Is Your Theology Oppressive or
Liberating? Kelly Durant
Peter 1:1615 but as He who called you is holy, you also be
holy in all your conduct,16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”
2. As time goes on usually there is progress and advancements
in most things that make you wonder, how did people live before? How was it
done in the old days? For example, for transportation for centuries people rode
in carts drawn by horses, but then the first car was made. It was complicated
and uncomfortable with several gear shifters that had to be pulled to drive it.
You also had to get out and crank the front of the motor to start it, and it
would not go much faster than 40 mph. Today however, any modern car is
luxurious by comparison with air conditioning, automatic windows, sound
systems, gps systems etc.
So everything has a progressive science behind it and today I
will comment on how the same can be attributed to theology. When the first
apostles evangelized Jerusalem and all Judea, as in the Book of Acts, the men
preaching had no background study in theology, no diploma from a Christian
University, and some could not even read or write very well. Acts 4:13 Now when
they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were
uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had
been with Jesus. The conclusion here is being
with Jesus and having the Holy Spirit does through you and me what mere
education cannot! Their obedience brought them power and liberation from the
oppressive, hypocritical, condemning religions of their era.
As a matter of fact, for hundreds of years later most
followers of Jesus never got to read what you get to read in the Bible today,
they only had a few of Paul’s letters copied, and maybe some had the books of
Moses, and others had possession of other Jewish writings as discovered in the
Dead Sea Scrolls. So today we are
privileged to have the Canon (Bible) prepared as we do now backed by dozens of
thousands of intelligent theological material. Also the knowledge of ‘good and
evil’ is augmented and anyone can “google” to read books that were prohibited
from the Bible. But when you know God’s heart, when you have the Holy Spirit for
discernment, you can determine why the ancients chose to ban certain books due
to their inconsistencies with the holiness of God found in the scriptures as
relayed from the prophets of God.
3. After Rome was converted to Christianity by Constantine soon
after 300 AD, many Christians came together to unite on the basic points of
what Christians should agree upon. Many people believed on Jesus without ever
reading the Bible (as the reading of the Bible was only permitted by the
hierarchy of the Catholic Church) until Martin Luther, the reformer came along 1,200
years later and translated the Bible into German so that any believer could
read it. The Church wanted his head for heresy but God raised up people to
protect him in hiding. Many translators of the Bible were persecuted or
martyred such as the English translators John Wycliffe and William Tyndale. Be
thankful you can open the Bible and read it as millions before could not!
So the early Christian
believers only had bits and pieces they could learn from through the
predominant oppressive church stepping on the water hose preventing the flow of
the truth. How many of you ever learned the Nicene Creed growing up? It was the
only doctrine many Christians got to learn after it was introduced in the year 325
AD and they revised in 381 AD. The Nicene Creed is still used today and I want
to review it as it is still forms a basis of theology for all Christian believers.
Compare it to The Salvation Army’s 11 doctrines as we cover this, and you can
conclude how for hundreds of years, millions of believers learned a fairly sound
theology of faith, but it was just the basics.
Creed: I believe in one God, the Father
Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the
only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God,
Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one
substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.
Who, for us men for
our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of
the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius
Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according
to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the
Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead;
whose kingdom shall have no end.
And I believe in the Holy
Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son];
who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke
by the prophets. (Note, last sentence of 381 AD version omitted for further discussion
for a later date).
4. After Martin Luther’s liberating blessing of expanding a
full knowledge of Christ through Protestantism, the Bible as a collection of
books written by the major and minor prophets with the disciples and Paul’s
letters finally were compiled together.
