Why, “Don’t judge others because they sin differently” is not for Christians.
Kelly Durant
1 John 2:1 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
2. When I grew up I use to hear a phrase my aunt would say concerning certain life’s situations. “You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t!” For example, a neighbor let’s trash from his trash can being dumped stay in his yard and never picks it up. If you go tell him, “Neighbor, I see you may not be getting all your trash in the can and it makes the neighborhood look bad, would you mind picking up your trash? If you tell them, you more than likely will get an explosive reaction and make an enemy. And then if you don’t say anything, the ugly trash will just keep being there anyway and all the neighbors keep being upset.
Do you see the point? This ‘damned if you do and damned if you don’t’ dynamic is of Satan’s design in order to silence Christians and prevent us from correcting people! In our communities there may be 2,000 kids in a school and one kid wants to take his Bible to school, 1,999 don’t care either way what he does but if 1 (one!) complains then the school administrators suddenly lose their minds and say, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry, you can’t mix church and state’, no Bibles allowed here!’ And this type of law does not even apply in this case! What happened to freedom?!
Also, whatever happened to free speech being a 2 way street? Please ‘wake up’ and notice it when there is hypocrisy being dictated to you! Young people have it the worst, they grow up with the broken double standard system and they think it is normal, but it never was this bad before as now we have the big tech thought police, the politically correct crowd hypocrites, dictating to everyone what they will accept and what they will not as if they own your mind! Who made these people judges over us?! Those that criticize judgement on others are usually guilty of doing it themselves; what hypocrisy!
3. The world lives by their own invented standards or man’s laws, but we as Christians must adhere to God’s standards! I get disturbed when I read articles of how some churches, how some Christians, especially those with fame or money, even entire denominations, rewrite their codes of conduct, doctrines, protocols, or practices to accommodate the sins of the world.
These people are the first to come at you with the phrase, “Don’t judge others because they sin differently”. So let’s break apart the implication behind this phrase. For one, we know as Christians we should not judge, or condemn, others because in reality we all are sinners, but despite being a sinner, we should have a testimony that proves we have overcome our sins! You can’t be conscientiously ‘sinning’ and claiming to be a Christian.
A true Christian testimony is like this: “I used to be a drug addict, I used to be a sexual pervert, I use to be prideful, condemning, and arrogant, I use to make fun of my church going Christian grandma… until Jesus came into my life and now I am changed and am a new creature!” It is true, none of us can ‘judge others’ because only God with Jesus will judge! All have sinned! You cannot say, I am (fill in the blank) and a Cristian; our identity is to be with Jesus Christ only!
4. Matthew 7 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?” The point of this verse is to expose the hypocrisy of us trying to judge another over a sin when we have sin! But when cleaned from sin we must, like Jesus told the prostitute, to “go and sin no more!”
We are just messengers of His truth; all sin is unacceptable. The judgement call is Jesus’!
Revelation 11:18 The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.” Everyone after death will give an account for their sins to Jesus , whether they were repented of or not.
So in a court of law it is not allowed that the victim, the one being defended over a crime committed, to rise up and say, “I give you, you guilty piece of trash, 10 years in jail for what you have done to me!” The due process is that the judge is the one who has to decide what the punishment will be and determine the details before he, and with a jury and the facts (God’s angels present), determine what should be the punishment. Repentance with Jesus’ invokes God’s mercy on your soul, otherwise God’s wrath is for everyone who corrupted their selves and others.
5. A lot of people leave the church because of judgmental, condemning looks, and words that hurt coming from a few self-righteous, immature so called brothers or sisters. How sad, right? We are not the judge of others but we can guide them with God’s word into righteous living. Sheep will let you guide them, but goats will rebel and ram you every chance they get!
For example, in Atlanta we had a new lady come to church interested in learning about God but she had on a low cut blouse, so how did we handle it? Don’t forget this type of blouse is accepted and worn by many but by the looks of others in the church everyone could see that the women were upset with her. Would she ever have had a chance to learn if in the church she would be asked to leave every time because she was inappropriate? She probably never had gone to church ever and in her mind was dressed up nice as you would be going to a party.
My wife is smart, with the wisdom of the Lord, so she offered her a blouse from our clothing closet and said, “You would look really nice in this blouse!” Problem solved! And we did not kick a soul out in the cold with her feeling like a bunch of hypocrites were condemning her. It takes time to win people and educate them on the standards of the Word so they become converted, self-aware, and see the consequences for their actions knowing what God’s standard is.
