Easter: The Uncomfortable Reality! Kelly Durant 3-27-16
Mark 16: 14 Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the
table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did
not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen. 15 And He said to them,
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who
believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be
2. How many of your went to see the recent movie “Risen”? I
thought it was extremely well portrayed with much detail as it was in Jesus
day. It was about the story of the resurrection from the point of view of a
Roman Soldier that was sent to investigate what happened at the tomb. Try to
rent it or see it, it is well worth it!
My favorite part was when the Roman Soldier found the ropes
that sealed the rock frayed from being burst open. This Roman knew what a cut
rope would look like, but ropes burst apart? I am sure many people in Jerusalem
experienced revelations that caused them to believe in the resurrection as in
the story of this soldier!
The truth is no one will respect or follow a leader once they
are dead if they were an oppressor, liar, or a con. However, Jesus teachings
still rules over thousands of millions even today because He was love and truth!
When an evil person dies, as in the case of King Herod, the whole town
celebrated! When Jesus died, many mourned but few, we observe by scripture,
really expected Him to rise up out of the tomb. The first Easter, His
resurrection, transformed humanity into a celebrated victory over death! But the
first Easter did not exactly start out as a celebrated moment though.
3. Let’s go more into depth of the verses today. It says in
Mark, “He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not
believe those who had seen Him after He had risen”. I don’t know how you feel
after getting rebuked for doing something wrong, but personally I feel
embarrassed and humiliated! I would not feel too festive and happy. We
celebrate Jesus resurrection today but the first encounter with Him made
everyone feel afraid and ashamed of their selves.
Imagine witnessing a person die in such a horrific manner as
Jesus did, and fearing the Sanhedrin might come to kill you now, but then you
see the crucified Son of Man walking around with holes in their hands and feet,
I think it would make any one of us so scared we would faint. It is like when
you see a ghost, you feel mortified because you know it is a creature with
supernatural power. Jesus showing himself to be supernaturally alive
contradicted what is understood concerning reality, logic, and the physically
So to prove it is Himself, Jesus appears out of nowhere to
sit down at the table with them to talk. In another instance, He also ate fish
with them on the beach. He took time with them but despite being undeniably in
this world, they doubted in the beginning. Jesus does not like to see people
afraid and doubtful and many times he repeated to all who saw Him the word,
‘peace’! For the doubters and unrepentant Jesus presence brings fear, but for
those who love Him His presence brings peace! John 14:27 “Peace I leave with
you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not
your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”.
4. To illustrate it was not such a celebrative moment at
first, recall that the disciples when they first saw Jesus they were full of
fear. Jesus had told them all several times that He would be killed and then come
back, but it almost seems as if none of them really believed Him. Mark 8:31 “And
He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be
rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and after
three days rise again”.
Imagine seeing all the miracles the disciples had seen and
then still not believing that He had resurrected! Remember these are dedicated
followers that had given up everything to follow Jesus, they had no hopes to go
back to their old life, and they saw dozens and dozens of miracles and yet they
still doubted?!
It just goes to show how we cannot depend on all those who
say they have experienced Jesus power to remain totally faithful and doubtless
through every moment of their lives. Even the most dedicated have their weak
moments but the comfort is that Jesus will still love you and receive you even
though He may have to rebuke you and correct your lack of faith.
5. So take it to heart, if Jesus rebuked the disciples who
were in it all the way until their own martyrdom, how much more you and I
should expect to get rebuked by Jesus for our lack of faith, unbelief, and
obedience! John 5:21 For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to
them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will.
Our world today is the same as it was in Jesus time, there is
a vast majority that will not even believe though there is proof that one was
raised from the dead. And then there is also a large group that will not
believe because they have not personally seen it. Both are hopeless doubters
choosing death over life because they love darkness rather than light.
So what are we left to work with? Christians or believers
that believe… but have doubts! But the hope is they will come around to have
real faith and trust and obedience to what Jesus taught because the Holy Spirit
will convict them.
6. Easter then, in
many ways, is an uncomfortable rebuke to the world! It is a mortal blow to
Satan and his followers who can no longer reap dead men’s souls when the souls have
been cleansed in the redeeming blood of Jesus. Jesus resurrection stripped away
Satan’s power of maintaining a spiritual death over humans; that is if the
human is repentant, believes, and obeys.
Easter, being a supernatural event, puts to the test every
human mind and heart. A test usually provokes fear but after passing it, relief
and peace come. It is amazing to me how many people in this life chose
foolishly what they will believe in, thinking they will never answer for their
actions. Read the Proverbs, they teach much about fools who refuse to fear and
honor God, and their own destruction comes by their own choices.
