Hate What God Hates Kelly
Durant 2-29-17
Psalm 34:21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate
the righteous shall be desolate. Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy
sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
2. In Catholic South America when you go out talking about the
gospel you always run into people who instead of wanting to debate deeply the
Bible and how one is living close to God or not, people prefer to tell jokes
about the faith. Jokes, after all, allow people to laugh about faults. Laughter
after all is a way to avoid confronting in yourself how you really don’t like
certain people or certain situations with people. Here’s a joke just for fun.
A priest was driving and gets stopped for speeding. The
policeman smells alcohol on the priest’s breath and then sees an empty wine
bottle on the floor of the car. He says, “Father, have you been drinking?”
“Just water,” says the priest, fingers crossed. The policeman says, “Then why
do I smell wine?” The priest looks at the bottle and says, “Praise be to God!
He’s done it again!”
If you want to know the nature of a person, just look at what
incites their laughter! People seem to love political or religious jokes
because within the dark human nature most people love to see people in authority
mocked. Humans are rebellious! But within the making fun of others we often observe
the cruel nature of others who deep inside harbor a hate and disdain. Often people
who mock and poke fun of others are the same ones who claim to be so sensitive
and so caring for other certain groups of people. But a stream of water is
either fresh or salty, not both! People who protest with hate something cannot
have goodness and love as well.
What you and I see is a serious outbreak of cruel hypocrisy
in society in which one group gets to bully and mock another. Christians, for
example get mocked and persecuted with impunity around the world while other
groups, if they get mocked, go into an outrage and violent fury beating up others,
burning down neighborhoods, and demanding legal crucifixion of the ones who
opened their mouths against them! The haters today, in our Godless society, are
pure evil.
3. Today I am focusing on how in line with God you are with your
ways, be they with laughter, anger, love, or hate, yes hate! Did you know God
hates? Proverbs 8:13 “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride,
and arrogance, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate”. If you are
a Christian with the discernment of the Holy Spirit you can immediately
recognize a person that is totally opposite you in their values because most everything
they reveal in conversation, in laughter, in love, and in hate is in opposition
to the laws and values of God and the fruits of the Spirit. Our world is in
such a divided state because a majority of people are carnal and simpletons and
have all their wires crossed by misleading information!
A Christian obeys God’s commands worshipping Him, loving Him
and others, and he or she loves all life no matter the sinful condition of the
person. A true Christian can forgive insults, and seeks to walk in peace with
others, even if they disagree with their sins. A Christian studies the Bible
and knows what practices are of God’s nature, distinguishing between what is
healthy and what is perverse. Within our practice of not hating, we still have
the freedom of discretion! We must choose what God’s word says at any cost or
we deceive our own selves.
A true Christian is one who lives a holy life, who reveals
they love God and others by what they say and do. They defend the cause of the
righteous and the persecuted, and seek to serve, heal, and pray for the
well-being of everyone, even for the ones who hate and persecute them.
4. You are familiar with Jesus teachings, “Love God and
others as yourself”; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, and
“love your enemies”. These things are familiar to you, but can you tell me
about the last time that you actually got to practice them? We know to love,
but are we to hate? Does indignation and hate have a purpose with God’s people?
A Christian will seek to be like Jesus imitating Jesus in all
things, and notice how it was not often, but Jesus did hate and get angry at
and the hypocrisy of the wicked deceitful oppressors in his day. Jesus hated
hypocrisy, and attacked back those who hated Him and wanted to kill Him. John 8:39 They answered and said unto him,
Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye
would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath
told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
So Jesus makes it clear, God’s children, those who claim
Abraham must live as Abraham, and Jesus was not like these men hating and
seeking to kill God’s own! So what brings out the rage and hate in people who
reject God’s truth which comes through Jesus? It is in their hearing of the
truth of how evil they are that makes them go berserk! Just what Jesus said
being, “a man that hath told you the truth”, was all it took for them to hate,
and plan to kill Him and his followers. Today people of ‘truth’ get mocked as
fake, but we know the truth from God.
5. Psalm 34:21 Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate
the righteous shall be desolate Basically after Jesus was killed, those that
hated Him were all massacred and crucified by the Romans when Jerusalem was
invaded and destroyed in 70 A.D. The whole city, even the famous Temple of
Herod was burnt totally to the ground with everyone in the city killed as a
punishment for rebelling against Roman rule. Read what the historian Josephus
says about this massacre to know how horrible and complete the destruction was!
The stench of rotting bodies travelled for miles away! This was absolute
desolation! You cannot hate God’s own, murder and then expect to escape His
Those that hate Christians, those that persecute and mock the
righteous, those that adopt the values of the perverted sick world will pay a
price for their wickedness. The price is desolation! That of legacy and that of
spirit! All societies when corrupted, after losing their respect for God and
His statues, get conquered and overtaken by cruel enemies. Enemies within
provoke this self-destruction. The Greeks conquered the cruel Persians, then
the Romans dominated the educated Greeks, and then Rome fell to murderous invaders,
and on and on. Powerful nations rise and fall in accordance to God’s blessings,
or the withdrawal of them, if they are practicing His laws and ways or not.
Considering causes, riots, and uprisings, question, what is
the stance? Nobel or just hateful? How sad it is to see people so proud and
vocal in their mockery and hate against those who are not as evil as what they
are! To see violent haters in action, when watching mindless ravenous beasts
corralled in city streets as in cages, one feels despaired for them over the
desolation they will reap in their personal lives for being sewers of hate!
