Saturday, July 25, 2020

What Makes Us Hate one Another? It’s Satan’s Pride!

What Makes Us Hate one Another?  It’s Satan’s Pride!        Kelly Durant

Galatians 2:6 But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepts no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me.

2.  I recall when I was a child that in school there would always be a few kids in the group that didn’t care for me and I didn’t care for them. I remember I never understood why that dynamic would happen even on the first day. Was it a personality clash? Was it just pure mean-ness? Or was it racism? (But they were same color as myself) Why the hate? Why the meanness? Have you had a similar experience at school, at a job, or God forbid, at church? 

It was not racism back then because in my case we were of the same race! Today, however, the divisive people of Satan want us programed to believe everything is due to racism, and usually the real racists are the first ones to accuse another of being racist! But hatred includes much more than racism. Why do we reject certain people and why do they reject us?

Looking back as an adult here is how I analyze the mutual rejection of another. Many of our attitudes are formed by observations that we are not even noticing that we notice. So when someone looks at you with disgust, when someone mocks you over your glasses, hair, size, clothes, or anything, when someone is different but arrogant and unfriendly, then is when a sour attitude forms. We might even allow our feelings to evolve into hate if we don’t have Jesus in the middle of our lives reminding us that it is wrong to not love your neighbor. In pride people think they are better than you over something, and that is inexcusable as God made us all to be loved and valued and deserving of respect.

3.  When a certain person dislikes another they can’t even walk across the room without them criticizing how they walk! For one, as adults, we have to get over the fact that there will always be people different from us and we should never take on an arrogant attitude that we are any better than anyone else. This is pride which is a major offense to God! It’s so wrong that pride is not shamed and punished as it should be! A person might say, ‘Look that person has the sin of gluttony, while that accuser has the horrible sin of pride and hypocrisy! “We have ALL sinned and come short of the glory of God!” Romans 3:23

What separates us from God and from each other is ‘pride’. Forget the deceptive words Satan and his demons in power have conjured up in the past decades to divide us with words such as homophobia, xenophobia, bigotry and racism. The real culprit is pride and arrogance as some people take on the liberty to hate another being deceived to think they are superior and should judge us. The ones who hold up signs of ‘Stop the Hate’ are quite often the ones that are perpetuating the hate! (Or hate for another) These people are arrogantly imposing their sinful preferences on you condemning you for your values! We have freewill and you and I have no obligation to accept any posture or proposition someone suggests just because someone demands you or I do. 

Scripture confirms we are to not to accept others who falsely make their selves out to be superior, that is in their idea of morals, race, or creed, because we are the saved children of God! We see through how they are just instruments of the devil who attack others. Paul fought against bad influencers. In Galatians the folks wanted their Jewish customs to dominate into the Christian church and Paul stood up to them! We also should resist all those who try to divide us today. 

Galatians 2:6 But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepts no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me.  We do not need to accept those who think they are important, these esteemed by the world as big leaders with big agendas. Look up Luke 16:15 And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts.) For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

4. Love begets love! But hate begets hate! It is hard to respect another person who is disrespecting you over your race, religion, education level, or moral preferences. If you are to live a true Christian life, you have morals and high pure principles and abide by scripture. Never let immoral despots condemn you or discourage you! You are God’s child and they are not or they would not attack you.In our fake world full of lying news there is also fake goodness! Proverbs 20:6 Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? 

Ephesians 5:5
‘For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God’. Those bringing division are usually guilty of these sins listed here. We don’t hate people but we do hate the destruction, hate, and division they bring about which causes souls to go to hell! They do not want to be condemned by what sins they choose and yet they want to hate on you for sins you may not even have! And almost always these people hate God, the Bible, and you, so why would we give them any mind or approval at all as they blatantly disrespect everything Biblical?  

5. We should be nice to all and merciful, loving our enemies, and we must pray these conflictive, combative, bitter people will come to the light of God and repent and find Jesus. Jesus is the true light and way to unite us, never Lucifer!
It is disgusting how some people, and many in authority, want to harp on how evil a certain person, group, race, religion, or country is, and at the same time demand respect for their ugly sinful selves and destructive positions which hurts the good of the community. 

