Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Difference between “A” and “The” changed my Life! A personal testimony, Kelly Durant

The Difference between “A” and “The” changed my Life!   


   Back in 1975, I was thoroughly steeped in the belief that every faith of the world is equal and all take you to God. I was young and misinformed, however, I wanted to find the truth so I began a very intensive search for it as if nothing else mattered. The world view that I held, sadly enough, still heavily influences a majority of young and old in our society. I have since that time questioned myself to determine what influences had affected me to the point to cause me to take that position. At that time when a Christian would express their faith to me, I would be offended if they were so affirming in stating that their “way” was the only one. What caused me to adopt this worldview?        


  In the University of Oklahoma in 1975, the main obsession I had was to connect with God. Most all of my daily conversations with friends were about Him. I ate brown rice most of the time (to purify my body), meditated Hindu style an hour daily, and read dozens upon dozens of books about the world’s religion. My obsession was driven in part by my love for music and in being a part of the trend in those days, (the Beatles and others were on the same search), my lack of inner peace, and my fascination with other cultures and what motivated their bazar displays of faith. I considered myself one of the most open minded individuals around but I soon met a dilemma.


   One day a Christian “witnessed” to me about their conversion. I respected his convictions but he insisted that Jesus was the only way to heaven despite my lack of agreeing with him on that. He said that Jesus was “the” way, “the” truth’ and “the “life” and that no man could go to God except by Him. I had grown to look upon Jesus as “a” way, “a” truth, and “a” life and as one of the great teachers. Sparks of short circuits went off in my head for weeks. Finally, however, after prayer and research, I decided to shift my paradigm, to accept Jesus as unique, as “the” only Son of God. I gave Him first place, made Him my sole focus, and I have never been sorry since! I later became better informed of all the cruelty, repression, war, and abuse prevalent throughout most all other world religions. Without a doubt I did choose “the” right Person and way to serve!


   The influences that clouded my mind the most to be so called “open minded” and accept every belief as equal, were the pop musicians, the news media, college professors, library books, and friends influenced by the same. Basically, it is the entire culture here that draws you away with that self righteous “I-am-more-enlightened-than-you-because-I-am-open-minded” attitude. Today I am a vocal enemy against anti-Christian propaganda (which is subtly being placed more and more in all means of communications) because of how it negatively influenced my life and caused me to reject “the” truth in Jesus for a time who is “the” only one who has the keys to eternal life. I believe any Christian with any love and conviction for their faith at all will not only share their faith in love to others, but will also expose the suffering provoked by this post modernistic pantheistic worldview.



Kelly Durant