And finally the Holy Scriptures arrived in the hands of any common
person who wanted to read them! Christians were liberated by Luther’s more
complete theology which included the ‘Sola fide’ declaration (Latin: by faith
The problem was this, the established church for over a
millennium maintained that salvation was obtainable only through faith in their
church, and through their hierarchy of privileged elect men who placed unreachable
demands upon the believers. For example, for salvation, for forgiveness of your
sins, for saving a dead relative’s soul out of hell, for a series of
sacraments, a monetary amount was required as a means for paying the priesthood
to pray to God to convince God of doing the favor. Is it not sad how many people
have been deceived by trusting their eternal soul’s fate in the power of others
without ever verifying the truth of God for their selves! (See The 95 Thesis)
The flawed doctrine emphasis then (still existing today!) is that salvation
through Christ, or ‘faith alone’ in Him is not enough, that you need the
priesthood’s blessings of their church as well.
How deceptive, right? Sola fide revolutionized Christian theology over
500 years ago! Only Jesus saves!
So Martin helped free captives from many false doctrines with
the truth that only Jesus saves (Eph2:8,9) The doctrine of justification by
faith alone in Jesus, is an indispensable contribution within our progress of Christian
theology. Do you see how we must honor those who risked their lives to fight
for the exposure of the truth in God’s Word? Many millions have died defending
the truth of the Holy Scriptures being persecuted by violent deceptive ones who
claimed that only they had the truth! Governments oppress truth the same way. But
the more truth one knows, the more liberation one has from potential oppressors,
but then persecution comes to you for possessing the truth! Today, the truth of
God is being brutally oppressed!
5. Going forward, soon after this liberation of Luther the
pendulum swung back into oppression again with John Calvin. Even though he had
many positive things to contribute to Christianity, certain theological views
he had were not consistent with an overall compilation of scripture. Here we
see an example of how one verse can derail you if not thinking holistically.
His predestination doctrine states that God’s elect were
chosen from the beginning, this implies that God created certain people to be predestined
for salvation and some others to be predestined for eternal condemnation in hell
fire. Say what? Does this not seem absurd that a God of love would create
humans with the final end to destroy their souls? In other words, you no longer
need ‘to go into all the world and preach the gospel’ because the elect will be
saved without your sharing of the gospel.
This contradicts Jesus command of Mark 16:15 to preach to
everyone! This false doctrine proves that his interpretation of that issue was
not guided by the Holy Spirit, or even common sense for that matter! He was, in
my opinion, on a pride trip of knowledge to show he knew more about Bible
doctrine than others. He should have heeded the scripture that says in James
3:1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall
receive a stricter judgment. This is only
one example, but in many denominations many erroneous theological
interpretations exist.
6. With this doctrine in place we see the need for another
liberator, correct? And who do you think God raised up? John Westley. He
created Methodism, which were Biblical doctrinal basics on how to progress in
knowledge and maturity, being ‘sanctified’ in the faith through holy living. He
preached over 40,000 sermons in his life establishing hundreds of churches
countering the predestination misconception that some are born sanctified and
others are born condemned with the ‘whosoever will’ emphasis in his doctrine. We
know ‘whosoever will’ from John 3:16. We know that God will save even the most
horrible vile sinner no matter their past sins if they will repent and then
begin a new life of Godly or holy living. This is basic Christianity 101 that
keeps coming under attack and subverted. Salvation and sanctification are there
for anyone but people need to learn about it through you and me in order to get
Satan is always infiltrating the Christian Church influencing
it to be governed by oppressive leaders, false doctrines, and compromises of
cultural subversions so that the effectiveness of the church is nil producing
hypocrisy instead. So with a lack of ‘holiness’ in the faith visible in the
people in the church, undecided observers may conclude that people in the churches
are not authentic but rather self-serving.
Hypocrisy never is a value considered to be worthy of anyone’s
dedication yet shockingly enough many ‘religious’ people today are blind to it.
And don’t even mention to me about any holiness in other major world religions
which I have studied and experienced; their corruption, abuse, and hypocrisy is
worse than what you can even imagine within your limited Western mind
So moving forward from John Westley’s time, there was a fire
for a few decades, but after the initial Methodist fire died out, after the
first generations about the mid 1800’s a comfortable staleness set. So when
there was a ‘laziness’ in the institutionalized Christian church, the Lord
raised up William Booth to form a Christian Army to evangelize the world by
serving and saving the worst of the worst. God seems to always stoke the cooling
coals when they are dim so that the flames of Christian passion reignite to
burn again to win souls.
