Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hey Jude: A study in the Book of Jude: a message for today

The Book of JudeWritten for Our Times!    (Part 1 of 2)                         Kelly Durant

2. This is a breakdown study of Jude and why focus on it? Because it is very relevant to our present times. Please keep your Bibles open to follow along and take notes. This book has references to the book of Enock, an extra canonical book that is valued by the Orthodox Church, and many other churches are currently taking a new look at it. 

It speaks of the punishments God gave to the disobedient fallen angels and is a warning to all those who leave the faith or practice evil. 

Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.
This is a salutation but it is addressed only to us, the Christian believers. How do we know? Because of the phrase “to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ” You being a Salvationist understand that being sanctified is something which comes from living a sincere holy life with the Holy Spirit leading.
How do you and I get sanctified by God? By being preserved in Jesus, remaining obeying His teachings, which goes along with our doctrine number 9 to have ‘continuance’ in the faith for salvation. We are called to live and serve as Jesus did. What blessings do we get from God for this? Mercy, peace, and love!
3. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
What does it mean to contend for the faith? The word, ‘contend’, sounds similar to the word ‘contentious’ but there is a big difference. We should never be contentious, that is desiring to get into a fight just to stir up trouble, but It is implying that we must speak up and fight, to defend what is true from the Word of God. If you don’t stand up for Jesus and the faith, you must ask yourself if you are really a believer or not!
In Christianity we can study how to do this through ‘apologetics’. I think more than ever you and I must prepare ourselves to be able to answer anyone who verbally attacks us, mocks us, or just seeks to counter you or me over our faith in Jesus. Our faith is under heavy attack from ungodly people in the schools, colleges, and workplace, in cyberspace, and also in movies, the daily news, and the music/imagery industry.  
4.  For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
To begin, how many of you can observe that some churches of late seem to have quite a few people in them that seem to have lost the mission of Jesus? They seem to have a preoccupation with making the church conform to the society’s culture, or a preoccupation with their own entertainment, praise bands and modern preachers, who do not even use scripture as the message? When you hear a person pressing a certain dubious issue in the church, ask yourself, what are their fruits? What do they in their private lives for Jesus and others? Those seeking influence and money yet have no obedience to Christ are usually deceptive ones seeking to divide and conquer! 
What is lasciviousness? Lasciviousness is a gross form of wickedness that has sexual overtones. It starts in a sinful heart (Mark 7:21-22), and manifests itself in fleshly (carnal) actions (Galatians 5:19), and can lead to a state of being “past feeling” (Ephesians 4:19).  People contaminated with this nature accept no correction or reasoning. Fake Christians follow their own philosophies and undermine the Bible. 
These influences come from the condemned demons of old. Jude clarifies in verse 6 that the first fallen angels who came to rape and murder as they pleased have been captured and are waiting the judgment of hell, but what about the others after that? They are still here! Jesus cast out demons into pigs but the demon spirits of old are still with us usually possessing people in high places, possessing people of influence such as in actors and musicians, and they focus in on infiltrating churches so they can divide them and destroy them having them overcome by the trends of the world rewriting their doctrines to include their demonic activity! Apostacy is increasing year after year. 
Here is a problem we face, Christians in the church are not being warned and educated on how demons operate. The world has conditioned us to accept that some people with their perverted aggressive and rude behavior speaking up to contradict righteous Christian leaders are just normal. Just accept how this generation is?! No!
So, can it be that in colleges, the workplace, and in some churches you as a discerning God honoring Christian are expected to just accept mayhem, blasphemy, and confusion, which is an abuse of the grace of Christ? How derogatory that this is the new push that we should just include them at all costs! (!?) Tolerance is a must?! A little leaven, leavens the whole bread! The faith is getting destroyed by these usurpers.  
