Sunday, May 27, 2018

Good vs. Evil: A Divisional Duality-Not Oneness, and Not Equality

Good vs. Evil: A Divisional Duality-Not Oneness and Not Equality            Kelly Durant

Luke 16:25-27 King James Version (KJV)
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

2. What is one of the most convincing arguments in favor of Christianity over other religions? It is that the final chapter ends with the good, pure and righteous as victors with Jesus and his saints defeating the old serpent, the deceiver, the destroyer, the ‘fake” light bearer, Lucifer! 

For the longest time in movies, in books, and for all outcomes we had the hope that good would conquer evil, and it will but you have to do your part in fighting the good fight to make it happen. That is the prophecy and destiny of our good God, to contain evil in the near future so heaven and its good souls can exist absence and devoid of evil creatures seeking its chaos and destruction. However, for good to win we must fight! And then the final battle of Armageddon!

Today more than ever we must examine the good vs. evil paradigm fight as the modern culture has shifted many things and made good things evil and evil things good. People are getting their minds confused to the point of allowing someone’s infused emotions to override their common sense. Our God-given conscious will tell you what is authentically right and wrong, if you listen. Our guide is the Bible and the Holy Spirit to know what pleases God and what does not. Cultures shift and practice abominable things, and God’s prophets must warn them.   

3. Today I will offer you a 3 point message: It is about “oneness”, “dualism”, and “triunity”, or a 1, 2 & 3. How you perceive the world according to your understanding of God influences everything! Sadly our previously Christian educated society use to be aware of the basics of God and how God is the good God of love who gave His only Son for our redemption and once clean from sin we stop doing evil. But today new age ideas, atheism, or false sciences, and “fake news”, along with compromised churches have brought people to the point that their understanding of God’s principles is darkened. We are in the time of apostacy.

Remember, what I share on a Sunday morning is not enough for you to learn by. Every day I pray you are praying for God to guide your day, that you are reading and learning from His Word, that you are getting victories over your stubborn nature and becoming purer and more Holy. After all, you do not answer to anyone but God for all of what you do and what you do is governed by how your think, and that is governed by your heart, whether it is carnal or spiritual. Sadly, too many Christians are too carnal, not discerning right and wrong or fact from man’s invented fiction presented as factual.

The Bible is the most comprehensive spiritual guidebook there is which includes the mistakes of the people, so we see how God reacts to many of life’s situations; some get mercy (if they loved Him) while others get judgment and punishment, and we must adjust our minds to know what is good or evil by these examples. 3 helpful things: study of the Bible, prayer, and fellowship.

4. Let’s start with the push of the idea of “oneness”, that any and all things can be united, a type of pantheistic monism. I was deceived at one time to believe this (in the Yoga meditation vein), that I could become ‘one’ with God by just focusing my mind, my single eye (3rdeye) on the singularity of God as light. My mind never became fully trancelike to be ‘one’ focused, even though I could sit in the Lotus Position for well over an hour daily. The results?  I was left to presume the great yogis had achieved this ‘oneness’ I never got. In this body with my (or your) God given individualistic mind & soul, a complete ‘oneness’ is an illusion. With more investigation (in college then), I soon discovered that the Hindus worship a pantheon of gods! 33 Million is the last estimate!

The idea of ‘all is one, and one is all’ is derived from the ancient Satanic serpentine influences. It is a double play because Satan actually wants Himself and many gods worshipped so you accept them all under an umbrella type of a pantheon oneness. Ancient cultures (tragically even the Hebrews at times) worshipped this way, often with Baal as god (presumed to be one god), but Baal was the son of El, the chief god, and Asherah, the goddess of the sea. Satan has always been trying to get people to recognize all the different fallen angels as gods, and some of these were divine beings, by a Genesis 6 conclusive study, some were half god and half human entities, that is angelic becoming demonic by rebellion mixing with humankind. But they have no power as Jesus does! 

Every culture throughout time has had their take on all the different gods, some carried severe punishments for a lack of worship while others enticed worship for personal prosperity; for example, Baal for fertility, Cupid for love relationships, etc, but again all of these are either demons, fallen angels, or even mythical inventions. Often these were represented in deaf, dumb, and blind stone or metal idols and to think all of them are the same to worship putting them into one box because they all originate from a ‘one’ god is to be willingly ignorant. Satan and his demons want to destroy people and God’s creations by legitimatizing evil and evil entities pretending to be angels of light and wisdom.

