Saturday, March 4, 2017

The United Religions Initiative: My Christian Response to Interfaithness

The United Religions Initiative: My Christian Response to Interfaithness     
by Kelly Durant

2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

2. You have eaten many soups in your life, right? With corn, potatoes, and vegetables with some chicken mixed in. But have you ever seen someone make a soup and throw in rotten potatoes? Or rotten meat? Your reaction would be what? You would think, if I eat that I’ll get sick and maybe even die! Well, this analogy we can apply to what certain people in power are doing to weaken Christian communities (the soup). You and I need to warn others! Compromising for some things are good for a common ground, but never with the gospel!

The threat for Christians to compromise the faith is more intense than ever. Astute social engineers in governments, colleges, and in non-Christian religions, (and even in some Christian religions) are interjecting interfaith models as the new standard. Mixing impure doctrine in our Christian world it is like an injection of rotten poison! With intelligent arguments on how it is good for you to be globally inclusive and non-discriminatory, you and multitudes worldwide, are being fed anti-Christ secular ideologies under the guise of achieving a beautiful global unity. Many world leaders in positions of power recently are claiming we all should unite as one; a compromising of faiths and accept the positions of the people of the world. The actual subtle goal of this is to diminish the Christian faith out of existence! Christians need to keep 2 Corinthians 6:14 dear as this tactic of having the current cultural trends override the faith has always been around and we need to wake people up and defend the faith!

In the past decades, there has been an increased division in our communities and world, and a plethora of controversial media exposes this dividing of people as deliberate. And we observe that many of those who fomented the divisive conflicts are the same ones to offer us their solutions for unity! The fruitless idealistic uniting of nations under programs designed to reestablish community unity are experimental systems replacing faith with inter-faith?! It never works! Unity is what we all want to believe, as idealistic humans, as what will bring world unity and peace, but this is not necessarily so. The Word of God makes it clear that those submitted to Jesus Christ can never join in unity with those who push their own agendas, beliefs, and convictions which contradict (and even insult) God Jehovah.

3. Here is what we face in our world today: certain people of certain political and/or religious power want to see everyone, despite radical differences, despite criminal and abusive practices, get along and be one big happy family in our faith world. The U.R.I. is only one of these large groups but all of this push is under an umbrella of compromise, a compromise of values and of contradicting the Holy Scriptures; of compromising of Jesus to not be Holy, or the only savior. They place all gods are equal but just have a different name?!

However, if one is seeking to unite Christians, and we are able to put on the back-burner certain dogmas, strange traditions, and sacraments, then most all Christians are on the same page: the basics of accepting Jesus as Lord, as the very son of God, as being the resurrected savior of all mankind, is the same in all Christiandom! We should live in peace with everyone but some infiltrators want their dominance as the means to peace, but this cannot be acceptable.

What is being taught in schools, what is being pushed in certain municipalities and religious centers, what is being promoted by all anti-christ news medias is that Christians historically are the evil ones who do not work in unity with those different from other faiths. Guilty of discrimination, right? Wrong! At first glance, one might buy into this delusion that the people of faith, those bigoted ones from the southern states, or the conservative churches, are society’s problem, but there are 2 sides to the coin! Never allow the good of God to be mislabeled as evil while a fool proclaims the evil ones as good! Satan is an imitator and ‘the accuser of the saints’! The saints in the final judgment are eternally destined to live in heaven, while evil unredeemed God insulting people pay for their sins along with Satan in the lake of fire. No Jesus, no peace but know Jesus, know peace!

Rarely in our modern day anti-Christ climate does any university, or government authority, give voice to its Christian residents and leaders, who are often the majority in the city.  Freedom of worship implies that if a community has a majority of a certain people group, then they should have the right to have their preeminence. Up until the recent decades there were solid, time-proven laws and values in place that conserved unity through respect being derived from Biblical laws. (For example, punishments were established for robbers, murderers, rapists, etc) But some rewritten laws replacing the functioning system?! It is the evil cycle of people who attack the thesis (the established) attacking it with the antithesis (or opposite, a modern liberalism), so a manipulated synthesis (anti-Christ world order) can come out of the result. The Christian influence here and abroad is being compromised, persecuted, and eliminated and in many places its going down without even much of a fight in some places. What a crime against God and the past forefathers! Today we must stand as we can do no other!   

4. The supposition, or lie, is that as a society of equality, we must accommodate and give equal position to all fringe groups no matter how few, how strange, how hateful, or how Satanic they are! How Satanic this agenda is and Satan has planned to dominate the world by division since the beginning! God is superior, He is the Most High, and His Holy respect must be maintained to prevent hell on earth! God and Satan can never co-exist. An example: In Bolivia the miners put a Satan statue (el tio) and a Jesus or Mary one side by side in the entrance, for protection, but analyze this. When protected how do they know which one did it? Many good Christian people are silent, indifferent, or asleep when the faith is compromised. I think too many weak Christians fear ridicule and humiliation! Shame on them as those who deny Jesus, or agree to compromise Him, will be denied by Him.  

Knowing that this world’s evil ones persecuted our Lord, we lament that they will do it to us too! John 15:20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. And if you as a Christian do not stand for something, you will fall for anything! Better to take the heat now than to take the heat of hell later for eternity for doing nothing for Jesus!