Those who speak up to justify their lascivious behaviors, if you question them on anything, will lash out at you with full force decrying that you are not a real Christian because you are not loving because you discriminate and you preach an embarrassing gospel of the old type that is causing young people to leave the church. They proclaim to all those nearby, we need to get rid of your old type! How twisted and manipulative! And would we not be fools condemning ourselves if we were to allow them to take over and run things as they please? It would be to ‘deny’ Christ totally! How sad that much of Christianity in our present world is being practiced without Christ as the foundation!
5.I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.
What is the message here? It is a comparison of the past to what may happen in the present with any of us. We know that the Israelites after leaving Egypt, after being freed as slaves to go to the promised land (compared to heaven for the Christian), became bitter and angry at God for a lack of comforts and they wanted to go back and even worship Egypt’s false gods and even made a golden calf idol! So God allowed them to all die in the desert wandering 40 years lost! Unthankful complainers who want the perversions of this world above the mission of our faith condemn their selves to repeat this dry life desert tragedy.  
If one is a Christian and a new creation in Christ, one who is presumed to be purified by the forgiveness with the blood of Jesus, and then wants to go back, as a dog who re-eats his vomit, to accommodate the sins of the world in one’s life, then this means inviting God’s punishment upon yourself as the non-believing, God insulting backsliders of the past. This is a powerful warning that a would be salvation could became God’s wrath for those who reject living in His holy path not living in “the way, the truth, and the life”.  
6. And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
This verse infers to the book of Enoch, a book which was respected by the Jews of old found in the Qumran Caves. It speaks of 200 watcher angels (but there may have been more) who degenerated their selves to abuse with humans, so God punished them by locking them out of the heavenly and earthly realm, and bound them up for judgement! Imagine how this is, you have an eternal spirit and cannot die, you are conscious of things nearby and you were a privileged angel living in heaven, and now you exist in the eternal now restrained in darkness! And then in the final judgment, as mentioned to come revealed by Jesus detailed in Revelation, you will be put into the lake of eternal fire! These beings were such evil abusers that God has saved the worst punishment for them!
These former angels became Satanic, and by all images of ancient worship, deductively created hybrid creatures of men and beasts to rule over men and to insult God’s creation! Their pleasure was to enslave and destroy the people that God created! They established a pyramid slave order out of mankind to build glorious cities and commanded men to worship their created beings and not the Creator (see Romans 1). The problem was they possessed much of God’s knowledge, of His supernatural mathematics and biology, and they exploited it to build mega structures to incite the worship of themselves. A total intolerable betrayal! After these first rebellious ones were enchained, the flood of Noah wiped out another portion of these fallen ones, but soon afterwards their evil resurfaced again as these disembodied demon spirits continued to possess rebellious people born later. And today these demons continue to oppress, rob, and murder from high places!
7. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. (Note: Strange flesh includes animals).
The judgments of God are clear here. The people of these cities demanded to have sex with the angels that went to Lot’s house as guests. Imagine this, Lot even offered his 2 virgin daughters to this crowd of evil men to ‘do as they please’ but they refused. Would you offer that?! He was in utter despair trying to stop this mob of men that were violently trying to break into the door of his house to rape these handsome angels.
But no one should, nor will get away with rape and murder, God’s wrath will come on them! These cities were destroyed by the fiery salt that rained from the sky. The people were so corrupt God did not spare anyone except Lot’s family who escaped. These destroyed cities have been un-earthed in Israel but few report it because the way of the world is to hide and cover up God’s judgements. However, there is no doubt, His judgements are real and we must heed the warning against these type of behavior. 
8. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.
Have you ever known anyone who is always talking degradingly about others always conflictive, often laughing at someone’s misfortune? Someone who is always boasting what they would like to do to hurt or kill someone? They are always gloating in their bad behavior or sex acts, and they mock the people of God and the authorities for being upholders of Godliness. These kinds are guilty evil condemned hypocrites! Their minds (filthy dreamers) are given over to continuous darkness, so their words and actions follow. They degrade their selves believing their own lies and seek to recruit others into the same filth and tear to pieces with words or violence those who challenge them.