5. Those with the ‘oneness’ idea, that all religions will one day “coexist’, as the bumper stickers show, are not facing the reality that some religions such as Christianity are of love and peace, while others are of hate, dominion, and war. The globalist idea that many have bought into thinking we can unite all the world’s religions, countries, and cultures into ‘one’ is a great deception. This is why many progressive voices speak out that they want countries with open borders (which no country actually practices), a one world, government (yet democracies and dictatorships never mix), and a world currency (which would favor some and ruin others). 

It is God who makes borders. Psalm 74:17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter. There must be a border between good and evil! It was God who chose a special people, the Jews, for a season in the past, and now He chooses by our own freewill ‘whosesoever will’, the ones who will obey Jesus. God knows within the rebellion of man, so many with their pride believing he or she is a god, that He can never unite all in spirit into the one. In heaven there will be a oneness in the worship of God, a oneness in the sense that each angel entity and resurrected transformed human there will be alike in pureness, and a oneness within the eternal continuous connection with God.

What is communicated in the Holy Scriptures is that God loved all and wanted a oneness with all his created beings, with the angels, with humans, with nature and the universe and all would have been fine had it not been for the rebellion of the fallen angels (1/3), one of whom wanted to bring death to the man and woman God created. Eden was an eternal paradise until the serpent fallen angel spread knowledge which resulted in the death of the first humans. God is in the business of restoring that paradise lost for the faithful, but it is through Jesus and the shedding away of this mortal body to get there to where He is.  

6. The mindset that there must exist a duality of good and evil, or the lie that somehow God is half evil and half good and that people must appreciate both equally is very confusing and a destructive idea which some false religions embrace! Many ancient and modern cults teach that God must be the author of both so if you are being good, or being bad, it doesn’t matter because God has those both natures. What a lie! It is in the absence of God where darkness and evil, the opposite of God, exists. 

God is righteously good, just, merciful, forgiving, and loving, consequently this can be witnessed in Jesus, along with the perfection of his design of the universe and nature. True that many random and destructive things happen within the creation, but those are man’s or demons faults, and we reap the consequences of this broken world. The flood was God’s plan B to keep a pure breed of humans alive, and the earth became imbalanced ever since and we have inherited the sins of the past like it or not.

It is disturbing to see a rise in so many modern day people that ‘feel’ a passion to defend positions that contradict God’s commands seeking chaos to overturn the good. If there is order and peace in any institution or society which abide by following God’s universal laws, these demon possessed creatures think it is their job to counter it and bring on chaos with loud protests to overthrow the systems. No system is perfect but semi-perfect is better than the anarchy and evil these ones desire and their violence is telling of their sick hearts. It is a power grab scheme, they create the disorder and discontentment (a fake dichotomy they claim everyone wants) and then out of the unbearable chaos, they set up their idiotic laws to justify their sins and debauchery. Around the globe we observe that, after having their way, they become as parasites, sucking the life blood out of each other for gain. But evil people always hate other evil people (it reminds them of themselves!) so they start recruiting new innocent young hosts to prey upon and convince them to embrace their perverse plights for an elusive justice and personal gain.  Demons recruit by intimidation, enchantment, and deceit and then enslave you! God’s people must defend the Bible and the truth of God or these demonic characters will continue to have full reign as weeds choking out all the good from good wheat. 

7. We see the success in rival ‘duality’ dichotomies in every area of our modern day lives! What a successful scheme it has been by Satan to get us to ‘divide and conquer’ destroying ourselves. Creationism was the dominate truth until Darwinism was introduced. A free democratic society was the aspired ideal government (in recent years) until Communism was introduced. Moral values of respect were honored until we were told that God is an invention of stupid people who invented Him and we must free ourselves from Him to ‘do as we please’. Abel worshipped God out of love and Cain killed him out of hate! Cain’s decedents became murderers and pagan worshippers and his false religions are still with us. The absence of good is what evil is, and evil is destruction, not creation. It’s all God’s love, or it’s a nothing but a vacuum of death.

