Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bondage or Liberty? People and Nations Decide: But Christians Are Free People! 4th of July

Bondage or Liberty? People and Nations Decide: But Christians Are Free People!  

4th of July   by Major Kelly Durant    7-5- 2015  Re: 6-30-24


John 8:36 36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Gal 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.


2. How many of you here celebrate the 4th of July? And when is the Independence Day of your country of birth?  It is good for people to remember the day their nation was liberated from their oppressors! If we forget history, we are doomed to repeat it!


The 4th of July is celebrated by many people with fireworks and bar-b-ques! Did you know it is Biblical to remember when you, as a nation of people, were liberated from oppressors? In the O.T. we see the clear example of the Jews remembering the Passover. The Passover highlighted the day that pharaoh decided to let the people go with Moses to the Promised Land and be free from Egypt. We should always reflect on the O.T. because it teaches us parallels to the life of Christ. (and of the consequences that occur within nations)


Easter for us, as Christians, is our day of independence: It is symbolic of our liberation from our own sinful selves and death!  The Jews at that time when Jesus was resurrecting were remembering their freedom from the death angel in Egypt! And now over 3,000 years later for Jews, and 2,000 for the Christians, people still celebrate these liberations! Easter for the world’s 2 billion Christians is a big celebration of victory! 


3. It is aright to be patriotic and share in the roots of the people you live with and grew up with!  We must learn history! All of us can be very glad that Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean Islands did not remain under the domination of the Spanish and the oppression of the slave trading countries!  


But being Patriotic does have its limits. In American history a famous saying is, “God and country!” and the supposition is that you reverence God first then your country! Imagine if every man reverenced the hierarchy in that order, our world’s nations would be more like God’s Kingdom! What is evil is to make a god of the country, or of a despotic leader!


The problem today is the celebration of nations is under attack by those applying a guilt trip, that our nation because of its past sins, is not worthy. More and more the displaying of the American flag is protested and prohibited! The anti-Christ media and corrupted government officials are trying to prepare the world for a one world government, and they cannot do that if each person demands respect for their own flag and nation. The world could still have peace with individual nations if more effort were applied! Satan’s plan is to divide and conquer every nation internally so in their weak moment of turmoil, he can subdue them with an even more evil power, and not even a power of the ones engaged in the fighting.


4. There is a well-known image of the cycle of nations. This cycle has repeated itself with ancient Israel, with most every country, and it can be applied to the lives of certain individuals as well. At first a nation starts out in bondage, then they grow and gain strength with spiritual faith, and with faith they gain courage; they then fight to gain liberty. With liberty they then progress with abundance and blessings. But then that often leads to selfishness, complacency, apathy, and finally dependence, which is the stage where a majority people see the U.S.A. in currently! The next step is bondage again. But bondage usually comes not from the same original oppressor as was the case of Israel who were first under Egypt, Assyria, then under Babylon. Rome also subdued them horrifically causing the great dispersion, or ‘diaspora’ so they lived without a country until 1948. 


Today we have witnessed a dozen nations or more that have fallen under bondage within the past recent years! The oppressors are Isl*mic and Communist and these cruel heartless systems murder with no discretion. They are a plague from the Adversary that have murdered over a 100 million lives over the past 100 years! And centuries past mega millions more!


We keep hearing about how the world is over populated. How the U.N. has a depopulation plan, and even the Catholic Church spokespersons says climate change is due to overpopulation!      Not all Catholics and evangelicals agree on this matter but too many Christians are confused over depopulation.         

We are being propagandized to hate our world, country, and ourselves! They say we should just accept our fate of doom and destruction! But it is God that creates life, and technology has allowed us to feed 2/3rds of the world with modern farming and if nations put forth more effort, then the other 1/3 in poverty could acquire enough food within the next decades. Yet greedy governments, corporations, and oligarchs are the main problem behind this push for us to accept our self-elimination.