6. So, in this case, if this woman had the intentions of meeting a nice man in church (according to some), was simply ignorant of different social standards, or was just truly interested in God, we don’t know, but the point is we did not judge her, nor did we affirm her in her way of doing things either. It is a delicate matter and all things should always be done in God’s love with gentleness and kindness. Again, we do not judge, but we do not affirm anyone in their lifestyle that awakens lasciviousness, or any strange thing that are practiced by the world’s people.
So with this example, I hope you get the point, we have our standards. The Salvation Army has standards of dress with the uniform which makes it easy for all to be the same, none too fancily dressed intimidating the poor, and none too poorly dressed feeling embarrassed.
But clothing matters are trivial to other matters happening in the church. The bigger issue in the church is a new acceptance of sins condemned, (even the ones in the 10 commandments), like not to murder (babies!), not to steal, and not to commit adultery (sexual sins no matter the gender), and not to insult the name of God by just being a non-converted, condemning, sour, unfriendly, unloving, complainy bad example while claiming to be Christian!
7. Christians do have a standard! Here is your standard, Gal. 5: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Self-control means you do not keep on sinning as you please.
So now, what about this “sin differently” part again? Do you sin? We all make mistakes but if you still live as the world lives, if you sin thinking God forgives all repeatedly, then you are mistaken. A person in Jesus Christ is a ‘new creation, old things are passed away’, and if sin remains, illicit and illegal practices are still being done, then you are not saved, and you are condemned by your own demise. Unrepentant hypocrites were condemned the most by Jesus!
1 John 2 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
8. Christians, Soldiers of the truth, rebuke and get away from the ‘mob mentality’ that sin is ok because we all sin! Just because some pop star, or a famous preacher with a mega church says something is not a sin, doesn’t mean they are right! A person with obvious ‘bad fruit’, revealing an opulent dark life style, will deceive you by playing with your emotions, making you think all is well because they have a mob following! You then become as a sheep being led to his death to fall over a cliff! This is the apostasy within prophecy we were warned would come!
How carnal and non-spirit led are so many people today! If some unrepentant person insults or judges someone else, and since the perception is the accuser is a cool, popular person, then the spiritually impaired folks go along in chorus with their judgmental misguided hypocrisy without any question. But then when some faithful pure Christian, one who has a bold spirit like John the Baptist calls them out, everyone goes crazy about how Christians are hypocrites and have no right to judge anyone! Satan has the vast majority duped into his game of being blind to what real sin is! He has most everyone silenced as well as no one wants to call sin ‘sin’ anymore!
So, if you ‘sin differently’, if you feel condemnation when these words are spoken to you, clean your heart, fast and pray, repent and do not let Satan make you compromise with sin, or make you in hypocrisy justify your sin all because you still have some secret dark unconfessed area of your life. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (But if you hide and don’t confess, expect God’s judgements later)
9. So accusations against you should never stick, if you are a true Christ-following Christian! The hypocrites who condemned Jesus accused Him of many things and none of them stuck as He was pure, not guilty, and was not seeking to justify sin as His accusers were. They wanted Jesus to be put to death for speaking blasphemy, but He was authentic in His claims and was innocent! His accusers were the ones guilty and they wanted him dead for exposing their sins!
So the ultimate sin they had was severe, that of murdering an innocent man! They got Him crucified because they were angry he exposed their Satanic prideful unrepentant hypocrisy!
That’s the world today, everyone wants to crucify you when you expose their hypocrisy, when you expose their sin for what it is, and they get a whole motley crew mob to come after you! And these guilty as Satan folks get murderously upset when they cannot come back on you to accuse you of something because you live a holy, clean, innocent, loving, non-hateful, non-angry, non-vulgar, and as much as possible sinless lifestyle. They relentlessly keep on accusing with lies, under a false narrative, under a straw man argument, hoping others will believe them. But God’s truth always prevails, and those who defend obscene sins denying the exposure of what liars and sinners they are, are doomed to condemnation by their sins and prideful hypocrisy. This is a judgement on them, one not generated by you or me, but one established by God’s word. This is why they hate God, His Word, and us, His people!
10. “The wages (what comes back to you) of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”, Romans 6:23. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”, Romans 3:23. Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Born again in Jesus means you have stop sinning!
With God no sin is acceptable and it is He who will judge each person over their sins in the end. Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, The wonderful thing with Jesus is we can have forgiveness of all sin, no matter how different the sin, and be given a chance to start a new life free of guilt, free from being contaminated by the filthiness of the world.
What sins do you accept in ignorance or hypocrisy? Get clean today by starting to change everything about yourself with God’s Word, and with the Holy Spirit’s conviction before it is to late! See and think clearly on all issues, no one’s sin is justifiable, God is the judge of all, and I want you to face God blameless because Jesus erased all your sin! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Say so! And live so, so you are a true living testimony, and not a self-deluded hypocrite.
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