Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Is About Bringing People Together!

Christmas Is About Bringing People Together!      By Kelly Durant 12-24-17

Psalm 68:6 God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

2. Sometimes I feel very sad for many people! You and I can all observe that there are a lot of people out there that have very few friends! They often don’t have any family nearby either! Often my wife and I will get a call from someone, can you take me to the hospital, can you take me to work? Can you help me move because I’m getting evicted?

We are here to serve one another in love and not let our right hand know what our left had is doing but I am shocked and saddened over the poverty of many people! It is a poverty not so much of a lack of food or money, but a poverty of having no friends or family! It’s sad when no one is willing to do anything for another, right?

Thank God Christmas can change this! Christmas is all about giving and receiving, and in supporting each other, in supporting strangers you may never even meet either! This happens when people buy gifts to donate to children. The kings gave gifts to Jesus but the gift of Maria and Joseph getting to make friends and meet new strangers such as the kings and the shepherds was what made it all special.

3. The first strange encounter that Mary had was with the angel that told her she would bear a child by the Holy Spirit. On course, messengers, such as angels, do not stick around for you to make friendships with, but Christmas would not be what it is without the sudden appearance of the angels.

The shepherds got to see all of the angels in heaven as well.  13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:  Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
15 So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, “Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.”  

So the first ones on the first Christmas got to meet angels! Have you ever wondered how many people have been angels to people they didn’t know at all? This happens at Christmas time. Christmas has inspired many people to act as angels, to be messengers of the good news of the arrival of Jesus, and be generous to help people with gifts, and they are helping people they do not even know.

4. Another unusual uniting of people was that of the shepherds meeting Joseph and Mary. This divine couple was chosen by God to raise the savior of the world but they were nothing more than small town folks whose friendships probably did not extend any further than with their neighbors and family nearby.

So now they are making new friendships with the shepherds who live outside the city. Imagine a bunch of strangers arriving after your baby is born saying we have come here to this barn door to see you and to worship the newborn child?! It must have surprised them for sure!

Mary and Joseph made new friends that night! These were humble folks, and they were humble as well. What they had in common was they both experienced something heavenly and supernatural, and they both were aware that a chosen special child was born, Jesus the Christ.       

5. The next characters to appear on the scene were the kings of the Orient, the wise men. Think about this, these men were strangers and did not know each other until they met each other in Bethlehem after their long journey. They probably did not speak the same language, but they did have the same purpose in common, to meet Jesus! We see it again, Jesus uniting people.

They then went on to meet Mary, Joseph, and Jesus by following the unexplained phenomena of the star over Jesus’ temporary residence. These kings would never have left home and travelled for months had they not been on a spiritual mission to see the mystery at the end of their journey. They wanted friendship with the King of kings whose presence was foretold, and foretold even in the stars!

These wise men knew to bring gifts, but how? They knew the star was leading them somewhere special, they knew they would meet someone special, but I suspect they really did not expect to find some common folks with a baby so small! What we observe here is that when you have Jesus with you, you can expect kings to come, pay respect, and be generous to support the mission of God’s work! Common people make friendships with the rich to do Jesus’ work!

6. I love the verse of study today with God’s promise of “God sets the solitary in families”. This is what Jesus was all about, to bring together you and me and all kinds of groups of people together that never would meet under ordinary daily circumstances. With Jesus we become family! Forget your flesh family who may often let you down, Jesus gives you a real family in God!

I think most everyone, either rich or poor, live quite isolated from each other. But Jesus wants to bring us all together over Himself! Jesus is the supernatural uniting force that causes you and me to meet and to be friends with each other!

The people of the Christian faith travel to do mission work and make friendships that last a lifetime. Christians make deep friendships with unusual characters far and wide because it is all about Jesus! Jesus was the first one to get poor shepherds and rich kings to come together and be in awe at the work of God, was He not? With Jesus and your Christian family, you should never be alone!

