Saturday, October 26, 2013

How Deceived By Man Are You?

How Deceived By Man Are You?                                 by  Kelly Durant  10-27-13
1. Matt 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
2. Have you ever been to a magician show? When I was a kid I loved them! Have you had a magic trick done to you? Some people are so fast with their hands it’s amazing! Like all the card tricks people do! In Bolivia I had a friend who gained his living by doing a show. He showed me how a pigeon could be flattened like this to fit in a hat (show hands 1 inch apart)! It is an amazing talent these people have!
One time I had the craziest experience at the border of Colombia and Venezuela. I had sold our old car and I had about $1,000 dollars in pesos on me. And as I am in the bus station, sitting at a table right beside the ticket booth 3 men came up and asked me if I was traveling on the bus line that I had a ticket with. I replied that I was and they explained that due to thieves stopping buses on the highway and stealing everyone’s things (which had been happening), they wanted me to declare the cash I had so they could write me a receipt of insurance from the bus company for my protection. Since they were right by the ticket door, it all seemed authentic to me. They counted my money in front of my eyes and it appeared like everything was fine. I got the receipt.
But while sitting on the bus while it was leaving I decided to recount the money and I discovered I was missing about $250! My eyes had been fixed on the counter’s hands like a dog stares at a piece of meat as bill by bill went by, so his talent to deceive was amazing! Until today I have no clue how he managed to slip some bills out from the ones of that stack! Down the road it struck me that they were not of the bus company either! And, guess what, when I asked the bus company didn’t have insurance either! What happened to me? I had forgotten for a moment how I am as a dumb sheep!
3. Isn’t it amazing how you and I can think we are fairly smart but then out of nowhere we get tricked by someone? When something happens to you beyond your recognition, do you replay it over and over in your head trying to figure out what happened? My conclusion from this event is I was naïve and I did not expect to meet up with a con man because I am not one, I don’t think like one, so I was unprepared for these tactics. If someone would have said to me, be careful with people pretending to be a part of the bus line with insurance because they are thieves, maybe that info would have prevented my loss!
Jesus knows man’s weakness of easily being tricked and being fooled and enticed. Usually it involves a personal gain or some false promise so He warned us, his followers, about trying the spirits, about not allowing yourself to be deceived by anyone, because evil deceivers would become worse and worse. Jesus told us to be wise as_(all say it) _and harmless as__(all say it)____.
4. What was going to be the main deception in the last days? People believing and accepting anything contrary to Christ’s teachings! 2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.  Jesus is the only one that leads us to the truth, and the life, He is the authentic and only Savior who liberates whosoever will accept Him from their spiritual and material poverty created from their bad choices of a life of sin and corruption!  
Luke 21:8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draws near: go ye not therefore after them. What we see in the world today is that, due to the ignorance of the truth of God in the Bible, people are swallowing what anyone says and they are being enslaved by sin.
Practically every law and attitude in our world today is diametrically opposed to the healthy values of the Bible. Satan has gained ground like never before by the darkening of the mind and hearts of any weak person who allows their self to be seduced. In the U.S. and around the world in past few years there has been an increase in gang violence and crime, drug use, theft, suicide, sexual perversion, corruption, narcissism and basically there is an exponential increase of everything bad!  The problem is people are being seduced to worship contemptible entertainers, hoaxed into supporting corrupt governmental officials, and being pushed into tolerating antichrist religions!
5. Why do people admire persuasive deceptive people? Hitler deceived the masses touting his cause to help Germany out of their dismal problems and millions loved and worshipped him. His followers were committing the mass murder of Jews (which was hid from the public) and he even killed multitudes of Germans who spoke out against him.  What a horrible lesson we learn from history, but this same lesson is being repeated many times over around the world! People want social solutions, but tyranny is what they get for taking action in a vacuum without a man of God as their guide.
What elements are in our bent human nature that causes so many people to ignorantly and blindly adore and support evil doers? Why do billions of people today praise people of power despite their sinful acts, violations against them, and the mounds of evidence proving them as abusers, con men, and deceivers?  Don’t people often appear enchanted by false words like a cobra dancing to a flute player?
6. Deception: Let’s look at it point by point and the first situation is this, the person being fooled makes the mistake of trusting the person giving the information. What happened to Eve in the garden? She trusted the serpent’s word more than trusting in the word that she had been told from God. This is still the problem with the world today! People are trusting in people they should have nothing to do with! We must pray over all influences in our lives. Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
What is disappointing is many Christians have become victims to many deceitful people. Today many churches have people who use false doctrines to manipulate the newcomers. Some church members go to church so they can use their friends as clients for some personal business. Many hypocrites come in Jesus name, but their plans are not Jesus plans which are to set people free from the lies of Satan and of their sins but rather to control others to use them for some alternative agendas. 
Right now there is a controversy over a book by a famous author John MacArthur who just published statements against the deceptive leaders of the Charismatic Pentecostals who abuse what they call the Holy Spirit; how they are burning a strange fire and offending God (see Lev. 9 and 10). Check it out on I thank the Lord for each of the Bible teachers we have here in the Hialeah Corps because I trust you totally to teach Biblically with veracity and sound doctrine!
7. Also, have you ever noticed the people deceptive with money in our world all want to appear to be doing good and they run their own charities? These bogus charities are widely promoted and the idea is to replace them from the honest religious ones. Hitler’s concept was that if you repeat a lie often enough to the people, then they will eventually accept it as truth. They claim, oh we care for you, the people, poor and minorities.
