Sunday, June 16, 2024




Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:

5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.


2. The famous author Mark Twain said that when he was 14, he could not stand to be around his father because he was so dumb, but by the time he was 21 he was amazed at how much smarter his father had become in only 7 years! To be a father requires maturity and learning many things, ha! Who is learning the most?


They say that a woman has to prepare for 9 months and then spend the rest of her life taking care of the child that the man made in only a few minutes! But today we are talking about fathers, not mothers even though mothers have a high place of esteem.


There are many cultures that treat the role of the father in different ways. Almost always the man is looked upon as the one who provides for the family, and he must be a moral and spiritual leader. Our Father, in heaven, Jesus describes as the One who provides for us our daily bread. He is the one who cares for us. He loves us. He also corrects us when we go the wrong way. 


3. God is the One who created the idea of families and he intended for the man to be very involved in the life of his wife and his children. The men who are not involved and communicating and being responsible usually end up with a lot of problems as you reap what you sew, or you don’t sew. 


The first step for a man to be capable of being a good father is for him to recognize that he has a Father over him, who is God. If he gives honor and respect to someone over Him, he becomes a good example to his children, and they will in turn honor and respect him. 

It works both ways, if he doesn’t honor God or his father or anyone, his children will not learn honor and respect him, and men reap what they sew by the example they set.


And we should always remember that we as men should always take for a good example, God as our Father, because there are many many people out there who are like me, who grew up not having a physical father present in their daily lives, and there are plenty of people who have had bad and abusive fathers, and it is hard to distinguish which situation is worse! 


4. Let’s take an example of a man of God, Samuel, who was dedicated by Eli to the Lord, and he became the next prophet of the nation of Israel. He was an outstanding man of God. Also, remember father Abraham. God tested him to see if he would give up his son and sacrifice him and the amazing thing is that he was ready to carry it out. But God did not make him do it, it was only a test, but later God gave up his only son for us! 


So, we can conclude that the next thing a good father does is that he dedicates his children to God. But dedicating is really not enough, a man needs to take charge and be the spiritually leader as often as he can in the evenings when he is back from work so he can teach his kids Bible stories and all about the Lord.


Another important thing that a good father will do is pray often with his family and pray for his children and pray God’s blessing on them. I really hope you fathers out there are doing that. You will see a difference in your kids!


5. Let’s take a look at the consequences of our society not holding on to their values and letting the men get away with not being fathers. Isn’t it about one in 2 people divorce in the USA today? And the sad part is that Christians too have about the same amount of divorce! We haven’t even begun to see the all the bad effects of this in our society. But even now, juveniles commit many crimes, and statistics show that most of the problem makers, who are those who really are love starved, and wanting attention, and are inventing bad ways to get it, are those who do not have a father.  


And here is another problem in the factor; fathers are under attack in many areas of our current degenerate society! Many news articles I’ve read claim that for the past 3 decades there has hardly been one good role model of a Dad on TV! All the novellas have single parents, and the fathers are often made out to be as stupid nobodies that no one respects. There is nothing that hurts a man more than that, than to not have dignity and respect by those of his family, community, & church. 


6. That is why some men just give up. They try to be good and give their all, all their time and dedication, and paycheck to their home but if they have a wife and kids who are corrupted after following the disrespectful ways of the world and not after the ways of Christ, then some just get discouraged and call it quits! How horrible the new norm is to just live undedicated to the wife and kids and people split up damaging their kids and whole family!


It takes a man who is close to God to keep on going even when times are very difficult in his family. Role model fathers are ignored on TV. I think the producers in Hollywood do not like families, fathers, and good people because usually good family values are trashed as passe, old fashioned, & ignorant. They want men to buy into the sterilization agenda and this cheats them out of being a full man, a father. God’s first command was in Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. Satan has been attacking God’s plan of reproduction ever since!   


Traditionally Hispanics, Italians, and other minorities in many countries have had centuries of stable families and they value each other and value their children. Many men also work 12 hours a day to support their homes! It is a pity that even despite their good family values and those years of a good solid foundation that there are many homes losing their men to not being responsible fathers. The world says you can “do as you please” and “move on” but God’s commands don’t allow for that. Bitterness, disrespect, loneliness, and despair affects way too many people! 


7. There has always been a large group of immigrant men here in the US who have come over for work and they leave their wives behind in their country. It really does make life very hard and as we already know from past experience, it is not good for a bunch of men to hanging out together for too long a time as they often drink too much, gamble, and get into trouble! However, if they were forced to be near their wives, they would not do so much wild stuff out of respect for their woman or out of fear for the chewing out they would get at home. 


God made us to need each other! It’s like a “checks and balances” system. Also, the roles of the mother and father are different and the child needs both as the mother is soft and caring, while the man must usually deal with the lessons the child needs to learn. 


The children too must be taught how they should respectfully respond to their father and mother. Abuse by the father, the wife, or the kids is inexcusable!

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

2 Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;

3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth


8. So, let’s review the 3 main points a man needs to be a good father.

1. He himself must love, honor and respect God his spiritual father. Also, respect his earthly father as even in the 10 commandments require as God commanded for everyone to honor our father and mother. The consequence back then was one could be stoned to death for not doing so!


2. A. father must be willing to give his kids up to the Lord’s service. I know in most every church they dedicate their children to God when they are babies. This is good as you are making a public declaration that you are dedicating them to God. but it doesn’t stop there. The father and the mother have the job of teaching their children daily about the Lord.


3. Real fathers will pray for their families and be spiritual leaders. Children, young men and women need to see more role models of integrity, faith, and righteousness. 


Let’s pray for our fathers! Those here in the church and for those out in the community. Our world would be so much better if men fulfilled their Biblical roles and took on responsibility, the work load, and the joy of being a father. A wife is amazing, and kids are too, but a man must do his part to create the happiness needed. 

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