3 Types of Battles of Christian Soldiers by Capt. Kelly Durant (Re 4-26-20)1-10-16
2 Tim 2:3-4 Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs-he wants to please his commanding officer.
2. In the trench warfare of WWI each side would make long trenches and no one could pass from one side to the other. The reason? Every time someone put their head up to try and run to attack, they would get shot at! The land between ally and enemy trenches was coined, “no man’s land” as no one could be there without getting shot! That is the way our enemy, Satan operates. As long as you stay comfortable in your trench he doesn’t bother you, but when you come out and get some victories for Jesus, or when you expose his sin spreading in the world, he attacks you. The attacks come in many different ways.
We are God’s soldiers and the only way to fight this war is to be disciplined! Discipline implies not being so busy with distractions that you are not battling which is what you enlisted for! What is our discipline? Prayer, the studying of the Word of God, and standing up for Biblical causes, obeying and proclaiming Jesus as the Savior and commander over all commanders is what wins the victories!
3. Soldiers, when you have a hard time standing for your Commanding Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, remember, when you are weak and can’t seem to get up, you should kneel! Kneel and get strength from outside yourself! Prayer works!
Remember also you are not in this war alone and there are more than 1 million Salvation Army Soldiers in the world! Statistics claim there are more that two billion Christians too! In this Corps everyone does pray and care for those who are weak and in need.
I sincerely hope all of you are praying for each other. If you are a friend and a help to someone, they, or someone else God will send, will be a friend with you! We must be communicating during the week, supporting and loving each other helping with each other’s needs in the same way the disciples watched out for each other!
4. The Salvation Army uniform can be taken as symbolic as being in service to Jesus similar to what Paul talks about in. Eph 6:12-18
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
5. These are the classic verses on being prepared for battle and it was the uniform of the Soldier in Jesus time. We must pay attention to these verses and do what it says or we might get a hit in a weak spot and it will take months to heal if it doesn’t kill us! Eternal security requires eternal vigilance!
The uniform helps you in battle, do you know how? It identifies you as representing a Kingdom and it is not a killing army, we are a saving army. We are at war with evil! Just as a firefighter in his uniform is prepared to fight fires, just as a policeman identifies himself as the keeper of the law, we as Christian Soldiers represent the fight for righteousness, purity, love serving the suffering ones!
Most of all we represent our Commander and Chief Jesus Christ! Everyday we fight for what is right! Even in heaven we will have a pure white uniform to wear reflecting the light and purity of God! So a uniform on earth is actually a good practice for wearing one in heaven!
6. As you know we do not train to fight with a rifle or a gun, we train to fight the enemy with the sword of the word of God, quoting scripture to the enemy, and after being resisted, he will flee from us! James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you
In the verses in Timothy we see that we are to endure hardships, as the soldiers of the world do, for our Lord Jesus Christ. And when you think about when Paul was writing, the Romans had a very strict code of conduct, and they would march on foot for months carrying heavy metal armor and they suffered many hardships! Much worse than what anyone of us experience!
Today we will cover three basic battles or hardships a Soldier faces; The one with Satan in your head in yourself; the one with those close, your family & friends; and the one with the evil people of the world.
7. One of the first attacks, how our accuser and adversary confronts us, is with discouragement in our minds! You and I may be doing good for a while happy with Jesus, just like many that come awhile but then leave, because Satan, the tempter, will get into the head and feed any weak one with pride for your successes, or attack you over the opposite for your failures with discouragement. He tells you… look at you, you are a failure or he will say you are powerful like a God, and either extreme of exaltedness or debasement is not of God.
Often you and I are either tempted to think we do not need God since we are so smart or tempted to think that there is no God. It is human to get out of control and prideful or to sometimes feel abandonment, depression, or rejection! You know you are a sinner and hating on yourself, or anyone else for sin makes you destructive to yourself and to others! Satan always schemes to destroy and tries to make you confused in your mind, which will make you sick in your spirit, which will make you sick in your body as well!
So how will you get the will to fight from God then? You must yell in your mind and with words when needed, “Get behind me Satan! I claim the blood of Jesus!”