No one anywhere respects hypocrisy and a double standard! Those that want violence stopped must stop doing it as well. Jesus shamed hypocrites, and if there are hypocrites amongst us we should reprove them. Hypocrites usually want to kill you and shut you up though if you do expose them or snitch on them. John 3: 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

How crazy things are! 2020 has brought us into a climate of idiocy, dysfunction, lawlessness, and hypocrisy! Fake news confusion, and open illuminati actors and musicians, along with the United Nations are all in a huge push to prepare us to accept the New World Order and their leader, which is Satan incarnate, so it is obvious we are required to hate the current one(s) in power as they want to usher in their deceived followers. Satan is the ultimate hypocrite seeking our submission by imposing fear, and he wants to be worshipped and then he gets the pleasure of bringing eternal death to our souls in hell! Those with the Holy Spirit can identify it clearly, but weak Christians, and the people of the world will swallow all the lies thrown at them and believe them. Coming to church doesn’t guarantee you protection and heaven when you die, only a persistent faith and a filling up with God’s Word defending Jesus’ teachings will get you that!

6. The people of the earth, not God’s children who are the bride of Christ, will swallow up all the world’s lies like drinking filthy water. Revelation 12:15 (This is in context of the end-times and the anti-Christ serpent) ‘And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman (against us, the believers), that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood’. Satan tries to deceive Christians but the true ones do not swallow just anything! We do not drink the world’s cool aid! 16 ‘And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth’.

We must spiritually discern, God’s children must naturally and consciously reject the floods of propaganda which is laced with sin, hate, evil, hypocrisy, and all divisiveness. Too many people are mind controlled by fear and destructive information! Your peers in the community will complain that Christians only listen to and follow certain people that they deem as bad, because they say, ‘We only listen to these certain expert folks and we only accept what our group leaders say’. Is that following Jesus? No! Satan’s hypocrites complain always about how dumb Christians are yet they want us to just follow them in their manipulated crowd but where are they taking people?! Remember how the Jews got the crowd to be traitors to Jesus and yell, ‘Crucify Him!’ and Jesus had been recognized as the authentic Messiah just a few days earlier?! Be careful who you listen to!

Be warned, when serious persecution comes, some in the church will also betray our brothers and sisters unless they (you and me) continue to have a sincere ongoing deep connection with God! (See Matthew 24) Only if you are full of the fresh water of the Word of God (Jesus), will your spirt then not drink up the filthy, divisive, hate filled fake water of the serpent! 

7. So what divides us as a society is not altogether what we have been told and sold as they say it is racism, sexism, or other -isms, the divisions come from false accusations, pride and arrogance; from loud people chanting empty with demonic fury! What was the sin of Lucifer? What caused God to exile and condemn him? In him was found pride! He thought he could be worshipped the same as God! But he was only a created angel! He wanted to have the power and not God! Isaiah 14 

Be aware and beware, people who want power, those who burn cities being a part of anti-God, atheistic politics, or Luciferian worship; they are demonically controlled by lies and they will murder. Apostacy is on the rise as was said how it would be in the last days with people departing from the faith! 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 

Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate.
Ezekiel 16:49 Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 
Isaiah 13:11 “I will punish the world for its evil, And the wicked for their iniquity; I will halt the arrogance of the proud, And will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.

8. It is hard to do but we are to love even our enemies, even those that hate us. Despite how we may dislike or hate the sin of another, we must forgive their ignorance as we too in the past were sin controlled zombies that needed Jesus to radically change us! God will save anyone that repents!

So who is on board with Jesus? Who is willing to go against the current of the flood of lies that we should hate one another over class, race, politics, or anything? Who is willing to humble their selves and be a ‘nobody’ for Jesus dying to their selves and forsaking their pride? Who wants to wake up and discern that we have been duped into being divided? We all really can love one another and I don’t find it that hard to do when you have Jesus inspiring your day!

The verses of today confirm God accepts no person as they are. We must never think we are better than anyone, we must always esteem others above ourselves!  Philippians 2:3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. The difference you and I can make is that now we love Jesus and by the will of God we will love our neighbor as our self! Pray for those who offend, hate, and destroy, Jesus wants to save their soul!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Comfort/Consolation: Give It & Take It!