They also have this characteristic in common, they are non-stop rebellious to any authority; they invent evil words to attack and mock the maintainers of order, such as the police, government leaders, or church leaders. The Holy Scriptures say to ‘submit to the authorities’ which are being allowed by God to govern (Romans 13) and even though some of these authorities are corrupt, in general they protect us from despots who would bring us down into total anarchy, enslavement, and death.  
9. Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
Why is this within these verses? For one, it reveals that Satan and his demons, until his judgement comes, are loose to temp, bother, and falsely accuse, in the presence of the angels and humankind, anyone of any kind of evil as he pleases. When the Lord Jesus returns Satan will be judged and pay for all his crimes against God and humanity, for deceiving, accusing, and condemning billions of lives which should have been God’s.
Why did Satan hate Moses and want to desecrate the remembrance of his body? Because Moses was the law bearer, the official voice of God to bring order and punishment to those who do evil deeds! Satan wanted to claim that Moses was his because Moses had failed God on a few occasions with anger issues. No one is perfect and Satan always wants to claim you as his own because you act out as he wanted at some time or another. But the blood of Jesus, defended by the high archangels in heaven, will not allow this to happen. We will be defended and justified as righteous through and by Jesus in the final judgment day. 
One more thing, Here it is revealed that The Lord (Jesus) has all authority and Satan shrinks when you quote the Word of God to Him ‘in Jesus name’. You can rebuke Satan in Jesus name when he attacks you through someone, someone who may have a demon, and Jesus will win the battle. You may have to fast and pray, however, depending on the magnitude of the evil entity. Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
10.10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.
If you are an obedient person of faith, you spiritually discern all things happening in the world and you understand the spirit world, moral laws, scientific knowledge, and government systems through the mind of Christ. It means you see through the repeated lies, fake news, and deceptions of the world. And for your possession of truth, ignorant or deceived people will hate you, attack you, and mock you when you speak the truth or the word of God to counter the poisonous lies they have swallowed.
If you speak up for your faith in Jesus, for moral decency, for Creationism, for a pro-life stance, for certain more righteous leaders in power, you will see you quickly you become a target of evil people who are morally corrupt, deceived by Satan on all issues, and they will be violent, vulgar, and vicious in their cruel harmful words against you acting you like a wild animal or brute beast which is out of control.  
11. 11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.
What was the way of Cain? Disobedience, anger, hate, & then murder! God wanted a sacrifice, a symbol which would in the future reflect upon Jesus as a blood sacrifice, one that comes with tears and pain. But Cain did not care about what God wanted, he only wanted to give God some little something as he pleased. God’s request was mocked by Cain and when God reacted that it was not pleasing, Cain was filled with rage! He could have simply redone his sacrifice but instead he murdered his own brother to get back at God and him! Look how many today live on this path!
Balaam was getting paid to go down and curse the people of God so they could be defeated in battle but his donkey started talking to him and revealed that God’s angels would not allow him to go do that! That scared him, he repented, and blessed them instead! Many people today think it gets the favor of the world to mock and curse good people and Christians, but their reward of temporary praise or cash comes with a curse on them. The mockers of the righteous always face God’s judgment for choosing the wrong side and often their demise comes quickly. 
Core, or Korah, challenged Moses and Arron on how to worship God. (see Numbers 16) He was not a Levite, not a dedicated to God priest, so he was disqualified in any of his prideful endeavors to get people to follow his teachings. He was judged for inciting rebellion. Numbers 16:32 And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. I don’t doubt that many unusual supernatural occurrences have happened to many of the mockers of God’s people. Some heed God’s warnings, while others do not. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

