wake’, Not ‘Woke’ & Be Aware, Not Asleep! Kelly Durant 9-24-23
Joel 1:5 Awake, ye drunkards, and weep; and howl, all ye drinkers of wine, because of the new wine; for it is cut off from your mouth. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2. How awake are you right now? Pinch the person beside you and see if they react? Oh, they did, so there is proof we all can feel through our physical bodies! But what about our spiritual bodies? Do you feel things in your spirit? When hearing music or looking at art can you get a vibe of what spirit it is from, a good one or a bad one? How much of a new person in Christ are you?
I am addressing this issue as I find that many people today are going to asleep spiritually, (and they often label themselves as “woke”) and their insensitivity to God’s laws causes them to be in a dulled stupor, and they do not discern what is good or bad anymore. This is due to ‘inversion’, as ‘woke’ today does not mean ‘awake’ to the truth, but the opposite! Unless a person has repented completely and truly given their entire lives to Jesus, their hearts souls and minds, then they are incapable of knowing Christ and having the mind of Christ, and His mind is very consciously awake! 1 Corinthians 2:16 For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.
People today have become dull, asleep, and indifferent and many claim it is chemicals in the water, the air, or the drugs (prescription or illegal). Also, in the pop entertainment messages, there is something terribly mind-controlling and we must wake up to see is that there is a number of things warping people’s perceptions, consciousness, and ability to have common sense and judgement. Our whole system is designed to make people be asleep in the spirit! How is it a majority of the people have lost common sense discernment and they can’t even define if a woman is a woman or not?! How is it that many do not see that being ignorant, or asleep, to the things of God has confusing repercussions and consequences?
3. What confusion the world is in today!... But we knew it was coming, but the answer is always found in the Sacred Scriptures. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. We are living in dangerous times, and we have never seen corruption, perversion, and idiocy legitimized and promoted in our face as we have in recent years. Perdition has exponentially augmented this century and when the anti-Christ arrives, most everyone, because they are asleep spiritually, will blindly worship him.
Most Christians understand that the ‘falling away’ implies that many ‘so called’ Christians will leave the church and be overcome by the doctrines of devils. This is clearly happening. We see people leaving the faith and it breaks our hearts! It hurts to see people not care about you, and our brothers and sisters, the Bible, or the mission of helping those suffering anymore! What made them fall asleep?
I get upset at the sight that people let their lights go out and their love and hearts grow cold! I have to fight this temptation as well, to not care, to just give up, but I refuse to give up on saving souls because how could I fail Jesus?! Jesus convicts me to stay faithful! Satan tempts everyone with discouragement all the time to try to get you or me to say, ‘the hell with it all!’ We all keep on for the love of God and for the salvation of the lost! If in our lives you and I only win a dozen souls to Jesus, it will be worth it all!
4. Reflecting on this matter, on people who get blinded by their desires over God’s will, overcome by the world’s trends, I am reminded of this verse, 1 John 2: 15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
This verse is key as it mentions the lust of the eyes, you may see a person’s eyes open, but they are often quite shut on the inside, asleep to knowing God’s will and light. Think about it, most people in the entire world today are getting 2 to 8 hours of screen time and their eyes are seeing anything they please, either good things, or seductive, perverse, & immoral things. And just from looking at the wrong things people get addicted and in chains spiritually because they go to sleep not perceiving what has happened to their spirit.
Habits are like strings that become ropes and then heavy chains! We all have grown up on entertainment, too much of it, and I see the world like one scene from ‘The Wizard of Oz’. Alice and the travelers were warned to not sleep where the flowers were, which is like our parents and church leaders who warn us and others to not linger in the zones of temptations. But what often happens? The young ones, the weak ones, and the spiritually lazy ones do not take the wise advice and they don’t fight against the toxic environment, and they end up lying down and going to sleep! And then it is when all evil attacks and takes over them!
5. We have often heard about the analogy of the caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly and often we might compare it to a person when they receive Jesus, and they transform totally. This is a good example of what it means to be a new creature! The old ground is left behind, and the new is something that is on a whole different plane of existence. You and I were once a common worm but now we have become something majestic, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in the dimension of God’s beautiful Spirit world seeing things as Jesus saw them. This is a true awakening, a rebirth!
Now I will postulate this, those that turn their back on God and go along with the world’s delusional drunken influences never do the step of going into the cocoon. They just slept instead, and until now have never woken up! To grow in God, you must work at it, you must ask God to reveal to you everything about yourself so you can change all things and die to yourself and start a new life praying and obeying His Word. It is a time-out with God growth phase that is missing in the lives of many! The pastor can’t do it for you either even though each one guides with the Word of God, but each person is responsible for their own awakening change, to want to be remade in God’s image as clay in the hands of the potter. God will do it, but he needs our commitment, obedience, and rebirth.