Comfort/Consolation:  Give It & Take It!                    By Kelly Durant 8-10-14 Re7-19-20
Romans 1:11-12 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; 12 That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.
2. How many of you have ever heard the story about the person in the mental hospital that bangs their head on the wall and they do it off and on all day? The professionals and doctors decided to go in the cell and interview the crazy man, “Why do you bang your head on the wall?” The man looks at them dumbfounded and answered, “Don’t you know? Because it feels so good when I stop!”
Believe it or not, this pattern of seeking pain, then relief, is a reality for many people in this life who live without a connection to the Lord! People live on a treadmill of up and down because they have never known real love, healing, and comfort from God! I have known people who seem to thrive in life, not on encouragement and comfort, but thrive on discouragement and bad news! They seem to be energized running from one crisis to the next just to get attention!
Real life examples: I have dealt with a dozen or more people in my past who from week to week always have a life and death emergency crisis and they’d say, “Oh, pastor you must help me right now! I don’t have my rent money this week!” Then next week they’ll tell me someone robbed them, then the next week a car hit them, then after that they have to move and no one is there to help them, so I am expected to answer the call! I have helped a dozen or more move. These opening words would give me a chill, “Oh pastor, you don’t know what happened to me now!” That phrase meant I was going to be interrupted and busy doing something unplanned for. I am not complaining about serving others, this is what I am here for, but my concern is how do we fix this situation that certain people have so many problems non-stop and seem energized living in the crisis mode? They need an extra dosage of comfort and Jesus!
3. All of us confront problems in life, but it is how one handles them that matters! Crisis situations are not the whole problem, how one reacts and handles them determines if matters will calm down or if they will get worse! The reaction of most Christians is to ask for prayer and help from a brother or sister, and this is the way it is supposed to be.  We are supposed to help one another. Galatians 5:13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.  In other words don’t abuse, but serve, or be served, and with love.
The issue is many people without the Lord in their lives are weak and obsess over things. There are many TV shows on people’s addictions such as drugs or alcohol, or an addiction to hoarding things which is idolatry and materialism, or to eating, or politicians addicted to power, or to botox, or obsessed with music, exercise, or to anything actually can become an obsession! People become extreme and crazy to lust and want and get, and to get attention, and why? It is because God’s love and Jesus does not fill their empty hearts so they get crazy trying to get satisfied with something, or just anything! They crave one more bite, one more drink, one more relationship, one more person helping them as a victim and yet nothing soothes the soul! 
It is like that old song by the Rolling Stones (a song deemed #1 of the century?!) ‘I Can’t Get No Satisfaction’. When I was about 10 years old I played that miserable song over and over non-stop for hours and days on a 45 record (making my mother crazy!) and I thought to myself, you mean he is a rich and famous rock star and he is not happy? No satisfaction in life?! Well, it is true, people without God, whether rich or poor, are never content, they are always obsessing, stressing, and creating drama if no drama is coming to them! It is a lifestyle! And a stressful one at that!
4. So if we look at the scripture today, Paul in Romans 1 is expressing that no matter how dark this world is, no matter how many horrible sins are taking place around you (see the rest of the chapter), our comfort is in the encouragement and comfort we can give each other and get from God through the Holy Spirit!  Paul mentions “impart a spiritual gift” and what does that mean? Paul wants to empower every believer against the evil ones, problems, and hardships that attack each one of us as a Christian.  
The gifts of the spirit we have learned are in I Cor. 12:8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
So basically, the Word of God encourages and comforts us, it tells us to seek the Spirit and no matter the problem we face, God will make a way for us to get by without us worrying, obsessing, or becoming crazy!  If we are ignorant on matters, God increases our knowledge, if we doubt the faith or need faith for our needs, God will supply it. When we are sick, God will often heal us and even do miracles! God’s Spirit can help us to discern between the true and false, and even help us to learn languages, or understand people speaking in the Spirit.  These are all Spirit gifts we share and they are all done within the context of us helping one another by praying and sharing them, practicing them within our community of brothers & sisters.
5. So why do we have such an abundance of craziness, obsessiveness, and drama in the world today? It is in great part because of the lack of (or rejection of) the knowledge of God (which Romans 1 makes clear), but also according to the verses today, we could conclude it is a lack of us comforting one another in hard times as we should be.  Paul says, “that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me”. Let’s look at comfort a bit deeper.
Paul is clearly saying here that it is our faith in Jesus that brings us comfort and we must comfort one another, He wants to give comfort and he wants to receive it. How do you comfort another person? That depends, right? Comfort is a personal thing, you have to be with the person, you must communicate and share the faith together which implies praying, studying, and listening to what that person’s needs are. You may not have the answers to all their needs, but when you pray for them God will answer somehow, right? The biggest problem is many people do not know how to express what their needs are because their life is comprised of carnal things, and not spiritual things. The people ask for the carnal things, rent or bill money, but the greater need they have is spiritual. People do not see that it is their way of life and habits that are impoverishing them. The wounded person must first be healed; soup, soap, and then salvation!
6. God comforts us to be encouraged and consoled but not for us to get comfortable! In carnal people’s ways (Romans 1 describes quite a few!) there is the selfishness factor of some people that they start wanting all your time and attention, or too much comfort. To the contrary, I think none of us get tired of serving a Christian brother or sister because if they are true they will always appreciate it, and they serve you back when you need it! I personally have had to learn a balance to spend more time with our leaders, planning and doing, instead of too much of my time with people who are always going to keep having one crisis after another!  If I help a person 5 times, then maybe it’s time that I choose a different person to help them. But what can we do for the poor, old, single ones with no relatives in this country, and no welfare check?