More than ever people have been brainwashed to believe that the ‘professionals’ at the universities and the politicians in the government have all the answers and we as the stupid subjects should just summit to their chaotic experiments upon us. To obtain a balance of powers (equality duality), they are trying to bankrupt the system, destroy wholesome values, pervert the righteous, and actually get this country, and any country, out of the way of the resistance to the ‘one world government’ they want to set up for Satan to control. That day of ‘submit or die’ will come but woe to those who support it! The lake of fire is reserved for Satan and his demon subjects who did his will. These evil people hate you and me so much they dream of seeing the world fall into confusion so 90% of us will die from wars, hunger, and pestilence (man-made diseases). The Georgia guide-stones reveal this dream! They want an exclusive world for themselves as elitists with all their man-made technology (their gods) as seen in many recent movies getting rid of us, the useless eaters so earth survives.

So despite the idea that evil should be equal to God, as in the yin and yang image, there is no equality or balance of power needed with evil along side good with the falsehood that they are the same and needed. God is totally good, but if some of his creatures rebel into darkness, they are at a great disadvantage, as they are not gods as they presume, but just single beings who have condemned their selves for the future judgment of God that will come from His white throne.  

8. Now we come to the triune relationship that I propose this is how God interacts with us. It’s in threes. For example Jesus says to be one with the Father, we must go through Him, so that is you, Jesus, then God, or three. John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

When I first met my wife, I asked her if she was willing to do what I do, to preach the gospel, because it means living a life of Jesus, Others, and You, which is the way to have JOY! Even my relationship with her has Jesus in the middle as the glue to keep us together so we are 3, not just 2, but God even says we are one flesh after uniting (interesting, right?) 

God does everything by threes, such as in His revealing of Himself in the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. Here is a another third state of ourselves in relationship with God, if we are born once (in the flesh only), we die twice, in the flesh, then in the spirit. But if we are born twice, once by the flesh, and once by the spirit, then you only die once in the flesh, because you will live eternally afterwards! Nature is in threes, proton, neutron, and electrons. Ecclesiastes 4:12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. 

9. So here is the situation, evil has mixed with the good and God is separating it out by us bringing the gospel of truth to the world. It is not just that the world is moving from an order or thesis, with an antithesis counter, to get a synthesis (but however Satan does keeps repeating this divide and conquer strategy in every church, government, and institution), we are already in the synthesis of a fallen world with evil mixed up in the confusion of what’s good and evil. God is going to separate out the good from the evil with Jesus return. There will be with Jesus return a reaping and then a judgment, or separation of the goats from the sheep and the wheat from the tares. Thank God we will be free from evil at last in that day! 

From the verses of Luke today we learn that the spirit world has 3 components. Recall how the evil man could not leave his place of torment (hell) to warn others or get a drop of water due to the great gulf? This implies that there is heaven and hell with a barrier in between them, or three states. It’s God’s design to contain evil characters so the evil rebellious ones never come back into heaven, or into any of God’s worlds such as ours, to destroy and corrupt again. Satan and his demons have been loose since the beginning going everywhere. Job 1:7 And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. (in it? Inside? Another day study!)

Have you ever noticed some people could never even be happy in heaven, in a perfect world? They would still want to rebel and create chaos and do the works of Satan! This is why God will allow them to remain where Satan is, it is their desire, not God’s! Hell is where the rebellious go to reap all the collective pain they caused on others by their deceptions, greedy schemes, and murders. Their spirits eternally in a burning jail is not unjust, it is very just from a just God, because they are getting payback for all the hell, death, and misery they created upon thousands. Satan’s tools of wars, drugs, perversions, witchcrafts, and slaveries will be contained and there will be peace at last! What a glorious day it will be when Jesus returns to reign forever and ever! Do you have Jesus in your life? Come over to the eternal good side! Pray now… 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Honor Mothers Today and Always!

Honor Mothers Today and Always! (Bi-lingual with Spanish quotes)      
(5-13-12 Re: 5-13-18)  by Kelly Durant
Ephesians 6:2,3
2 "Honor your father and mother"-which is the first commandment with a promise- 3 "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."  

