Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Two Warring Forces: Evil Is Destroying All Systems!

The Two Warring Forces: Evil Is Destroying All Systems! 10-22-23    By Kelly Durant 

Matthew 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

2. How many of you have worked in a job and known co-workers that are sabotagers? These are people who seek their own self-interests that do something evil to a place they owe loyalty to, that normally functions for the good of many, but they have no respect. These are ones who put sand in the machinery. Often, they do damage in a way so that the company will depend on them to clean it out! The Garden of Eden repeats itself over and over as many good companies, families, governments, and churches that start out good often get destroyed by the internal evil introduced by a few. Ones within their ranks.   

I’ll give you one quick example of how evil invades, which is always from within. In a former place of work where I was there was a pest control guy chatting with me one day and he told me how he keeps his contracts. He explained that if a company wanted to cancel the service because they thought they didn’t have any bug problem anymore he told me something sinister that he would do to change their minds. He told me that he had a secret spray to attract bugs so that once he had been cancelled he would then spray the secret formula and within a month thousands of bugs would return. Then, of course the people of the company would beg him to come back to eliminate the horrendous bug infestation problem! But bug infestations are nothing compared to all the evil that is being introduced today!

When younger, did you ever imagine that evil people could become so prevalent being present in everything everywhere? What if I told you that evil Satanic people have invaded every possible system in society? I am referring to evil having infiltrated to the point of totally controlling in the government, major corporations, education institutions, the medical field, and even certain church denominations!  

3. Most Christians like myself interpret the passage of the wheat and tares as a message concerning how Satan has occultly invaded the once perfectly created earth and left his seeds of evil to destroy what God had made. The most evident is that Jesus is comparing the people of God, those who are of good seed, those with Jesus producing good fruit in their lives, as being the good wheat. The people of Satan are as the deceptive tares, or weeds mingled in society alongside the good ones.

The implicit is that the good and evil have to co-exist for a time period predetermined by God, and then there will be a reaping. The reaping as we know is the great moment in time when Jesus returns to integrate God’s kingdom with the souls of good people who honored Christ. It’s compared to the great winepress as in Revelation 14.. This rapture and judgement day, will separate out good from the evil for eternity thereafter. I can’t wait for that day!

1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” How exciting it is that this day will come and the saved good people who loved God and obeyed Jesus commands will finally be free from having to endure the evil deeds of the weeds, goats, wolves, and demons!

4.  If we investigate deeper, it turns out that the tares Jesus describes are weeds in Israel that are very similar in appearance to the wheat when they are young. In other words weeks or months could go by before one could distinguish what was what. This is the deception of Satan and his people, in the beginning they appear to be good, they look almost identical and they seem harmless and authentic but they are not.

Once time has gone by and their roots are deep, once they are mature it becomes evident how ugly and worthless they are damaging the wheat nearby. They suck up more than twice their share of the nutrients and water and they can quite often even destroy the whole crop! To eat them will poison you!

To clean out weeds in your garden you must do it almost daily or they will take over completely ruining all the good plants! In the case of a wheat field, it is so vast it is impossible to pluck them out, and conclusively this world is enormously vast and complex, so the evident is …we have a serious problem of evil cohabitating and damaging our world in this closing era of history.

5.  It is not easy to be a wheat stalk trying to keep your place in the sun in this world surrounded by evil life sucking weeds who want to destroy you! But over and over we are told to be patient, we are maturing and we will be victorious by remaining faithful produce good grains that are healthy, while the evil ones are setting their selves up for the day of the great judgement to be burned.  

 Luke 8:15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. Colossians 1:11 Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

 Luke 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls. Our patience will get us through this world of evil but we do have a mission, and that is to preach the gospel, which is the good news, knowing that the good will win in the end! Evil must be exposed for what it is so every single person on earth will be without excuse for what they follow and support. A person who agrees with or supports an evil person becomes subjected to the evil! Never forget, the good seed of the crop will be harvested and safely stay in the barn of God (heaven) forever!

