To THE BLACKMAILED Free yourself, no more secrets!
What if those being enslaved to extortion right now were to repent? What if they just faced the consequences for their evil actions, and at the same time ratted out who their blackmailers are?! It’s all become so pathetic of late as we witness soul-less fools parrot tasteless lluminati music, global oppressive politics, sickening medical cures, and detrimental religious fallacies. The blackmailed are not just the opulent in high places, it includes parents, children, relatives, and coworkers. What a terrible burden to be a modern-day slave to someone because you did some criminal sin, took on an impossible debt, or you fear someone’s power to destroy your life. The webs of sin are everywhere of late. Only the discernment of God’s Holy Spirit can protect you! Pray for the slaves of the world that they will expose the horrific sin of blackmailing, which has been Satan’s lying manipulating tool from the beginning.
DOOM & GLOOM FATIGUE Our daily diet
After the Garden of Eden we all have been seeded with a fascination for gaining knowledge, even of it is of the kind that involves fearful consequences and danger. Playing on our carnal appetites, Satan’s minions daily feed the masses a daily doom and gloom news so this base is well covered. It’s as Jesus predicted, wars and rumors of wars, of pestilences (the current viruses), of starvations, betrayals, false Christs, and on and on. I propose some people have a sick body and spirit because only this negativity is their daily diet. Jesus intended for us to feed off of Him, being the true vine, and to fill our spirits with His peace, love, and happiness so it overflows on others. The world seems to have only two camps now, the humble sweet sheep of Jesus, and the rebellious destructive goats that seek our demise. Jesus followers can handle doom and gloom because we have our hope in His return with a new heaven and earth. The people of the world cannot handle doom and gloom. In fear they perceive we are on a doomed planet on fire and if they are going to die sliding into hell, they want everyone to go down with them. The problem is their doom and gloom knowledge is from false science and evil men who have them under a spell of despair. But Jesus said in Matthew 24:35
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” There will be a glorious ending when Jesus resets the earth with His return and then we will not have to bear the diet of daily discouragements, instead His light will sustain us forever!
MARK OF THE BEAST FATIGUE Watch out, this is how many get deceived!
For the past 40 years ever since the 666 technology has been possible for implementation, it seems many Christians have been on the alert, warning others and studying more on the subject. Popular culture, rock bands, movies, and writers have included the ‘one world government’, ‘mark of the beast’ themes but with many deviances from the Bible, trivializing it, and often making it appear as glamourous. And religious teachers? How much money have the pocketed off of books with their own personal interpretations? We cannot say people have not heard about it! Sincere Christians have investigated deeper truths on the matter, but some have been deceived by false doctrines, lost total interest in the subject, and others are preaching they can get it with no consequence!? See Revelation 16:2. A world currency crisis could reset all world financial systems, so this may be very close or we may have a few years, regardless of when, live ready, live holy, live with no apologies due no one, and love Jesus and your neighbor daily! Watch and pray!
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