God expects mothers to be strong characters that defend what is right and raise their children in the knowledge of the word of God! Every mother must accept that they are influencers and leaders in society. The founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, had a strong character, and his wife, Catherine Booth, and mother of their children had a very strong character too! 
They fought for women’s rights and they were the first in history to bring equality in the pulpit; in other words Catherine Booth obtained respect for a woman to spiritually teach and preach in church which was not accepted then in the 1800’s.
Did you know when the Salvation Army was founded in 1865 that 60 to 70% of the initial members were young mothers and they were valiant preachers too! And today in this Corps, we expect the mothers to be leaders not just to their children, but leaders in society too winning many souls toJesus!

2.  Paul states that men and women, fathers and mothers, are spiritually the same in Christ.   Galatians 3:28 Ya no hay judío ni griego; no hay esclavo ni libre; no hay varón ni mujer; porque todos vosotros sois uno en Cristo Jesús.

Gal. 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Women, or mothers, deserve the same respect as anyone else and sometimes deserve even more because they are sacrificial.

3. A mother is someone who guides us and inspires us. She helps us to accomplish our dreams and desires. With her wisdom and depth she lightens the way for her children bringing them happiness!

Una madre es alguien que nos guía y nos inspira.  Ella nos ayuda a lograr nuestros sueños y deseos. 
Con su sabiduría y profundidad alumbra el sendero de sus hijos y les trae alegría.     

4. All mothers are wealthy if they love their children. There are no poor mothers, ugly ones, or old ones. The love they give will always bring happiness.

Todas las madres son ricas si aman a sus hijos.  No hay madres pobres, feas ni viejas. El amor que brindan siempre da los gozos más inefables” —Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949)

5. Deuteronomy 5:16  Honor thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Deut. 5:16 16 Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, como Jehová tu Dios te ha mandado, para que sean prolongados tus días, y para que te vaya bien sobre la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da.
6. She broke the bread in two halves and gave it to the children that quickly devoured it. She kept nothing for herself, grumbled the sergeant. It is because she was not hungry, added the soldier; it is because she is the mother replied the sergeant. 
Partió el pan en dos partes y las dio a los niños, que comieron con avidez. No guardó nada para ella -gruñó el sargento. Es que no tiene hambre -aventuró el soldado. Es que es madre —añadió el sargento.   —Victor Hugo (1802-1885)
7. My mother told me: “If you make yourself a soldier, you will become a general, If you make yourself a monk you will become the pope”. But instead I made myself a painter and I ended up being Picasso. 
Mi madre me decía: «Si te haces soldado, llegarás a general; si te haces monje, terminarás siendo papa.» En vez de eso, me hice pintor, y terminé siendo Picasso.  
8. Once there was a child that was half deaf and he returned from school to his home with a note with some instructions recommending that the parents remove their son from the educational center due to the fact that “he had too low of an intelligence to learn”. The mother of Tom read the note and said, “My son Tom is not lacking in intelligence. I personally will teach him”.
When Tom died years later, the students rendered homage to him turning out all the lights for a minute. It was Tom that had invented the light bulb; not just that but also he invented photography and a film projector. In the end Thomas Edison had a patent on thousands of inventions.I owe to my mother who I am!’
En cierta ocasión, un niño parcialmente sordo volvió del colegio a su casa; llevaba una nota de la dirección, la cual recomendaba que los padres lo sacaran del centro docente, ya que «era demasiado falto de inteligencia para aprender»La madre del niño leyó la nota y dijo: «Mi hijo Tom no es “falto de inteligencia”. Yo misma le enseñaré.»

Cuando Tom murió muchos años después, los estadounidenses le rindieron homenaje apagando todas las luces del país durante un minuto. Pues este Tom fue el que inventó la lámpara incandescente; y no solo eso, también inventó el fonógrafo y un rudimentario proyector de películas. En total, Thomas Edison patentó más de mil inventos.  A mi madre le debo lo que soy!

