Saturday, April 16, 2022

Holy Week: Our Remembrance Experience Day by Day

HOLY WEEK: Wednesday What a contrast that on the same day a woman cleans Jesus with a perfume that is worth a year in wages, in the meantime one of his own disciples plots to betray Him!? This is often what we as CHRISTIANS experience! Some people esteem you so much they will give you everything they own, while others would rather see you either subjected to the hypocrite authorities or DEAD! We must conclude that a possible 1 in every 12 in the Church is a Judas and they DO NOT CARE, nor have love for God, others, the mission, or your life! Which on are you? One who GIVES ALL, or one who despises Jesus, His mission, and God’s statutes. KD


 HOLY WEEK: Thursday   Communion, a sacrament or practice for believers

In the last supper Jesus commends us to symbolically partake of His blood and flesh; the wine and bread. Before, some followers left Him thinking He wanted us drinking blood, which elites do today to get high from the adrenochrome, but this is an abomination. (Genesis 9:4

But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.) Many cultures & Secret Societies still consume flesh for power, but now all witchcraft spells are useless, only Jesus’ flesh (symbolic in bread) can bring one strength, unity, and healing. Remember, Jesus’s blood represents atonement (the spiritual), and His broken body represents our healing (the physical) so all is covered! No more rituals needed ever again, bloodletting or human sacrifices!   



It was GOOD for all humanity that Jesus died to be the ultimate and final atoning sacrifice that God gave us, but how TERRIBLE was this process! We scream in pain with one smashed finger, we cannot fathom the EXCRUCIATING PAIN that JESUS suffered!  Satan and his demons inflicted this on Him and this is one reason I HATE Satan and his demons today because they make suffer the innocent, they hate Jesus’ followers, they love violence, torture, suffering, mockery and destruction. But Jesus proved that after even a TERRIBLE death, there exists a new reality, RESURRECTION! We can never THANK JESUS ENOUGH for this day in history, we can only give HIM all our lives, devotion, praise, and love!  KD 


DARK DAYS: The followers of Jesus had them!

The disciples felt lost as their mission, purpose and leader was gone & murdered. Haven’t we felt that way at some time, lost and alone? But “Up from the grave He arose!” Jesus is alive! But despite His Spirit in us we often forget that; we often allow the pains of this world to push us into a dark hole, & we forget His words that “He is with us always, even to the end of the world” Matt 28:20. Despair, suffering, & sadness fade when Jesus shows up! Connect to Jesus daily and see the darkness disappear!


RESURRECTION SUNDAY: It takes faith to believe that the resurrection is real, but it is more real than time itself! All the world’s religions, all the government powers, have nothing to offer anyone compared to Jesus’ power, and they lose their authority since they have no power over death, nor do they have fulfilled prophecies concerning anything that makes them have any value. All people just live, die, and then get forgotten unless they belong to Jesus.

Jesus raised Himself up with God’s power as He claimed, and He will raise us up to be with Him one day on His return! What a unique power! He has the keys to the life or death over souls, and He changed the laws of our physics and time. 





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