People in the Church: Who To Keep, Who Not to Keep Kelly Durant 2-19-17
Matthew 13: 47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a
net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: 48 Which, when it
was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels,
but cast the bad away.
2. How many of you have ever been in a restaurant and you got
some food that you just could not eat? You are never rude on purpose but you
just could not take in any more after 2 bites. It was uncooked, or had a bad
flavor, something made it undesirable and it is perfectly fine for you to discern
what’s what. We all are allowed to choose what you will take into your body or
not, correct?
Today let’s apply, as Jesus did, the concept of good food and
bad food to the world’s people. A majority of Christian people are like good
tasting food and they do us good. They are a pleasure to work with, right? You and I, and for sure God gets along great
with the ones who love Him and others! They have a loving, kind, generous,
serving spirit and serve in God’s work applying the Holy Spirit oil to smooth
out all the problems in the machinery. These are authentic Christ-like
Christians who demand little and produce much.
With Jesus things are always black or white. He compares fish
to people, that there are many good people but also there are people that are
not good for God or anybody! Sadly, some people will always leave you with a
bad taste in your mouth due to their bad nature, immaturity, and rudeness, due
to their trouble making complaints, and they destroy love by accusations and back-stabbing.
And in their arrogant way of thinking, they believe they are superior to you,
yet their personal lives reveal that they are a confused terror. We must watch
out as some of these types of ‘bad fish’ become leaders in the church. In their
minds pastors and church people are just manipulating others, they think with a
carnal mind, not a spiritual one. There exists healthy fish, and there exists
bottom feeding fish which live off of the trash of others.
3. The verses of today, if not applied in context might seem
a bit cruel that God throws people away out of the net, but let’s analyze well
what Jesus infers. He says that the Kingdom of God is like a net that catches
all kinds of fish, but later, after a time when the net is out and gone
through, some of the fish are kept and others are thrown away or thrown back
into the lake. Why throw certain ones away? Doesn’t God want to save everyone?
The interpretation implies that each of us must ask ourselves this question:
How can it be God’s fault for rejecting someone who they themselves chose to
reject God? If a person rejects God’s goodness and salvation preferring their
own ways of rebellion and corruption, then this is what makes them at fault by
their own ways being useless and lacking in substance.
The verses of today can be taken within 2 contexts. One
context is that when there is the final judgment, when Jesus returns, there
will be a scooping up of souls, like catching them in a net, to be presented
before the Great White Judgment and then these souls will be separated as the
wheat will be separated from the weeds. The wheat goes in heaven’s barn but the
weeds are burnt. Here is another analogy…
Matthew 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and
he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from
the goats: Matthew 25:33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the
goats on the left. In the end, it is either heaven or hell for the souls of
those who went through the testing ground of life on this earth. The point is
each person choses their own nature and destiny, either to be a good seed or a
bad one, either to become a tame animal or a ferocious one, either to be a fish
good for consumption, or a bad poisonous bottom feeder; either to accept Jesus humble
loving nature in you or not! And did you know that if you even touch certain
fish they will poison you and make you sick, and it is the same as some people!
4. A second way to look at the Kingdom of God is to apply
this concept in the here and now, that in real time as we separate the good
from the bad. Jesus with His 12 disciples started the Kingdom of God on earth,
and ever since then there has been followers of Jesus obeying God’s will and accomplishing
His commands. Many Christian churches or groups of ‘called out ones’ do God’s
will serving and saving souls (But not all who claim to be Christian really are
as by their fruits you will know them). Jesus said, “Follow me and I will make
you fishers of men” Matt 4:19
A picture of the Kingdom of God on earth can be read in the
Book of Acts and in chapter 2 it describes how the followers were the first to
share the wealth with each other and helping each other spiritually. A true
church representing God’s Kingdom helps the needy and those of his own
household while always inviting all to come in and join and share in the work
and blessings. We are figuratively then
in the net of God! Gang members often tattoo spider nets on their selves to
show they are caught in the net of their particular gang. You and I are either caught
by God or caught by Satan! Life obligates you to be in someone’s net…
Acts2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all
things common; 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all
men, as every man had need. 46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in
the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness
and singleness of heart, 47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people.
And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Do you live
this way?
5. So if the bodies (souls) of Christ-believers (in the Salvation
Army we say Corps, which is a group of bodies) are the Kingdom of God on earth,
then how would we apply this sorting out of the fish as described in Matthew
13: 47, 38? It basically means that not everyone is of use and it is okay to
let go of the useless ones. Like folks out of rehab, some return back to their old
ways, while others go on to serve God even some become Officers. It’s either holiness
or unholiness.
Let’s get more specific, let’s take examples from all the
many people that have come through our doors and then they left on their own. I
know I try to show loving and compassionate attention to all and some people
may think I want to keep everyone no matter how bad they are, but this is not
the case. I know many people have seen me spend weeks at a time with certain people
in need helping solve a problem, and sometimes it has been worth it, and yet at
other times not. The role you and I have is just to help everyone anyway
without discrimination.
I have often felt, after 40 years of ministry, that maybe a
few hundred times that I have helped people who didn’t deserve it at all! But at
the time I didn’t know if they deserved it or not when I first started out. I
consider it this way, the Lord and I gave them a chance, and if they had
thankfulness or not, if they started obeying God or not, it is for God to sort it
out later. It is like sorting out the good fish from the bad. God, not me, owns
the fish in the net!