A Formula for Happiness: From the Bible!

A Formula for Happiness: From the Bible!                                  Kelly Durant

Psalm 146:5 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord his God,

2. Don’t you love happy people? People who can laugh despite the awkward or uncomfortable position they might be in? I lost a front tooth last week, one of the implants, and I looked like a hillbilly with a big missing front tooth! (Thank God the dentist is fixing it and temp one is in now). I felt like the old woman who only had two teeth but she said, “I thank the good Lord, that at least they meet!”

In all honesty, we will never be fully happy in life because this broken world is not our home, we are just passing through.John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. Peace of spirit is a good thing!

I believe we can make the best of it though! We can be happy trusting that God will take care of us. Happiness is a state of contentment, and we can choose to be content no matter what conditions we are in. Paul did (see Philippians 4:11)  It does not matter if we are rich or poor, no matter the temporary situation, we know God can make our hearts be light as we trust Him because “we know all things work together for good , for them that trust in the Lord”, Romans 8:28  

3. We must have certain conditions to be happy though. One condition is in reference to the verse of today and that is that we have the “God of Jacob for our help, Whose hope is in the Lord his God”. The God of Jacob is Jehovah, the father of Jesus (we must specify who is our God!) and what will make us happy? To have hope in Him!

Having hope in God, which is connected to faith, means we expect a good outcome for all matters, and we get them. We are the most optimistic people on earth as we believe that no matter how bad the situation is, or how great the need, or how discouraging and depressing things are, God will come through with a positive response.

And why will He answer us? Because we love Him and He loves us! We are his children and in the end He is the one who takes care of us and comes through with all of His great promises.  

4. The next item for happiness is that we must love God’s word in order to gain wisdom. Proverbs 3:13 ‘Happy is the man (implies all) that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding.’ We gain wisdom and understanding, which gives us a more peaceful state of mind knowing we are pleasing God.

Proverbs 29:18 ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.’ So when we grow in understanding of God’s wisdom, it gives us a vision, a purpose, a life that is worth living, and we learn of His law, or of the values and vision of God. 

By keeping God’s law, or living in obedience, we become happy. Jesus taught us the total essence of the law, to love God and others, but Jesus also wanted us to obey all His commands which includes hearing His words and obeying them, which includes sharing the gospel of the eternal Kingdom of God with others.John 13:17 If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them. Obedience to God brings on happiness!

5. Here is another condition for happiness, to earn your pay by honest living. Psalm 128:2  When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. God wants us blessed but it requires service, work, and generosity.

When you look at all of society and all the jobs of people, those who work a skill or a profession and reward their selves by a slow prosperity are the most happy. They live in peace because they got their means by honesty, integrity, and the sweat of their brow, which are the conditions we have to live with to survive while temporarily living on this earth.

Jesus said this concerning working for God, which is living by preaching, doing mission work, or serving in some Christ-like capacity those who are suffering, John 6:27 Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.” Jesus idea of work is to get out and gain souls for heaven!
6. There are dozens of verses that speak on how God loves to see us happy. They may include having lots of children (Psalm 127:5), they include being happy when God corrects us (Job 5:17), and living with a guilt free coconscious because you choose God’s ways. (Romans 14:22). 

There is so much beauty in God’s creation that just spending time praising God with nature can refresh you and make you feel good. Yet since we live in a fallen world, happiness and feeling good is a fleeting endeavor. The truth is we will always be up and down and feel all kinds of emotions in this life, but God wants us free from fear, worry, anxiety, and pain, and it only comes by trusting in Him.

Social media has upped the ante on what we feel (good and bad). My wife and I might feel very happy, say on a Sunday afternoon, because you, the people, actually sang and praised God with more of their heart, or you came forward to pray, or some one of you shared an inspiring testimony of something wonderful God did in your life. These things lift us up along with the hugs, smiles, and hearing of God’s word! But then the happiness might all leave when we see on Facebook that someone we loved died today, or read that Christians in some African country were killed again by fanatics. So when you feel good and happy, enjoy it to the max blocking out all the negative things you will deal with later.

7. Now, let’s look at this in reverse, what makes people in general so discontent, unhappy, and even aggressive and angry? Why do we see thousands of people who are eating well, who have enough clothing and even can afford bizarre costumes for protests, people who are living with freedoms to even sin as they please, be so vulgar, berserk, and mad at some strawman issue in the world? It is because they have not God! Without God people obsess over anything!

Look at Psalm 146:5 in reverse: Unhappy is he (she) who has NOT the God of Jacob for his help, Who has HOPELESSNESS without the Lord as his God.  The reality of life is a majority of people do not reverence God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! Not being connect to our “God of love” brings severe unhappiness!

The unwise people, out of pride, choose the vanity of being their own god (atheism) or chose a false god (a false religions or cult), and over time being carnal and stubborn may end up being governed by a demon entity because their pride, envy, rage, and hate obsess them to the point of mental, physical, and spiritual sickness!  