The frustration is one is always trying to win someone to Christ and you serve them in their crisis, but then they may not even appreciate it! Often people want more and more and are abusive! I have had my kindness interpreted as stupidity a few times! Imagine a person almost homeless, you help them, and then they judge you as a dumb person to invest in them?! As I mentioned before, my commitment is to serve people with love and this implies doing things not very pleasant at times like going to represent them in the courts, helping pay late bills, visiting them in the hospitals, taking them to apply for jobs, and on and on. The factor is, neither you nor I can afford to get discouraged from dealing with the sufferings brought on by someone’s sin! Sin brings pain and when in pain it’s an emergency! Life is like a battlefield and as Christians we are the only soldiers still well enough to go out and rescue the fallen ones!
Remember the 10 lepers that Jesus healed, and only 1 came back to thank Him! The general mission of all of us in life is to preach the gospel and do good matter what and that includes showing God’s love by comforting, healing and  helping ! We cannot focus on ourselves and any reward in this life, we just must simply comfort each other however needed whenever needed! 2 Corinthians 1:4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
7. All of this to get you to think about the following, do you know what the greatest human need is? It is to be loved! Everyone is hungry for love, each one of us wants comfort, we all want connectedness and a feeling of belonging! As Christians we have a lot of work to do to be able to have confidence amongst ourselves to build up trust and feel free to confess our weaknesses and needs to one another. Can we trust that the other person will listen, care, pray, and comfort us? We all need comfort in our pain and we should be able to get it!
The problem is the following, those immature in the faith are like little children, they are selfish, they have no consciousness of the needs of others, and they are not aware of their own carnality and abusiveness of what they expect from others. They want to get help and comfort, but they do not give any! They obsess only over their own self! With some you may help them 2 dozen times, but that one day you cannot help them then you suddenly become the bad guy! In the end, our help is for the needy, not the greedy! But we focus on the good ones, some people really do change with love and Jesus, and this is our COMFORT to keep on ministering! The thankful ONES make our day!
Love, which entails comfort should work like this: we as Christians are tapped into God’s system, like a water system that never runs dry and the Holy Spirit fills us and refills us again so we just keep pouring out on others. Those that are empty and receive God’s love get filled up, and if they allow God’s healing, then they become whole, and instead of remaining broken and leaking out the love given them, they retain it, appreciate it, and then after getting full, they too start overflowing on others as well. This is also a way of observing how holiness works, God’s Spirit of purity fills us up until there is no more emptiness and then we overflow on everyone!
8. Referring to whom to comfort, as a pastor I always try to focus in on the neediest persons in the group, the weakest and most vulnerable, the ones suffering most.  A church should be a place where people arrive for love, comfort, and mercy! The mature are here to guide the immature; the strong are here to help the weak without a judgmental attitude. As believers we have all things common and we share with each other so that no one is suffering from a dire need. (Acts 2:44,45) It is the job of all Christians to know how everyone is doing spiritually and materially, and everyone should serve to show love and this brings comfort knowing that all areas are covered in our fellowship! 
Comfort is an expression of love and it is shown in many ways: it is a human need! Without natural affection babies have been known to die, so what about people?  Ask yourself right now, do I have the confidence to seek advice and comfort with a brother or sister near me? When is the last time you comforted another person who had a problem, something secret no one could know about?  Seriously, how do you serve others if you are not alleviating their distresses? It should be with acts of service and that is love in action! We need to establish closer relationships amongst ourselves so we have more love and confidence and God gives us our talents and the Holy Spirit to be used and shared.
All of us should do a better job of listening, understanding, and comforting others!  John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. John 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.  This love implies that your whole life is wrapped around others!
9. Do you know of anyone suffering or of anyone who gets into crisis often? Do you know of anyone who obsesses over things because they don’t have the peace of God in their heart and they are trying to fill a void?  Someone with no satisfaction with anything?  There is a cure!
Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” And this next verse is a promise I have claimed often…
Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you”.  Also, with the Holy Spirit anyone can access the gift of having a comforter or obtain the power needed to get through a trial… John 14:16 “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;”
10. Despite God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit comforting us we still need each other for comfort! We love God but equally as important, we must love our neighbor as ourselves! Comfort may be expressed with encouragement from sharing God’s word, through prayer, through serving or giving or providing in the time of need, through hugging someone who needs it, through loving care and concern, and even just by your presence by being there for them when they need you most! Do you allow yourself to be available? Break down your defensive walls, and connect with people on a human level! 
Jesus warned us how it would be in the last days. Matthew 24:12 “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Ask yourself, am I an indifferent, a self-protecting stagnant water type of Christian? Or do I overflow the Spirit on to others? Do I obsess and worry too much and live in the crisis mode? Or am I one that pours out the love and comfort of the Holy Spirit freely onto others? The formula of God has always been that to receive you must give! People are dying for a lack of love and comfort, so do something! 
Do you know of anyone who really does have a need to be comforted? If you do, then just act! Call them, visit them, spend time with them! Don’t worry about how much Bible you know to share; people are comforted just by knowing you care! You are a living Bible representing the Holy Spirit and Jesus to them! Break your old habits, learn to comfort or you will suffer and many others will continue to suffer as well! 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Compassion: Without it One Is Guilty of Hate

