Sunday, September 15, 2024

Arithmetic: God Taught Adam About The Universe: His Sons Corrupted This Sacred Knowledge Pt 4


Arithmetic: God Taught Adam About The Universe: His Sons Corrupted This Sacred Knowledge  

A Seven Part Sermon on How What We Know Today Has Degraded From The Original Pt. 4.                By Kelly Durant


Matthew 10:30

And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.    Genesis 46:26

All those who went to Egypt with Jacob—those who were his direct descendants, not counting his sons’ wives—numbered sixty-six persons.


2. How many of you think math education is important? I think we all agree we should learn the basics, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These calculations make or break us in how poor or prosperous we may be able to live. Without a record of numbers of everything we are doomed to chaos! 


Why are we on this topic today? Because for God numbers are important as they reveal who he is, who we are, and record time and volumes of events. There is even a whole book in the bible named “Numbers” but few people give it much thought! God is in the details, and that includes many numbers of His people. 


People can be easily manipulated with wrong numbers, have you ever thought of that? In election times polls and stats are used for manipulation. Stats that are deceptive and change minds and attitudes. Superstitious people allow their lives to be controlled by ‘sacred numbers’. Wrong numbers can cause you to fail. Luke 14:28-30 For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— 29 lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? 


3. I think we use to grow up in the U.S. with a common understanding of how mathematical skills are vital to our survival, but it has been degenerated. In South America and the rest of the world, many people I knew revealed having a talent or training for correct number calculations, or they use to, but calculators have permitted our minds to become lazy and vulnerable. 


What has disturbed me, having worked with immigrants, is how they get abused by people who do tricky math on them. Often their paychecks are done wrong, and employers are stealing from them! We see this personally often. Many end up buying homes and cars with the highest interest ever and being taken advantage of like no other. Now that is an area in society where real social justice enthusiasts should be focused on. It is appalling and disturbing how many people do not have the calculating skills they need to rise out of poverty. 


One of the most disturbing misuses of our God given arithmetic system is that of viewing numbers as having philosophical or hidden message which should govern our decisions as in numerology. The occultists, certain religions and cultures, and behind the scenes secret societies are all governed by ‘sacred’ dates, numbers, and their actions will always be tied into the mystery of the number’s sciences.  


4. We know God knows everything about everything! God knows if your body lost 51 hairs today and 64 yesterday! Jesus affirms this in Matthew 10:30. God used numbers in establishing consistency in the forces He created. For example, light has a usual constant of 186,000 miles per second. (according to scientists) The numbers don’t lie when revealing how amazingly astounding God is in his created measurements holding invisible forces together which He taught to Adam about.


Psalm 147:4 He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name. God did intend for us to notice that some numbers are more relevant than others. For example, our one God reveals Himself in three ways. Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (God in 3 persons, blessed trinity).


God is also revealed in the number seven. Revelation 1:4 John, to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne. At a different time we can look at God’s sacred numbers such as 1,3,7, 12, 24, 40, etc. 


5. What is it with 3 in the Bible? 1 in 3 fallen beings, (or 33 %) are condemned by their own choice, angels who became demons, and they are forever banned from heaven. Revelation 12:4 His (Lucifer’s) tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. Dozens of times one third is in the Bible on how to divide things.


So, what is 66% then? It is God’s number for the faithful who remained in heaven, and even Genesis 46:26 God reveals this uniqueness through Abraham on earth ‘not counting his sons’ wives—numbered sixty-six persons’. And God promised him children as the stars and sand grains! That’s almost infinite! So, what is 666 then? It is more symbolic of the 2/3rds faithful than of something evil. Never forget God owns everything and it is Satan who wants to flip things with the opposite, in his pride he wants to own the things of God, but he is an impostor, a loser, and a fraud and owns nothing! All numbers are of God, but Satan pretends to own some like 5, 13, and 666. Our Bible has 66 books in it!


And it is amazing how evil frequently divides in thirds. Congress may vote 66% for something good, but often 33% are evil and illogically, callously, and in explicably vote against it. The same is in all organizations and other networks, as well as churches, as often we observe that 2/3 are there for God and 1/3 are there for some personal gain or to do plots of sabotage and dissention. On whose side are you and those we know? Matt. 7:20 ‘By their fruits you will know them” 


6. So today I am postulating that Adam learned all the mathematical sciences as we know them today from God and passed them down to his descendants. Enoch the grandson of Adam is attributed to being a builder of complex structures and land markers, which many believe include the major pyramids dividing the ancient north from the south in Egypt.  I am convinced that Adam knew of all the formulas of Pythagoras, Archimedes, and Euclid, and of others.  


So, did Satan plot to rob God’s numbers and seek worship for the revelation of scared math formulas? Yes! His demons possessed early civilizations to create a pantheon of false gods and mega structures that cannot be explained even today on how they were created, as with the pyramids. 


The pyramids around the world were most usually used for celestial worship of the sun and stars and not for the worship of our true God and even worse the temples were used for Satanic human sacrifice. What a combination! Imagine an exact counting and measuring of the stars for times and seasons yet mixed with an insatiable desire for human blood and murder?! These cults still exist today!


7. Arithmetic today is common knowledge yet secret societies still push the idea that only certain elite master builders had the knowledge of the sacred formulas. Only they were worthy to build! How erroneous! Today we see many structures in all the cities around the world that are built lined up with the sun, Saturn, Venus, or stars, and built with a certain amount of sides, and are spaced with 13 blocks apart with intersecting angle junctions that reveal secret symbols such as the pentagram. The earth’s ley lines are also used as markers for where to build.


Computers have made it possible to calculate numbers with lighting velocity. There is no room for human error, and so some people actually claim that technology is to be worshipped as a god superior to us, a new cult!  

There exists “technopaganism” (a new cult) and numbers, times, place locations, and quantities are an essential part of Satanic worship.


The idea is for us to marvel that only Lucifer could reveal such mathematical knowledge to our past forefathers who belonged to these secret cults. Often Solomon is mentioned in secret circles, but not the wise version as he communicated in the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, but rather the fallen version when he worshipped pagan gods in order to please his pagan wives. 


8. So, Satan’s crowd wants you to conclude this, that the money, the power, the shapes, and even the dates of things (as in past wars or murders as, in Friday the 13th) are established points for the purpose of exalting ancient cult worship that employs numbers and numerology. If you don’t join their insider’s clubs, and learn their so-called secret knowledge, then you will never partake of any of their privileges, sinful benefits, or power. 


Jesus’ life is connected to ‘sacred’ Godly numbers, like the 12 disciples, fasting 40 days, dying at age 33 & ½ (not at 33 & 1/3), and he feeds 5,000, gets his disciples to catch 153 fish, and on and on. Pay attention to God’s numbers and learn that God does keep track of everything beyond our imagination and ability.


Arithmetic knowledge is important! We need it to add up our finances, control our health, and calculate if others are using truthful numbers or deceptive numbers for our day-to-day transactions. On the 7th day, God rested, and so should we as we reflect on His amazingly perfect harmony of numbers. Keep count of things and be faithful to God 24/7 who created you with an estimated 36 trillion cells functioning in harmony. Worship Him! His creation reveals His perfect design, awesomeness, complexity, and love for us!

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