6.  Jesus exposed the evil weeds in His day! The worst evil ones were, and still are, the so called spiritual religious leaders who were false pretenders and murderers. They, being jealous of Jesus authority, purity, and compassion hated and attacked Him with lies and violence. They went berserk over His teachings hating His innocent followers. Just the presence of Jesus, just the Holy Spirit shining on a Christian’s face makes the evil ones irate because their evil gets exposed by the light. Jesus spoke up, and spoke truth and this is the example we all must follow! 

Today murderous evil is expressed in global false religions but also there is evidence of it in the so called a-religious. The atheists, communists, liberal militants, and Satanists in the world would have you believe that Christians are the worst evil hypocrites in the world but there is little evidence of this. Sadly, some so-called Christians have been traitors to the faith! The evil of these weeds (who never were really converted Christians in my opinion) mostly include crimes of stealing money and getting illicit sex. God will hold them accountable for causing many to stumble! But the percentage rate of these abuses pails compared to these other evil sources doing fraud, deceiving, and destroying overtly.

The most distinctive evil ones in the world are the Satanists, Communists, and false prophet followers from the East who have a repeated history of killing hundreds of millions of people, in particular the killing of Christians, and even the murder of their own! (see the chart of all world wars)

7. The profound effect and meaning of this parable of Jesus of the wheat and the tares is in this modern age is becoming more and more disturbingly clear. In every system most people are doing what’s right sewing good seed and others are doing the total opposite and by all appearances no one can stop them from doing the damage! How alarming! It is an imbalance of a 2-tiered system! 

The solution is never silence or indifference! Jesus spoke this parable of the wheat and weeds for us to share it to everyone. We must make known the horrible evil that exists amongst us, that evil deeds may even at first glance appear as good, but we must expose Godlessness to everyone! Jesus called out the hypocrites, liars, and thieves, and we must label evil sources as from Satan, the betrayer, 

When you are silent or indifferent concerning an evil happening you are in essence hiding the good and light. Matthew 5:15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Darkness hates the light, it gets destroyed by it!

8. Remember as Christians this world is the only hell we will ever have to know, but for the wicked this world is the only heaven they will know! We must stay on the course of being faithful to Jesus, faithful to the “kingdoms of God”. Why do I say, ‘kingdoms’? There are multitudes of groups, organizations, and even corporations doing good, and we should support them. You are a part of one of them! The Salvation Army prints War Crys for a reason! We are at war with evil!

In this wicked world, there will always be wars and rumors of wars and sometimes it is hard to know which side is of the wheat, and which is of the tares! I think God allowed the U.S, forces to beat the Nazis in WW2 because most soldiers were Christian. There was much less abuse done by them than with the Nazi captors. But how was it with the Nazis? They would rape captives, starve them, and kill anyone at random; it was a horrific bloody show of the depravity of man when Hitler had absolute control. Absolute control corrupts absolutely!

And today the United Nations forces have been caught many times raping, kidnapping, & trafficking and yet they are on the front lines helping immigrants come to the U.S. and they speak in world meetings as if they are the saviors of the world’s oppressed?! Saudi Arabia was even voted to be the rep of human rights?!

9. We support God and country, but in the war of good vs. evil, we should expose, disempower, and shun evil leaders amongst us, or we may be guilty of supporting evil kingdoms deceived in ignorance. We will then appear not to be honestly righteous as a people, but to be a people seen by others as those who are lovers of debauchery, blindly supportive of all the exploitations of the elites in charge, of our politician’s money extortions & laundering, and arms sales to evil nations.  

Watch and pray over your own life to be sure you are making war on the right side of the fence! In the wars of the world, it seems there are always evil players on both sides but with one side being a little more righteous than the other and we do reject all exploiters and evil dominions. Jesus preached Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. And remember peace is not something you gain by compromising with evil!

When you received Jesus, you enlisted in the battle against evil! You joined a kingdom (of God) that was, and is, and is to come (soon in all its glory)! That loving kingdom is within you and me and it is like the positive on a battery that when it touches a negative pole sparks fly! Our holiness & light cannot support violence and darkness! Whose side are we on? Jesus’ side!  So, keep your sword sharp (knowing the Word of God) and fight Satan’s people that have invaded all our current systems. Pray for discernment most of all!



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