The Future Transhumanism: A Coming War Against God Kelly Durant
Psalms 2 Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?2 The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”
And the people plot a vain thing?2 The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
2. How many of you have ever had a windup toy? I recall having a wind up dog as a kid. But I am showing my age, ha? Let’s start again, how many of you have had a remote car, a tablet, or an electronic toy you can control? A toy is a toy and I recall after watching the mechanical dog walk across the floor in the same manner about 3 dozen times, I was done, it was not fun anymore.
Today the creations of man, his toys, are becoming very worrisome. Man in the past century created tanks, mega flying machines, and colossal ships to employ in war for dominance, and now we have drones and robots that make the judgement call to kill or not by the Artificial Intelligence chip implanted in the machine. Robot drones have already killed without our human control! The robots are made to take the decisions.
The problem with our creations is God never intended for us to be creators of death causing devises, he created us to enjoy life, to love, and to live in harmony with others enjoying his beautiful nature. There are so many people that wish they could just escape this hellish world and live as Adam and Eve, with no worries, no rent, no governments, no worry for food, and just have a great unity with the amazing God that created everything, not just this world but many universes.
3. The engineers who create things that are inspired by demons will have to be sent to the prison of hell after the judgment where the demons reside who inspired them. Revelation 9:20 ‘And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk”. Many things invented are useful tools in our hands, but I’m not referring to these items.
Man’s creations in themselves cannot see, hear, or walk without man putting in them a program, electricity, with moving parts. One day after Jesus returns all the creations of humankind will be piled up as junk in desolate yards after people realize they were played by Satan and his demons to create all these destructive things that they thought would save us, humanity, from death. Not even nuclear weapons will prevent Christ’s return, and the wrath of God on Satan for having corrupted the entire earth.
Did you know that many war machines, or idols, were inspired directly by demons as this verse 20 states here? In WW II there were some amazing (or extra-terrestrial, as some attribute) technological advancements, such as the jet plane, gigantic submarines, and massive firepower (even the atomic bomb). Many of the people engineering designs for Hitler’s weaponry were inspired by a group of people who channeled spirits and they wrote down their visions and information. They were from a group of people gathered together, mostly women, called the Vril; the Vril Society. They channeled evil information, and Hitler’s evil was beyond imagination murdering mega-millions. No answers explain how this group disappeared after the war but considering that they inspired killing machines, they were possessed by demons and it proves demons are still alive and at work today through evil people. This is similar to how the king of Babylon (and all evil powers) depend on their sorcerers, astrologists, and spiritualist to guide them. The Iluminati, and many secret societies control our world currently and increasing in power.
4. Here is the problem, these demons from the other side have not gone away. Satan has been scheming ever since creation to rob as many souls from God as possible, and how can he do that? He must get humans to agree to defiling their selves to the point of no return. He knows scripture, and Satan can’t wait for the day that all humans will agree to receiving the ‘mark of the beast’ and desire to be empowered and transhuman. Most people agree the time is near the end of days.
Revelation 14: 9 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
So those that get the mark will be condemned, why? Because these people are agreeing to worship Satan and not God and agreeing to fight against God! Humanity has already been warned about the coming hell where Satan and his demons will be condemned but many balk at this, as in the days of Noah, that it will never happen. God has given humanity several thousands of years to decide between worshipping Jesus, who is pure love, or submitting to Satan and His perverse, filthy, murderous, thieving, rebellious fallen ones.
5. So how is Satan going to deceive everyone? By promising them eternal life and a heaven on earth through the recent technological advancements! I have watched about a dozen Youtube videos that have scared me and convicted me that I need to warn you of what the demons have been planning, it is a brave new world of transhumanism, the compromising mix of flesh with metal and silicon. Already humanity is hooked and cannot live without their cell phones and computers. This is the first step!
If you have never heard of transhumanism let me explain it. There are thousands of scientists that are currently studying how to mesh computers into the human body. Some are proposing that when a child is born that they receive an implant that will record all of their experiences from their brains. It would be like taking a home video of your life from the time you are born until the time you die, but then they say you would be able to live forever, how? By, at the end of your life, planting that memory card into a cyborg robot, which could be a mechanical/bio robot, or into another life form so you could, in essence, live forever getting transferred into another being?! Sounds crazy? They would not be selling you on this idea if they were not already doing it! It reminds me of this verse:
Revelation 9:6 ‘In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.’ This implantable chip, and many other cyborg type things, have already been developed. International laws already allow countries to mix 50% human DNA with any animal and many chimera (transhuman beings) have been created in the labs and are alive. Sci-fi has a way of becoming reality, as in the ‘Island of Dr, Moreau.’ Revelation 9 describes these creatures as well and they are limitless.
6. Transhumanism includes more than just putting a chip into everyone, it promises to give you endless power to become anything you want to, in other words, the chip is now speculated to be a nano-type DNA modifier that will overpower ever cell in your body and mind. There are many sci-fi books on this, that those who have the smart-chip will become the rulers of society like the Marvel characters, while lesser-chipped are the surfs, or slave laborers. These modified ones, with an intelligence of all the world’s info connected through a google-type brain, (the beast that receives life as described in Revelation) will control those under them who get inferior chips. But once you become ‘one’ with this beast of Satan through a brain computer interphase, there is no turning back. Recently the tech companies are all saying the next phone upgrade will be an implantable device! Some show it off! I don’t want my phone under my skin!