Compassion: Without it you are Guilty of Hate        Kelly Durant 
I Jn 3:14-18 
1 John 3:14-18 New King James Version (NKJV)
14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. 15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.
16 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?
18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

2.Compassion is sympathy for the suffering and a desire to help!
They say that giving a beggar a piece of bread is a civil duty, but to give him a bread with butter on it, now that is compassion! Compassion is a divine quality something that is in all cultures with a certain measure, but the damaging thing today is that it is something very much lacking in most cultures. 

The level of the spiritual, cultural, and moral development of any culture or people could be measured by how much compassion they have on others, especially on others different from their own selves! Reflect on history, I deduct that it has been mostly Christians throughout time that have proven over and over to be the ones to lead and to help when there is a dire need or severe crisis. 

Today I want you to ask yourself, how much compassion do I have? How much compassion does this community have? I think it still lacks all that is needed!

3. Are you the center of your universe, or is Jesus love at the center? In order to have compassion, you must have the ability to put yourself into the shoes of the other person. This takes not just a creative mind, but a willing heart! 

Think about what is inside of you. If you are only full of your own wants, your own needs, then you are self-focused. You have your-self as the center of your life, or at the center of the universe. This selfishness is what causes societies to come unglued and people start hating each other due to a lack of love. 

But if you have Jesus at the center of your life & heart, you will have the same heart of compassion and love that He has, and you will be willing to help anyone, anytime, of any race, just like in the story of the Good Samaritan.

4. Do you, to get what you want, throw a childlike temper tantrum, or do you intimidate and bully, or in hypocrisy spread hate on others who won’t treat you as a king or queen? Being self-focused is hate focused! Having no love means having no God of love in your life which means no salvation either! The verses today, 1 John 3:14,15 have within their context the relationship of how hate is connected to refusing to help someone in need and God equivocates this as murder. 

What is the difference between an adult and a child? A child only wants to get what he wants no matter the situation and they scream to get it. Some kids, even as big as teenagers will yell to their parents, “I hate you!” just to try and get what they want from them. We know, we lived through 5 of them!

Un-Christian indoctrinated by the world people do not care if you or the government doesn’t have the money or conditions to please them giving them all the power and money they want, they just want what they want and they therefore try to take it by aggressive force! Haters, and those who accuse others over their class or race are harboring death in their souls. They attract demon possessions and often become murders as stated in 1 John 3:15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

5. Hate=Murder: not giving to others in need! In the state of Alaska, where mostly whites and brown natives share the roads, if a person is on the street with a car motor stalled, by law you must stop and pick up that person. The reason for this is that person could actually freeze to death and die in some -30 below 0 temperatures within 10 minutes!

Not helping someone with a need is heartless and insensitive and it could cause their death.  But a real sacrifice to help someone with a need, that is a must, and sacrificial people will often receive honor and praise for being compassionate and saving someone’s life or situation!

Only love, not hate makes you pass from death to life! What we do in this life brings us either praise or scorn from God and from those around us. The people who let their selves be touched by Jesus’ love to the point that they want to be like Him, reveals they have entered into life with Him. However, hate, a which is a violent rejection, is a carnal, natural occurring human quality, but no one admires this horrible quality unless they are brainwashed by Satan’s people. Terrorists, racists, and warmongerers, are those that bring death and suffering to others and themselves. Everyone is on one path or the other, life, or death! 