6. Here is the usual process, a person comes in the doors for
the first time and they either need something or they say they want to serve
God and be involved. What do you and I do? You and I help them as best as we
can encouraging them and invite them to serve. Then we give them time. In the
fishing context it is like giving them line; I let them swim away and then try
to pull them back in to see if they are still there. Remember when fishing you
do not choose the fish or the kind of fish you want, the random fish just come
and bite on the bait on the line.
The only way to get to know people is with time. If a person
really wants to be involved in doing God’s work they will come on their own
over and over and over be faithful to God’s work. Notice how I said, God’s
work. Each person must show respect to the rules and be faithful to the church
as well but that is where the problem starts. The church is made up of people.
Over time people reveal if they are sincere in their love for
God and for their brothers and sisters or just faking it because they want some
personal benefit from the church. And people who are not of God usually become
unbearable in their demands and it is good to just let some people go
elsewhere! It is ok to cut the line and let some people go! I don’t cut the
line too often, I know God has patience and even years are needed for some to
turn around to start obeying God. But it is God’s work, not mine, to help each
person to submit to the Holy Spirit.
7. I try not to share information about people’s ups and
downs with others as doing so would be a violation of trust concerning things
happening in their lives. I know some of you may think, why do the Captains/pastors
visit so and so, but not the Jones? The truth is one of the hardest jobs we
have is having the ability to discern who needs attention and when! William
Booth said to “go for souls and go for the worst”. My wife and I pray and
counsel together to decide, but it is hard to know all the time who to invest
in and who not to. We have to go by the clues we observe to know who is weak
and needs attention, and to know who not to worry about because they are strong
in faith and do not need many visits, or extra attention.
Sometimes you and I as leaders only have enough time to visit
those who are sick, or those in the hospital, or spend time planning with certain
leaders. Sometimes we do not invest time in certain people because we are
waiting on them to show us their own initiative. Some people when you give them
line and time just swim away! Maybe they were coming to God’s Kingdom looking
for something, but then they didn’t value it, they got distracted, or disinterested
in God’s word and work and then disappeared. They are like, as in the parable
of the sewer, the seed overcome by weeds, but that is what they chose. I do get
sad, very sad when people leave, but think about it, even begging a person to
stay does not work when their heart is not fully set on being dedicated to God
or the Corps/church. But people who stay through hard times and disappointments
and mature are obviously not staying for benefits or our ‘great luxurious
church’ (thank God it is not excessive), or for our greatness as theologians or
for being famous pastors as on TV, but instead they are staying because they
want to be a part of God’s Kingdom and win other souls to Jesus!
And I will give you an example, without using names, of a
case we had in the distant past of how we have had to let a certain fish go.
There was a person we hired and he did a fine job but wanted us to hire his
wife as well. We actually had the funds to hire her but I chose to let the
process go a few weeks to see if she was worth it, if she would volunteer. I
kept inviting her to please help us and that if you have nothing to do but be
home alone, please come and help us in the office a few hours. Guess what? She
never chose to volunteer for hardly anything and my wife and I chose not to
hire her! How can one hire a person unwilling to do good knowing there is a
need? She never learned of the fact that we were almost hiring her but we
backed out seeing she had no goodwill to be useful when she could have been.
8. So, it is alright to let some people go! Some people simply
are not choosing to serve God even though you and I may be praying for them. Some
people are good as a Corps member but some people that come to church are not
even fit to be members of any church! Let me tell you why? Some people when
they are not getting special favors and attention, not getting position, not
getting something they desire they start complaining and backstabbing the
members and the Captains/pastors, bad-mouthing the church, and they may even backstab members
who gave them money or did many good things for them. Remember a true Christian
has love and forgiveness and the fruits of the spirit! Not everyone in the net
of Christianity is a good fish.
Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the
flesh with the affections and lusts. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also
walk in the Spirit.
So the way to know a good fish from a bad one is by their
fruits, by their obvious nature of appearances and practices, by their healthy
or sickly spirit, by what they do or don’t do. Do they follow and obey as a
gentle sheep, or are the independent and destructive as a rebellious goat?
9. I decided to share this as often times some of you
question if you should keep investing in a certain friend or family member or not,
if you should keep visiting and begging a certain person to come to church or
not. There does come a time when we must realize that not every person that accepts
Jesus or comes to church for a few weeks will chose to do service to God and serve
others and serve the church like you and I do. Genesis 6:3 (a) And the
Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive
with man, for that he also is flesh:
What we witness in all churches is
a population of people that come and go. There are ‘seekers’, then there are
those who progress to be ‘adherents’ (who adhere to the faith but are not
sacrificial to the work yet, or maybe circumstances prevent it), and then there
are Soldiers in this volunteer army who are those who chose to do all they can
in some manner to serve in this part of God’s kingdom! Thank God for Soldiers, and
Local Officers, amen? God will use you only as much as you will let Him.
God owns the net! The final
judgement is coming! We serve as His fishermen, we often catch and sort, but He
keeps or He let’s go according to what each person chooses! Be faithful to stay
with God’s school of fish active in his service in his net and He will keep you
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