I can tell you my testimony on how I transformed, I moved far away from friends who were prisoners of their own destructive lusts so I would not be tempted to continue with their addictions and habits which the world praises as ‘cool’ or ‘woke’. I started memorizing Bible verses, one a day, and did that for almost 3 years. I also read the Word of God one hour or more daily, and I prayed usually for 15 minutes or more. And then I agreed to do a long service mission work, deciding to leave behind my possessions (idols such as guitars, LP records, & guru spiritual books etc.) And when one arrives in a foreign land as I did (Brazil), and you do not know the language, and your mission is to evangelize and pray with the folks on the street, it will drive you to desperately seek God for help! I literally cried to learn Portuguese so I could be effective for Jesus! 14 years of battles in South America toughened me up and I saw miracles and lives changed by sharing the Word of God!
6. So what is causing people to sleep, spiritually? It is all of man’s creations and Satan’s as well! Some people claim the fluoride in the water hardens the pineal gland in the brain so that your internal spiritual receptor can no longer receive discernments and premonitions as our parents use to be able to. I cannot be an export on that but obviously many physical things ingested are severely hampering our bodies and minds and this affects our reasoning abilities.
Others claim that our air is the problem; being sprayed from above with the chemicals of lithium and aluminum for cloud formations, and our brains store up these things, dulling our human brains on a mass scale. And read up on 5G; many observe that this will cook our brains like in a microwave oven! Since Satan is the ‘prince of the air’, we are sure he manipulates these things. Ephesians 2:2
Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. Many things pollute the body and damage our normal abilities to discern as we should.
Since about half of the population takes pills for all kinds of ills, many people think this is a principal factor clouding people’s minds, provoking our societal mental dysfunctionalities; and drunkenness, or getting ‘high’, as well enslaves mega millions! Many are working too many hours, so they are gaining money for the body’s desires, but they are starving their souls. In the end the conclusion is our population in mass is being downgraded so that you or I can be easily manipulated by evil spirits who program the people of the world to reject Jesus, and all things healthy.
7. Comparing God’s “awoken-ness” to the “wokeness’ of the world we observe the educational systems are now indoctrination factories. Also, over and over glamourized by musicians and entertainers with their illuminati hand signs and messages, the deception that immorality, perversions, and excessive materialism is exciting and a requirement for being fulfilled in life. But wide is the gate that leads to destruction! And those not warned, these of this new generation of folks who often appear as zombies glued to flashing screens, are unaware of how they are enslaved by darkness. Only Jesus can cause a person to see through the programing of these enslaving destructive hooks for what they are and break free.
As fuel to the fire, the majority of the movies, books, and songs created are repeatedly utilized to offend and assault us, the Christians! Wake up and ask, yourself, why do they attack Jesus followers (and no other faiths) so much? Because knowing Jesus is the only way one can become totally free from their deceptive addictive tricks designed to keep you and me enslaved to their illuminati systems so you consume and consume from their evil plate until you destroy your body, mind, and soul. And then Satan gains his total grip!
Forgive this analogy, but a person without Jesus is comparable to a zombie, a lifeless creature that has no purpose and all it does is destroy everything in it’s path! And Satanists actually consume human blood and flesh! How sick the world really is! The line in ‘Amazing Grace’ rings so true, ‘I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.’ Those in sin never see it as sin, the blind are leading the blind today as never before! Blindness and a deep sleep overtaking so many because Jesus is not getting into their hearts, minds, and souls!
8. The Lord commands us to wake up! See the evil everywhere, the hardened hearts and the dull minds! Judges 5:12 Awake, awake, Deborah (women leaders): awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barak (men leaders), and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam. The leaders of old were told to go and awake their people with songs of the Lord, with the message that the ones captive in the spirit can now become the captors to dominate their enslavers! This is what we need to understand today!
This is our mission, to wake up, and then to wake up others with the knowledge of Jesus! We can see it clearly, Satan has taken over the world in all aspects, in the physical realm with toxic substances, in the mental realm captivating minds to be hooked on the fake worlds of entertainment, false religions, news and politics, and in the Spirit his demons manipulate others to do crimes and evil abominable perverse works of destruction!
The only hope for anyone is Jesus! No “woke” political or philosophical movement will ever be victorious in dominating the evils in the world, only Jesus’ return can do that. Jesus warned us of this: John 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. Not just from the synagogues, from all other religious movements as well! Note that atheistic communists have murdered a hundred million people within the last century!
9. So how can you or I wake others up to how they are captive and asleep by means of illusions by the devil’s design? How can we help people see the devil is using them to be a part of the problem, a part of the controlled systems, and not a part of the solution? I think the only hope, is the same hope that saved us, and that is Jesus! Like water on the fire! Jesus is the new wine as in Joel 1:5 that wakes us up, and it does not put us to sleep!
You and I can only pray that others will receive Jesus for real and become a new creation in God! Salvation in the end is a personal matter, we can share Jesus’ message with others, but it is up to them to act upon it, obey, and do their part. Asking for the Holy Spirit to guide them to grow in faith is also a must!
Philippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Our part is to share the message of Jesus, pray for the lost souls, and then be there when they need us when they are in the middle of the battle against the demons trying to hold onto them. Millions escape, but some go back. Do your part, wake up someone with God’s Word today! Awaken the woke that all the systems are evil, yet God’s kingdom is beautiful, just, enlightening, and liberating!
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