8. And what about Proverbs 3:13 in reverse? ‘Unhappy is the man (all) that does NOT find wisdom, and the man that does NOT get understanding. Understanding and wisdom come from the Word of God, this is why Satan and his people fight against it so aggressively, they hate it and attack ferociously anyone who even mentions the Bible. I know because I have been attacked many times! 

The misunderstanding and mis-wisdom of the people of the world originate from all of the Satanic, so called authentic or scientific, concepts such as what is taught in schools, colleges, and false places of worship (any and all religions). People have been brainwashed and they do not perceive it because they see so many others like their selves believing the same falsehoods, so for them they conclude they understand reality. But “the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”!

Daniel 12:4 B “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” People may think they are smart without needing God but knowledge is not an ultimate power because knowledge is continually being changed and updated. Many confuse the knowledge they have learned as wisdom, but they are very different. I read scientific journals and these people get very upset when someone counters their claims with new truths (evolution is almost totally discredited!) and I conclude people in all professions live divided, angry, and unhappy! Why? Because GOD is not included in their deductions and understandings of things! 

9. And now Psalm 128:2 in reverse, ‘When you eat the labor of some else’s hands, You will be unhappy, and it will NOT be well with you’. The people of the world who scheme to get their income by lying and tricking people (telemarketers, sales of bad goods etc.) live unhappy knowing they are deceiving others. People who lie, those who cheat and lie to get help from government or charity systems, are never happy either. When you know you are con inside, you can’t escape the dirty feeling! And others, who have the discernment of God, see through it.

Gaining wealth or income by dishonest means has consequences. Drug dealers, prostitutes, and thieves, are people who always live in fear. They get poor physical and mental health because they fear retaliation from someone for a bad deal, they fear getting jailed by law enforcement, or they live with anxiety paranoid that friends will find them out and betray or reject them. And due to their repulsive sins, they do often end up all alone!

People doing illegal things, things condemned by God in the Bible, or just being lazy or deceptive displease God and those around them. Those who respect God get respect back and have respect for their selves, while schemers, tricksters, and deceivers always live unhappy, and like a ticking time bomb, they never know when everything is all going to fall apart on them!

10. Here is a good verse for us who serve in the Salvation Army, Proverbs 14:21 “He who despises his neighbor sins; But he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.” We love God and our neighbors as ourselves! We also become happy because we do what we can to help our neighbors. We do not reject anyone or despise them, instead we show mercy on all. Serving, supplying, and loving others brings on happiness!

Today I hope you have learned these important ingredients in the formula for happiness; 
1.    To have God present in your life at every moment 
2.    To gain wisdom and understanding from God’s Word obeying it
3.    To work honestly free from deceit enjoying what God has given you

Ecclesiastes 5:18 Here is what I have seen: It is good and fitting for one to eat and drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor in which he toils under the sun all the days of his life which God gives him; for it is his heritage.

Everyone can be happy! But it takes Jesus love to transform and clean out our hearts from all the deceptions, carnality, and evil that stifles our happiness. We need God, love, wisdom, and a purpose serving others to live happy! Choose today to change your lifestyle formula so you will be happy. And another day I will tell you all about the extreme happiness you will gain in heaven after you die! Love and serve Jesus today!


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Christian Faith Vs. Current Deceptions

Christian Faith Vs. Current Deceptions                     Kelly Durant

Colossians 2:6-8
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

2. Haven’t you always wondered about cults? People who follow a leader so much so that they will die for them? A few cults emerged in the past decades and centuries, but what about the cult mentality today? Are people any different today in blindly accepting any information the world feeds them and then are fanatical to promote it? Do we see people today following illogical, radical, and destructive ideologies? A resounding, yes! The world has gone in the way of hate with riots and burning down all in their path just because they don’t get their philosophy, law, or person in power. 

What comes to most minds when we think of unChristlike worldly deceived people (as in the verses above) are the radical terrorists who are willing to kill their own selves so they can kill a few others as well hoping to impose their way by fear tactics! It is a clash of religion, politics, and philosophy as they classify as enemies those who disagree with them. The practice of having a radical dedication to a perverted leader or ideology, a rudiment of the world, has been around ever since the formation of empires and monarchies, such as the case of Egypt, Babylon, Rome, and the rest. Could it be people are the same today and are blindly enslaved supporting erroneous leaders and precepts presented to them by the perverse powers of this world? Sadly, yes! 

