so far.
The defamation of the character of men in the West (USA) has been happening for
decades. It is a Satanic ploy to disintegrate respect one for one another and
crumble our society. The media and the dark higher powers promote the feminization
of men, the mocking of men’s roles as fathers and authority figures, and
& sports influences the debauchery of men by having them copy the narcissistic
arrogant violent stars. The lack of good men role models is devastating communities
indiscriminately! Good leaders always come under attack just as Jesus exposed.
Men, nor women, are upholding God’s standard and enforcing laws
and responsibilities in society demanding the standards that maintain happiness
and peace, so the end product is hate, broken dreams, frustration and violence
and perverse sins to deal with it. What ever happened to shotgun weddings?
10. Another male problem are the undesirable customs of ancient
man still influencing modern man today. In 80% of the world with the Arabs,
Israelis, Native Americans, Hindus, Asians (past and current), the men are
expected to principally be spiritual teachers in the home and community and
they are expected to fight and defend, hunt or do commerce. The women are
expected to work hard but always in meager domestic chores. This sort of
resembles many cultures, even some macho Latino cultures as well, don’t you
Some people are happy with this ancient way of life but not many.
It seems like a good life for man, but often the women hate it. Willing service
and servitude are distinct things. The oppression of men, women, and children
today is at an all time high! Look at Africa and the world, look at most
governments. Mafias, gangs, slave labor, the sex trade, and abuse of all kinds
are on the rise and being ignored, how sad! Don’t forget we have a prayer day
soon for the victims of trafficking!
In the West (USA), today, it is expected that men help with
the duties of the home in order to share the daily workload. This is love manifested
in deeds of service and this is a noble thing to be respected. This shift of
men helping at home occurred in part because the women started work in
professional jobs and they do not have the time to serve in the home as their
grandmothers use to. In today’s modern world, men must also learn professions
but also how to be handymen at home because to call a painter, tech man, or
plumber over to your house can cost you in a day what you earn in a week!
11. Let’s go back further and look at the position of men for
millennia. Men in most cultures in history have not really ever really had the
chance to be in the role of being a good fathers, providers, and lovers. Why is
The reality is that most men throughout recorded history have
been at war defending and building their cities, or fighting to acquire more land
and all of their energy is consumed with just basic survival. The training to
fight, and the fabrication of war weapons, or the actual engagement in conflict
is what most men have been forced into ever since the beginning of time. In the
end men have suffered greatly under other men who never learned to submit to
God and love!
Consider how it was to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem for Nehemiah.
They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that
laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other
hand held a weapon. All of what we enjoy
today was defended and built by the blood, sweat, and tears of the ones before
us and we should always honor them!
12. All of the former so called “great” world domineering
societies, the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans had within their own practices the
suppression of other men (slaves),women, and children. Socrates stated “I thank
god that I was born Greek & not Barbarian, free man & not slave, man
& not woman, but above all, I was born in the age of Socrates”. This
arrogant attitude was due to their worship of false cruel Gods.
Only 500 years ago with the Renaissance, which was the product
of the Church Reformation under Martin Luther who translated the Bible, was a
new light shed and only then did respect and esteem open up to men, women, and
families. The Bible clarifies how we are to love God and our neighbor and keep
his commandments, but evil men cannot oppress, deceive, and dominate other men
who learn these values. God’s word liberates our souls with wisdom and with
Jesus and we are appalled by injustices and we are moved to do something about
13. So where do we stand today with men in our corrupt
societies of the world today? Most men today have never been taught to, “Fear
God and keep his commandments… the duty of all mankind”. Men today have lost
their role as loving defenders and providers following the lies of the world.
Men today still have an innate desire to conquer and govern, but the problem is
when they obtain a high position without a fear of God, they rapidly fall into
corruption keeping the cycle of oppression and destruction alive. Laziness and idle
time is becoming the enemy of many souls of men as well due to the slow
Today, men, I challenge you, will you be thankful you have
the freedom to love and serve God and also to love and serve your families and
help in the community? The world history of mankind is dark, cruel, and bloody,
and it can only change when we, as illuminated Christians who know the “duty of
man” take a stand in wisdom against our own pride and then take a stand in the community
against the injustice of man to man and against women and children.
Instead of Socrates statement, we as men of God could state,
“I thank God that I was born to be in Christ & not continue as a Barbarian,
a free man & not a slave to sin anymore; born a man, woman I will love as
equal to my own self; but above all, I am glad that I was born in the age of
Christianity”. The world is suffering because too few men teach God’s wisdom!
Souls are being lost because people have not accepted Jesus love because no one
shared it! Be ready at all times as honorable men to teach and preach the word
of God to your families and friends!