Easter is a reminder that Jesus rebuked the doubting
followers! Year after year during these special moments of celebration we must
face the fact that some of our Christian brothers are not living pure repented
lives displaying that they truly fear God, believe His word, and obey. Once you
realize Jesus is alive and present in the here and now through the Holy Spirit
speaking in your mind, it will make you be afraid as the 11 disciples at first
7. The most foolish thing one can do in life is to doubt
something that gives you a win win situation such as is the case in believing
in the resurrection of Jesus. If you and I simply accept and believe then we
can be sure that we are saved by faith: saved meaning saved from the judgement for
the wrongs we have done and also saved from a second death (spiritual one) and
be resurrected. Romans 10: 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus
and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be
saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation.
What have you got to lose by proclaiming Jesus as risen except
losing a dozen worthless prideful friends who are materialistic atheistic
self-lovers? Start talking about Jesus to everyone you know for a week and see
how many still keep you as a friend! They will be a good friend indeed if they are
brave enough to allow your light of Jesus to shine in their darkened heart. I
lost a few dozen so called friends at age 21 when I got on fire for God, yet I
have gained thousands of trustworthy loving Christian friends in dozens of
cities in return! You here are my friends that I never would have met if I had
not taken the path of proclaiming Jesus risen.
The resurrection is real as 2 billion Christians proclaim
today! However, if one were to entertain an idea that it were not real we would
be as Paul states in I Cor 15: 16 “For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not
risen. 17 And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in
your sins! 18 Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most
pitiable.” But I KNOW we will not be disappointed!
8. You and I have full trust that these ancient records in
the Bible are truth and come from God’s anointed; that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John and all the 11, plus the hundreds of other men and women, had a
supernatural experience witnessing Jesus’ presence in His resurrected body.
This is an experience you and I have not personally had but choosing to believe
their story will unexplainably fill your spirit full of hope, peace, and a
sense of eternity. When you believe, you inherently know it is truth and you will
even die for it!
I also trust the testimonies of the millions of Christians that
have lived before me sincerely having convictions of the truth of Jesus
resurrection. If His resurrection was not something real, then what miserable
lives Christians have lived being martyred and humiliated by most every evil
government that has ever existed!
Here is a personal belief, I think that people who ask God if
Jesus is really who He says He is or not, that God reveals His truth to them.
Jesus in a dream revealed to me I had a mission to stop being who I was and to
go into the world and save souls. And I obeyed the call! I have been reading
testimonies from Christian news sources that many Muslims are getting
revelations that Jesus is the Son of God.
9. Now back to our verses of today. Did you catch how Jesus
rebuked the 11 for not believing (vs14) “those who had seen Him after He had
risen”. Who is He referring to? That was Mary! Jesus showed his resurrected
body first to her. What does that mean? It means He trusted her to be the
witness to all the others and it seems they thought that she was just a woman
being emotional and delusional.
So Mary was in essence being praised while they were being
rebuked. The pride of man is an evil thing. Then the next uncomfortable part is
vs 15. And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to
every creature”. This verse, in my opinion, has been one of the least obeyed
verses in the Bible. Very few Christians, dedicate their lives to travel in all
the world just to preach Jesus. Thank God every first disciple obeyed! Soon
afterwards every believer obeyed and went out preaching Jesus after gaining
power from the Holy Ghost as we read in Acts 1.
So doubting resurrection and not recognizing the first Easter
as a reality will get you a rebuke from Jesus! Not listening to those who make
you uncomfortable with the good news will get you a rebuke from Jesus. But
being spiritually uncomfortable is the way God gets you and me to move out into
10. And the final inconvenient uncomfortable reality is vs16 “He
who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be
condemned.” How clear is that? If you believe that Jesus lives, you will live
as well! If not you will be condemned to let nature’s death take its course;
it’s as simple as that.
And the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a must! John states in Matthew
3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming
after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will
baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Do you feel uncomfortable? Let Jesus
peace in!
The fire is what purifies our hearts and minds of all sin. It
brings on the full repentance bringing us into holiness, obedience, and most
importantly, living our lives motivated by God’s love! The Salvation Army’s
mission statement makes it clear; we are “motivated by the love of God!”
Today, if believing that Jesus is as alive as He was over
2,000 years ago has not penetrated your doubtful heart, come and pray to accept
Him in your heart and then Romans 10:9-10 will be a reality for you. You will
be saved and resurrected when He returns. John 6:40 And this is the will of
Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have
everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” Pray!