5. Today’s liars and deceivers perpetrating bondage always speak of the need for a big-government to control of everything out of control. These all have much in common being they are pro-abortion, and pro everything immoral and anti-Christ. They wish to shift billions of dollars to select groups under new laws so in the guise of safety & liberation, but they are bringing their bondage and control over the masses (for others, not themselves). Only a degenerated populous can be controlled! Don’t be deceived these agenda pushers are extreme haters of humanity being Satanically inspired and they use fear, drugs, strange sex, and anything to weaken and win people away from God’s wisdom and blessings! These haters have a death wish like for some horrific plague to reduce the population of useless eaters on the earth. They see armies and religions that kill entire populations as useful and needed since these ‘necessary evils’ eliminate those who resist them from gaining their absolute power! 


The mass populous ignoramus is being crushed by progressive lawlessness, lying media outlets, with anti-Christ schools and colleges, indoctrinating young minds as putty to mold into their impending doom and destruction schemes. Don’t live in ignorance, expose evil agendas!  According to the prophecies in the book of Daniel the anti-Christ will show up as a hero to offer peace and safety to solve all these man-provoked social status racial religious conflicts, but it will be a false peace. Soon the new despot (Satan incarnated) will be demanding worship and bondage to him! Satan creates the problems through his minions, then he plans to show up as the savior of the problems he created! 

1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


6. The yoke of bondage the entire world experienced just 90 years ago was horrifyingly frightening! The Japanese soldiers controlled one half of the globe and the Germans soldiers controlled the other half. Thank God for our forefathers that fought for liberty!  In the Salvation Army there are quite a few good men that after they got out of the service in WWII joined the Salvation Army to be a "saving soldier" for God.  Many people have served country and then God!  We are God’s Army, and there must exist a loyalty to country in all nations, but God must be first! The evils of mass slaughter, rape, slavery, and pillaging was semi conquered then, but today once again these evils are furiously and rapidly on the rise spreading Satan’s chaos and confusion within dozens of countries including ours!


The Salvation Army’s day of inception is recognized as starting on July 2nd, 1865, and it is important to keep this celebration alive today! Our fight is to free souls doing all the work we can to liberate the spiritual captives, those who are slaves to sin and darkness, slaves to bondage, to mental problems and demons, to drugs, perverse sex, fear, and to anything not of God. Let’s look up a part in the scripture where Jesus gives His very first message in his mission: to give people freedom! Jesus came to liberate! 


Isaiah. Isa 61:1

61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;


7. Jesus is very interested in the liberty and spiritual freedom of each of us! He wants you and me to have an Independence Day celebration!  When you first repented and received Jesus that was your Independence Day of sin and death and your rebirth into the family of God with eternal life! 


Apart from everyone knowing the date from which your country was liberated from the oppressors, do you recall the date you personally were liberated from the oppression of the devil who would have destroyed your soul and body as well?


My date is the same as my birthday 3-24, because it was coincidently then when I was 21 that I began a training to go abroad with a Christian mission, and I left 6 months later to serve the Lord in Brazil, and then in other countries for 14 years!  I thank God I chose that instead of staying bound in the world of sin I was in! When you are in the University smoking marijuana acting proud, ugly sinful people praise you, but when you free yourself from sin and seek God and purity, people run from you like you have the plague! Oppression and bondage is comfortable for the unsaved majority but the consequence is eternal bondage (hell) if one is not freed!


8. Just like the 13 Colonies of the US had to choose that they would no longer submit to the oppression of the King of England, we too must value independence and liberty as a thing of high value and price! It requires a heavy battle, and you will lose friends, family members, personal things and you will suffer, but the end liberating result is worth it! As in the US history books, Patrick Henry said, ”Give me liberty, or give me death!” We must fight the world & its corruption of sin, or the result will be our spiritual bondage and death!


What’s your story of independence from sin? When were you saved? Let me hear you, when was your Independence Day when you were freed from the bondage of sin? (You may speak out loud the dates!)