7. And here is something to ponder, Jesus not only united odd people together, He was the first to unite us on all levels, socio-economical-racial-&-religious! He united the uneducated with the educated, which was Mary & Joseph with the shepherds.

Jesus united the rich and powerful with the common folks, Mary and Joseph with the Orient Kings. And here is another factor, the kings were of different races too, Jesus unites us from different races!

And what about religion? Jesus unites those of other faiths to Him! The kings had a religion that included astrology and who knows what else, they were not Christian before meeting Jesus. God loved them anyway and revealed Himself to them. Jesus and God brings us all together when often our own people will not be close to us. Spiritual brothers and sisters are formed over our common faith in Jesus and we should value each other as family.  When Jesus called His disciples, they too were from very diverse backgrounds; Jesus was iconoclastic to the established set of societal customs.

8. Psalm 68:6 God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land. So we see now how God unites us, an odd family, over Jesus but what about the rebellious, the faithless, the haters and the ones who refuse to honor Jesus?

The rest of this verse makes it clear, if you have God with you, and His Son Jesus as your focus, you can expect prosperity and the blessings of God. It is an observable truth that many of the children of poor immigrants, or people in poverty, have risen above their level because they received the support of their family of friends, those from the Christian church community.

“But the rebellious dwell in a dry land”! In all families, and throughout the world, there are so many that seem to go from bad situations to worse ones and why? Often because they are just brute beasts, living selfishly to survive, never thinking of helping others, never considering making friends with people very unlike their selves. If a person doesn’t have Jesus, either by ignorance or flat out rejection, then this person will not learn the beauty of being made rich with friends and family that are near them everywhere.  

9. Christmas is about family and friends, and the sharing of good experiences together. Giving gifts and getting gifts can reveal to you that there are good people out there! Who knows, you might even make a new friend this Christmas.

Take advantage to tell others about Jesus this Christmas, that is the best gift you could ever give anyone! Giving Jesus to another means you are opening up the door for them to learn a new way of life, one where God is in control, one where God forgives, and one in knowing you are loved that you will go to heaven in the end!

Because of Jesus, life is worth living! Because of Christmas we can all meet new people! I have made friendships with a few thousand people in my lifetime and this never would have happened if it were not for Jesus telling me to go into all the world to preach the gospel. I have been to more than a hundred cities and Jesus has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams!

I thank God I have met you, you who are here today, and I met you because we share in the same faith, that of having Jesus! And I thank God you are in the Salvation Army serving God as well!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

What God wants for Christmas… from you and me!

What God wants for Christmas… from you and me!   By Kelly Durant  12-17-2017
1 John 23:16 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
2. Thank God most people in this county get presents for Christmas! When I lived in Bolivia, I recall some kids would just get one thing, a soccer ball, or a new backpack, but the good thing is most everyone in their past has been able to get gifts and give gifts to those closest to them.  But have you ever thought, what is the gift that God wants from me? Stop…think hard…what is it?
I am going to help you answer this question by using some example right from the Christmas story in the Bible! When it was announced that the Savior of the world, the King of Kings, would be born of a virgin, to Mary a morally clean person, we conclude that God chooses to reward and bless those that are pure, those that are holy in heart. What should we give God?

Our holiness and purity is the first condition! If we have a totally submissive nature as Mary had, if we are so sincere with God that He takes notice, then we are giving to Him what he wants. Have you given God your holiness and submission?

3. When God tells Mary that she will give birth through the power of the Holy Spirit, we conclude by inference that God wants us to have the Holy Spirit present in our lives, but obviously it will be manifested in different ways! Matt 1:18. 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit.
Mary got a direct touch by the Spirit, her flesh merging with God’s Spirit. That was a one-time event, it never happened before and it would never happen again!

But later we learn about the disciples having the Holy Spirit power so we know that His Spirit is needed in our lives. Only with this power can we achieve anything and give back to God anything. What should we give God?  Obedience and acceptance of the Holy Spirit to work in our lives!

