The reality is many will not see their loved ones this CHRISTMAS because some do not want to be seen due to a fear of others being a health threat or not having obeyed the MANDATES of the regime?! Imagine JOSEPH & MARY were from NAZARETH, and you mean to tell me no relative or friend would take them in with her having a baby? That’s cold! Traditionally celebrated CHRISTMAS would mean you would be in family to get together and sing, share food, and gift a pair of gloves or something, but the glue of CHRISTMAS has eroded. Jesus is God’s gift of love to us, He humbly coming down to save us, but He is not the focus in the mall shops, in family get togethers, or even some churches. If only Jesus could get the honor He deserves! The angels worshipped Him, and so should we! But we are reminded, for those of you who will celebrate more alone, that it was that way for Jesus too when He was born! John 1:11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. Receive & honor Jesus who is more important than any other expectation this CHRISTMAS! Jesus who mixed with lepers and prostitutes united all in love, unite in love with someone this CHRISTMAS!
What do you say to a child’s wishes:
When they want their mommy or daddy back for Christmas (divorce case)
When they ask for food (because there is none in his house)
When they want brothers and sister to love and not fight (bullying and violence in the home)
When they want a new place to live (they are picked on by bad kids in the neighborhood)
When they want new clothes (because they are mocked at school for having old clothes)
When they just ask for a toy (because even at age 7 they have already given up on having a better world and at least a toy will help them forget the pain of their broken world)
When Jesus came, He wanted there to be more love, abundance, and peace and He taught how to live so that we would have more of it, and also gain a perfect world inheritance in heaven. What I want for Christmas is Him! More of His love and way of life in my life and in all the nations of the world where children and adults suffer due to oppressions, injustices, and a lack of love for God and others.
Picture Mary 9 months pregnant, walking or on a bumpy donkey, could you survive that and not have a miscarriage? That in itself is another CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! She must have suffered, and Joseph must have had to do a lot of consoling for that 4 to 5 DAY JOURNEY! For sure Mary & Joseph were praying and asking God for strength! This proves God has his perfect timing for everything! If Jesus would have come even a week or two early, He would have been a Galilean, but that would not have fulfilled prophecy. John 7:42 Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the seed of David and from the town of Bethlehem, where David was?” If you have ever been forced out of a location, you know how hard that is! And then because of evil Herod they had to move to EGYPT! So now another JOURNEY, but 5-7 DAYS to arrive! When God has a mission for your life NEVER EXPECT FOR THINGS TO GO SMOOTHLY! Satan always uses evil ones in power to try to trap or even kill you, so be wise and just DO WHAT GOD SHOWS YOU TO DO no matter the pain or inconvenience! KD
Do you recall the Israelites left Egypt with Moses but the idol worshipping habits they had did not leave them? What would a golden calf do? Give them an excuse to have orgies, worship pagan gods, and ‘do as they wilt’! Moses with God’s law tablets from the clouds of Mt. Sinai broke up that party! EGYPT is symbolic of the worship of wealth, of spiritual powers with demonic potions to be put into your body, of trusting in any other God but the one TRUE ONE, Jehovah. EGYPTIAN demigods can deceptively grant you a guilt free license to sin so that you do all that your perverse flesh desires, obtain pride from occult knowledge, or practice sexual perversions and the exploitation of others. BUT “All have sinned”, and the mindset of ancient EGYPT remains in the hearts of people even today. God knew that you and I would need to denounce these perverted appetites, so He even allowed Jesus to be exposed to them and then leave them behind at a very early age. Matthew 2:15 and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.” All governments identify with evil ancient pagan powers and we must, as Jesus did, leave that behind us! A BIBLICAL MINDSET with JESUS must override our current pre-programed MINDSET so that Jesus is above all! To ‘Do as YOU PLEASE’, will only bring pain, suffering, and death, but to obey God’s law, having His love and salvation from Jesus, will bring you freedom from this world’s slavery which is mental, physical, and spiritual. KD
What happened to I’M DREAMING OF A WHITE CHRISTMAS? It’s just a song!
Call it individual ignorance, corporate bullying, agenda scapegoating, or political deception, what does waging war against the WHITE in Christmas accomplish? This classic song is not on the radio or in the shopping malls (I haven’t heard it this year) and this banning, or disenfranchisement, is predesigned to stigmatize the word ‘WHITE’. Really? All minds usually think of SNOW, and the nostalgia of having a good time with others in your warm home, right? WHITE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, WHITE SNOW, or the bright WHITE STAR over JESUS manager does not trigger me into a disgusted tantrum. Does it trigger you? I suggest we deprogram by educating the ones in our society that get emotional to just take things for their intended purpose, nothing else. The words WHITE or BLACK, or any common word, should not trigger anything outside their identifying purpose. I propose we cease and desist from this ‘idiocrasy’. The colors of CHRISTMAS include RED & GREEN, and there are the BLUE & WHITE Christmas’, but to remember JESUS, coming into our dark, evil world to grant us salvation, that’s what CHRISTMAS is all about. Matthew 5:37 But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. KD
Luke 1: 51 He has shown strength with His arm;
He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
52 He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
And exalted the lowly.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich He has sent away empty.
