Saturday, June 8, 2019

Christians: Jesus Has Your Back! Be One!

Christians: Jesus Has Your Back! Be One!                                               Kelly Durant 

John 17:22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

2. The world is getting more sinister, more spiritually dark, more Satanically controlled each year and man’s technology, in the hands of the world’s most evil people, is being used to silence, oppress, and control us. The Orwellian nightmare is already here! There are 2 waring factors always, God and His true Word accomplishing good by acts of kindness through His people, and Satan and his people claiming to do acts of charity oppressing, deceiving, and dominating with their lies in order to satisfy their greed, lust, and thirst for wealth, violence, and destruction. Do you know where your soul stands? 

In the prophecy of how we would know who the Messiah was, there is a part in a verse that few focus in on from Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  How wonderful Jesus is to those who take Him in! And he had, “the government on His shoulder”. This was fulfilled in Jesus but in all aspects.

Reflect on how we must be ‘wise as serpents’ to know how to deal with the governing powers, those that were not only suppressing, weighing down, and watching Jesus and his disciples, but also the governments that have been doing this to any Christian ever since Jesus was born! And you have heard this before, that ‘the government is not your friend’, it is In part true, they are necessary and we must respect them, Romans 13:1. But conclusively the governments exist to get your taxes, maintain order, and it is ‘their’ pyramid order they are maintaining, not the ‘kingdom of God’, or ‘body of believers’ they care about. This world is not our home. But, there are exceptions, some people in power are good. It’s a 2 tier system. History seems to show that over time the good ones get murdered by the bad ones! They govern by, ‘divide and conquer’.

3. Looking at Jesus last prayer in John 17, He prayed for us to be protected from the evil in the world. 15, I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. 17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

So the question today is, are you letting Jesus protect you and have your back? He stated it right here that He does! We are for the most part protected from the evil one(s). If your life is lived so that you only live to please Jesus? With His sanctification then you will have His blessings, and you will gain the Holy Spirit to know wisdom and truth to navigate in this evil world being sanctified by the knowledge and obedience to His Word. We will be persecuted from time to time though but He will protect us from the evil one(s)!

No matter the schemes of Satan you will come out victorious. The government of Babylon prohibited Daniel from praying to ‘His’ God and the punishment was to get thrown to the lions but did the scheme work? Was he the only Hebrew praying? No! There were thousands but they wanted to make an example out of him, since he was a leader, to show the fate of one if you disobey the government ‘s demand to give up your faith. But who knows what happened? The lions did not eat him overnight and instead the king fed to the lions the ones who came up with that blasphemous law in the first place!

4. What we see today is Satan controlling all the governments in the world, whether they be dictatorships, or the so called ‘free’ democracies as we have in Europe and the U.S.. There is so much freedom and equality that the enforcement of the equality is almost as harsh as a dictatorship, right? Satan doesn’t like freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the truth, and most of all freedom to preach Jesus!

The world is topsy turvy, what we use to know about laws, which were logical, basic, and right, are now within the past few decades the opposite. If you speak one word to say that certain things are sinful, you are immediately targeted which results in a fine, being fired, and you are cut to pieces by internet chatter (mostly robot ‘bots’, not real people) on facebook, twitter, and etc. and be ostracized by the mega news groups owned by only a handful of divisive despot mega billionaires. 

Basically, preaching the Bible, no matter the country, goes against man’s laws! According to most governments ‘manipulated’ by secret societies and the universities, controlled by anti-Christ people, supported by the depressing ‘press’, you are a bigot if you have the view that Jesus is the only truth! Because for them, all truths are equal and you must respect all the same?! This is impossible as evil and good can never mix to be equal. We are to shun those who  are evil! 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 

5. So when you need a friend in the world, who are you going to turn to? Will you find a friend amongst your own kinfolk? Not very often, right? If you can then you are blessed and you both are probably true Christians. But of the thousands of families I have known in my lifetime what I see is the ones who have done sins and are unrepentant, have divided families to the point that parents, brothers, children, and cousins do not speak to each other anymore. 

