Destructions, Bad Leaders, and the Rebuilding of the A.C. Kingdom. By Kelly Durant
Exodus 1:8
Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.
2. I recall when I was in the OSU college there was a campout one weekend and everyone was around the campfire discussing rock bands, politics, and the future. I recall one guy had on some expensive mountain boots and he had them so close to the fire they were getting toasted. I asked, “Hey don’t you care you boots are getting burnt?” “Nay, my parents will get me new ones”, he replied. In shock I asked another friend beside me, “What’s up with him?” He replied that he was a rich spoiled kid and he did not value things as how we do who have to work for things! That was one of my first lessons on how a person would destroy in order to get new at someone else’s cost. This repulsiveness seems to be the norm for some today!
There is a lot of destruction happening in the world lately but not always are the boots getting replaced! Or they are getting replaced but with something inferior, or a cheap fix! I am using this metaphor as we painfully watch the destruction of vast mega cities and countries, and it is all due to a change in ungodly leadership. The leader of a country, religion, city, or household really does make a major influence on how well the people can live, or not live.
If you follow the news you may observe entire countries have lost practically all of their wealth and it is due to the fault of some bad wasteful destructive dictator that cares not for God, the Bible, or anything having to do with the high standards of Christian morals and respect for the well-being of others, and then he might be a religious extremist. The world seems to be going to hell, burning up with violence, increasing as Jesus said it would be “as in the days of Noah”.
3. I think the Christian world is still in great pain after the killing of over 350 in Sri Lanka last Easter week! Plus, more than a 1,000 dead in Nigeria this year! The destruction of properties, and the killing of Christians is getting out of control because evil is spreading. The Bible always has the patterns of truth revealed and we can compare the past to the present and future to know what is going on in the spirit. For destructions to happen, someone is usually financing it and others agreeing to it, or it just normally wouldn’t happen at random. Destruction is almost always planned for a purpose, for sympathy, money, or the bringing in of a new authority. The model for the occult world is the ‘phoenix’, to destroy and then rebuild from the ashes.
And here is an article that will make you wonder about the destruction of Notre Dame. It expresses that donors want to rebuild it, but not as it was originally, which represents the old Christianity. Some claim already that not even the 1 billion dollars raised could restore it, so it might be that it will be rebuilt differently as some multi-religious center to include all faiths.
Here is a factual problem, you can never make all the people happy, even offering them equality of religions and/or monetary benefits to all whether they work or not. The ‘yellow vest’ protesters are already going crazy in the city of Paris over the rebuilding of the Church because of the inequality of the wealth. Imagine, there’s a billion dollars for a building and nothing for the poor! Their taxes are so high they are becoming poor while the rich flaunt their wealth, and this is like history repeating itself in France, and we know how that revolution turned out!
4. Throughout time, because Satan has appropriated this world, common people suffer under leaders who abuse money, power, and manipulative religions. For example, the children of Israel lived somewhat respected for a good amount of time in Egypt (after Joseph saved them all from starvation!) because the Pharaohs had learned to respect our God, The Lord of Host who does miracles; it was to their convenience to do that. But then what happened?
From the first chapter in Exodus we read, ‘Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph’. This implied that this new leader, or despotic king, was not like the series of past leaders who maintained and conserved a healthy respectful attitude towards the Israelites. Compare these next verses in Exodus 1 with the world’s current day Christians in mind.
9 And he said to his people, “Look, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we; 10 come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and it happen, in the event of war, that they also join our enemies and fight against us, and so go up out of the land.” 11 Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh supply cities, Pithom and Raamses. 12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were in dread of the children of Israel.
5. In our modern day, the ‘Pharaohs that know not Joseph’ are the world’s rich and powerful who are pushing divisive agendas for their New World Anti-Christ Order. But who knows about this already and resists it? Christians! How do we know? The prophecies of Jesus! Who do they hate and want to outlaw claiming he taught hate speech? Jesus and his followers!
I want to point something out about the children of Israel at that time. They lived under one of the most powerful deceptive spell casting, spiritually oppressive, idol worshipping people of all time. The ancient Egyptians, who claimed to be gods, or hybrid gods descendants of gods, who could turn staffs into snakes and do signs we are unable to do today. Exodus 7:12
For every man threw down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods. God’s power is always the mightiest, never forget that!
These ritualistic polytheists are still idolized by secret societies today and considered to be illuminated due to their works. They were the builders of the pyramids applying intricate cosmological math, and they erected impressive idol creations. What they sinisterly did was set up a pyramid standard of a slave system with elites oppressing the masses below. And I deduct that their gods with dog and bird heads with human bodies were actual real human hybrids and they were giant in size. Today scientists raise pigs with human hearts, and who knows what other kinds of hybrids are being created? Look it up, U.N. laws allows a 50% mix of human DNA with any other DNA. Marvel characters and sci-fi movies are conditioning the masses to accept lab created perversions and our future is frightful. These are creations as from the bottomless pit described in Revelation, chapter 9. Pop artists today promote illuminati doctrines!
