Lie and Accuse: The Rising Cultural Trend Capt. Kelly Durant
Jude 9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the
devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a
railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
2. How many of you have ever had someone lie about you and
then you got in trouble? Like in school (a real life scenario), some bully
throws a paper airplane that hits the teacher in the back of the head, and then
the bully yells, “Durant did it!” You are innocent but accused! And because
everyone else in the class is afraid of the bully they all agree with him and
point to me (you) and then no matter what you say to defend yourself, I (you)
am the one punished for the sin of the other one!
You would think as adults we would have progressed past this
type of infantile trickery of lying and accusing, but it is currently
dominating the trend in our society! It is the trend that if a certain someone
is to blame for something failing and falling apart, and when someone else
points that fact out, then suddenly the exposed guilty one gets a whole group
of people behind him or her to lie that it is the one exposing the failure that
is at fault! This pattern repeats and repeats and unbelievably people swallow
This lying system of Satan has existed from the beginning. It
is a system in which there are the ones deceiving and then there are the ones
fooled by his deception and so consequently evil temporarily wins. After all
Satan convinced 1/3 rd of the angels to rebel against God! Jesus said that the
truth would ‘set us free’, well, sadly today, because people do not research
what the truth is, because people are lazy and do not care to know the facts,
they are complying with Satan’s system of accusing and condemning the wrong
ones! But to comply with a lie makes you an accomplice and then eligible for
the same punishment of the real guilty one!
3. The reason deception
wins so easily in vulnerable ones is because Satan has been working behind the
scenes removing God’s word, the Bible, from schools, public places, and
workplaces and why? Because it teaches and illuminates minds to possess the truth
and see through lies. The Bible teaches abstracts and critical thinking skills.
A liar cannot deceive you or me when the truth comes out to expose him.
Psalms and Proverbs teaches about the character of people and we must study
Think of it like this, a person who sees a magician for the
first time may think that he really is miraculous and supernatural. But later,
everyone tells him no, it is not real, only a quick movement of the hand, but
he still refuses to believe that. Then someone brings in a book of tricks
explaining how tricks are done by magicians. What happens next? The person who
was stubborn in their belief about the magician must now either chose to look
like a fool and keep singing the same old tune that no one believes that he is
supernatural, or repent and admit that they were lacking in knowledge and truth
to understand the moves and tricks.
The Bible tells us repeatedly to seek truth, wisdom, and
knowledge and those that do, like you and me, do not get fooled. 2 John 1:7 “For
many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as
coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist”.
4. Here is the factor, because God’s word is being removed
from society, because it is mocked and hated, then there is no knowledge of
knowing the truth about who God is and how He has dealt with people in past
cultures. Without the Bible as a reference, then anyone can invent whatever lie
they want to believe about God, spirituality, and how things
operate in this fallen world. Bottom line is Satan does not want Jesus words of
truth transforming lives!
To reflect on the last thought about the magician, what if I
give them a
book explaining how tricks are done, and then another person comes
along and gives them a different book, one that exalts magicians as from a
special secret society that has had superpowers for generations? What then? This
is a classic example of the misinformation games of today!
So this person has to choose which book to believe. This is
the confusion of today’s world: it is full of misinformation that contradicts
God’s Word! Most all of the whole world is operating under the premise of a
lie! Most world religions, practically all political powers, most populist
movements seeking influence are representing false dichotomies! No earthly
authority, social justice movement, or spirituality with the God being Materialism,
Alla, Vishnu, or Buddha can enlighten the salvation and restoration of
humanity. Only Jesus can do that! Luke 20:21 Then they asked Him,
saying, “Teacher, we know that You say and teach rightly, and You do not show
personal favoritism, but teach the way of God in truth”. Jesus is the way, the
truth, and the life!
5. Here is the deception, Satan disguises himself as an
‘angel of light’, one who appears good but on the inside, but the truth is He
is evil, seeking destruction. 2 Corinthians 11:14 ‘And no wonder! For Satan himself
transforms himself into an angel of light.’
People who have simple minds, those who are not governed by
the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and prayer, fall victim to leaders and teachings
which feed their pride. Carnal and psychopathic people, or ‘brute beasts’ as
the Bible describes them, are taking the lead in our society and this is why we
have such a hopeless world. Jude 1:10 But these speak evil of whatever they do
not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they
corrupt themselves.