9. AIf you own incalculable riches, chests of gold, coveted jewelry, you could never be richer than I, because I had a mother that read to me.
Sí poseas riquezas incalculables, cofres de oro y joyas deseables,
jamás podrás ser más rico que yo: pues tuve una madre que me leyó.—Strickland Gillian (1869-1954)
10. Prov 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
Proverbios 31:10 Mujer virtuosa, ¿quién la hallará? Porque su estima sobrepasa largamente a la de las piedras preciosas.
11. Never in life will you find a tenderness, a depth, a sacrificial-ness and truth better than the one found in your mother.
Jamás en la vida encontraréis ternura mejor, más profunda, más desinteresada ni  verdadera que la de vuestra madre--Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850), novelista francés.    
12.  What makes a mother so wonderful is that she has a self-denying spirit that gives up all the time and strength needed, and even her own health, for the good of her son. 
Lo que hace maravillosa a una madre es el espíritu abnegado que la mueve a sacrificar tiempo, fuerzas y, de ser necesario, hasta la salud por el bien de su hijo. 
13.My life began when I woke up and loved the face of my mother. 
Mi vida comenzó cuando desperté y amé el rostro de mi madre.—George Eliot (1819-1880), British Novelist.  
14. Motherhood is one of the most important professions there are. It demands one have more knowledge of all subjects related to man.
La maternidad es la más importante de todas las profesiones.Exige más conocimientos que cualquier otro asunto relacionado con el hombre.—Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) 
15.Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Prov. 31:28 Se levantan sus hijos y la llaman bienaventurada;
   Y su marido también la alaba:

16.  The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
La mano que mece la cuna, es la misma que rige el mundo. William Wallace (1819-1881) 

Everyone has a different memory of what their mother was like, some have better memories than others, but in the end you are here, you were fed, you did have clothes, and you do remember the time you had together. The milk, food and the love kept you alive as a child. Without love and attention, children die. 

Let’s pray for them to have the strength they need to do so many things for their families, church, and friends in need. Any woman who does not accept being a sacrificial mother to her children condemns her own self by putting her innocent children at risk to the wolves of the world. Where there are few mothers, the world suffers! 

Let’s honor and pray for the faithful mothers today!
It is the women, the mothers, throughout historythat have been the ones to bring about a real change in society, in their homes, and with their children!  Let’s pray the Lord brings more mothers our way to learn about God’s word! 

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Is It Holy to Enjoy The Festivals of Man?

Is It Holy to Enjoy The Festivals of Man?       Kelly Durant.  5-7-18

Luke 7:33-35 For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ 34 The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ 35 But wisdom is justified by all her children.”

2. I recall when I was a child, being raised in the church, that there were always adult characters that were always somber and serious, and it seems that for them to worship God they had to put on that stiff face of ‘see me here suffering’ for Christ. The subliminal doctrinal communication of many churches for the longest time is church is not a place for pleasure and enjoyment, the church is a holy place and you are here for your catharsis, for your purging and painful redemption that must be repeated weekly. So we thought this was being holy?

As a child it is scary to think that religion is some type of bitter medicine that if you don’t take it you are going to get sick and die and go to hell! If there are any children listening to me now, listen to this, when you are a bit older you must go back and re-read all of God’s word to understand many things you missed as a kid getting the kids version of the gospel! God is love and he wants us happy!

The truth of the Word is powerful and only later in life, as a teenager, or as a past 21 year old adult do you get a full understanding and eye opening after you decide to obey it and live it.  God’s Word does transform you but that is after you get a touch from the Holy Spirit by seeking Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. It begins when you decide to love God! He loved your first, you know, and the closer you are to Him the more you will experience what holiness is.

3. Where did this concept of having to be sad, somber, and lifeless originate in order to please the Holy God? It began with the dawn of the pagan religions! With the sons of Cain who rejected worshiping God as their loving creator and they formed false gods, animalistic and cruel oppressive gods to be worshipped. Ever since the redemption of Jesus on the cross the Gnostics, the hypocrites, the immature, the Satanic followers and the ‘spiritually lazy ignorant folks’ have been perverting the gospel to be a bitter pill so undesirable that no one dare try it. Forget those fridge faces! Pray and discern, not everyone in the Christian church is a true believer and follower of Jesus who said we would be happy if we knew what He taught. John 13:17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.

