Saturday, March 30, 2019

7 Mountains for Christians, Really? A rebuttal to this emerging doctrine: Business, Government, Family, Religion, Media, Education, Entertainment.

7 Mountains for Christians, Really? A rebuttal to this emerging doctrine: Business, Government, Family, Religion, Media, Education, Entertainment.    by Kelly Durant

Colossians 2:8
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

2. How many of you have known Christians, even Salvation Army Soldiers, that have fallen for popular cultic movements within modern-day Christianity? There have been, and still are, movements of prosperity, movements of faith healers, movements of sexual freedoms, movements of including perverse ones in the church with diametrically opposed convictions, yet some people are gullible and swallow anything! May you never be guilty of this heresy! Always observe & pray!

Prideful people always think they know better than God’s Word! We do the best we can to get you to study the Bible for yourself, to pray daily, and be guided by the Holy Spirit and if not, you are doomed as the battles will get to be more intense! You will lose your way and probably end up worshipping Satan if your faith is complainy and shallow! Sounds harsh, right? But Jesus was harsh as He described the full-of-their selves folks as hypocrites and said in Matthew 23:24 “Blind guides, who strain at a gnat and swallow a camel!

Today more than ever there is an assault on the Christian church, on true Christians, and on those who will speak up for the truth opposing sin. It so bad a majority of Christians will not bring up any controversial topic as they do not want to be the brunt of an attack. But sin is sin, and the results are the same, the unredeemed sinners end up in bondage to cruel controlling people in power, by powers infiltrated in all areas of society, in government, in entertainment, in business, and the rest. Satan is behind it all and his esoteric symbols are everywhere! Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

3. Today I want to bring your attention to a movement that subliminally influences the sermons of the many compromised famous and non-Biblical-based preachers, those promoting prosperity.  It is the one of the ‘Seven Mountains’ illusion, that Christians can begin to control many aspects of the world just by pursuing them. Friends, we are not in post-millennial times! Recall how when Satan tempted Jesus, that he offered Him the world if He would bow  to him, but He did not (contrary to other fallen millions) Herein lies the proof, Satan has usurped God’s creation and controls this world with his deceptions and temptations but Jesus will return to take it back one day. I can’t wait for that day!

Jesus said in John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” With this knowledge, and with the Holy Spirit discernment, there is no excuse for any Christian to ever be deceived and not see through the manipulation devices of the devil. Never think the grass is greener with some other popular, rich, Christian church as evidence usually indicates that the more wealthy, the more popular, then the more Satanic controlled it is!Luke 6:26
Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did their fathers to the false prophets.

4. Let’s start with business, can Christians take over the commerce of the world? No! A few mega-millionaire Christian businesses exist, but very few and after the tech market explosion, even fewer Christian businesses dominate. Most of the world’s wealth is generated by exploited labor (human trafficking), predatory lending, pyramid schemes, the sale of arms, legal and illegal drugs, and on and on. 

Many of the world’s billionaires use their money to distract others with controversies, supporting causes that clash with Christian values (to try to get rid of them) and no one gets on their mountain! Most of the world’s money is passed down to serpentine bloodline families and they know how to play the masses against one another to gain more wealth and power! 13 families control over half the world’s wealth! And they are not going to spread it around anytime soon!

The love of money, and debt, has almost the whole world in bondage! For contract deals for fame, for business money deals, people will literally say, “I now sell my soul to the devil”, and how horrific that in hell they will repent eternally one day!  As Christians we must glorify God by doing all our business in honesty, but to tell Christians they should be trying to get as rich as they can is a disastrous message! Jesus never owned a home (Matthew 8:20 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”) Wealth is not our passion, but souls for Jesus is!

5. How should we as Christians deal with the government? I think a few righteous people should pursue positions of influence, Paul went to Rome to witness to the highest powers (It did cost him his head though!) Notice that God does raise up Josephs, Esthers, and Daniels to represent his people. We should agree, some people are called to authoritative positions, but if the motive is power, pride, and privilege, then the motive is totally wrong. God must exalt us, not evil men. 

Christians must be involved in the local community to influence Godly outcomes when possible, but quite often Christians are so turned off by the evil aggressive opponents who attack them that they abandon the powers that be to the enemy. 

If Christians are indifferent to the government imposing laws, then they are setting their selves up to be murdered (or their babies to be murdered) by giving no resistance to the Satanic despots to do as they please against the laws of God. This playbook repeats itself in history over and over as it was in Egypt, Rome, and as it currently is in anti-God, anti-Christ nations. Defend Christianity, but don’t expect to govern the world, only Jesus with His return can accomplish that one!

6. Family matters: Christians have the right to run their own families, but they are losing that right quite rapidly! Families are under attack by anti-God laws! The original family model from Genesis is mocked and considered obsolete by some confused modern advocates, but in the end it is up to you to be an example of a good Christian family for the world to see. 

People should be envious of the sweetness and innocence of our children. 
1 Timothy 3:4 One who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence. What did God tell His children from the beginning out of Egypt? Exodus 18:20 And you shall teach them the statutes and the laws, and show them the way in which they must walk and the work they must do.