What causes people to become loyal to an evil power and cruel positions? To me the answer seems very obvious: any person not worshipping the true God Jehovah and His Son Jesus Christ will always have their worship directed to another, and that almost always is for religious demons or a political authority! Most governments claim to have some supreme spiritual power connected to them, so the common people get deceived easily not having discernment being blind to the depth of the evil they follow. Evil is always masked to the ignorant masses as a noble cause of ‘social justice’. Helping the poor or an underclass or defeating an oppressive race or power usually is the subject to entice people to malignantly label and hate another. Next, loyalty to an evil entity ensues and destruction will be carried out in word and in deeds! 

3. People that become radical and worship despotic leaders are usually forced but can be also bribed into it. Usually the punishment for not hailing a current Cesar (power) as your god is severe, few countries allow dissention. Under Communist regimes, under theocracies, and under all dictatorships, which covers most all of the world, the punishment is imprisonment or death for not respecting and worshipping the governing authorities and their severe set of rules. But when you are converted with Jesus, you no longer desire any part of these traditions of the world and these abusive pollical systems.

In Nazi German, Adolf Eichmann devised a psychological system (with electric shocks) in which people were willing to harm others if only by being pushed by voices from peers to do so. He discovered that people would over-ride their common sense, violate their own principles of morality, and do horrific damage to another human being, for political persuasion. All it took was an outside person egging them on! And we know what horrors the Nazis accomplished! Today we have a similar type of evil climate influencing people today and the evidence of this is seen by all the violence and hate coming out of the news and media outlets producing rioters. Colleges no longer debate including all ideas and philosophies which should include Christianity. They vehemently discriminate against Biblical moral principles, so the result is Satan’s traditions keep on dominating producing suicidal and disturbed youth!   

This is the world, and the people of the world we know will always go along with the most animalistic and carnal of human emotions which seduces with vices, hate, envy, violence, and pride.  So what do we do about these influences and those affected by them? We must resist and expose evil with God’s truths,‘Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye(we) have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving’.

4. If you are a Christian you are aware that you are in a battle to not conform to this world, but rather we are transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ. (Romans 12:1, 2) Some verses that speak about combating for the Lord are in Ephesians 6: 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

How is the way of the rulers of darkness of this world? The world offers us leaders participating in all kinds of perversions, liberalism, thievery, and abuse of power. The leaders of the world will do whatever it takes to keep their position and power, even killing anyone exposing their injustices and exploitations. In this country and in all of them we witness this! So our concerns are against these dark spiritual powers that rule in this world. Jesus offered us the kingdom of God as a way to free those captive with Jesus Christ! We must speak up for Him.

And this leads me up to churches that are spiritually oppressive and deceptive as well, the ones that are compromised to the world in their traditions and practices. We should be concerned to expose and resist those that are leading others to hell instead of to heaven by their incorrect practices, doctrines, and philosophies. 

5. It is sad that as much good as our Salvation Army church offers that there is always a majority group of people that will come and go and not appreciate the goodness, the holiness, and the blessings they could receive if they would stay and learn of God’s love and then start doing their part for God and others. The deceptive notion is that one can take all you want from charities and churches and never ask yourself if it is moral, fair, or pleasing to God.

Just think how many people have taken advantage of all the systems throughout the years. People will always come for material things, which God gives to them to share, but then they take these and run trying to be sure they will not have to have any commitment to anything. Sadly these types of people could have many more blessings learning God’s Word but they miss the mark. They are deceived thinking they do not need God and their lives rarely improve. How sad!

Those with the ‘take what they can’ attitude reminds me of Esau who sold his birthright for a bowl of stew! His father had a big blessing planned for him but before he would receive it, he despised it and offered to trade it away cheap for just a bowl of stew with his brother. What an expose of the mentality and disloyalty of some people today as they prefer the material over the spiritual. What short sightedness, unthankfulness, and poverty! Do you see it? How people deceive their own selves? But we as Christians are thankful and we give back.