Always doubt everything! Always research the facts! Where is the financial proof of it? Ask how many millions of dollars are documented as going back to the poor? I challenge you to research this subject. Most charities connected with famous people use 90% on their administration flying in jets everywhere and give a meager 10% to the cause. With the Salvation Army that is reverse with 85% given back to the people in help in disasters, shelters, rehab, with food, clothing, and gift cards, using only 15% on administration.
8. The second problem with deception is the pride each of us have and we must purge it out.  People who see others in power today have a carnal jealous tendency in their bent nature to want to possess that glory and adoration for themselves! What did the serpent tell Eve? You will be like God, with your eyes opened! That is pride, wanting more than what you deserve! If you have not prayed for God to take away your pride, then do it urgently today or you are ripe to get ripped off from some deal offering you something too good to be true! Pride allows deception to work.
If you read about the history of the Romans, or about any leaders in our past cultures, their pride always was so huge that they lived in a paranoiac agony constantly worried about who would be more adored than them, or who would try to take their position. What egos our current dictators and wealthy influencers have in the world today! These egos make others suffer as they operate applying fear and intimidation, yet they are powerful only for a while because everyone secretly hates their arrogance, abuse, and selfishness.    
Do you recall how Herod felt so threatened by the birth of baby Jesus that he killed all the babies in his town? How absurd and how cruel! Never believe the words of the leader when they say they are on your side and really care about you, the little people! Historically the evidence proves that 99% of the time they are only looking out for their selves, as they scheme, exploit, abuse, and covertly rip off millions affirming power!
9. The third situation deception creates is the shame that follows. After buying into the wisdom that Satan offered Eve then Adam from the fruit on the garden, what happened? Adam and Eve were enticed and wanted a change, an upgrade in status and power, They expected to gain superiority to be like God. But the change they got was not what they expected as it was deceptive information that brought them into a severe downgrade and shame.
They then were motivated to hide from God due to their uncomfortable loss of innocence. The predicament we as humans have after being fooled by someone is later you feel ugly, dirty, ashamed and violated and discouragement and depression set in, and you just want to hide yourself away from God and everyone.
Sometimes we wonder in the church, what happened to so and so, they don’t come anymore.  It possibly could be due to their shame (but you nor I should never judge!), maybe they bought into a deception somewhere along the way and now they want to live a private life because they are ashamed of the truth that others will see in them, that they were fooled. It takes a lot of love and healing to win others back!
10. What is said of the ones living in shame in the word? Jude 1:13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. Here is the solution to get free from the guilt and shame that comes from being deceived… Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou may be rich; and white raiment, that thou may be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint your eyes with eyesalve, that you may see.
The shame of nakedness is a very visible exterior condition symbolically depicting an inward condition of exposure, of one being unprotected by God’s righteousness. When a person is conscience that they are naked spiritually it is humiliating, and it incites ridicule and mockery from those that do not understand. If you have ever felt humiliated and shamed and think that was the worst feeling in the world, be comforted to know you did not suffer that alone! Jesus went through that for you as well. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
11. What are the greatest deceptions of all time invoking fanaticism and misguided convictions? It is from dark powers in high places, within governmental and religion systems.  Political systems such as communism offered a utopia of wealth from the purses of the rich into the hands of the poor? But until now there is no evidence that the poor got anything more than a few handouts. Since 1917 there have been many nations in history suffer because alternatives to God’s loving teachings on sharing does not work due to man’s greed. Christians share as in Acts 2:44, 45; only love for one another will provide for all.
With atheism, without God in the consciousness of the leaders, those in power are free to steal and kill with no restraints as they please. Stalin killed 10 million of his own people and Mao Tse Tung 26 million of his own that would not submit to them. The greatest deception today is that there is no God! Without God absolute power corrupts absolutely and they all end up as ruthless murderers!
Why is real Christianity, the most helpful religion to support the poor, and show compassion being hated and persecuted? Because its practicing and teaching expose the fakeness and cruelty of the other religious substitutes! The religion, whose translation means “submission” have throughout history killed millions in the name of religion and their princes have yachts and multiple wives while 99.9 % of their people live in abject poverty! What deception these systems offer young weak minds in the neighborhoods and in the prisons!
12. Jesus says that we, his followers, should be as a harmless doves, but wise as serpents? How wise is a serpent? A serpent knows when to hide in the rocks to not been seen. It knows when some powerful person or animal is putting it in danger and it strikes or escapes into the scenery as necessary; this is a quality of discernment we should pray to have. Jesus repeated several times to his followers to not be deceived.
Today in the world, because people are not reading the Bible, or praying to be led by the Holy Spirit for every decision they take, they are being deceived by misinformation supported by entities in power with absolute dominion in mind! Why are powers always trying to expunge God from every institution? Because God enlightens the mind and most Christians are not so gullible to obey blindly what corrupt leaders command. Jesus is their worst enemy competitor preventing them from having a total dominance of power over the people’s worship and devotion!
If there is anything you and I need to pray for today, it is for wisdom! I have claimed this promise of God a few hundred times and I hope you claim it too! James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

