Christmas: Without It Earth Would Be More Of A Hell
(Than What It Already Is!) By Kelly Durant
Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
2. How many of you have seen a movie called, “Back to the Future”? It was about a young man that went back into time and then goes back into the future. There is one part where something didn’t happen the way it was supposed to in the past, and if he didn’t get things the way they were supposed to be, in his case it was the getting together of his parents to marry, then the world was going to become a different, horrible place, a living hell full of crime and no love! Thank God Michael J. Fox was able to fix it and make it right!
This imaginative scenario provoked me to reflect and ask myself this question, what would the world be like today if it had not been for the birth of the Son of God on Christmas over 2024 years ago? (More or less, Gregorian calendar has flaws) Imagine a world today without a deep concept of love, without Christ followers who are salt and light, those who are wonderful examples of Jesus’ love, compassion, and salvation? And without those helping others in need?
But because there are people who listen to the spirit to God, much peace has been brought into our world. In my youth we use to sing, “All we are sayin’, Is give peace a chance”! Well, there is peace in Jesus and He said in John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
3. Imagine a world totally hell bent on destruction without any leadings from God’s gentle Holy Spirit? Imagine a world without churches & social work helping the desperate, without missionaries bringing a better standard of life to the poor, imagine living without the wise teachings of Jesus Christ and most of all the fact that His message of the forgiveness for sins through repentance offers ‘whosoever will’ the opportunity to have eternal life? Eternal life was God’s Christmas gift to us! And this life is something money cannot buy, nor does anyone earn it by points with God! Jesus’ message changes lives totally!
The world today I speculate would be a thousand times more full of violent atrocities; it would be even worse dominated by many Satanic cults as were historically in Europe and the Americas with human sacrifices devastating innocent life with abuse, violence, and war. More wars would have prevented our technological progresses of electricity, transportation and more. Ignorance, oppression, and misery would be the norm as it was for thousands of years and is today in places where the gospel is suppressed and not allowed due to atheism and false oppressive religions.
This picture of anarchy, chaos and violence is the way the world recently was in many places before European missionaries went to immigrate into the world on ships about 500 years ago. On the islands and in most continents, people had never heard the gospel of Jesus. It was the Christians who helped the world progress out of the dark ages of murderous false religions, cannibalism, demon worship, and slavery.
Christians were the ones who founded all of the prestigious colleges of high learning in Europe and in the Americas. It was the Christians who developed the world scientifically, through great Christians like Galileo, Da Vinci, Pascal, and others. Christians also were the ones who fought for the freedom of slaves. Conservative Christians have been influential in and putting the brakes on rampant debauchery, alcoholism, prostitution, and vices which have destroyed the lives of spouses and children.
4. Jesus has been the best gift this world has ever received! But let’s look at what attributes were involved in order for his birth to happen. First, there had to be a willingness to give. God, our Father, was willing to give His only Son from the Kingdom of heaven for us on earth. Jesus himself had to give of his own self to be willing to be born in humble circumstances and then to be horribly treated by those of this world, even those of his own flesh and blood. Take note of the mystical part, God prepared his coming by dozens of prophesies even a thousand years prior so that when Jesus came, all who are studious and wise would make no mistake in recognizing Him as the chosen Messiah, the savior of the world, worthy of our honor, worship, and service.
Jesus renounced heaven, his home which is a place of pure perfection, and love and peace, in order to come here to be on this hell of an earth to give Himself, and his life’s body as a human sacrifice in frail flesh on the cross, to die a horrible death so whosoever believes can be saved! Only Jesus is the Prince of Peace!
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
The first thing that Christmas, (Jesus coming), should do to you is convict you (and me) to give everything of ourselves to serve Him, because he really is the only King of kings of all ages! No other being so loving powerful and peaceful is going to be born! You and I must give our lives to Jesus in gratitude, and this includes teaching our families to obey to Him, loving Him with all our hearts and minds, and souls because no other gift in return to Him is acceptable!
5. Jesus gave the ultimate example of humility, he was born in a humble little manger from a poor family, and came not to be rich, nor powerful as the kings of earth are, but he came to serve and to give his healing power and life for all of us!
There are many people in the world still that are ignorant of His love and they live by the total opposite of His example. They believe that Christmas is a time to be extravagant and party, and to ask, receive, and to get. I know as a child I got picky and demanding about what I wanted my mother to give me for Christmas and that was being spoiled and wrong. Being gift focused is a mistake and the opposite of what Christmas should be all about!
Since I had no father in the home, my mother, always tried to make it up to me by giving me many extra toys at Christmas time. But the toys were fun only for a few days before the reality of the world’s brokenness would come back. All that I had received did not bring me a lasting happiness. The newness disappears within days!
6. It was later in my life that I learned the joy of giving after I dedicated my life to the Savior, the one who started the Christmas celebrations. If you want happiness then give Jesus to others!
Acts 20:35
I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. It is more blessed to give than to receive! One more time… Jesus said, it is more blessed to give than to receive!
We need to teach ourselves and our children to give to others so that neither we nor they just think about their own fun and own selves at Christmas time. Give your time in service to God, give your food, your money, your will, everything to serve Jesus; and if you do, then you will be following the words and example of Jesus and you will be celebrating what Christmas is really about!
7. Today there is a serious problem of people trying to take Jesus & God out of Christmas. They say, “Happy Holidays”, and across the nation not everyone say “Merry Christmas” anymore. This nation is losing it’s peace and power! From the office of people in power, from the people in huge business corporations, even from your own families people are minimizing God & Jesus and the “reason for the season”! People have become so materialistic and worried about gifts and the details of parties that the people of this nation, and of most others as well, have forgotten who the party is for and how He wants those at His party to be! Which is to be in Christian love celebrating His birth. There is no logic, and it is a huge insult, if Jesus is being left out of His own party!
What should come to my mind about Christmas is that it brings a message of hope and salvation to a corrupted dying world! What did God have all the angels announce to the humble poor shepherds when Jesus was born? They all declared, “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and good will towards men”!
God showed his love and favor to all of us in such a miraculous strange way with a virgin, with angles, with shepherds, with kings from the orient, with animals in a manger. Jesus has brought you and me a new hope, a new life, a life of peace, an internal peace that gives us strength.
8. God gave us His good will and peace. God gave us His goodness and without Jesus there is no goodness and peace! You and I have a deep obligation to honor Jesus as the angels did, and know that the way we honor him is by sharing and obeying His words, and giving as He gave. Without Jesus people are beasts, full of jealousies, violence, adulteries, & selfishness. If we forget God at Christmas and every day then we will end up as described in Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
I have travelled a lot like many of you and seen this, that the communities that are authentically Christian with a variety of Christian churches have much less violence and crime and more peace than the rich corrupted materialistic dying mega-metropolis Gotham city hell holes in our world today.
When we pause to remember the birth of Jesus, we are giving ourselves and the world a fresh hope that there is someone much better and more beautiful than ourselves that can solve all problems by bringing peace, saving our souls, and giving us a hew hope and perspective on how to live. Christmas unequivocally indicates that by accepting Jesus we accept love and peace and the fact that you and I must change everything about our lives in order to model this love, humility, peace, and giving of one’s self!
“Know Jesus, Know peace!” But “No Jesus, no peace!”
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