Most people think that others will believe what they tell them about their selves; they may be miserable but they lie and say they are happy. Words are only a part of who you are; people are discerning all about you by the looks on your face be they happy or sad, by the attitudes you express in conversations, and by the feelings they get when they hear your tone when you speak about God and others. Do people feel you love God and others? What do you make people feel anyway, happiness, indifference, or sadness? Do they see you as holy? In church in particular, when you are supposed to be happy and praising God, are you by your somberness figuratively throwing water on the fire of those who are shining for Jesus? Pray for God’s holy fire to purge you so the final result is all the dross burnt away and only happiness and joy in the Lord remain! Holiness is happiness.

Churches, or Corps as we call them, are our safe spaces where we can meet and pray and communicate with God. They are places of fellowship where we learn the Word of God, and they serve to have a place to unite us, make us feel love, the love of God and the love of each other. So these holy and sacred places are supposed to have the function of filling you up with love, and if not then they are not serving their holy reason to exist! If church becomes a ritual, a pain, a bitter pill, then that would be the fault of the theology, pastors, or the people in the congregation for allowing in that unloving and the unholy attitude. But the mission is not just behind these 4 walls! It is out where the people are!

4. One of my favorite phrases from the Holy Scriptures is the “Joy of the Lord is your strength”. It is from Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” There was going to be a festival, a holy day, and God was commanding the people to enjoy it! And to share it with all!

The Hebrews have several “holy” days a year, and they serve different purposes, some to remember their pain and years of slavery, while others are to be happy occasions. There is a time for everything, but in general when we meet to worship the Lord, we should be doing it with happy thankful hearts. In particular, when we do our praising with music, we all should join in and sing and be happy. If nothing makes you happy about praising God, hearing His Word, and being in fellowship with others, then you had better check your heart and ask God for a repentance and forgiveness for not desiring Him and His people. Smile and get a victory!

So if God wants the hearts of people happy, which only can happen after there has been a purging of the heart and a full acceptance of the forgiveness of Jesus, how is it so many people have a hard time with that? I think it is from guilt! Many people feel unworthy to be happy, so they take on the attitude in church that they must always be sorrowful to please God. Well, if you are doing something that makes you sorrowful, some sin you will not let go of, then let it go! Repent, and go and sin no more! Don’t be a bad testimony for Jesus by making it look like you are sad and never forgiven and week after week having to punish yourself with a long face being in church. This is totally the wrong way to practice the faith. A religion that wants to hang a ‘Damocles sword’ over your head should be considered a pagan one, a controlling one, and sadly a majority of Christian churches (along with all the false religions of the world) practice this very thing. Please, turn your eyes upon Jesus, it is Him that saves!

5. So there are the strict somber holy ones but what about the Christian who wants to have too much fun? Not here, but in other places you hear the rumors, “Did you know so and so was seen at the Club last night”. Hum, well, how did you know? We have the perception that living a holy life should be one of depravity, one where all sins are prohibited except for over eating. Again, this Is not holiness, but night clubs are a bad environment.  We must avoid activities that give the appearance of wrongdoing, or do things that would stumble someone.

Actually, if you are living a holy life, you will feel complete and so good and happy and blessed and full of the Spirit all the time that you will feel little desire to want to be entertained by the world and be around the people of the world who are obviously trying to make their selves feel good by being around others with artificial stimulations (excessive, dance and drink, etc.). These people may laugh with friends but you and I can often see in their eyes sadness, worry and confusion. But more often than not many of the local festivals, national ‘holidays’, Thanksgivings, and Spring Parades, are inspirational and we should be there in them. These are harmless compared to other things. Representing Jesus and the Salvation Army in kiosks, my wife and I have represented Jesus and TSA in several dozens of festivals, 5 de Mayo (s), International Fairs, parades, etc.  