Ask for the gift of discernment! Maybe you are more mature and no dark powers will convince you, but how good are you at warning others?! Since only a current 4% of the U.S. youth are active in churches, since only about 1/3 Americans even go to church, we have a huge job to inform a low information public concerning deception and spiritual matters. Start warning others of deceptions today! Jesus is truth!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

God’s Culture Is Counter Culture!

God’s Culture Is Counter Culture                                         10-20-13     by Kelly Durant
1.Acts 21:27 Now when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, 28 crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, the law, and this place; and furthermore he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.” 29 (For they had previously[e] seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.) 30 And all the city was disturbed; and the people ran together, seized Paul, and dragged him out of the temple; and immediately the doors were shut. 31 Now as they were seeking to kill him, news came to the commander of the garrison that all Jerusalem was in an uproar.
2. I hope by now you have learned to laugh at yourself when you are in one of those cultural situations that you just don’t know what’s going on. Like when I was young and before I met my wife I recall I arrived to Sta. Cruz on some holiday and everyone would say, “felicidades” to each other. I thought that was the way to say “good-bye” so for a few months I would say, “felicidades” to everyone after every conversation. People I noticed would smile really big.  Later finally they told me I should use that only for holidays, ha! Mistakes can be funny, right? Or my wife when she asked me, Why do Americans like to drink medicine in a soda?  I curiously asked, what do you mean? She replied, “Why do people think this Dr. Pepper will make them better, isn’t soda bad for you?” It tastes like medicine!  LOL!
3. Most of you here are culturally blessed by God! You know more than one language (sort of anyway, ha!) You also have a deep perspective of the United States culture and that of another one: the Caribbean Islands, South, or Central America. This gives you a great advantage in life with a broader perspective on life’s issues, believe it or not! You have lived extremes; you have experienced things others can only imagine. People of one culture may never imagine the traumatic events you have lived because their world is so very different from other realities.
Many of you have survived in circumstances that many people would go crazy under because you have been through horrible political persecutions, started a new life with just the clothes on your back, and gave up many things you grew up with.  Many of you have even given up ever seeing again your blood relatives as well! Well, today we can celebrate cultures with just a little nostalgia by bringing back some of the food & familiar things! These things you lived at one time but now you live a different life. Even those that visit their home birthplace often find it so dangerous criminally and politically they do not want to live there ever again!
4. So what culture are you now after all these years? Waiting for replies…Does it matter really? What is culture? The dictionary from “google” says it is: the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively (that of a certain society). The Bing search says: Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next. The basics of culture are specific influences and I personally categorize them as this: (geographical) environmental influences, language, religious, artistic and political (philosophical) persuasions! And, in life anyone can change these!
The obvious is that God created everyone on the earth making made each one of us different but in many ways similar, and He loves everyone the same! As we say today, “without discrimination”! This embarks people of any skin color, of all races, and of all languages, and from all places. One of my favorite verses is Revelation 7:9After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands,” Each of us as Christians must adapt to our differences and contrasting cultures in this life, because heaven will be full of not just the cultures of today but of the past nations as well! That is a challenge! To love means to help anyone as the Good Samaritan did!
5. In the verses of today in Acts 21:27-31, Paul, being a Jew, broke away from the Jewish law and way of life and teachings, and he even invited the Greeks in the synagogue to teach them about Christ! This was shocking and very counter-culture!  The Jews got a mob together there wanting to kill him for disrespecting their race, place, and non-grace (the Law)! He was going against their norms. Sadly today some churches still reject new comers from other races & places! Some churches have doctrines that tell them only they have the truth, a shame, right?
But on the flip side of the coin Paul had a God given talent to be able to step into other cultures and relate to them in order to rebuke and convict them to live in the righteousness of Jesus. I Cor. 9:19 “For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some”.
What a great example of adapting to others to persuasively love them with the gospel! Being a Jew, he wrote to the Jews about not confiding in their traditions and in their race inheritance in the books of Hebrews and in Galatians. Being a Roman he wrote to the Romans about their sexual perversions and about the true application of grace and the law. Growing up with Greeks, he exposed their pride and mental vanities of empty philosophies in the Corinthians.
6. In other words, Paul could contextualize and be as a chameleon changing colors and mindsets. He could get into the minds of his specific audience and call out their sins, correct with them, rebuke them, and also praise their good! I admire him so much that my oldest son’s name is Paul! Paul should be one of the Biblical leaders you want to imitate! I do my best!