Even now there is a Steven Speilberg movie affirming what I am communicating, ‘Ready Player One’. It predicts a future world where all the people are so bored with this life and the world that they go online all day to live in an artificial computer world to compete, play games. and do anything their minds imagine. And this is already happening!
The movie has a somewhat of an interesting outcome in which people are later forced to live more in this reality, but this is only in a movie. If you know Satan as we do as Christians, we know he will only offer a you a world of your dreams and eternal life at the cost of worshipping Him. After all, he brought light, intelligence and freedom to the first man and woman, right? No, the contrary! Adam and Eve already had that, the fallen snake angel only brought humanity death, and now he wants to bring us into a chipped, computerized, transhumanized, inescapable future hell!
7. So these developments tie into the verses of today in Psalms 2. The ultimate goal of Satan is to entice everyone with fantastical technology in the final days under his totalitarian influence and then with this army of several hundreds of millions supporting him, fight against the return of Jesus with His angels!
Here is the problem with the world’s future scenario, Jesus warned us that even the elect (or those who believe they are saved) may be deceived and succumb to the propaganda of Satan and his false prophets promising eternal life, intelligence, and god-like powers by compromising your body and freewill with these inventions.
1 Corinthians 3:17 If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. So everyone who defiles their body with the new technology, with a chip, or by any other un-natural means is in essence losing their holiness. To remain ‘holy as He is holy’, we must not allow any foreign thing in our body, mind, or spirit and these techno things would alter us beyond the point of return. And never forget that all your life you have been reminded that the Salvation Army is a holiness movement, meaning we believe in being holy for our Lord and we cannot allow any idol to compromise us.
8. My wife and I before as missionaries would pass out salvation tracks to people everywhere, on the buses and in the streets. It was the best way in the 1970s to reach people to stop them and get a conversation going about Jesus. We would often have people open up and tell us their life’s story and pray with us the ‘sinner’s prayer’. I loved connecting with strangers who often became friends in those days.
There was a time when people were approachable, evil was not as prominent as today. Today you cannot get anyone to stop and listen to you for nothing. I am reminded of the warning from the movie produced by ‘The Who’, who sang, ‘…And pray, we don’t get fooled again!’, ‘Tommy’. It had some grotesque scenes but in the movie a point was made that people with technology in the future (now) would wear ear buds, eye googles, and play pinball all day, which is symbolic of time wasting idol worship, and exposes humanity as being weak, dumb sheep, easily dominated by evil leaders. The rebels did smash the idols in the end, and this may represent the people of God who free those enslaved by electronic bondage, those who cut the ties with liars and demons.
It appears today that only by electronic means can we have a chance to reach young people for God, and even that avenue is overtly or subliminally squelched. In China, Russia, and even here any website promoting the Bible, good values, Jesus, and any eye opening, truth exposing, opinion or article gets the ax for being ‘unsafe’, or deemed as propaganda ‘undermining the state’. The liars and ‘fake news’ ones accuse the others of ‘fake news’ and in the confusion those without the Holy Spirit’s discernment swallow the lie, not the truth.
9. So for those that worship technology, and defile their God created bodies, it is not going to end well. Listen to the rest of the verses in Psalms 2:4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. 5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: 6 “Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.” 7 “I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. 8 Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance And the ends of the earth for Your possession. 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’” 10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.
Here the world is getting the warning, don’t join with the bands of Satan! If something is not of Jesus Christ then it is, in the end, from Satan and his demons, and when the final battle takes place, Jesus will win smashing the fragile techno systems of the world into irreparable pieces. Satan’s current technology may open portals from the bottomless pit so limitless amounts of demons invade the earth but still Jesus and the angels will win!
The problem is this, many people today are too hooked on their manmade devices, and they use them in Bible class, even during the sermons they are texting, or searching for something. Already Satan is robbing people of the Word of God that they should be absorbing in order to prepare their selves to resist the future dictatorial system which will be under Satan’s control.
I fear for many because I suspect too many, even so-called Christians, when faced with giving up their phones or accepting the ‘mark of the beast’, will choose the ‘mark’ because their phones are so dear to them. Being in church, being around people reading or hearing the Word will not prepare you to be a strong Soldier to fight against the future enslaving systems, only your sincere love and dedication to Jesus and conforming your life to His commands will can make your heart be holy enough to resist temptation and evil when it comes into fruition.
10. If you want to live in a high tech world where your dreams of peace and love come true, where it is an authentic utopia, then serve Jesus in this lifetime so he will invite you into heaven! Heaven is God’s original design of a beautiful eternal world and Satan has been trying to imitate it to offer it to man in exchange for total worship of him ever since.
Electronic devices break, batteries go dead, thieves steal your things, and nothing in this world will ever satisfy because this world is broken. Who messed up this world with hellish wars, contamination, and destruction? Satan with humankind inspired by his devils! I warn you, be ready to give everything up for Jesus, all your toys and things, even your life if you have too! If you give up your life, you will awaken into the real world, the one where God and His angels rule forever and ever!
Let us pray to help young Christians, ‘unplug’ enough to absorb God’s Word which will in truth guide them to understand and see through the uselessness of things that do love us as God loves us. Only love can water a soul to bring peace, happiness, and salvation.
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