Saturday, March 14, 2020

Pandemics: The Fear, God’s protection, & The Opportunists

Pandemics: The Fear, God’s protection, & The Opportunists 
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2. I recall one time in Atlanta our Headquarters had arranged for all the employees and some of the folks from our Booth Towers (assisted housing) to have a fun day at Six Flags Over Georgia. I was with some folks and we got on a few rides and one of them was in a cable car elevated above the ground. Little did I know I was going to confront a crisis of someone having a nervous breakdown while on the ride.

The person started yelling, “I am afraid of heights! I don’t want to die!” They were almost passing out and I had to pray for them on the spot and tell console them everything would be alright! Later I found out the person in such fear was proud to declare he was not a Christian. As a matter of fact they were living a life of sin and did not want to know anything about the Christian faith. 

Their sin, and their lack of desire to repent of their sin, dominated their life. I was sort of in shock to see someone so afraid to die! Inside I thought, why such fear? Why such torment? Well, deep inside those who do not repent of sins know that after they die they will lose it all. I really do not understand the deceptive idea that so many people have. They lie to their selves that one can do as you please while in this life, disrespecting God, harming others and yourself, and then think God will not punish you. If there exists no God to punish, then why do they fear?

3. I am reminded of the verse, 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. In the Salvation Army we often refer to holiness as perfect love; do you want to know if you have it or not? See how you react when you are in a life and death situation! Are calling out Jesus name?

If you really are not afraid to die, then I think you will convince us all that you are sure about your destiny after this life, and that is to be with Jesus in heaven! God does not want any of His followers to fear anything, not even death! But if you do fear death, it could be you have some things to confess to the Lord to make right before your day comes. And that day could be today, or a week from now! Search in your heart , confess anything you need to today, be ready!

People ask me if I am afraid of the pandemic of the Corona virus…well, I think you and I should be more afraid of Satan tempting us to fall away by doing some damaging sin. I think none of us should ever get psyched into doing anything irrational just because there is mass hysteria in some places. Also, obsessive behavior to self-quarantine and tremble in fear is not healthy either! Do you see how some people react to fear, it torments them! We must fear God above all things more than being afraid of anything else outside our body. We need to fear our own weaknesses, and pray every moment to be close to God responding to all things as He wants us to! And we must confront all challenges with prayer, love, and boldness. Scripture tells us to ‘Be courageous!’ (See Joshua 1)

4. If you really want to know what to fear, it is not some germ, it is not any man, not any demon or witch, nor Satan himself, we are to fear God as He has control over what will happen to our souls. Anything that happens to you is in His timing, and we cannot control that. God wants to bless us, but too many disrespect Him.

 Matthew 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Jesus came to save us from hell, but by default that is where a person’s soul ends up unless they fully trust in God for salvation through Jesus Christ. Just calling on Jesus does it!  Acts 16:31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” We must live ready to pass on or to stay for some mission God still has for us!

We all must adopt the posture of Paul. Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. This life is full of dangers but they will all disappear when we go to live with Jesus on the other side. Well, now that I hope we have our priorities straight, we can confront anything, any situation with the confidence that God will bring us through it. Will you have faith even when in fear and danger?

5. So now I want to expand your thinking on how to interpret all the voices out there telling you what to do. In these cases of danger you cannot even trust all of what the authoritative voices say because quite often what they just want to do is to control you within the masses of people.  They know that some people will be sacrificed during a containment control, but that is just the consequences of triage implementations; In emergencies people become as cattle.

So who should you and I listen to? Pray and the Lord will guide you! A few people are guided by the Holy Spirit and have common sense (I have seen it in most of our Officers who have done disaster work), but what are the people of the world telling you? You already know as you are hearing it on the news! That we must shut down the country and live in quarantine! But what is fake and what is real?

Did you know last October 2019 there was a World Economic Forum to discuss what the nations could do if there were a global pandemic? And what was the main theme? Was it about how to help save the people with preparedness and safety? Was it about what to do when medical staff are lacking? Was it about logistics and disaster planning? It wasn’t! Observe that we must not be so naïve! 

6. It was about how mega financial groups could shift money and global power around in a crisis to create global controlling systems in threatening  situations. The discussions were centered on how to override the sovereignty of each nation, because leaders of countries, in these types of emergency situations, according to these social engineers, cannot be trusted to respond with the correct global medical and economic standards they deem as necessary. 