But here is something to consider, before Paul became a Christian, he as Saul looked upon all of the other cultures as being inferior segregated groups with their own cultural practices. For example, being a Jew, it was normal for him to kill another person for subverting the faith away from the Jews. He was killing Christians because his culture had the expectancy that he should!
The trick of Satan in all cultures is to get you or I to believe that one’s race, or country, or music, or food, language, or even politics is superior to the neighbors around you near or far.  This is pure pride!  This is never a license to kill and dominate, but men do! All nations have their merits of achievements but there is the ugly truth that all nations have their sins, corruptions and perversions.  One of the best ways to get your eyes opened to see the corruption within your culture is to step out of it for a long time into a different one. This allows you to compare differences and then you will see your original culture is not as wonderful as you think!
After Paul’s Damascus experience with Jesus’ light he radically and totally changed mentally, culturally, and morally! After accepting Jesus, none of us can ever look upon our own culture, or other cultures, the same anymore. Suddenly there is no more willingness to participate in or tolerate the corruption, pride, and abuse most accept as normal. Jesus must rule within totally!
7. Christians with Jesus essentially become counter-culture! They receive a new culture of love and holiness that overrides all other cultural influences of their past, present, and future! I Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”.
There comes a time when you must denounce your own culture for its corruption! What happened to Moses while he was governing in Egypt? Hebrews 11: 24 “By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; 26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward”. Moses had a foreigner as his wife too! He rejected his own cultural upbringing (Egypt), and gave up everything living in the desert for the ways of God.
The term counter-culture in modern day terms was applied first to people of the love and peace hippie culture. But even today the youth take pride in saving the environment and resisting the huge rip-off corporations that produce fast food or name brand clothes and shoes by exploiting the ultra-poor in sweat shops. Certain counters and resistance is good. We should always go against the grain of abusive and corrupted systems! The problem is entire nations and media with propaganda are brain washing the youth to resist the good and accept the evil!
8. Being counter-culture is Biblical! It is better to obey God than man, right? Today Christians in this hostile world over and over get demonized as unpatriotic, uncouth, racist, pro-life, pro-marriage, antiquated conservative freaks! What an injustice, expose his filth! It is Satan’s people who are pretending to be better than you by being evil saying it is good! His motive is always the destruction of individual souls and all nations with divisiveness, perversions, hate, murder, and chaos! The haters of good  are on the rise and today many Christians are suffering!
Most of the Christians I know are the most non-racist loving people you could ever meet! Satan’s people always accuse others of what they are guilty of! Nero accused the Christians of burning Rome, but actually he started it! He blamed them so he could rebuild Rome as he wanted and eliminate the strange people who were exposing Rome’s false gods and sinfulness resisting him and his taste for blood. The irony is that later Rome converted to Christianity a few hundred years later! Paul was martyred in Rome for preaching Jesus essentially exposing the evil in their culture. Be prepared, some of us might even die in the future for Jesus as well as the world becomes more Satanic, anti-love, anti-Christian, which is anti-christ!  
9. The frustrating part is ever since the world was founded, people have gone from place to place hoping to find a better world, people, and land.  Possibly here in the U.S.A. some things are more still more favorable than in the former counties.  But this is summed up in Hebrews 11:16 “But now they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city”.
All cultures will pass away! This world is not our home, we are just a passing through! The love you have for Jesus, God and others will not pass away though! 1 Corinthians 13:8 “Love never fails: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away”.  One day we will all flourish in a borderless, unified theocratic heavenly city with God’s love reigning over everyone! How wonderful, no more sin and pain, no more corrupt politics and murderous military coups, no more prideful abuse people to put up with; it will just be heaven to enjoy forever!
10. It does not really matter what culture you identify with or what you prefer in the way of food, language, art, music & dance, (as long as its use is not for temptation or divisiveness) We all should make a serious effort to culturally adapt or at least respect others. I have grown to like every food I have every tried in other countries. And music, I grew up on Country & Western, then switched to Rock & Roll, then Blues, then Hard Rock, but then in South America I grew to love Andean music, Salsa, Bolero, Bossa Nova, all of it! And Praise and Worship now is above all that!
What you like is a matter of choice and I have always told myself I can like everything! If you take a good attitude, you will always be enjoying the moment because you like everything, no matter how different! I love Spainish, Portuguese, Sign Language, as well as English, I love it all because all of it is a part of what God created! God loves cultures but reject their sins!