So, have we captured what Jesus MESSAGE for us is since the time of His birth? To not be PROUD, to not be deluding one’s self into imagining that we are gods and know everything; To not seek powerful positions (Thrones), To be HUMBLE, and to be HUNGRY for righteousness and GOOD things, and finally a hard one for some, to not be RICH in the way the people of the world are, having lived a wasted life seeking material things that you leave behind with nothing stored up in heaven. When Jesus returns we will see HIS ARM of POWER and many will rejoice and others will lament! KD
Luke 1:49 For He who is mighty has done great things for me, (Mary)
And holy is His name. (Jesus)
50 And His MERCY is on those who FEAR HIM. (Do you)
From generation to generation.
Christmas time seems to always bring out the WORST in some people as they truly do hate baby JESUS! All media outlets suddenly produce information, or twisted ignorant opinions, negating that JESUS existed, that JESUS just replaced a pagan worship day, that belief and faith in Him is for the uneducated ignorant in this day of technology and materialism. Evil people do not FEAR Jesus, they boldly MOCK HIM, and crucify Him afresh making their selves guilty of blasphemy against HIM who communicates through the Holy Spirit. No matter the generation we have the same dynamic, you either RESPECT (fear) and obey JESUS’ commands to love God and others proclaiming HIM as your LORD, or you do the opposite! HIS name is HOLY but those that DISREPECT HIM are cursing their own soul to never obtain MERCY, and that is frightful to me. KD
Luke 1:50 And His MERCY is on those who FEAR HIM, From generation to generation.
Christmas time always brings out the WORST in some people as they truly do hate baby JESUS! All media outlets suddenly produce information, or twisted ignorant opinions, negating that JESUS existed
WISE MEN ASTROLOGERS Where are they today?
‘There will be SIGNS in the sun moon, and STARS’ (Before Jesus’ return)
Matthew 2: 2 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, WISE MEN from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”
Every past ancient culture was obsessed with the discerning of the STARS’ communications! All of them believed the celestial bodies carried with themselves a guidance, a message, a spirit of the past influencing over us with important events for the times. Today, ‘science falsely so called’ (1 Tim.6:20), wants us to believe that STARS are just burning gases, yet even household good cameras can photograph the STARS with changing patterns as sound waves make and diverse colors (not just burning helium balls), and they serve not just as a calendar, but as reminders that God has a purpose for them. (Genesis 1:14) We are not to worship them or be ruled by some self-appointed spiritualist with horoscope readings, but we are to notice unusual activities. It is clear by a dozen Biblical passages that the STARS will go dark one day, but in the meantime let’s recall that for CHRISTMAS even the STARS praised JESUS for his birth! The STAR of Bethlehem impressed these multiple wise men so much they spent a fortune to travel for months just to bring Him gifts. PS And a mass grave of murdered babies was discovered in the 1980s in Israel proving Herod murdered them as the Scriptures say he did.
MURDEROUS HEROD: His spirit is still live today! Guard your children! Move when needed!
Matthew 2: 16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.
POWER…Leaders here and everywhere, many possessed by demons, wanting to be worshipped as gods and saviors in this world, who exploit others for filthy lucre, who seek to FORCE their illicit dominion over you, are as EVIL HEROD! Seeking dominion, they care not who gets murdered or hurt in the process! Today, Christians, the children of Christians, who conserve the righteousness and purity of God, are hated by the godless who do not want their evil works exposed. Observe how many deceptive schemes have appeared of late to corrupt, embitter, and divide everyone! Human traffickers, abortionists, satanists, and the blood product consuming ultra-rich are as murderous HEROD! Jesus with HIS BIRTH exposed just how evil Satan’s minions are, and even though this part of CHRISTMAS is not so innocent ad joyful, we must include it in our memories and pray for PEACE and that JESUS’ kingdom of LOVE and LIGHT may reign FOREVER! JESUS is the KING of KINGS!
Psalm 32:9
Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto you.
People are often referred to as BEASTS! Sadly, a majority live their lives never learning the deep things of God, they live for their belly (Phil 3:19), or they seek to lead a pack of criminal goat-like human imbeciles. Jesus came to be our MASTER, our teacher, to lead us as dumb sheep so we don’t die on a cliff or get marked to go Satan’s slaughterhouse! How ironic, but the WORLD IS LIKE A BARN full of simple creatures that need protection, healing, and green pastures or they will perish. We must humble ourselves, denounce our pride, passions, and false embedded teachings and admit we are as sheep that have gone astray. Only then can JESUS lead us to HEAVENLY PLACES. Give JESUS the gift of your SELF, to serve, love, and to instruct the simple in the Word of GOD so they gain eternal life! Merry Christmas! KD
JESUS with Mary & JOSEPH in the BARN CAVE…carry your own water, shovel out the manure…
How long did they have to stay there after HE was born? How many days did JOSEPH wait in line to pay their taxes doing the census as demanded by their corrupt government? How many days or weeks were they there? We don’t know but we do know MARY needed at least a week before going anywhere! That was not an easy start, and conclusively JESUS’ family began with absolute poverty and HUMILITY and we must appreciate that fact as most of us are your average class. JESUS was not born into a famous, rich, religious, arrogant, governing family, but the contrary, as HIS MISSION was to give love, hope, and salvation principally to those who were in the category of being a ‘have not’. Only a handful of the rich, or of Jewish faith, or of the Roman class converted, and that is because JESUS offers no one an ego feeding PRIDE, no POWER positions, no WEALTH beyond ‘our daily bread’. I love JESUS for being willing to identify with us, the 99%, and for giving us the example of just being a HUMBLE ‘no one to the world’, but to be an ‘adopted child of God’ that will reign forever with HIM. KD