Sunday, November 10, 2019

We Are In A War On Hypocrisy

We Are In A War On Hypocrisy                                                  Kelly Durant
Matthew 23:25 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and [l]self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also. 27 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.28 Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
2. I learned in 1st grade how Satan operates. Some wild kid throws a paper at the teacher while she has her back turned writing on the black board and hits her. She turns around and says, “Who did that”?  The kid who did it points at me and says, “He did it!” I get mad and stand up red in the face and pound my desk and say, “That’s a lie, he did it!” The teacher then looks at the wild one, but she thinks he is a good kid, and says to me, “It must not have been him but must have been you”! So I am in trouble for something I didn’t do and for speaking up and getting mad at the other kid who was guilty!
Doesn’t this scenario remind you of the unfairness in the world today? The teacher, or the authority can represent anyone with influence, a government official, a media source, a job boss, or a person in your family who sees things through a distorted lens. For them the good people are bad, and the bad people are good! They often think this way because they are making superficial judgments and not really getting down to the real facts of the matter.
Basically, so many of us in life get accused, condemned, and punished over things we did not do but rather only got accused of. We know who is really guilty, and others see it too, but somehow you end up being the one chosen pay the price! How unfair, right?!Liars, hypocrites, false accusers, these are evil people!
3. If someone of your family, or from your job, or from your community decides you are less than them, what can you do? You can pray to see the truth of their lives! I knew from school so many kids that at first you were kind of jealous of them, having wealth and influence until you saw their whole family situation. 
Too many people are forced to live with pressure from their parents, spouses, or a peer group, to be overachievers achieving success in sports, perfect grades, or to be excelling with money and popularity. The people around them in their world pressure them to be something they really would prefer not to be but they do it anyway because they don’t want the embarrassment and humiliation of not living up to their proudful vain high standards. Satan’s people pridefully live a lie so they can bloat they are the ones on top! How anti-Christ and unwise and they reap hell for their unyieldedness to God.
The problem in the world, under Satan’s kingdoms, is that his demons have captured the minds of the simple, not-Holy-Spirit guided ones, and sold them ‘a bill of goods’, a false paradigm, a standard to live by that is unfair, hypocritical, and not realistic. We live with dystopian systems that are destined to perpetually be conflictive! It is a war Satan started long ago and it is heating up! From all angles Christians face opposition! Satan has temporarily taken over most everything everywhere, so nothing material or spiritual will ever exist without it being divided by hypocrites, liars, and false accusers. And it is even in all religions that claim to grant us unity with God and all! Jesus exposed it, it’s a war!  
4. I think we can compare most of the world’s hypocritically blinded people today to the scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites! What manipulation they did and still do! They had all of Judea under their distortion of the law, not how God intended it to be! They had everyone fooled that they were so perfect demanding perfection while they were like rotting corpses inside having only hypocrisy to offer their followers. Basically all religious systems suffer corruption, but Jesus never!
The problem is their followers thought that their hypocrisy was the norm to be expected! Only when Jesus came along could people finally see the light that these deceivers were not the righteous ones they pretended to be. These folks spend great amounts of time to make their exterior appear so perfect, but it was all a façade, a skin deep cover up of their true vicious, revengeful, violent, lying, false accusing, power seeking corrupt nature. Too many today are just like them!
These hypocrite types were quick to condemn Jesus for accusing them of things they really were guilty of when they should have been falling on their knees and faces repenting and crying out to God to have mercy on them! But did they? No!
5. That’s the irony of hypocrites, even when exposed they will not be sorry and repent but rather they dig in their heels at how right they are! They keep affirming the lie is the truth! But most everyone sees through their falseness. Oh how we get fed up with these types of people! How infuriating are these liars and oppressors! These kinds of haters made Jesus furious! He warned them of hell!
So what do they do? They clean the outside and by superficial appearances they look clean. They may dress nice, have a beautiful mansion, and even have a charity or church but it is used to claim that they do good works, but it is all a deception! How is it that so many people do not see through their fakeness and lies? How is it people get so easily fooled?! We need the Holy Spirit to discern!
2 Timothy 3:5 ‘having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people’. So many people who follow them are like them as well! They want only to appear to be nice, appear to be clean, appear to be a community leader, and appear to be spiritual but they are none of that.