How many of you have watched the news and seen the happiness of someone who was captive but then liberated from their guerrilla or terrorist captors? Liberation and independence is a gift from God that only God can provide for in His time! Most all of the world is under the oppression of cruel governments or religions! Women and children in particular suffer extreme abuse! We must fight to the very end! Lost souls need Jesus!  Several billion people live with no hope of escape, this is why sharing your faith about Jesus is urgent! See Mark 16:15.


9. How many people do you know that could be free, but instead they choose to remain captive in abusive homes? Pray for the oppressed people you know nearby to be liberated!


Why does oppression keep happening all around the world? Why can’t we just live out the freedom we read in the Bible verses in the beginning? How is it that if the “Son makes us free, then we are really free indeed”? Once free, we must stay free!


Sometime we will do an in depth study into Galatians but what was happening here in 5:1 was that the common people who were being converted to being a Christian were being told by the Jewish Christians in control in that city that they had to now submit to all the Jewish laws and customs but this was taking them back into bondage and oppression.  


In other words, Jesus came to free each of us from sin and the fulfilling of law and traditions, and we are to obey His commands to love God and our neighbor and preach the gospel and serve others. We will never be made perfect by being captive to legalism, be it Jewish or be it from any person, or religion, or government; no organization with strange mandates, presuppositions, and traditions can free anyone! Colossians 2:8


In vain the church in Galatians was trying to obtain perfection by giving up their freedom in submission to the laws of the Jewish customs! Paul rebukes them of being deceived as by witchcraft! Only God’s word frees us! Some people are too weak to stand up and proclaim what is right for their selves and others! We must fight for them! That takes boldness and a fight! Jesus fought to free us and we must fight to remain free and free others!  


10. Here is a sad reality; many people live years under the fear and oppression of Satan (even in free countries under a subsystem as in a cult, or under evil overlords) and when they accept Christ they experience a new strange feeling, freedom! Freedom is a true authentic independence! If you feel freedom from fear, a clean conscious, and a warm strength from God within keep claiming it and living it! Live free!  Do not let the Enemy come back to tell you, this is too good to be true, this is uncomfortable, this is not normal! Don’t listen when Satan says, ‘Go back to the old way!’ Rebuke Satan in Jesus name! Christians are free indeed!


Since the devil cannot persuade you or I to stop believing in Christ, he tries to persuade us to stop being free!  People without the independence God wants to give them fall back into bondage, under fear, oppression, or legalism! We need God’s word daily! So if you feel uncomfortable that there is freedom in Christ that is a good thing! Get use to feeling uncomfortably good! That is why Jesus came and died to do for you, to liberate you! 


Look at it like this, Jesus has set in motion the real New World Order! (which in the near future will be His victorious government or Kingdom of God) This will occur soon after an independence war against the anti-Christ and his armies, Jesus will be the victor. Oh, victory in Jesus! You owe to Him everything! You're owe to Jesus every bit of your loyalty, love, soul, worship, service, and everything because He is the One in eternal power! John 8:36 36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.


11. Many countries have been liberated in the past, but many have also fallen back into oppression by abusive governments and ambitious rulers. In other words, freedom from Spain or England’s oppression did not guarantee freedom forever from new local oppressors! Do you see the point? Even here today our freedoms are in great danger of being eroded into bondage! On earth there is no real liberation or independence except through Jesus! Only Jesus frees each individual, never can man’s systems give you what they promise! And we see what too many broken promises by man’s failed systems do, do we not?


Examine your own life right now... Are you being oppressed by someone or by your own guilt for not obeying Jesus as you should? Do you really have freedom and independence and celebrate it? 

There could be a dark spiritual force oppressing you: a coworker, a family member, or even your own mind could be making you miserable because it is not fully transformed under the liberty of Christ! The outcome will always be bondage and oppression when you submit to anything other than Jesus Christ the liberator!


Don’t misinterpret freedom to be an excuse to do whatever you please though. We need organization and certain rules, an order, to function by but those are only for our own protection and good. But the rules or laws of a nation or a church is not providing our purpose or message, our main message is Jesus Christ’s liberating and soul saving love! Amen? Let’s pray now for you personally to be free in Christ! Free from oppression & from fear! Remember Christ will make you free indeed!

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