Strong families make strong communities and it seems we are losing this battle with so much divorce and broken families. The fatherless experiment we have conformed to has reaped violent consequences, that of producing frustrated youth who have increased in criminal, gang, and drug activities. When a man and woman want to be together as a family for the kids who are learning about God’s ways, it is our utmost duty to support them!

7. Religion: As Christians we always let it be known that we have a relationship, not a religion! Satan has given the word ‘religion’ a bad connotation and most minds revert to the hypocritical bad examples. But this is due to the fact that Satan has always infiltrated all religions (yes, even in the Christian ones), and it is actually Lucifer himself that has damaged the ‘religions’ and made them hypocritical, dull, and contradictory. Lucifer created the false religions in rebellion to the worship of God fabricating idols (Baphomet), and the worship of fallen angels (summoning demons), of hybrid abominable creatures (ancient Babylon, Egypt, and current trans-(animal or machine) humans, with ridiculous frustrating rituals which most often require human sacrifice; and this still happens today! How many people in the news die young from suicides or accidents that were involved in secret ritualistic cults? Many untimely deaths are no coincidence because with Satan you cannot switch your religion to love Jesus and get away with it!  

We practice an active faith and some call it ‘religion’ like this, James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world”. So we must be ashamed of and debunk the world’s false “religions” as their greed of power, wealth, and oppressive traditions is evil. And many large world ‘religions’ command their people to murder those that are not a part of their religion or want to leave it! This is murderous Lucifer’s way! Choose Jesus way who loves, forgives, and makes you full of joy and life!

William Booth said this, "I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell." This describes many Christian churches today, how tragic!

8. How can Christians dominate the media? With porn, commerce, and entertainment dominating 90% or more, Christians have a very hard time competing for attention to share the gospel! I post a lot of news that exposes injustices, and I post paragraphs of my sermons and thought provoking quotes, but too few Christians post anything Christian ever! 

I deduct that probably only 1/3 or less of Christians or preachers even bring up the subject of the gospel online and that is tragic! It would be nice if Christians would shine their light in the media but it is not happening hardly at all! When is the last time you posted about Jesus, or forwarded a sermon? Obey Matt. 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (if not you are denying Jesus by silent absence and He will deny you before God)

And to make matters worse, most people employed by the high tech firms are working to censure anything pertaining to Jesus or Biblical values! The light is being hidden and the darkness is promoted as the popular and accepted!   

9. Education, can be good or bad, it all depends on what. 1 Timothy 6:20 “O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge 21 by professing it some have strayed concerning the faith”. God wants us educated in His teachings but not so much in the teachings of the world which almost always contradict His Word!

It’s sad but true that many young Christians go off to college only to get isolated like a lost sheep amongst the wolves, and to get  brainwashed out of their faith by evil, arrogant, fraud committing perverted fools. How many fail God because they fall for the indoctrination and intimidation of the false sciences as evolution, the politically correct demagoguery, and the fabricated data concerning global geo thermal events along with sanctioning murderous political doctrines. Colleges teach anything to get grant funding from mega billionaires with sinister agendas. 

The education system today is not designed to expand the mind and make you more intelligent but principally it is designed for the contrary within a system to make you get credits in whatever they decide (most turn out to be a waste of time) as they exploit money from you using one as a pawn for the political systems. And many poor students, who will have to pay back the $50,000 to $100,000 college debt for up to 10 years after graduation! Please, learn about the Bible first and really pray about what you let into your mind as it may enslave you mentally, financially, and spiritually!

10. And finally entertainment, how does God feel about it? Charles Spurgeon said, “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats’. I think God is pleased when we do attractive events to gather crowds for the purpose of spreading the gospel and saving souls. And a few thousand good Christian movies do exist but we are outnumbered probably 10,000 to one! Very few movie stars, or musicians are authentic Christians and I don’t see Christians ever dominating that industry. 

And sad but true some mega-Laodicean churches of today have made their worship and sermons into entertaining manipulation circuses often comparable to flashy rock concerts! So if it is that then it is not a Holy Spirit experience convicting others to repent and worship God but rather a concocted emotional group-think, subliminal, hypnotic feel-good suggestable spell which many go under predisposed to accept.  

More and more we are discovering that the encoding of most productions of music and movies reveal they glorify and thank Satan for their inspiration! How sick, right?  So conclusively we see that Satan has thoroughly infiltrated the world’s businesses, governments, families, religions, media, education, and entertainment. The sad reality is Jesus knew how it all would play out, with Satan accomplishing complete dominance in everything in the world. 

The Biblical prophecies reveal it, Satan will not stop until he can enslave the souls of all people, and the end comes with the mark of the beast! Those with the mark will worship him, that murdering filthy fallen angel fraud! What despicable heresy! And it will happen with the consent of the majority of earth’s unperceptive, spiritually asleep people because they have been preconditioned and brainwashed to accept Satan’s control over all things. Sadly, many so called Christians who have deceived their selves with dreams of grandeur to dominate in this world will fit right in to Satan’s final hierarchy. Today you are warned, get out of anything compromising your soul, especially any illusion that God will empower you in Satan’s world. You and I will only reign with power after Jesus returns and that is if we are faithful until the death to earn that promised crown of life!  

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