Here is a thought, if Jesus attended parties and banquets even with publicans and sinners, why are we not celebrating with others as well?  Marriages, parties, quincianeros (15 year birthdays), new babies, all are motives to get together with others, even those who are worldly.Luke 16:9 And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. Jesus is saying, go, be friends with those of the world (of course don’t partake of sins as some of them do) and by winning them to the Lord, they may have your back one day when you need it! We cannot disqualify ourselves from being with others just because they may not be Christian, but by being with them, we have opportunity to tell them about Jesus and our faith.  KD

6. Jesus attended parties. As a matter of fact the first miracle Jesus did was turning water into wine! The people had already drank all the big cisterns of wine and Jesus is making more? Wouldn’t they get tipsy? What does that tell you? He was not against people enjoying life! And these were ordinary folks at this party, not a bunch of holy rabbis debating doctrine. Observe that Jesus attended all kinds of events and mixed with all kinds of sinners so he could share with them all about the Kingdom of God. 

Well, in the Salvation Army we can be around people of the world but we do not drink alcohol because Satan messed it up for us. With some of our brothers in our facilities getting over addictions, we just abstain to prevent any temptation. If all the people of the world drank in moderation all could be well, but because quite a few, about 1 in 10 actually, have abused alcohol and changed their DNA into dependency, we no longer drink so we are not tempting these weak ones by them knowing we get to have it and they don’t. For their sake we do without. As God’s people we are able to do things in moderation, or even give them up them, but not the people of the world who are weak without faith, they get out of control!

Ephesians 5:18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit. We must also recall also that Jesus even said he would not drink wine again until all was finished and then He would drink it again with us, the saints of God, at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. (Which is after His return).

7. So, yes, we should enjoy the festivals, parades, and parties but as Christians we should use them as a means to give our testimonies and win souls to Jesus! Isn’t that what the Salvation Army has always done? Aren’t we in the Rose Bowl Parades, in the football half-times with our marching bands? Did you go to the Apple Blossom Festival? I went in uniform so the people could be reminded we are here doing God’s work. I love to be with people having fun and some of you do too, but even if you hate crowds, you should do all things to glorify God and be a witness for Jesus. We are the salt and light and we must make it shine!

Listen to this, I met a man here in Winchester told me of something he remembered as a U.S. Army soldier from the Korean war that the young Salvationist girls would give out ‘War Crys’ and tell them about Jesus in the bars! Girls, who is brave enough to go into the bars and do that?! Well, I wish we could do this again, but laws, and dangerous people make it difficult. Beautiful, right?

My wife and I have gone door-to door and to businesses hundreds of times in our lives inviting people to receive Jesus by doing the sinners prayer and inviting them to the Corps (Church).  So don’t condemn brave ones on the front lines, festivals are good excuses for us to get involved with the people, and it is your and my job to preach the gospel! By the example of Jesus we see this implies by all means possible and ways! When people celebrate something in the world, we should show up and offer them God’s love, Jesus, and our happy filled with the Holy Spirit enthusiasm, which really is worth celebrating! Set yourself on fire for God and the world will come out to watch you burn!

8. So what is the conclusion? We do all things with the intention of glorifying God! The people of the world with their guilty unrepentant hearts always want to throw stones at those (us) who stand up for Christ or just causes, so just shake it off! So whether you are sober seeking God sacrificing in the extreme, or whether you are happy serving God even going to parties, some will love you and others will hate you. Those that reject Jesus will despise you when happy and they will despise you if you are preaching at them convicting them to repent as well! But those who want Jesus will think you are just a friendly person who has happiness to share with them. 

Luke 7:33-35 For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ 34 The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ 35 But wisdom is justified by all her children.”
The Salvation Army is a holiness movement and we do it Jesus way! Our history of taking marching bands and preaching to the lost ones in the East London bars proves we are not afraid to go anywhere, do anything for God and souls, and take care of those suffering. It’s because of Jesus blood and the fire of the Holy Spirit! So holiness includes a wholeness of all people included, one of not discriminating against the sinful, addictive, worldly lost sheep who may come to Jesus, that is if someone like you and me are present there to tell them.    

My friends, we are to be like Jesus! We need to be out there meeting the publicans and sinners where they are, in their activities and festivals. Jesus did not say, be like John the Baptist, make yourself suffer and eat only bugs (wild locust) and honey preaching repentance only. We are to go to the parties of our heathen sinful neighbors and be a testimony to them so that they can be happy in Jesus if they would only give Him a try. We are their opportunity to see a whole new perspective: God’s Spirit coming alive in their lives! Go for souls and go for the worst!