4. When God allowed Joseph and Mary to wander without a place to stay and be able to give birth in unpleasant conditions, we conclude that God chooses to allow us to be in humble situations, as they were surrounded by the animals of the manger. Imagine, no doctors, no hospital, and it’s just you, yourhusband, and God!

So what should we give God? Our humility! Our acceptance to be a nobody who conforms to not having normal luxuries at any time we want them. Having a humble heart is one of the gifts God wants from all human beings!

James 4:6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” Our humility is necessary! Give this attitude to God.

5. When God sent the angels to announce the birth of Jesus to the shepherds he told them to, “Fear not!” What we conclude is that when you and I witness God’s glory, we tend to fear, not understanding what is happening in our lives. Fear can cause us to freeze up, but God always commands (in many places in the Bible) to “fear not!”

What did the shepherds do? Did they say, we need to run and get out of here because strange things are happening? No, they left their comfortable fields in the middle of the night and ran to Bethlehem to worship Jesus as the angels had told them to do. They actually stopped fearing and obeyed. Stop fearing the unexplained that God presents to you by natural or supernatural means.

What should we give God according to this lesson here? Our worship to Jesus! This event implies we need a willingness to be leaving behind our routine duties and go to the place where Jesus will be. Our worship of Jesus is imperative!

6. Also when the angels announced to the shepherds about Jesus birth, he said they had news of great joy, so how are we to respond to when we hear the news of Jesus? What should we give God? Our attitude of joy and happiness!

Jesus being born into the world to forgive us and save us should make us ecstatic! The angels had news of joy, the shepherds felt joy to find baby Jesus, the magi were joyful to give gifts to Jesus, so we conclude, anyone having anything to do with Jesus must feel overcome with joy! Don’t be dry, praise God and give Him joy!

7. When Jesus was presented to the temple on the 8th day by his parents, they did this to fulfill a law, a custom and to give pair of turtledoves and pigeons. What we conclude is that God wants us to affirm dedication within the religious community celebrations. It was Jewish then, but it is Christian now, and the way we worship and donate is a lot less complicated. We don’t have to but birds and animals for sacrifices on the altar.

What should we give God? The giving of our gifts to express our gratitude to God for Jesus and how He provided good health and our daily provisions!

Our sacrificial giving is anticipated! Mary and Joseph gave to God, they shared with the religious community, so by this example we learn that everyone should give to the churches that are worthy of receiving support!

8. When God guided the kings of the orient by the miraculous star to come to worship Jesus and to give Him gifts, we conclude that God wants us to have the ability to receive as well as give, not rejecting anything in pride. 

What should we give God? A willingness to receive God’s provisions through others, even foreigners we know little about, rejecting the pride we might presume by boasting that we don’t have a need. The rich may humble you but forget your pride on how you like to earn your own income and are not beggars.

Maria and Joseph were soon going to need the gifts the wise kings gave them to travel to Egypt. Our absence of pride to accept God’s means of provision is a must! We learn we must receive gifts even if we do not understand them.

9. So are you a person with what God wants you to have for Him for Christmas? The Christmas story implies each of us must have purity, obedience to the H.S., humbleness, worship, a joyful attitude, sacrificial giving, and an absence of pride to receive! There are not many people in the world with all of these great qualities combined! You must lack a few, so now is your time to start anew!

You and I can mature and strive to have these qualities more present in our lives, right? What the Christmas story reveals to us is that you and I are not good enough for God because we fall short on being as selfless and holy as Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the kings of the Orient, or as the angels!

It is sad but true that many people in their homes tolerate impure actions, and many do not pray very much to be guided by the Holy Spirit, and many of us can be arrogant with a complaining attitude, selfish, and prideful. Does this describe someone in your home? Maybe it describes you in some ways!

But Jesus came to save you and me from all of these horrible qualities that make us suffer and be disconnected from God and each other. Jesus came to restore us, to give us a new life, like a rebirth. And why? Because God and Jesus love you and me! And as in 1 John 3:16, we must live it too! Let’s pray to give to God, not as we please, but as He wants!