Saturday, February 26, 2022


WAR in REAL TIME.  Your reaction?  It is not healthy to be obsessed, you know.

Personally, I don’t like to have to be informed (or misinformed) of all the details of war moment by moment. Some people are hypnotized by it, others live like nothing is happening, there is a balance in between. As always, we need to pray for those who suffer! “Blessed are the peacemakers”! 



We observe that in sports, politics, the media, the corporate world, the medical field, and everywhere that the BULLIES get promoted to the top, no matter their warring tactics, and why? Because people cave to them! I could tell you 100s of stories of what the arrogant Russians & Venezuelans did in Cuba & Bolivia; compare it to a Roman conquest where land resources, sex slaves, and authority positions are appropriated. Overlords, being Satanically aggressive stop at nothing! Please pray for all oppressed people, God is on the side of the humble, and unrepentant abusers and aggressors await judgement! KD


God Seeking or Psychotic? The results of living with the high stress of oppressors

Many Americans do not know the abuse of a rogue power with guns doing as they please in your community. Many Americans do experience stress & abuse from gangs, family members and employers. It changes you. You either seek God for comfort and find it, or you go crazy! Pray for those that suffer.  2 Corinthians 1:4 Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.



“BLESSED are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted”- JESUS

When people DIE, killed by war, by bad medicine, by addictions, by abortion, by street gangs, and by political mafias, our hearts should GRIEVE! Romans 8:22 “For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now” I abhor the suffering, pain, and fear people bring upon others in this schoolground of earth. One day the wheat will be separated from the weeds. Evil brings us sadness, anguish, and MOURNING! Our comfort is that Jesus one day will defeat the evil ones mismanaging and persecuting God’s people. Faith hope, and LOVE reigns but you must practice it! KD



Most of us believe the ENDTIMES  have begun. Fear mongers abound! Misinformation psy-ops abound! Now more than ever! Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, But the simple pass on and are punished. Get ready! Can you live without internet, gas, food, and your cell phone? I hope so, at least for awhile! Faith and trust will get you through it. But don’t fall for whose fault it is. Recent history reveals THINGS ARE NEVER AS WE ARE TOLD. The ‘author of confusion’ is busy right now so stay prayerful. KD

Monday, February 14, 2022

Freedom, Enforcement, & Reactive tyrants


John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The Bible is clear sin enslaves, and only the truth of Jesus can free one’s soul. The people of sin, global leaders who human-traffic, drug deal, who rob and abuse by unjust laws, want subjugates under them obeying all their whimsical desires! But Jesus followers are FREE, and we discern the motives of evil ones and want nothing to do with their debauchery, tyranny, and unrepentant sinful arrogant demands. We are in the good fight so stand strong, remain free and know that God is on the side of the righteous.  KD    


BEHAVIOR ENFORCEMENT BY THE ESTABLISHMENT?  Sounds logical but it is a type of hell

The technocrats, politicians, and globalists praise Chi..a for their internet credit system, a system in which if you do anything considered inappropriate by the governing body, you instantly are punished, defunded, or rewarded for snitching on (anti-establishment) friends. An automated A.I. system will peg you to be a slave or a middle class with no way out for discussion. This practice is appalling, and shocking and freedom lovers will never conform to this implementation re-setting. We may have to divorce from our phones which reveals our whereabouts, conversations, and interests 24/7. Many articles confirm the 3 letter agencies already know every detail about you and me. We must pray, ‘Thy Kingdom come’ (a Godly heavenly one) because man’s kingdoms are becoming hell observing all crises (medical, criminal, etc.) are used as an excuse to mandate more control with more punishment extremes benefiting ungodly elites.  KD 



The USA freed itself from Britain but are we going down the same road of being governed by an impossible political aristocracy? We currently see Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, (Ireland) all under impossible laws of lockdowns & tyrannical scenarios that only massive protests can grant hope to. Local folks should choose how to be governed, with no TOP DOWN Draconian enforcements of illegal or unconstitutional dictates. It’s the FREE vs. the ENSLAVED, and Godly ones want truth, freedom, & righteousness to reign as in God’s kingdom.  KD 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

The American Scapegoat, Saving a Nation, We need God

The AMERICAN SCAPEGOAT    “The just pay for the sins of the wicked”

This phrase above was repeated to me often in So. America, and within the context of being a Christian, we understand Jesus paid our sin debt, but this is not how it is often applied. It means that the good people often suffer the collateral damage done by the evil ones, be they government officials, guerrilla ideologs, drug mafias, or common thieves. Innocent folks are often confused with the bad ones and taken advantage of. Riding in many taxis I was on the receiving end (like a scapegoat) to hear about all the sins the USA had done to their country, be it from putting evil people in power to exploiting their resources. I was there to preach Jesus but to many of them I represented all the evil the Americans had done to their country. THIS IS A RECURRING PROBLEM. Today there exists a righteous majority, people who just want to earn what’s theirs, practice their faith, and not bother anyone but because of the loud sins of a few evil ones promoting violations upon us, the world believes EVERYONE here is evil, illogical, and distracted weak pervert seekers. Many innocent ones will pay for the sins of the many if the confusion of war ever invades this soil. And due to the severe evil of certain leaders, certain cities in the USA appear to have been in a war already due to the disorder and destruction. It is all engineered, to weaken the populous that does not agree with their destructive governance. Certain Americans have become as the hated exiled SCAPEGOAT yet they are not the ones guilty like their hypocrite senders. If “we the people” do not repair this internal corruption, then we will painfully see more innocent victims be sacrificed. It is very disturbing to see innocent people suffer, so we must correct this by demanding righteousness, by bringing back good Christian people in power, and by prayer to thwart the plans of the wicked.  KD  