But whose standards? Intimidated by fear and non-stop pandemic news, the idea is to get every nation to submit to their global solutions.  For you to understand better, I will share with you a few of the names of the global crafters, the main players in setting up global laws to control the world’s finances during a world crisis. Oh yes, the finances of these repercussions are of priority interest than the health and safety of the people!  

At the World Economic Forum for Epidemic Planning there was The World Bank, The United Nations Foundation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Bloomberg Group, NBC, John Hopkins, the CIA, along with the CDC and The WHO. Shouldn’t this type of planning be done more with the CDC or the WHO instead of them? The concerns discussed were more over economic outcomes, and how to control the nations on a global scale than it was about how to help people survive. It was almost as if they were hoping a crisis like this would come about so they could exercise their power over the nations and even profit from it. They even did a practice run, ‘Event 201’, on how the media giants would be expected to shut down ‘misinformation’ (or what was actually true information!) and predetermine what were to be the preprogramed exercises. Did they know something was on the horizon? I personally think they did. Here is the site they removed already:

7. Again we learn that the powers that be, those who reign with ‘spiritual darkness and wickedness in high places’ as described in Ephesians 6:12, are out to subdue the world’s people employing fear tactics. Is the corona virus real? We conclude it is. But is it affecting the masses as reported? We really don’t know. 

Never forget the tactics of Satan is always deception, deflection, denial and outright lies! Does anything real ever get leaked out of China? Knowing that they kill anyone making their government look bad, I conclude we are not seeing leaks, but phycological tactics. When the entire news media sing the same song over and over you know something sinister is going on. Either way, the news is bad.

Proverbs 29:25 The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Psalm 119:110 The wicked have laid a snare for me, Yet I have not strayed from Your precepts.

8. So as Christians we do not fall for what the world tells us. What we must do, is pray for protection, consult wise leaders of God (not so called professionals), and wait for the Lord to show us what to do. If you compare this to the Spanish flu, which lasted from 1917 to 1918, that is only one year of danger. God does protect.

Does the Bible guide us on how to respond to the curse of plagues? It does! Do you recall when Moses was in the desert with the children of Israel that they were attacked by a plague of snakes and dying by the hundreds daily? What happened? 

Those who had faith got to survive, but how did they survive, was it by any protective clothing or human effort? No! It was because God made a way for them to simply prove their faith to be saved by looking at the snake Moses lifted up on the pole.  Numbers 21:8 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.”
Numbers 21:9 So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.

9. We can live with common sense, our God given sense, in life and not be as a fool like this verse,Proverbs 22:13 The lazy man says, “There is a lion outside! I shall be slain in the streets!” Ignorance it is to say, “The corona virus is in our land and will kill us all!” And might I add people who say these kind of things usually want to place the blame on some political person, right?

But we can look at this as a test from the Lord, will it cause some in the world to repent and have faith in God, but for the rebellious it will just be taken as some new killer wave that no one can stop! Do you claim God’s promises? Psalm 91: A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Read the whole chapter as it addresses pestilence attacks!

And what Caduceus serpent are we to look at today for salvation? To Jesus, He is the savior! John 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up. Will God spare all Christians from this plague? Not necessarily, as we all have a time set by Him on our departure. But never live manipulated by fear! Live right and be ready for anything, use your God sense, and also reject Satan’s voices who always want to gain power by manipulation of plagues and scourges. Warn others against deception, do not fear any danger, and trust in God for salvation! 

1 comment:

  1. When this first came out my opinions of the Covid-19 was mixed. Since then my opinion is different. Why?
    Because I have since been exposed to and have suffered from Covid-19!
    I thank the Lord I survived! And here is my honest feelings. While I never suggest we throw caution to the wind I believe we need to avoid fear!
    I personally believe that the Lord won't put more on us than we can bear(1 Cor.10:13; see also Job 1 and 2.)
    I believe I got it while preaching at a certain church!
    But guess what? Since I am out of quarantine now what have I done concerning both going to church and preaching? I have done both!
    I believe that God is in control I intend on preaching the Gospel and going to church! For I refuse to let fear stop me!