In the end what matters is whether you are living within the culture of Jesus Christ, in His holiness, righteousness and peace, authentically loving and serving unconditionally those next to you no matter their race, social status, or culture!  Come now and pray and ask God forgiveness if you think you have not loved your neighbor as yourself! If you haven’t loved others enough to adapt you are offending God by offending others, because God made everyone! Today more than ever we must be counter-culture and it is a new day for us to be depend on God to be new people molded into Christ’s culture of love winning souls to heaven! Use your cultural knowledge for the good of God! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Words Matter!

Words Matter!                                           10-13-13             Kelly Durant 

2. Scientists have studied how many words we speak a day. They have determined that men speak about 10,000 per day and women speak about 20,000. The problem is when men get home from work they usually have already spoken their 10,000 so that will explain why when the woman asks the man questions and he just gives one word answers. How was your day at work? Fine.  Did you talk to your boss? Yes. What did he say? Nothing. Ha! We have to be careful what we speak, right?

Words are real things! They have the ability to lift up, or to knock down, to inspire, to encourage, or to discourage! Open your Bibles to:

Matt 12:36-3736 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

37For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

3. Every single word you and I speak is important! (repeat) Let’s contrast man’s words to the words that God gave us through Jesus, who gives us love, faith, and hope with His words of life! Not even money can buy the inspiration that words can give! Open your Bibles to:

John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

What we all must do is strive everyday to spend our time with these words of God so we will be full of life and full of the Spirit! Comparing words to food, God’s Word is like meat, solid protein, but man’s words are often like a sweet dessert that will make you sick if you eat only that. We must control what we take in, as it will be what we speak out as well.

4. Lets now see how Our Lord reacts sometimes to our words, the words we speak when we are defending our wants and thinking about our own selves. Look up:
Matt 16:21-23
21      From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.
22      Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.
23      But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

Any of us often can become the very mouthpiece of Satan if we are not careful. It seems so easy to open our mouth when things are not exactly the way we want them. According to the Word, we should not judge a person on the surface by his words only, but we should know their motive and we also must remember God takes into account they will answer to Him on the judgment day.

5. But amongst ourselves here I want you to please feel the freedom to correct with love and patience any brothers and sisters in the Lord when you perceive there are words coming out of their mouths that are just of their own selfish interest, and not in the overall interest of winning souls and building God’s Kingdom! Especially when there is criticism, gossip, and negative things being put into words. The word says:

Prov 27:5Open rebuke is better than secret love. 

One of the highest expression of your love to your brother is to correct him. Jesus did it and you must follow His example!  I know inside you may be asking yourself, is there a problem here in the church that you are talking about this? The answer is I don’t really see that there is a serious one but the Lord laid this message on my heart to be like a pre-emptive strike. You know in order to prevent a forest fire, the foresters will make a controlled fire to burn the brush on the ground so that way if a real fire comes it will not be able to stay lit.

6. Also, always there have been many churches that have lost many people due to the words of man and in house quarrelling. Why do you think the mega churches with 20,000 members are so popular? People would rather sneak in, then sneak out, no responsibilities and no commitments, but also there is no maturing on the part of those that choose that way because more than half of the New Testament is all about relationships and how to get along with each other and with God and He wants us to deal with it. 

In a small place like here we are all family and families have their disagreements, but they later hug and they forgive because they have the same blood, the blood of Jesus to unite them!  
Let’s look up:
Prov 18:21
21      Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

7. Have you noticed it is your own choice of words that determine if you are going to hell or to heaven? I would always get a chill when I would hear someone laugh and say they wanted to go to hell because that is where all their friends are! You cannot get into to heaven without confessing, using your own words, that Jesus is your Lord and savior and you receive Him. Look up:

Rom 10:9        That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.10      For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

8. I observe there are too many people in this world using about 9,900 words a day in emptiness or trash talk, saying many things they should not be saying and only saying a little 100 word prayer to God! We must pray to change what is in our hearts and change what comes out of our mouths!

And when you correct someone for saying words that you know are not right, and they do not accept it so well, don’t worry about it! You cannot be responsible for another person’s pride, or immaturity, or whatever, but you owe them in love to set it straight. If a person speaks evil about someone to you, what is to stop them from later speaking bad about you too? We must defend the correct standard God wants us to have. Look up:

Eph 4:29 29      Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

9. And speaking of grace, how many of you here say kind words to those around you? When was the last time you said: Thank you to those here like:
Lizbeth for watching the kids every week…

Miquel, Joel, Rodrigo, Linda, Miquel Angel for the inspiring music…Sonia for being a driver all these years and picking up the children…Pedro for preparing the Bible classes…Thank you for preparing the food…etc.