6. But how did the children of Israel respond to all of this Luciferianism while they lived amongst them? They maintained their worship to our one God, Yahweh the whole time! For over 400 years they did not compromise their convictions, get persuaded by deceptions, or give in to become culturally adapted to the dominating force that had absorbed all the nations nearby.
Exodus 13:14 So it shall be, when your son asks you in time to come, saying, ‘What is this?’ that you shall say to him, ‘By strength of hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. With Moses from Egypt they went on to the Promised Land, which was to be not a kingdom on earth, but a kingdom forever; a heaven for us who remain faithful to Jesus!
And interestingly enough it was prophesied that Jesus should see Egypt, to learn how they adhered to the false gods of this world. As a toddler he lived there 2 years. Matthew 2:15
and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.” Egypt represents the sins offered to you by the world and everyone must get these Egypt type idolatries out of their lives! Today may be your day to answer a call to serve God full time! Have you prayed over that?
7. So how pure and dedicated to God are you? Would you be able to remain firm in your faith as the Israelites did, even when the evil oppressive rulers demand you feed your babies to the crocodiles? Today it is abortion for population reduction. Remember Moses by a miracle was saved from that fate and even growing up in the luxury palaces, he did not conform to become one of them. His mother taught him about God!
You could deduct that throughout all time Satan and his people have been governing through rulers who are dedicated to Him committing all kinds of evil while the people who chose God will never compromise and will remain firm in God’s commands.
Joshua 24:15
And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Again, you and I appalled by spoiled, evil people, don’t you see how important it is to serve in a mission like the Salvation Army?
8. Destruction doesn’t always come in a physical form as in the destruction of buildings and people. This is just the manifestation of the wars going on in the spirit. The real war is happening within the spiritual realm and in our herats and minds. Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. So we need God’s armor on if we are going to endure to win against falling under someone’s evil rule, and against our own weaknesses and temptations to sin and conform to the world.
Do you conform to society, to the wishes of evil oppressive rulers who know not God ,who push illogical destructive ideologies and agendas? Some misguided denominations are bringing in Trojan Horses into the Christian church and entire denominations are getting destroyed. If anyone ever starts preaching that all religions are the same, that all go to heaven no matter the sin, that Jesus is not the absolute truth then that person would be anathema having become a part of the NWO anti-Christ agenda! Be sober and vigilant Satan is deceiving too many!
Currently we live in a world where 13 families with ancient bloodlines own more than half the world, and they all seem to push the same anti-Christ agendas in order to create in fighting and division. We live in a world where certain religions and countries are building up their forces for world domination and they all hate Christians who are in the way! Imagine, nobodies like you and me are in the way of them controlling the masses by deception! It is because of Jesus, who affirms, ‘the truth will set you free!’ Technology with facial recognition and social ratings is empowering them to bring about a world totalitarian slave regime, which may happen worldwide even by the year 2030. Tech toys are now made into weapons in the hands of the current Pharaohs who care not for God! In China you get points to turn in your Christian friends so they can be jailed and made into slave labor at their re-education camps. Horrible, right?
9. In the Salvation Army our magazines have the title ‘War Cry’, implying we battle against the evil around us. In order to bring on a better future, one with the Kingdom of God’s love and service to the suffering as the mission, so we must disrupt the present imposing evil of ‘Pharaohs who know not God’! Don’t blindly follow, support, or admire any corrupt leader, media guru, or pop artist, they are all destructive and we must separate ourselves from their influence on us. Consider these quotes by Catherine Booth: “It seemed clear to me from the teaching of the Bible that Christ's people should be separate from the world in everything which denoted character and that they should not only be separate but appear so.” ...If you choose to be an Officer in the Salvation Army, you are for sure combating evil in one of the most effective ways.
This goes along with the scripture 2 Corinthians 6:17
Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.” How much of the sin of the world do you accept? In your daily life, do you show that you are a child of God, or are you just like everyone else? Those that do not obey Jesus do not know Him, so how do they expect to get into heaven?
And this: “If we are to better the future we must disturb the present.” Resisting the ungodly, exposing the evil in the world’s political leaders and pop media artists will cause you will lose friends and create enemies, but you must oppose the increasing overt anti-Christ agendas and battle for life, freedom, and truth as Jesus Himself did! Stand up for Jesus! Matthew 10:34
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword” Even though the ‘ones who know not God’ will reject you, a whole Army of Christians will be your brothers and sisters forever! Whose side are you on? Be there all the way!
Who leads us, protects us, illuminates us, and empowers us? Jesus! Those connected to Jesus, those who pray, those who read the Word for strength will have the Holy Ghost power to call out evil when it is in their face and in their community! As evil increases your faith had better increase or you are going to compromised and probably lose your soul to hell! Never fall under the spell of those who control this world and hate Christ! No matter how oppressive, deceptive, or persuasive, resist the aggressive ones who “know not God”. And offer everyone who may be confused, unhappy, or oppressed in life salvation in Jesus, amen? Do you know Him? Serve Him full time and see how His power will do miracles and transform lives!