HOW TO SAVE A NATION   The same as it was in the Old Testament…

As in Ezekiel, and all the other books of the Old Testament, the people of God had to repent to be saved. Jonah preached to Nineveh and they were saved from an enemy invasion, but we must do our part to be counted worthy. Repentance means everyone turning to God! We must expunge evil God-mocking perverse leaders from our government, schools and colleges, churches, secret societies, civic clubs, and families. Because evil doers are shameless, bold to commit atrocities and scandals, being aggressive for power, it implies that we too must be bold as a lion to confront and embarrass them for their insidious sinful criminal acts. Observing the overt attacks carried out on good people, the only solution is for us to fight back with God’s truth, righteousness, and boldness. When they come to burn down your community and institutions, perverting your kids to hate you, insulting your intelligence with contradictory sinister demands, you can’t just sit there and let it all turn to ashes! Jesus took on the hypocrites and terrible false leaders damaging God’s sheep. Those with their eyes open, left the cult of the blind following the blind. To save us: repentance individually and corporately, confrontation for correction, and then redirection doing things in the righteous way that Jesus taught.   KD  



Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the Lord.

We have recently seen how messed up a NATION can become when trusting in PEOPLE to save you, to so called build or do things WITHOUT GOD. The more UNRIGHTEOUS the leader, the more DAMAGE their solutions bring! In history, and as in the Bible, we learn how Godly leaders can improve and SAVE nations, but recently most leaders, in the name of helping PEOPLE, only introduce expanded corruption, greedy ulterior motives, and we end up with more suffering, poverty, and control. What a lesson we are learning that we need GODLY people to be in control or the results are devastating. The people of God must work towards bringing all to know and obey God and seek leaders who will TRUST in GOD and not in their own idiotic prideful loathsome self.   KD



Wednesday, February 2, 2022


 FREE WILL/ˌfrē ˈwil/

noun: free will; the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion. Free will is the capacity of agents to CHOOSE between different possible courses of action unimpeded. Free will is closely linked to the concepts of moral responsibility, praise, guilt, sin, and other judgements which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. Wikipedia

Joshua 24:15

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, CHOOSE you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the FLOOD, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.

Today “free will” is being taken away from us! To own your soul, for exploitive manipulations, for absolute control and dominion, to spite our loving Creator, the ones who worship the demons of old, have devised the final solution, the one of eliminating our ability to CHOOSE; no longer is God’s healing acceptable but instead man’s science is mandated or else. Bankruptcy, starvation, and insanity is the objective. It is a precursor to the “mark of the beast” and once that is CHOSEN then there will exist no redemption with God. (What Satan and his people dream to see)  Many people are bought and sold by manipulating the lusts, passions, and base animal natures within us; their secret society mafias are the providers of perversions and war equipment as they force on their subjects the selling of one’s soul. Currently, the push is to own and control all people with drugs and foreign substances placed within our bodies. No longer are concoctions applied for healthy preventative outcomes. Research the mind control advancements (by Epstein, Gates, etc) as they now include the subversive use of bio altered aborted cells, harmful chemicals, magnetic graphene, and substances designed to shut down organ functions, in particular the brain where the free will discerns. It’s your body and soul and your CHOICE. CHOOSE God and escape the fear and terror of those who are the enemies of God’s love, mercy, and free will. KD


 SCIENTISM sci·en·tism/ˈsīənˌtizəm/ 

the view that science is the best or ONLY objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values. – Wikipedia

1 Timothy 6:20

“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of SCIENCE FALSELY SO CALLED.” Deception and the contradiction of God’s Word by the ever evolving, ever learning, and ever contradicting itself ‘science’ (much of which is hypothesized by skewed data with anti-God, anti-natural filters from minds of perverse men) has always been around since the beginning and it is even more alive and well today. It’s gotten to the point that the legitimatized as fact is the stuff to beware of (as false info) and the mocked, the scorned, the ridiculed, the illegal, and the so called discredited seems to be the most effective truth. The natural ways are God’s ways, man’s inventions usually end up destroying because he does not seek God but trusts in his own limited self. Jeremiah 17:5

Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the Lord. KD

 CONSEQUENCES   Satan lies that GOD will do nothing…BUT GOD does!

It began in the Garden of Eden, “You will not die” but Adam & Eve did die and they lost not just their lives, but the paradise life of the Garden. When Satan makes a move, God does too! Since Jesus came and conquered death, Satan has now been playing a defensive warfare and he is out to kill ALL of God’s creation, YOU & ME, and the planet! Satan’s fallen angels, the 33%, inspire destructions by discouragement raping, stealing, aborting, and murdering; he does it massively through despots in power spreading DIVISIONS by WAR, PLAGUES (viruses), and provoked NATURAL DISASTERS. God’s plan is to allow him to inherit his burning world as a prison (hell) BUT for us, the followers of Jesus, we will be saved from it as God has created a better world for those who want to be with HIM, heaven! The CONSEQUENCE of choosing Jesus is the SALVATION of your soul away from here, but to choose your own delusions, Satan’s way in the end, is death. Choose wisely!  KD