Sin divides us but Jesus came to erase that sin so we could have unity with Him and with others. Politics, religion, and worldviews do matter! If you have a relative, coworker, or fake friend who mocks you and insults you because you need Jesus as a crutch to live, then you should rebuke that Satanic person in Jesus name, pray for their soul to be converted, and only interact with them if they will be respectful to you. 

So, in general, your family, your friends, and the government do not have your back so you had better start cultivating friendships with those who are sincere in their love for Jesus because only they will come to your rescue when you need it! I honestly don’t trust Christians who like to be distant, who never want to be available to serve in the church or to do a favor for others. What good are they to be in our fellowships when they are disconnected with the pastors/Officers and their brothers and sisters? Why are some disconnected from the Bible teachers and the mission, and so protective of their private lives? 

6. In these end-times you will see this happen, the weak gossipy, distant Christians will cave to the anti-Christ system right away and only a handful from the churches will be ready to continue on for Jesus no matter if it costs them their lives! Some think it is only 3%!

According to Jesus final prayer before getting arrested and crucified in John 17, we are to be ‘one” with Him and with each other. Jesus is “one” with the Father, and if we are one with Jesus, we also will be one with the Father and with each other, and the world will see this as a testimony to the supernatural love of God. Love is the answer, God’s love makes us one.

Oneness will make us perfect in love! As humans we know our love is imperfect, we fail, and we must always repent and do our best on the next one, but if we are sincerely loving and following Jesus, we will be getting closer to the holiness perfection God can grant us which we will carry on from this life into the next!

7. Verse 22, And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one. What was Jesus glory? It was His breaking of the curse of death to be able to be the one who controls who will be granted glory passing on to eternal life! Jesus proved His glory by His submission to sacrifice Himself for our sins and then resurrect from the dead to live on forever. 

What is God’s glory like mentioned here? It is not one like the glory in the world where one is praised like a rock star until one fades when there is a new sensation on the market! It is an eternal glory in a supernatural body to live in a perfect heaven, an existence where only the righteous, loving, and worthy are admitted. 

So here is the question, will you have that glory? You will if you are being one with Jesus and your brothers and sisters here and now. Matthew 12:30 “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.” All of us who are with Jesus become one with Him but those who are not are doing damage, they are helping Satan by bringing on division, disunity, and causing dispersion.

8. Those that are not one with Jesus are one with something, and usually it is with one of Satan’s deceptive agendas which contradict God’s Word. Here is a verse that shows how we are one…1 Corinthians 2:16 For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

Having the mind of Christ means you naturally support everything Jesus taught! I honestly distrust people who claim to be Christian but their convictions and stances model that of the world’s and not that of Christ’s. Holiness and perfection in love only comes by asking the Holy Spirit to remake you into God’s useful vessel and evidence will show your good works and fruits. 

Here is the truth, a true Christian brother or sister will love you and serve you because you love Jesus and are doing your best for Him. You can feel in the Spirit who those are that are one with Jesus and those who are not. Jesus has our backs, but do you have the backs of those who love Jesus? And do they have your back as well?

9. But here is a flip side to this, some Christians will only do things for their pastors and church and never for others in need; this is a wrong and is not obeying scripture. Luke 6: 31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. 32 For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. 33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same. 34 And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. 35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

We may never be one with our enemies, (unless they convert) but we are commanded to love and do good to everyone, friend or foe. We must interact and help those of the world, even with those who hate Jesus, but this contrast highlights how special it is to have Jesus as our best friend; He is one with us as long as we are remaining in the vine being one with Him. 

10. Jesus was God’s proof to the world that He loves us! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Consider that Jesus also said: Matthew 11:6
And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.”

God created the universe and our world in love and each person (yes, you!) He has created in love as well! He just needs to get loved back, and those that learn of Jesus and love Him, they are loving God back for all His love to us! The greatest need of people is not just food, water, and shelter, it is love! To exist without giving love and receiving love… is hell! 

Jesus has your back! God’s glory is there for you for eternity! Just strive to be “one” with Jesus daily, reading His Word and obeying it, and praying, so that day after day the bond will grow so strong you will never be deceived by anyone evil. Are you “one” with Jesus and your brothers and sisters? If so we will see your perfect love displayed in all that you do! Connect with Jesus today!

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