6. Ask yourself, who do you hate secretly? Have you ever really tried to look deep into your heart as to why you do not like someone or somebody or a certain people? You may have an undiscovered bitterness; everyone does, and you need to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what that is so you can be free from it or it will condemn your soul to hell!

Hate manifests itself in bitterness, violence, and a non-stop stream of words that criticize, demean, and divide. Sadly, we see an increase of this of late!

These things separate you from the God of love. We hear in the media they hate of races but I have discovered many people secretly hate pastors, or sincere Christian leaders because they are envious of their power and influence over people. 

They are jealous over the love they receive because they cannot get love because they do not sew love to reap it! So they want to destroy anyone loving not being willing to love and sacrifice themselves as Jesus did. Jesus warned that if they hated Him, they will hate you and me as well.

7. To get love and compassion you and I must give our lives in service to Jesus! There is no noble society where selfishness is worshipped as virtue, all cultures value the sacrifice of others. But sacrifice to be honored by God should be done in the way as Jesus defined it in Matthew 25, caring for the hungry, thirsty, and poor; caring for the imprisoned and the destitute. 

Compare what Jesus taught to this bad example of sacrifice: In India, with the Hindu religion, the tradition has been that wives will allow their selves to be burned alive with their husbands dead bodies when they are at their funerals! 

That is a type of sacrifice our God of love does not desire! Laying down your life for Jesus means doing as he did, and that was in loving serving sacrifice. But these poor ladies do this because their idea of God is sadly totally distorted from the truth of God. Terrorists operate in the same way praising sacrifice whn it involves murder. Do you see how important it is to follow how Jesus defines what compassion and sacrifice really should be?

8. By their fruits you will know them! (Matt 7:20)The people that do good things for others and claim they do it for the love of our Lord Jesus, and it is obvious are not seeking glory, compensation, or recognition, should be honored as true and good. Those that do real deeds of compassion must be motivated out of their love for God. In the Salvation Army this ‘love for God’ is even in our mission statement.

Notice how in the community ever now and then some persons may comment terrible things about someone doing good, and why? These critics obviously have an evil heart and do not understand how people can be sincere in doing good works, that people do good because of pure love. Bad people always falsely accuse, and often these same ones got helped by the ones they criticize! 

I have experienced at times hateful words that came from nowhere! For example there might be a volunteer helping us many days and then later in comes to light that some others would be secretly accusing that they were getting their rent paid by us to help them. Do you see how evil minds fabricate lies? Usually people who accuse falsely have never been ones to do good works and help with a sincere heart, have you ever noticed that? 

9. The compassion of the world?! Satan is compassionate, in his own way, have you ever thought about that? He wants to show you and me he is more just and loving than God. However, in his ‘social justice scheme of things, the sharing of the goods from the rich to give to the poor, or from one people group to another, he murders millions! 

Satan works hard with his demons to run this world’s government systems, usurping God’s authority, and how does he do it? He establishes political systems of abusive that with murderous power give some crumbs to the poor to show how he will take care of the people better than what God’s people can.

Communism, the forced sharing of wealth offends God (it is imitating and mocking Acts 2:44.45) and enslaves everyone since it puts a gun in the face of those who worked to get what they have in order to give it to those who did not work or do anything to deserve it. What makes these traitors and terrorist feel worthy of these stolen goods is their faithfulness to worship their horrible socialist (or religious) leaders as gods for being so compassionate. Abhorrent, don’t you think? 

10. Excuses or compassion? In the end Satan convinces people to follow corrupt systems of false hopes when God’s people are doing too little to help. With all the churches in the United States, you would think there should not be a need that the government give a check to the unemployed or sick. Christians are supposed to be taking care of each other and of others outside of the church who are suffering. 

In the new testament recall God’s sharing system: Acts 2:44-4544 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. If we’re not helping each other, then we are failing God, and he will accept no excuses.

Love implies action! Compassion! Think a minute, what evidence is there for you to prove you have showed compassion to someone? Could you tell me about something you have done recently, and do you have a habit of helping those in need? If you are not in action, if there are not deeds to back up your words of good wishes for others, then compassion to you is just an esoteric term, not a tangible reality manifested in this world. It is not too late to get busy for the Lord!

