Monday, May 27, 2024

Leadership Jesus Way: What You Need

Leadership Jesus Way: What You Need     BY Kelly Durant Re: 5-26-23

I Tim 3:1-7  

2.Forest Gump! Who saw the movie? There is a part where he starts running across the U.S. from state to state and everyone that saw him running thinks he is a wise guru of some kind and that they need to follow and run with him. So from place to place he picks up more and more people following him expecting wisdom. But then after many months, and many people questioning… What are we running for, where are we going...he breaks down and his words of wisdom are, “I’m tired!” He wasn’t going anywhere! People wasted their time for nothing!

Believe it or not this stereotypes many people recognized as leaders in the world, who run from one cause to the next to support any old thing but in the end the followers discover that these leaders weren’t really going anywhere nor, was their cause worth what the public was sold! Like what happened to Lance Armstrong.  

Leadership today is very important! I am very pleased with most all of our Local Leaders! Leaders have followers, but have you ever asked yourself, what are my attributes that makes me worthy of having followers? 

Let’s review some principles of leadership that can help guide us on what can make us worthy.

3. Paul in the scripture of today tells Timothy what qualities leaders must possess. These are the basics of holiness, and we need more leaders in all areas, but we need leaders with good qualities and with the same vision as Jesus.

In the scripture we see what qualities a leader, or a bishop, or a Local Officer, (same position) needs with these words, and make the personal with each characteristic looking at yourself:

To be blameless, Can anyone accuse you of a wrong doing?; 

Faithful to his mate, Are you still there despite temptations?;

Vigilant, Do you worry about what could endanger others and the church?;

Sober, Do you confront with seriousness matters of concern?;

Hospitable, Will you receive and attend to visitors when they are here?;

Apt to teach, Are you training others for your job?

Not a drinker, Do you always remain without intoxication?;

Not violent, Do you have control over your anger?;

Not greedy, Do you want to be rich and that is your main focus?;

Patient, Can you endure the mistakes and problems of others with kindness and patience?;

Not argumentative, Some people love conflict and always speak the contrary, do you do that?;

Not covetous, Are you happy when someone prospers, or envious and hate them?

Controls his children, Are you involved with your kids to make them be courteous, respectful?;

Not a novice, Are you inexperienced in something but yet you want to be in charge?;

And with a good report with all, How many people like being with you and do they like you because you are an example of a servant?


These are some challenges from the scriptures. Do you possess these qualities as a leader? Most of you do have potential, but there are always some areas in which we all must grow. I personally believe in giving people a break, if most everything is good, say passing with a D or C grade, then there is potential! So, look over this list and let the Lord speak to you where you could grow. 

4. Regina and I have seen all kinds of leaders in our lives and all kinds of styles & personalities. In the scripture we see that the good is mentioned along with the negative not to have and I will give you the most common 3 bad examples we have seen in our experiences and then 3 positive points on how Jesus taught us to be.

1)      There is the leader who lacks respect to authority to the pastors, the Officers, the leaders in general, or the church to which he or she says they belong to. These are leaders who tell others behind your back they do not agree with things but in front of you they are silent because they know inwardly they are wrong. These are the argumentative and conflictive ones. Have you seen this kind?

We have heard that good followers make good leaders and that is because they listen and learn, but those who never follow never really learn anything to lead anyone with! Do you respect others?

2)      The prideful leader. This is the one who always thinks he or she knows more than you. They are like the taxi driver that you tell him the shortest way home, but he insists he knows better than you and takes you on a long route, has that ever happened to you? It did to me all the time in So. America! With no humility this kind of leader will never be useful nor train others because they always want others to see them as a great leader since they know everything, and they are selfish with their skills, knowledge, and delegation.

3)      The novice leader who doesn’t know what he or she is doing but is greedy with the power or position. Regina and I have been shocked sometimes when we have given a person a little power of authority in the church and then this person starts ordering everybody around to be serving them as if they were a slave driving boss! How sad it is when a person can seem nice but then with a title they have a personality change and tell everyone what to do. Have you seen that too?

5. So, what were Jesus’ principle ways of managing things as a leader? He chose some shady characters didn’t he? Fishermen, & tax collectors! He often stopped walking down the street to attend to the people who needed healing. He seemed to be ready for any situations that came up to use it as a teachable moment.