Here are possible factors that could explain why some Christians in the USA have not recognized these enemy’s tactics on Christians. For one, Christians have been a majority in this country for past generation and they have not had to fight too hard to hold their positions because the past forefathers left functional Christian values in place in the communities. These values were of being hard working, having faith convictions, and being strong in adversary, but indifference, and complacency are the sins that have taken over. Are you guilty of any of these?

5. Another attack on the faith is we keep getting told that Christians are hypocrites and unrighteous bigots suppressing everyone’s rights, the differently sexually oriented, and minority races. You may not be guilty of such but this imputed guilt for which you are not responsible provokes some to lower the guard to accept compromise. Obviously, pre-1960s many flaws of our systems were brought to light, and many of these errors of not being equal to all were corrected. But the current world, and history, proves that for millennia extreme and worse horrors go on. Even today, discrimination in this nation is much less severe than what 90% of the world’s other countries have to put up with! However, here in the U.S.A., and in most of the world’s countries, trafficking of humans and modern day slavery still exists. The reporting on this by the media is minimized because it does not fit the political narrative agenda. Human trafficking, the sex and drug trade, and domestic abuse and violence are horrible evils bringing suffering on billions, but few stand up to counter it because the ultra-powerful benefit from it and pay off others to hush it up. Those that do not compromise, they kill or suppress, and this includes the Christians who expose it.

A third factor is the mega monopoly of media and anti-Christ nations never allow Jesus to be offered as a solution to these injustices and crimes rampant everywhere. The motive of the high dark powers is not to fix these problems, but to exploit the issues redirecting to alternative solutions which time and again fail to be effective. There are many evil people at work who disproportionately augment a problem so they can blame the broken system or Christians so they then can later by compromise extort advantage for their self, for their religion or group. The factor is, ‘light can never have fellowship with darkness’, so this is why we as Christians can never join with the forces of certain groups of the world who appear to fight for rights, but they have absolutely no motive to love others with the gospel of Jesus. Many groups deny, disrespect, and even hate Jesus, so how can they expect us to love and accept them even when they are doing good?

Some radical activists are very persistent in trying to force unwanted laws on everyone and why? Because this is the agenda, John 10:10 “The thief (Satan and his people) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” (souls) (But here is Jesus agenda) “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”. Some people live from exploitation by making the illegal legal and then they can sue for huge amounts of money those who do not honor that which never should have been legal in the first place! This is lawlessness and insanity! Matthew 24:12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.

6. As Christians our response is we will love the sinners in the darkness, we can tolerate up to a point certain discrepancies of convictions, traditions, and beliefs, but what happens when the darkness wants to dominate over us? Then this is when we must separate ourselves as in the scripture of today in 2 Corinthians states. If people will not agree that Jesus changes hearts and resolves the evil then unity is impossible, with any group or any person.

I know people who have been involved in interfaith initiatives and on the surface these movements appear benevolent. These movements are good to get together people of diverse races and religions so they can learn about each other and their customs but what is the end of it? The usual motive is to put all religions of the same level hoping that there will be a mutual co sharing of power and acceptance. In other words, Christianity offers nothing more than the rest!

This global unity is an imaginary dream world where globalists, the U.R.I. types,, and unrealistic flawed thinkers dream to see: a New World Order of unity and peace. The problem is 6,000 years of recorded history proves evil man without God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will never achieve unity and utopia! Mankind has been at war other men ever since Genesis continuing on today.

7. So take heed, recognize it when your Christian faith is being put in a secondary place for the sole purpose of unity. I feel for our young people who are extremely pressured today in colleges that teach that Christianity, or the church, is an evil and has been the source of wars, racism, and problems in the world’s cultures since its beginning. This is very false and each false point can be proved to be false presenting the other side of the coin. We need to know our history, or others will present to us their false history, their fake news version, to justify why they should disqualify you so they dominate. This attack has infiltrated some churches as well.

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; This verse implies many people will fall into the deception of believing not Christian teachers and preachers, but deceivers who preach a new world order.

We cannot cover it all today, but you have been made aware that the anti-Christ world leader will gain his power by deception. Daniel 8:25 ‘And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes (Jesus); but he shall be broken without hand.’ So with deception, pride, alternative solutions, and peace he will fight against Jesus, and unity with United Nations Agenda 21 globalist groups types are preparing the way with these practices already.

8. Christianity has never been the problem for a lack of unity in the world, it has always been the solution! It is the evil unrepentant, rebellious, God and people-hating, falsely indoctrinated, complainy, unloving, perverted, domineering, exploitive, diabolical, criminal people that have been the problem!

Never allow Satan to blame God’s people for all the evil he has done! It is like the politicians that do evil and then they claim it is the other party’s fault when things fall apart but when researched they were the guilty ones! Sabotage, treason, and betrayal, as Judas practiced against Jesus, is still alive and well. How I hate Satan and his demons creating death and destruction! Expose him!

Stand up strong! Never compromise! Never compromise by being unequally yoked with an unbelieving mate, or attending a compromised church, or accepting Jesus hating people to dilute your God given rights to practice your religious freedom. Never give up fighting against those who want to impose their unjust and Satanic systems upon you and the community. Jesus will bring peace and unity when heaven comes down, and a certain amount of peace we can have amongst ourselves as Christians in the meantime, but in the world we will just have to continue to fight, uncompromising against the anti-Christ powers that are prophesied to gain a temporary ground before the final judgment. Jesus wins in the final battle! I am with Jesus, the loving winner, all the way! And you?


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