And if I forgot to mention you, you tell me later, okay! I want to always encourage you because I sincerely love each person here! Today I have a special request. Like it says in the Word, that God will not hear your prayers if you have something in out heart with your brother. The word says to leave the altar and go to your brother and make it right and then come back to pray.

10. I want us to right now to all come to the front and pray for each other. We can take the time we need. If there is anything you need to share with your brother, anyone here, do it now or call them up on the phone later! Let’s pray for our maturity, spiritual growth, honesty with one another, and healing, and pray about every word that comes out of our mouth in front of others and behind closed doors.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Today’s Confusion: The Truth is Rejected!

Today’s Confusion: Truth is Shunned & Heresy Accepted!             By Capt. Kelly Durant 10-13
2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2.As I have mentioned in the past in my personal testimony, that I drifted away from the Lord after age 14 until age 21, and the main reason I got conviction to Jesus was because my idea of truth was challenged and exposed to be erroneous by Christians my age who knew my mind that it was ‘conformed to the world’. I was under full deception, shaped into the Hindu spirituality mold and the philosophies of the early 70s. 
I would share with people my ideas something like this: matter and energy are eternal equivalents of God and neither is created nor destroyed, just transformed; therefore the souls of men, being energy, must be recycled within the cosmic dust so reincarnation must exist. First of all, do you see how I was confining the idea of God’s systems within a false context?
But patient Christian friends I met back then would open their Bibles and show me verses like…Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.  And Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.      I felt embarrassed and exposed. My pride would not let me say on the outside you are right, but within, the truth of the gospel was convicting me. Do you know that feeling, the one of getting your idea of truth shattered? John 3:21 But he that does truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are done in God.      Today is the time to examine yourself, what false filters do you have regarding your faith, and everything? God is calling you to His truth and He needs you prepared to help others in their errors of ideas!
3.Lies, false ideas and errant logic has been around ever since the serpent being contradicted God and said that if you eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil you surely will not die. So actually one of woman’s and man’s original sins is that of not remaining in the truth of God but disobeying accepting the lie. As humans we are weak and out of pride  we often want more than what was intended to be, wanting to be like God when this was obviously not possible since each of us were created by God. Why didn’t they think of that?! And people today? They live, they die, and they thought they knew more than God?!
Due to this inherited sin damage left by Adam our ego and pride will always tell us we know more than God and more than the rest of our ignorant fellow human beings sitting or walking beside us. Here is a truth about you: anyone of us is susceptible to allowing non-truths to govern with in the battlefield of our minds, and later these produce actions which provoke the reaping of grave consequences.
4.Today we have a problem with a vast majority of people not perceiving, understanding, nor accepting the truth, they just follow their own selfish closed mind with limited information conforming to the opinions of the world. So… What is truth? (The greatest question of all history!) Truth has many facets. Truth, everyone agrees, is an established absolute. A truth is a forever constant. Conclusively, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are truth. John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. The foremost spiritual truth that exists is that Jesus is the son of God and there is evidence that He lived and died and millions of martyrs and converts prove He does change lives taking away sin and giving us eternal life! He wants whosever will to accept Him to have a blessed life on earth living in freedom and in truth! Not everyone gets such a blessed life though due to the evil people around them!
Persecution always arises from proclaiming truth! Truth is powerful, but truth is the enemy of those who want you and others under their deception! Even the demons tremble at the name of Jesus because they know He frees souls from deception! Jesus exposed the false teachers of his day, in John 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”  All worship originates from the truth of God and  Jesus or from the evil liar!
5.Notice this, people cannot survive in any society without truth! Truth also is a standard. Truth is applied to mathematics, physical measurements, logical deductions, and like it or not, moral ethical laws as well. Truth is not relative (Einstein even said it) to culture, or each person’s individual’s belief system as many so called open liberal minds in formerly prestigious universities would have you believe. For example, if truths and standards can be different according to the individual then if a doctor feels you need 500ccs of morphine for pain (which would kill you) instead of 100, who is to say that his choice of truth is wrong? Relative is cool?
The law would accuse him, right? So conclusively the law can monitor the truth? Yes, but not always. Laws are standards for truths, to execute consequences for violations. Here is another truth, if laws are not established in God’s frame of truth from the Holy Scriptures, then the laws of the land become self-serving falsehoods to legitimatize evil acts for the manipulation of the privileged. Violating morals and the values of God will always bring guilt, pain and death!
6.Today we have ever increasing new laws that violate the sanctity and respect for human life, sanction perversions of the flesh, and sterilize all things spiritual prohibiting they be mentioned in public everyday places. Truth, conclusively then, has everything to do with judgment in discerning righteousness. Laws cannot be truth if they are just applied as a blanket standard to consolidate the establishment’s values subjugating the masses by intimidation.  