He even took time with the children when preaching. His style was very unique

6. -First point, Jesus called his 12 disciples from very different backgrounds. He formed a diverse teamwork! I want to work with each and every one of you as each person has a unique perspective, and all good leaders include everyone for decisions on their team. You are my team, the only one I have! Do you believe that each person here is valuable even though they may be very different from you?

 If we were to compare you to the disciples in this Corps I think we could see some here that are like John, Peter, and or Matthew, and there are faithful women followers too like Mary and Martha.

7. -Second, Jesus gave an example to his followers on how to bring the message of God’s Kingdom and salvation to the masses and to the individual people. He starts off in the synagogue reading from Isa 61, how He is the Messiah, God’s chosen, and then He goes on to preach the sermon on the mount to thousands. Later He travels and talks to only one woman at the well, and then to one lone rabbi, etc.

What we see is Jesus shares the message to everyone, anywhere, anyplace, and anytime! A leader is not just a leader in a group but also he is one to individual people as well! He teaches his followers how to adapt and be ready all the time as the scripture says,” Be instant in season out of season.” Do you share what you know with others? 

8. -Third, Jesus is the great Rabbi or teacher, so he is constantly teaching his disciples about the kingdom of God, preparing them for their mission of preaching and teaching the gospel to every creature to repeat what He did. 

We conclude that if you follow God, He expects you to learn to work together with others of the same mission in teamwork, even though they have their faults; observe and learn teachings while serving; and finally you get equipped to prepare others so they too will understand God’s plan in their lives and obey it and do the same.   2 Timothy 2:2

2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

9. Now, after Jesus has gone in the clouds, what did the disciples do? The waited on the power of God in order to do the job!  Later they all eventually went in different directions to preach the gospel with their own leadership style! After the day of Pentecost, after Acts 1:8 God gave Acts 8:1, to get the mission done in all places so they hear the preaching of the gospel. And in the end each disciple ended up as leaders for Jesus in many different faraway places!

10. You may not end up getting killed for the mission as the first dicsples did but what did they do that you can do too? You can each fulfill the mission that God called you to! Don’t wait until the persecution either!

 11. 3 simple points: Jesus formed a team, Jesus shared the message to everyone along his way, and Jesus taught or prepared his team on what to do to repeat the mission after He was gone. 

Something great and wonderful is God is raising many of you up as leaders here to take care of all the new people that will be coming in as new members! Don’t forget, your job as leader is YOU must train others! 

 You may ask then, well we are to imitate Jesus, to be more like Him, so how are we doing that in the Hialeah Corps? Well, first of all, all of us as a team must continue on empowering each other as better leaders by sharing our talents and skills. Also, always we need to get you signed up and get qualified on paper to be recognized.

Think of how you will be spending time to be getting preparing for your individual tasks. By now most of you have gotten the Local Officer’s Job Descriptions and if not we will give you copy. Many of you have many talents and we just need to get you prepared and get you more busy! 

12. Each of you should be taking care of each other. We had a list of who would be in touch with who, so after one year, did it help? Do we need to revive it? You have already been learning Bible from each other and you time will come for you to have your own band of 10 to 12 followers that you will be training in the Word, in doctrine, and how to keep on doing your job after you go.

Let’s imagine this Corps only 10 years from now. Where will you be then? It will be the ones in their 20’s and teens that will be best equipped to take over, don’t you think? If today you can go back 10 years and remember what it was like here, some of you were here, but you can name only a few that have been here even that long! So, time always implies a changing of the guard and a new set of leaders and members, and do you think we have people who are prepared enough to handle the jobs then?

 When I am not here on a Sunday, there are several of you that are very capable of preaching and running things, I hope that when any one of you is absent too, another person here will be trained by you in your job position to replace you too.  Have you prepared someone?

13. So let’s review, leadership is all about being worthy, holy, qualified, and trained, prepared, and then passing all of that on to the one behind you! In the Salvation Army, do you wear the uniform, be faithful to inform another when you cannot attend to something, and do you volunteer to do what you are capable of doing as much as possible?

Jesus was the model leader to his followers, showing love for all and he took time for the masses and each person who had a need! Jesus taught them, and Paul taught Timothy and the ones after them taught others. 

Ask yourself, am I being faithful to train another? Am I being a good example and good mentor? Young people, who do you want to be your mentor to be amongst the more experience ones? We need to make ourselves more likable, more patient, more willing, and more like Jesus, are you ready to lead?  Let’s pray…

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