6. How sad it is that today in the world there are a lot of people that expect you to just do things for them, that you should just give them things, just because you are considered to be compassionate and you owe it to them. I grew up learning that everything you get you must earn and work for. Didn’t Jesus compare serving God to working in the harvest?  (Lk 9:29) How ludicrous to think one deserves a reward or payment for nothing in return, to reap where you have not sewn.

What is disappointing about the vain deceit and attitudes of the world is how so many ignorant people disrespect the church and honest Christians serving God. People are actually mocking God when they just take again and again thinking they never need to be thankful, faithful, or honor God and be holy, or give back to help anyone else in need. 

Also, notice of the contrasts between humble and vain churches that deceive. In our Corps people can contact the Captains/pastors to visit and talk to them when the please setting a time. But ‘damaged by philosophies and vainness’ many Christians prefer church pastors where no one can ever get to consult with them when needed. Deceived by the world’s distortion of Christianity these people think that if they can get to talk to the big shot, then they must not really belong to a valid elite denomination. Yeah, right! Unavailable wealthy pastors with private jets and ‘feel good’ messages are, in my observation, the condemned hirelings Jesus warned us about!
7. The deception being taught today is philosophy, vain deceit, and the traditions of men, which is not from the Word of God! Some people have become spoiled to believe their sacrifice for God is to have to show up to church on Sunday and give money. Worshipping together should be taken as a blessing but love and charity must be practiced everyday 24/7 or our Christianity is in vain.

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Apart from all things just mentioned, the traditions of men may include repetitive meaningless rituals and this is what is killing people from worshipping God in spirit and in truth. Many today are leaving the church and this is why! They want God’s Spirit and truth and if they are not getting it…it is either the pastor, the flock, or the doctrine at fault. Lord help you and me to be free from error!

Christianity is a lifestyle of love, obedience, and service, not a feel good club where one gets supported by the members no matter your sins and disobedience. So many bad examples exist that many people deduct that what Christianity is…is a self-serving entertainment club!

8. So for us that have studied God’s word, those of us who know better, it is on us to be the role model of what a true loving Christian is! I beg you, ask God if your faith is real? Ask yourself, am I deluded by my own ideas of what church and the practice of faith is all about? If you study God’s word you will learn the truth and not be deceived.

We must fight against deceptions, we should expose wrong teachings and actions done by the people of the world in cults, political mafias, and by the people in the false churches because only by doing so will others see the light that we are proclaiming the opposite which is Jesus and holiness! 

All people without God first in their lives are deceived by something or someone. It takes a miracle of God and the Holy Spirit power to wake up a person so they see the reality of their spiritual poverty, deception, and their need for Jesus and His healing love. Pray for your friends and relatives to ‘wake up’!

9. And now for your conviction to be on guard I will leave you with a William Booth quote: "I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be .... religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God and heaven without hell."

You and I, being aware of Satan’s devices, must be aggressive to speak up and defend the faith. We are in a spiritual battle that is getting more and more intense as each year goes by. Pray to be God’s instrument! Will you save souls from the deceptions of the world? Will you expose this world’s deceptions so others can see it is either God or the Devil one is serving? Do it for Jesus and the salvation of souls, He expects it of you! 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Real Men, And Fathers, Love Jesus and Teach God’s Word!

Real Men, And Fathers, Love Jesus and Teach God’s Word!   
By Kelly Durant                                        Re: 7-8-18   Deuteronomy 11:19

2. In English there is a phrase that appears on bumper stickers, it says, “Real Men Love Jesus”! The truth is a man that does not love Jesus is a man that will not be a good husband or father! Even the men here who come to this church, and who are Christian, may be lacking in knowledge on how to be a real father. With no spirituality a man is a brute beast!

Speaking for myself, I grew up without a father, my parents divorced when I was 1 & 1/2 yr. old, so I grew up like many of you, and like 50% of the people in this country, without any an idea of what a father is supposed to be! If you never had a father, I understand you, but we can learn new things because it is a new day and young men can learn what a father should be like. Real mean seek wisdom and practice it!

Women too need to learn how to choose the right men for mates who will be good fathers and they should inspire their man to love the Lord!  I had to learn how to be a father from God’s word and other Christian books on the subject!  I spent hours of study on the matter, and that is what it takes!