Today media sources (all of them biased), educational designers, and governments with agendas have worked overtime in their psychological trickery to contradict, out-date, and ridicule the truth and wisdom of the Holy Scriptures in the Bible! The design is to get you to think within a false dichotomy. Sadly the majority of people today have lost their ability to think correctly, logically, and abstractly discerning truth enabling them to cognitively recognize erroneously glamorized concepts that deceive souls into bad choices, which produce destructive behaviors. Remember choices offered us are not just between A,B, & C, you have to observe that maybe the choice is  none of the above to be correct one.
The results of programing people to decide within false choices in their box cause them to live manipulated and motivated by false pretenses and the people without God do not discern it! People under the influence of lies make their decisions and choose their objectives and goals under illusions and false concepts. Confiding in media and erroneous influences, many people today can repeat verbatim what their leaders in the society speak, but usually they become tools of Satan, or as the communist leader Lenin phrased it, “useful idiots” in the scheme of bad agendas. Ideas always have consequences and most people never analyze what fruit will come out of seeds they are sewing! And some people cognitively want destruction!
7.However, the voice of conscious deep inside each of us does make a majority of people feel very uncomfortable when standing up for false systems, defending “politically correct” illogical ideals. Out of pride, in order to be accepted and in par with the powerful, people without the power of Christ cave to embrace illogical and immoral principles which inevitably produce the destruction of their own souls as well as that of others. If you run with wolves, you will learn to howl like them! (You, and most people are not a wolf though! I am referring to non-believers)
Proverbs 16:25  There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.  Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
The deceivers of this world are as wolves in sheep’s clothing and they are loud and aggressive and more than ever being vocal in prestigious and heretical universities, in politics, in corrupt corporations, and sadly in religions. The truth of God contradicted is heresy and this is even in Christian churches as well! Always compare the speaker’s words to the truth in the Scriptures! Run away if heretical!
8.Let me give you an example of how a lack of the full truth alters people’s perceptions and opinions. Look at the tax situation: it is repeated often how unfair it is that the rich have so much so the government should just take it from them in taxes so the poor will get rich. Many people voice this thinking others owe them something just because they have more than them. But how much do governments share wealth effectively? When in history did the poor ever get anything but basic survival food and survival support from the government? Some Cubans here can tell just how bad that is! The rich are only 1%, remember? Once you take from them, who is left to tax? It is the middle class money that they must tax to get any real substance!
To begin with, the lawmakers and politicians who are anxious to increase taxes do not seem to be volunteering their own wealth or reforming laws against loopholes they participate in. They always want the money for their own agendas. The message is the rich need to be taxed more to give to the poor?! What an old scheme resurfacing! Consider this age old argument being coined today, "Either the nobles of this country appear wealthy, in which case they can be taxed for good; or they appear poor, in which case they are living frugally and must have immense savings, which can be taxed for good." All governments misuse multi-billions of dollars annually, and why is their solution to always borrow more, and tax more?
It is a false dilemma, a false pretense, or a false dichotomy to work within the mindset that the taxes of the rich will make the poor rich. This idea fails to allow for the possibility that many members of the rich class may in fact lack liquid assets and actually may be poor only appearing rich (being in deep debt!), and this pretense as well negates the possibility that those who appear poor actually are poor! Historically there is no evidence that more taxes does anything but create rebellions and revolutions. Even the people of this country preferred starting the Revolutionary War than to bow down to the high tax increases of the English.
Do you see how more facts are needed to discover truth? Many people do not!  Also, subliminally this mindset presumes that only the government knows best how to distribute tax wealth, and it denies the evidence that most wealthy people have historically proven to be very generous doing great things with their money for others. American philanthropists are proof of this but oh how people hate and envy the rich and scheme to get their assets by influence, propaganda, and new laws! The poor will always be around because it is in God’s word   John 12:8 For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always.
9.Americans give a whole lot more billions to charity (295 Billion per year) than any other nation, but these facts are mostly ignored and hidden. The Salvation Army gets about 2.6 billion per year so we are blessed to give back 85% to the public (others charities apply only 10% to the cause and 90% to administration, the legal limit!?) This is helping 30 million per year in the U.S. and 100’s of millions more abroad. This is with less than 1 % of all U.S. charity money combined and we are the number 1 charity due to our faithfulness to help the needy!
The first Christians in the book of Acts helped the needy and sold their goods and shared their wealth voluntarily. See Acts 2:44, 45! This is what real people of faith do: they help their brothers and the community! Did you ever notice almost all charity it done by Christians?
