Monday, February 14, 2022

Freedom, Enforcement, & Reactive tyrants


John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The Bible is clear sin enslaves, and only the truth of Jesus can free one’s soul. The people of sin, global leaders who human-traffic, drug deal, who rob and abuse by unjust laws, want subjugates under them obeying all their whimsical desires! But Jesus followers are FREE, and we discern the motives of evil ones and want nothing to do with their debauchery, tyranny, and unrepentant sinful arrogant demands. We are in the good fight so stand strong, remain free and know that God is on the side of the righteous.  KD    


BEHAVIOR ENFORCEMENT BY THE ESTABLISHMENT?  Sounds logical but it is a type of hell

The technocrats, politicians, and globalists praise Chi..a for their internet credit system, a system in which if you do anything considered inappropriate by the governing body, you instantly are punished, defunded, or rewarded for snitching on (anti-establishment) friends. An automated A.I. system will peg you to be a slave or a middle class with no way out for discussion. This practice is appalling, and shocking and freedom lovers will never conform to this implementation re-setting. We may have to divorce from our phones which reveals our whereabouts, conversations, and interests 24/7. Many articles confirm the 3 letter agencies already know every detail about you and me. We must pray, ‘Thy Kingdom come’ (a Godly heavenly one) because man’s kingdoms are becoming hell observing all crises (medical, criminal, etc.) are used as an excuse to mandate more control with more punishment extremes benefiting ungodly elites.  KD 



The USA freed itself from Britain but are we going down the same road of being governed by an impossible political aristocracy? We currently see Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, (Ireland) all under impossible laws of lockdowns & tyrannical scenarios that only massive protests can grant hope to. Local folks should choose how to be governed, with no TOP DOWN Draconian enforcements of illegal or unconstitutional dictates. It’s the FREE vs. the ENSLAVED, and Godly ones want truth, freedom, & righteousness to reign as in God’s kingdom.  KD 

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