8. 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
You will tell Satan, I am God’s child, I am invaluable since Jesus died for me to have eternal life, and any sin that I may have, Jesus has cleaned me from it! Jesus will heal my body, mind, and broken heart!
So the first battles with most Christians begins with your own evil self and discouragement; but remember Jesus will get the victory if you get encouragement from the Word, pray and get others to pray too, and you let God work doing your part!
9. Battle two: With others, you will have to be tough with those closest to you, with those people in your life, those in the church and those in your family.
Matt 10:34-36
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
When you live as a true Soldier for Jesus Christ, doing what is correct, pure, and Godly, you will get enemies without even trying! In both Regina and my families there are some people that have no desire whatsoever to see us because they know that we love God, and usually talk about the Bible, and since they love the things of the world more than the spiritual things, they do not want us around them making them feel uncomfortable. In this battle you will lose some friends and family, but you will gain others that are more helpful and loving than the ones you had before!
This church Corps, and all true churches, are like family! But sometimes there are brothers and sisters who say and do things in their carnal nature, not praying over their words, and they can confuse you if you do not have your eyes on Jesus! Never focus on the complainy soldier, focus on the ultimate commander, Jesus!
Remember, people will always fail you some Soldier go AWOL, but Jesus, He is a friend forever! Be prepared to have some bad experiences sometimes, it is a part of the battle. But God answers prayers, and blesses those who remain dedicated, pure, loving, and patient! Those who get off the trail, like the stray sheep, usually get hurt falling in some ditch before Jesus the shepherd brings them back.
10. And finally battle number 3, you will have war with the evil people of the world!
When the people who practice sin and do evil see peace and love in your face and eyes, and they see your deeds done from a servants heart full of compassion, it makes them angry and they want to attack you. Remember how the hypocrites wanted to kill Jesus! Some people want to see everybody sour and bitter, and angry at the world like they are! Never go to their level! Live in peace, turn the other cheek, but don’t let them destroy you! When necessary say, “I rebuke you in Jesus name!”
As Soldiers and Christians we have contrasting mindsets with those in the world and when we expose them then we are engaging in a spiritual war. 2 Timothy 3:13
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
The evil ones in the world love death, and war, and abortion but…
We love life, and peace, and children!
The evil ones in the world love exploitation, material wealth and pride but…
We love righteousness and justice for the poor, and we seek spiritual wealth, desiring to be humble!
The evil ones in the world love to accuse, condemn, hate and create scandal but…
We love forgiveness, like the prostitute forgiven by Jesus, we just let God deal with it!
11.The values of the world under its evil empires with its anti-Christian news outlets promote anti-Biblical values constantly! Bottom line, Satan hates Christians with a passion and he is at war with every one of us! There is a very active war of propaganda to destroy all values of purity and love by all means possible. It is by the promotion of the acceptance of perverse sexual behavior, the stripping away of human rights under totalitarian politics, and the demonization of the people of faith. There are continuous lying attacks on good people and it all comes from the powers that control behind the scenes.
Satan exalts everything that is totally diametrically opposed to God’s values insulting Jesus and all Christians. And notice, one does not win a defensive war. We all must speak out for God and His love, defending his basic principles that produce respect and dignity through high standards of values fighting for the right!
The Lord wants absolute love, dedication, and loyalty and His Kingdom exalted! And He is the only One who is worthy of fighting for! The very first commandment is to… Love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind! But if you give your loyalty to men on this earth, they will always let you down and there are no rewards!
12. We are all blessed to be representing as soldiers Jesus the King of Kings! You have a Commander that is all loving, all forgiving, all-powerful, and he knows where you will best serve Him, and you must serve Him with honor. You and I must battle the enemy and obey His call! If we do not choose to be governed by God, then we will end up being governed by some tyrant on earth!
Just think how many people are stuck on this earth all of their lives as slaves to evil men and not to God! Satan wants to enslave every person with vices, crimes, temptations and sins, creating a sick body, mind, and spirit! Today we all are given an opportunity to serve the true God like never before!
We must fight with the truth to free the souls of men and or they will have hell to pay! You have to fight to keep your own soul and body strong in the Lord! Philippians 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
You are the chosen ones to represent your Lord in battle, so march forward to the prize of the high calling of God! Prayer…
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