Violent mobsters, who repeat slogans like a broken toy, are destined to be by punished
by the authorities. There is no fame and glory in doing destruction over anger but
that has been Satan’s game since Cain murdered Abel. These rebellious haters around
the world condemn their selves as bigots and fools in their outcries to attack
anyone not on their bigoted side. They are blind and in denial of God’s
judgments to come on them for choosing the side of evil.
6. Here is a verse that might make you reflect deep. Psalm
7:11 “God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.”
So if God is angry with evil doers, shouldn’t we be angry as well? Even you,
doing good, will come under judgment in the final judgment. I believe we should
be bothered and vexed in our spirit over evil, so vexed we try do something to
resolve it. Violence, human trafficking, illegal drugs, all evils are abounding
as a fish rots from the head down. The solution always is Jesus! It is His
salvation that we want for others as Jesus brings love, peace, and truth within
the soul and grants eternal life. Haters must learn to hate their own selves
enough to want to change into something more noble and loving.
Here is a verse that answers well how we are to respond, Ephesians
4:26 “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath”
Christians must control their hate and anger. It is human to get angry, but to
live for hatred and making trouble, to soak one’s self in this poison is to
become like an obsessed mental psycho who acts out but is ineffective to do any
good and to effectively provide solutions where help is needed.
Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest
all workers of iniquity. The reality is too many people are allowing their
selves to be fools, to be puppets to the imputed hate and anger of those
inspired by Satan. I have seen young people as blank sheets of paper go to
liberal colleges only to come out stained with all the bias and hate taught
them. They got diseased with lies! Only God can open their eyes to the fact
that Satan is using them to be working his iniquity. They must confront their
own demons and ask their selves, “Is it really worth it?” Is the risk of losing
my soul and freedom if arrested for going along with my stupid friends and defending
evil and defying authority worth it?
7. Speaking of hate, did you know God expects you to hate
yourself and anyone preventing you from serving Him? Luke 14:26 If any man come
to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and
brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Does this seem harsh to you? Jesus makes it clear that all
your love, all your emotions, all your world must be to be tied up in doing
God’s will and you have to hate your own self! The problem is too many people
are proud and love their own hateful self as is! Also, I have observed some of
the worst persecution comes from those of your own family and they can often be
the very ones preventing you from having a more total obedience to God.
It is not a literal hate you should have for them or
yourself, it is a rejection hate or a type of hate that implies you must put
them in last place, hardening your heart against your own rebellion and those
who are not doing God’s will so you can be freed up from evil control. What’s
first is to be dedicated totally to Jesus’ will.
8. There is not enough time here to tell you about everything
that God hates. I am going to leave this task of researching on Biblegateway what
God hates up to you. Here is a clue, look up the word, “Abomination”. When the
Lord used this word, it was to define something so evil, something so vile,
that it needed to be put to death or be totally destroyed. The Jews of the past
kept God’s law sacred to obey these commands to eliminate evil from their camp and
this is why they, and Christians, have always been hated and persecuted by evil
doers. God’s word exposes evil as evil! The evil ones always confuse and call
the good ones evil, yet evil is just evil!
Many world religions, along with Satanic rituals, have you
practice these abominations to serve as a proof that you are given over to
their dark side. Common sense and our natural inherent God given congenital consciousness
reacts repugnantly to these practices which include acts of perversions with
animals, children, murder, use of destructive substances, witchcraft, and the
hate of God and Jesus. Abominable practices are still punishable crimes in most
nations. This proves how God’s law is supreme and is the foundation for any fair
and safe society. Consider this, with God ‘hating’ His Son, another righteous person,
or His laws is crime punishable by the taking away of eternal life (or going to
1 John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and
ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. This verse from the
New Testament (I say New because so many people think they can claim that God
was murderously cruel in the Old Testament) is very clear. If you “hate” a
Christian brother (or sister) then you are as guilty as a murderer in the eyes
of God!
9. A true Christian never hates in the way the people of the
world hate but always will seek to free all souls captive by the evil spiritual
powers that oppressors in our current world! Christians seem to always be
accused of being bigots and haters when the truth is the accusers are real
bigots and haters! A Christian will expose how others are a slave to their own
perverse passions and sins with the intent to give them freedom and eternal
life! So this is why Christians, like Jesus, are hated for speaking the truth. The truth exposes to the light what is truly
What have I brought to light today? That God does hate evil
and evil doers and this is why He gave humanity “the law” and established punishments
for committing ‘abominations’. But then He gave us Jesus’ grace to conquer the
evil found within our own selves! God expects us to hate the evil within
ourselves, to repent, and overcome evil with His love, a love for Him and a
love for others. Let go of your own self! You fix the world by first fixing
Pray now and ask yourself, have I been guilty of hating
another as the people of the world do? Have I allowed others to influence me to
hate someone when this person might be righteous in God’s view? Who do I hate
right now? Reveal to me, Lord Jesus, who do I have hate for and why? Reveal to
me if I am in line with you, God, and if I hate what you hate as you hate the
abominable works of men. Am I contentious? God hates discord! Do I hate myself
enough to repent and change to do your will only, not my own? There is a time
for love, and a time for hate, but it must be hate in the way God defines it,
not in the way as sinful cruel people in the world define it (or in the way you
think). Ask God to fill you with love and the Holy Spirit’s discernment and many
things in your life will fall into place under God’s blessings!
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