6. These pretenders, who live double lives, and who do so many actions to be seen are as actors in a movie, and why do they go through so much trouble? It is for what Satan wants: to gain absolute power and unlimited wealth! It is for pride and dominion! For the temporary glory of Satan offering them to have people as their slaves, and they seek to capture innocent souls (children!) for Satan’s use.
Those that live a true holy life in God see through their fake front and are not under their thumb and deceived by their lies. John 8:36 ‘So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’ Those that live sincerely close to God, who know the Bible, who obey Jesus commands are free from their control and this is why these people in power in high places hate you and me! Christians are the target!
They can’t allow you to exist because you prove there is freedom in Jesus! In their worldeveryone should fall in line under them! And they are oppressive, despotic, manipulative, deceitful, murderous, cold hearted, cruel abusive, wasteful, and everything a child of God detests! And then they claim to be spiritual and caring for the earth, the oppressed genders, and displaced children, etc?! 
7. Matthew 7:16 ‘You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?’ We are at war with the enemy who has infiltrated every government, every religion, and even every Christian church! Divisiveness and deception are at play through programed individuals in every place!
In today’s war against evil the Christian must pray extra hard with the Holy Spirit to be able to discern who is real and who is not. It is amazing how many people can be deceptive and have everyone fooled! But their deception will not last! Haven’t we seen fake leaders, even so called Christian ones, be exposed of late!
Do we not hear people say things that are not according to the truth in the Bible but rather are words that conform to the agendas of this world? People who continue to follow evil leaders, exposed hypocritical leaders, will receive the same hellish punishment as them unless they refuse to break ties and decry their evil works and hypocrisy. You are either for Jesus or you are against Him.  
8. Before Jesus came along nobody knew the difference between the fake and the real as the followers of the hypocrites just thought that that was normal. But it was not normal at all, it was all under Satan’s legalistic harsh hypocritical control and Jesus exposed it.
True Christians are always on the side of Jesus! When evil is exposed we should spread that news! People need to be shown how the enemy operates! Ephesians 5:11 ‘And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.’ Jesus reproved them! Are you like Jesus reproving them?
We actually do not even need to name the fake hypocritical oppressive lying religious governing leaders by name; true Christians see who they are and want nothing to do with them! We might want to offer them the truth to try to save their souls but we certainly do not want to participate in any of their beliefs, hypocrisy, and practices. The same with political powers and educational institutions that do not allow for the words of Jesus to be heard, they seal their fate to reap their own destruction and hell unless they repent.

9. We are in a war! In this information age, you must do extra work to discern between what is righteous, true and pure, and what is not. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.’ 
To know who is of God or not just present to them how Jesus is important to you, how Jesus saved your soul, and observe their reaction.  John 10:27 ‘My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.’ Today we see the division, the wheat are being separated from the weeds, God’s people refuse to be mixed in with evil hypocrites. That’s not divisive, that is according to scripture. And if the weeds accuse the wheat of discrimination, of not supporting their agendas, then so be it; the pure, righteous, and holy, can never share in the same appetites, punishments, and final ending of the wicked. The pure in heart will desire repentance and closeness to God, while liars, hypocrites, and deceivers will burn as weeds are burnt in the fires of hell. Jesus warned of that, we cannot deny it.
A person saved by Jesus Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit will never support and speak well of those who practice any kind of evil and hypocrisy. Our battle is to bring the truth to everyone, to bring the truth of Jesus into all organizations and systems. Light and darkness cannot coexist in the same space. Shine your light! God’s love will conquer the world in the end as Jesus will return and free us from all oppressors, liars and hypocrites