Lies corrupt and destroy! They divide families and friends!
There is a newly awakened pressure in this past decade to suppress the truth of
God which exposes wickedness in high places. There are well-funded movements to
silence the truth not allowing it in the universities, government offices,
workplace, or basically anywhere. All of the recent protest groups alt-left,
alt-right, antifa, are all employing violence, and why? Because they cannot win
in a normal conversation and debate! These groups all lie appearing to be good
like angels with a socially good cause on the surface but they actually
represent a lost cause, an evil hypocritical oppressive enslaving power grab
which many of the supporters cannot even see through. People are blind to evil!
Judas was a part of the resistance to the Romans, an antifa zealot, but by his
fruits we know what evil he did to Jesus! Was he really more righteous and
justified? No! Never!
6. Aren’t you appalled by all the lies and violence happening
in the world today? It is bad enough we as contributors to the good of the
community have to deal with the destruction of natural causes, such as with
floods and hurricanes without having to deal with the destruction of people
coming along breaking, burning, and looting like the Vandals of the dark ages!
These kinds of civil conflicts are not just here in the U.S., they are
happening in many countries, and it is all designed by Satan to weaken everyone
everywhere so in the end He can take over through the upcoming world leader,
the Anti-Christ setting up his evil one-world government.
And why are these people wreaking havoc thinking they have a
‘right’ to make others pay for past sins that they are not even a part of?
Because they are not reading the Bible which teaches to forgive and love your
enemy: instead they are reading books and listening to speakers which are
inciting them to do violence! Can you see the importance of the Bible now!
Anyone can download the handbooks of how to be a protester,
you can read ‘the handbook for radicals’ and read that the ‘ends justifies the
means’ but does violence, hate, and even murder accomplish a just cause? No! It
only shifts the power from one group to another and the later group may be
hundreds of times worse as we have discovered with communist take overs as in
China, Russia, and Cuba. And in the Middle East they kill starting wars
justifying it in the name of their religion which is broken into many parts,
each one hating the other. Only Jesus can change hearts to just let it go and
to start living with peace in your own mind and heart!
7. All of the swallowing of the lies and violence is all
playing out as Jesus described. Matthew 24:10 ‘And then many will
be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.’ Jesus also
warned, John 16 “These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made
to stumble. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that
whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. 3 And these things
they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me.
So the final motive of Satan, with all his suppression of the
Bible through his demons in power, through all of his lies and alternatives to
God’s word, be it the, ‘Communist Manifesto’, or any other deceptive so called
holy book, is to kill God’s people and dominate the world! We see his works of
destruction on all the news channels daily being a result of his deception..
How are we going to fix it? By not being a part of it! Don’t
let a family member, a friend, a boss, or anyone suck you into dedicating your
time to go out and yell how much you hate someone, be it the president or an
authority in society. After all it is God that allows authorities.
Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.
For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
8. Do you feel inadequate lacking in discernment to know when
you are being told a lie? I have felt that way many times and prayed this next
verse! Here is the answer. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of
God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to
Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth! John 16:13
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all
truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He
will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
The world cannot stand the truth. The truth is hated,
therefore Jesus is hated! He said in John 14:17 “the Spirit of truth, whom the
world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know
Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.” This verse explains how the
people of the world are blind to truth and blind to how they are being deceived
by lies.
9. Proverbs 19:20-21 “Listen to counsel and receive
instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days. There are many plans in
a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.” When a person
wakes up and receives the truth, it is like a rebirth, a liberation, an
enlightenment! I know this experience and feeling because it happened to me! It
is real, “the truth will set you free”! Setting others free with the truth
gives you an exhilarating feeling as well! Do you tell others of Jesus to free
them and save their soul?
Spread the news that the news of the world is in grand part
‘fake news’ and it is a lie designed to subjugate you, the sheeple, (people who
follow like sheep to the slaughter)! Only Jesus’ words with the Holy Spirit can
give you the power to see through lies and deceptiveness of social causes. We
do want justice, but with real power, Jesus’ power!
Let us pray that you can be more an instrument of God’s
truth! Jesus exposed the deceivers, the liars, the Pharisees and hypocrites! It
is true, part of our role is to expose false influencers as He did, to free the
captives from oppression! Let your ‘war cry’ be heard in you circles.
Let’s get on with the fight for the right, the absolute truth,
which is through Jesus’ salvation, liberation, and celestial retribution!
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