Getting back to the truth of measurable recorded realities of man’s abuse of man, abuse of wealth, abuse of people and power, we conclude these were just as much a part of those in Jesus era as they are today. So according to the scripture we are commanded to preach the gospel to liberate people from these corrupting and enslaving worldly systems ruining their lives and souls. It is our job as Christians to save minds and souls with sound teaching and preaching of doctrine being aware of the enemies devises. Just being a human being free from vices will grant you more wealth!
John 8:31,32  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. The Jews then, as some Christians today, had a false idea that they had a secure spot in heaven. They were God’s chosen, God’s favorite children due to race, fanaticism, and birth right, so why did Jesus insult them and say they needed the truth to set them free when they thought they were free?
10.The great challenge we have today is that of persuading others into the truth of Jesus that gives them a renovated mind and a pure spirit (the pretense is they are in darkness). Even though we do our part to convince them with the Bible, it is the Holy Spirit in the end that that person must allow to work in their life.    John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
In the past in my enthusiasm as a new Christian convert, I would talk to everyone everywhere I went about Jesus. I would just meet someone and then talk until midnight with them about God, until I was blue in the face, assuming they will convert to Jesus if I can just speak enough truth to them. But the truth of the matter is, if they want to keep on sinning and not acknowledge the gift of God to forgive, Jesus Christ, then all my words become useless and I am just doing what it says in …Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
11.There is the lack of truth in the world, but what about the lack of the truth in the church? A lot of present day people in certain churches are not preaching the truth and the people do not know it because they do not read the Bible! Why is the truth so shrouded and rejected? Because preaching the truth and living it implies repentance, a study of God’s word, hard work, a transformation of the mind, and in the end a persecution for proclaiming this truth. With that process in mind it means you will not have so many followers …Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
People not sincerely converted who go to churches, want to keep private personal secrets and they want a bargain religion. The cheap way out is to pay off God with an offering, avoiding obedience to the Word, exposing their selves to a minimum of truth so as not to be held accountable to it nor to anyone. Truth to them is not truth at all but a counterfeit, being mixed and adulterated with their personal ideas and behavior. This is the great confusion in our times: truth is getting integrated with lies.
12.Purity is truth. Partial truth is no truth.  You don’t want a gold ring mixed with clay dirt; it makes it breakable and worthless. In Daniel Chapter 2 the prophecy is that iron and clay governments mixed together are what contribute to the downfall of the 10 nations controlling the world in the final end of time. Jesus, the solid rock, will break them and they will become powder! Daniel 2: 42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
Today if you want a church that will preach not a sound or truthful doctrine but a corrupted one mixed with today’s philosophies to enchant and soothe itching ears you can find plenty of them! Some churches today accommodate all types of lust and perversions, with aberrant doctrines and they claim they have more anointing than all the rest, or only they have salvation. They abuse their wealth for selfish motives, they misuse God’s gifts for prophesying and do it for power and personal gain, and they cater to what people want to hear feeding their spiritual pride. They also mock those suffering or in poverty as not blessed as they are! The main false pretense today is you may sin all you want, but you are still saved and will still go to heaven if you give generously to their church: but this is not how hundreds of scriptures tell it! The outcome is people of power do not just want more wealth but they also want absolute control of people’s minds and ultimately their souls as well! How Satanic!
13. Do not stagnate spiritually for being lazy intellectually and spiritually lacking in truth! Don’t run to some church because the people say the preacher preaches good; he may be preaching a doctrine of deceit but you have not discerned it yet, he may be living a very unholy life, and your soul will pay for not judging with the discernment of the Holy Spirit! Starts making all things you hear through all sources everywhere in all media pass through the sieve of truth to decipher out out the impure from the pure. Don’t be naïve and ignorant! Don’t accept one opinion, investigate thoroughly! Investigate all sides by pray intensely to discern with the H. S.!
John 14:17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.         Right now, ask God for more of the Holy Spirit of truth in your life.      You and I need more truth!
14. Don’t be like those in 2 Timothy 3: 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.   Don’t ever be proud of how much you know, or be proud of how good you think you do or have, having a spiritual pride, this is the foundation of false works religions and these heretics misrepresent God and follow their own self negating the Bible. Honestly, the world is very tired of Christians with strange habits and doctrines, who judge others, and who condemn and criticize people who are suffering. Ask yourself, God how do you and others see me? As pure in the truth, or as just another mixed up Joe?
Luke 18: 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.      Here is the victory, with God’s truth about yourself to correct yourself, with His Word as truth in your heart you can overcome deceptions, traps, and self-defeating lies from misconceptions.
15.I  John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. 6 We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
It is clear what is of truth and what is of error!

Come, pray…Ask for the gift of wisdom, discernment, and more of God’s truth in your life and humble yourself to have less of your own opinions in your life through the Holy Spirit.