11. Start with us: The SA is known for its compassion. I probably have told you many times that I love the Salvation’s Army way of serving others. Imagine you are not just being a part of a church but a part of a massive social work with over 3 million Soldiers and volunteers, with thousands of shelters, rehab centers, schools, and assistance happening world-wide! For me it is the most compassionate church that exists, that is why I choose to belong to it. But our compassion is limited to each person’s willingness to express it and what you do does affects a piece of the whole picture. It makes you proud to have a good name, right? But how sad when people may report that a certain work is doing nothing to help anyone in need!

People with compassion are full of love and compassion is a fruit of that love. Choose today how you are going to live, showing mercy as God shows mercy, or being hard hearted? Consider this: Proverbs 21:13 13Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard. God will deal with each person by how they have dealt with those he has created, your fellow man. Jesus said Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the mercifulfor they shall obtain mercy. 

12. People without love & compassion have never had a repentance! I am convinced by the verses of today, that those who do not love and help others in need are still full of hate and this makes them guilty before God as being a murderer. 18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

Those who selfishly only take care of themselves and never show compassion will discover God is angry with them and they will have no part in heaven! If you have the doubt that you are not full of compassion, that you are cold hearted, and you really do not care if your brother or sister’s suffering, then come and pray and ask God to break and remake you. 

In heaven there will only be those who have shown compassion which was motivated by their love for Jesus. The ones who have been rich and shared their riches will have rewards in heaven too if they have believed as Zacchaeus did. All the disciples had it, and every true authentic Christian will have testimonies of helping others too as a proof of their love for God, Jesus, and their neighbor! Now is our prayer time to ask the Lord for forgiveness if he is reminding you of sometime that you failed someone with a need. Or if the Lord has not converted your heart, then come and ask for Him to change it today!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Our Independence as a Christian People

Our Independence as a Christian People!   Re: 4th of July    
By Kelly Durant                      7-5-20

John 8:36  
36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Gal 5:1
1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

3. How did you celebrate the 4thof July? At home this year? Other countries celebrate at different times, Did you know that for Venezuela, it is today, July 5th? Did you know it is Biblical to remember when you as a people were liberated? In the Old Testament we see the clear example of the Jews remembering the Passover, the day that marked when they were set free.

4.That highlighted the day that pharaoh decided to let those enslaved people go with Moses to the Promised Land. Even today, the Passover is celebrated as a very holy day for the Jews. We should always reflect on the O.T. because it teaches us parallels to the life of Christ. We learn about oppression and freedom and how sin brings on oppression but holy living brings on freedom.

5. Easter for Christians marks our day of liberation! It’s our liberation from death, and do you recall it happened the next morning after Passover? Jesus resurrection brought freedom from death for all who believe in Him! The Jews then and even today still remember their freedom which was about 3,300 years ago. All people must remember their history and celebrate freedom as the Jews celebrate today their liberation of slavery in Egypt!

Christians everywhere celebrate obtaining their freedom from the slavery of sin and death at the same time the Jews got liberated from Egypt, which is a fulfillment of God’s parallelisms in prophecies! It is okay to be patriotic and share in the roots of the liberation of your people. After 14 years in South America, I am familiar with the history of Latinos. I am very glad that Mexico and South America did not remain under the domination of the Spanish. Spain freed them from the slavery of the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incans, but then Spain went on to make them slaves as well to mine their silver and gold. For thousands of years slavery was just the norm but thank God Simon Bolivar liberated them from Spain in the 1800s! But sadly Cuba, Venezuela, and other countries are again slaves under communism!

6. In English a famous saying is, “God and country!” and the supposition is that everyone reverences God first, then your country. That is a good ideology and it would make a more perfect world if every person reverenced the hierarchy in that order. We must remember these traditional phrases as they teach how things should be. But today some governing parties denounce and insult God and exalt their leaders as gods, and these leaders are horrible abusers and murderers. Without God the world’s people are heading for a new phase of slavery under a global anti-Christ system and it is all because people are distracted with sins, and deceived.   

7. In the Salvation Army there were a few good men that after they got out of the service from WWI & WWII, they joined the Salvation Army. This shows how people have served country and then God, later and thank God for that. We are an Army of Salvation, and there exists two totally different organizations and ideologies here. Our fight is to free souls doing all the work we can to liberate spiritual captives and bring them salvation in Jesus. The soldiers of the world keep us free from outside oppressors. Was Jesus concerned for people in bondage? Let’s look up a part in the scripture where Jesus gives His very first message on his mission: to give people freedom! 