3. And I must say I have not a perfect dad for my 5 kids either! I have learned from my mistakes! But the main thing I learned, and if you remember only one thing today I want it to be this verse. It is the most important task of a father. Deu.11: 19 And you shall teach them (the law, or God’s word) your children, speaking of them when thou sit in thine house, and when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 

Having kids does not make a man a father!A real father according to God is one who knows the Bible, one who teaches those precepts to his children, and lives by its standards! (Repeat) 

My question is, do you, fathers, here today do that? The Bible talks a lot about the evil character of men in the last days. Basically the sins of the past cultures are the same sins of today but the problem with that is those sins of the fathers, could be placing their souls and the souls of their children in danger of not inheriting salvation. 

4. There are men that think it is okay to abandon their wives & children or think it is okay to live as they so desire wasting money on sins disregarding God, being abusive to those in their homes.  But as we can read that Jesus had some harsh words to those that keep kids from the faith and teaching sins to their children by their bad examples! 

Matt 18:6 (read) But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

He said basically that they would go to hell forever! Jesus states here that suicide for that man or would be better for him than to mislead a child away from God! And sadly, today, some men are pedophiles and exploiters! 

5. The word speaks a lot about how the men should be the spiritual leaders but a leader is not being a macho dictator slave driver that shouts out commands! We are talking about being a leader as Jesus was a leader, a man with a character imitating that of Jesus, having love for his family, wife and children, giving his life for them sacrificing his time, talent, and income. 

Christ loved us and gave his life for us, and if we as men are to follow His footsteps then we must also live and obey all of what he taught and teach others the same! There is a culture problem with the world today. People are conditioned to believe that all there is to being a Dad is to bring the money home. They get home late, they watch TV, or they play sports with their friends and rarely if ever, on an intimate level, communicate with their children or wives! If men do not become spiritual such as the Israelite men, or as some Native Americans, and previous generations of Christians were, they are doomed to reap the consequences of criminal carnal activity.  

Very few hours in the work week do men (fathers) ever spend time with their children! They don’t play much with them or talk to them, or teach them the Bible, or even discipline them for that matter! The male in today’s world has been emasculated and are as knights without armor.

6. And some children here really know how to manipulate the mother and get away with what they want while the father is off working or in another world and he does not even see how disrespectful, sneaky, and problematic his kids really are! Sadly, most problem kids are the ones without fathers! Children need a father involved in their lives and they need a man to discipline and control, but if they don’t get that correction early from their fathers, they will get it later from the police as they go behind bars! 

A child that will not submit to a parent will certainly never submit to God! Don’t think that just because you come to church and believe in God, and think that because you are from a culture that believes in family values that it can’t happen to you! Even good fathers sometimes have to watch their kids become like the prodigal son when he demanded his share of the money and left home. A man must do his part and trust God for the rest.

7. Never say, oh, my son is pain in the rear! Just correct them! The word makes it clear that it is a curse to have the children dominating the parents. Is.3:12 (read)12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. Men, don’t let the culture beat you down!

Do you realize how many young people have trouble with the law mostly because they do not have a father involved to correct and love them?  Not always is it the parents fault, some children seem to be born tremendous in character, but I do know from observation and experience that children who are left to their own devices will bring their parents to shame. 

Prov 29:15 (read) 15 The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. It says mother there but it also applies to the fathers who share the same home with the mothers! So what is a Christian father? He is a man who sets the example!

8. Do these things here on this list! A father or a good man… 
1) Loves and lays down his life for his family to meet their spiritual 
and physical needs, A man that is failing in being a spiritual leader is truly a failure because his children will grow up ignorant of the word, morality, and sin and will fall into the devil’s vices and traps and rapid destruction! 
2) He prays with is family and intimately communicates, he is not proud but he listens to the needs of those in his care or in his world of influence
3) He teaches his wife and his children the Word of God. To teach doesn’t mean to only pass along information; it means to teach by living as an example, and to correct with love when it is necessary   
One more time we will repeat the verse we started off with, Deu.  11:19
Pray for the men here, and everyone you know to love Jesus and be real fathers!