7. William Booth created a new religious movement in 1865
that, in my opinion, has been the most effective church ever in alleviating
suffering by providing homeless shelters and rehab centers, and while helping
the poor, preaching to them to save their souls in the process. Our doctrine is not much different from the
Methodists holiness, but what is different is the application of it; the main
element required is a love in action! A liberating holy love and compassion
from your heart and mine for the needy and lost souls of the whole world! This
is theology in practice proving ones sanctification in word and in deed!
So, this modern holiness movement teaches that you go through
a ‘second work of grace’? Do you know what that means? It is a regeneration
process of your soul. I like how it is expressed in Titus 3:5 “not by
works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved
us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,” In
other words, at the moment you receive Jesus or soon afterwards, the Holy
Spirit starts cleaning your heart over and over to the point that you will lose
your desire for the sinful damaging things that you use to enjoy while living
for the sinful flesh.
The danger we face today is the resurgence of another unholy
oppressive Christianity without a liberating Christ! The church goer often
attends a church trying to believe that they will go to heaven just because
they belong to that certain more righteous church, or because they give money
to gain the acceptance of the leaders. But take into account this was the
similar condition of the church throughout the dark ages as covered earlier,
and how sad it is when people barely know their Bibles and theology in its
current developed state. Many
‘believers’ often do little to obey Jesus serving as He did to proclaim to
everyone the good news of God’s purifying holy love and salvation that comes ‘only’
through Jesus.
8. Also, notice that the holiness church went through a phase
(some are still stuck there) of defining what is holy and acceptable and what is
not in the way of behavior, and this led to an extremist application of ‘dos
and don’ts’. Certain ‘more holier than thou’ churches even declared that music played
by bands in the church must be of Satan as people in the world dance, drink,
and get crazy while hearing music. Imagine, this led to certain denominations
making a rule of ‘no musical instruments’ permitted in the church!? The less
extreme at least did allow only a piano, ha! Today, sacred dance, women
preachers, and many things are prohibited by certain major denominations. So why
does this happen? Holiness can be liberating, or it can be oppressive depending
on whether the leaders are led by the spirit or led by the letter of the law.
This narrows down to what theology is practiced.
So the problem is some Christian leaders of certain
theologies keep getting doctrinally confused as to how they should enforce
Christians to be acceptable or ‘holy’. A
change of heart must come from the inside, not the outside. True ‘Holiness’ will
be a love for God and others so strong that it will produce a clean heart that
is liberated, joyful, and compassionate.
9. I am glad the Salvation Army from the beginning believed
in music bands, dancing with tambourines (which in the 1800’s mostly shunned
gypsies played?!), and converting bars into places of worship! It is known some
Salvation Army tunes were even copied from pub drinking songs with Christian
words added! I am glad there were no strict copywrite laws back then!
So church history reveals much about God’s people, how they
can be oppressive and abusive, or liberating and compassionate depending on
whose theology they follow. It is as it was in the early church. 1 Corinthians
3:3-4 For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are
you not carnal? It is a shame so many denominations and theologies divide us as
Christians, and it is all because some are not up to date in their practice of a
more complete and developed theology. It is also because Christians, despite
having a vast wealth of historical knowledge available, are unwilling to read
about it to learn a higher theological comprehension.
Holiness in the end, is the love of God manifested in
tangible acts! So how are you and I going to transmit that love? By living in a
manner that reflects this pure liberating holiness doctrine of love, serving in
order to have opportunity to win others with salvation! Have you been guilty of
being a self-righteous, condemning, law enforcing controlling hypocrite practicing
ungodly antiquated oppressive church doctrines?
Repent, let the Holy Spirit clean your heart right now, and ask God to
help you to radically change so you love others into God’s kingdom! The more
holy you are, the more Jesus conduct will be seen in you!