8. Isaiah. Isa 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
God and His son are very interested in the liberty and spiritual freedom of each of us! When you first repented and received Jesus that was your Independence Day of sin, and death, and it was your rebirth into the family of God with eternal life!

9. Apart from everyone knowing the date from which your country was liberated from the oppressors, do you recall the date you personally were liberated from the oppression of the devil who would have destroyed your soul?

My date is the same as my birthday on 3-24, because it was coincidently then when I was 21 that I began a training to go abroad with a Christian mission group, and I left 6 months later to serve the Lord in Brazil, and then in other countries for 14 years! I think God I did that instead of staying bound in the world of sin I was in!

So now let me hear yours! When were you saved? Let me hear some of you, when was your independence day? (Others should speak out loud their dates)

10.How many of you have read the history of countries that get free from oppressors? Liberation and independence is a gift from God! 
But how many people do you know who could be free, remain captive?

How many of you have known of a young man or woman who wishes to escape the heavy abusive oppressing control of her father or mother, only to marry a person that does the same thing, that is, oppress, abuse, and dominate? Or have you seen a woman leave a marriage from a dictatorial man, and with her freedom rejoice she could start again only to see her end up with another man who dominates and beats her the same as the first one did? Do you see how we need God’s power in our life to not be a victim of oppression? 

11. Why does that happen in life? Why can’t we just live out the verse we read in the beginning, how if the son makes us free, then we are free indeed? Why is it people will not turn to Jesus? He is the only one who can change things! Sometime we will do an in depth study into Galatians but what was happening here in 5:1, but what was happening was that the common people were being converted to being a Christian but they were being told by the Jewish Christians in control that they had to now submit to all the Jewish laws and customs. That was not freedom in Jesus, but slavery!

In other words, Jesus came to free each of us from sin and to fulfill the law, and we are to obey His commands to love God and our neighbor and preach the gospel and serve others, but we will never be made perfect by legalism, be it Jewish or from some aberrant church! With Jesus, for 2,000 years now being “the way” to heaven, communicates that there is no other way or rules that will save you!

12. In vain the church in Galatians was trying to obtain perfection by legalism, and what it turned out to be was a church full of oppression! How many of you have darkened the door of Christian churches that are full of oppression?

I have visited many of them and I have questioned this matter extensively, why do people choose to attend there if there most of what they offer is a dark, unloving, oppression, rules and regulations? Is it fear? Is it that the people are too weak to stand up and proclaim what is right? Do people, or do you read the scriptures to know wrong from right? Only Jesus words can give us the wisdom and power to be free!

13. My conclusion is this; many people live years under the fear and oppression of Satan. However, when they accept Christ they experience a new strange feeling, freedom!
This is true independence!
They feel freedom from fear, a clean conscious, and a warm strength within, but soon the Enemy comes back to tell them, this is too good to be true, this is uncomfortable, this is not normal! But security comes not from some domineering and controlling devil. 

So since the devil often cannot persuade a person to stop believing in Christ, he persuades them to go to a church that is not a loving holiness Christian church, but rather a church where they will be dominated by fear and oppression! Those with false doctrines, those who are deceivers must be unmasked and shut down. Today we see apostacy everywhere! We see slavery in 2/3rds of the world due to oppressive religions and communist governments.

14. Remember our salvation and freedom does not come by the completion of heavy works or rules, (Ephesians 2:8,9) and it is not by deceptive feelings either! So if you feel uncomfortable that there is freedom in Christ that is a good thing! Get use to it! That is what Jesus came and died to do for you, to liberate forever! 

Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia, and dozens of countries, were liberated in the past, but many are fell back into oppression, either from a Satanic government, or by the oppression of the rich mafia. Examine your own life well. Are you being oppressed? Jesus truth can free you! 

Evil rules with dark illusive spiritual forces! Oppressions today are rampant coming from globalists manipulators, coworkers, family members, political groups, or even demons talking to you in your own mind! You can make your own self miserable when not fully transformed under the liberty of Jesus Christ! You can be your own cruel oppressor as in the case of addicts, those who allow in demons of destruction! Beware of the propagators of false religions, or instigators with enslaving political ideologies.

Freedom is not anarchy! In our church, we need organization, and rules, in order to function, but those are for everyone’s own protection and good, but the rules are not our main message. Our message is Jesus Christ’s liberation, love, and salvation! Amen? 

Let’s pray now for you personally to be free in Christ! Free from oppression & fear! Free from the voices of the world that try to own you! Remember If Christ has made you free, you are free indeed!