Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Cultures and Our Response as Christians

Christians: The Cultures and Our Response    Kelly Durant 9-30-18

1 Cor 10:31-33
31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God- 33 even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.

 2. There is a phrase that was repeated to me a lot while I lived in South America. It was, “While in Rome, do things like the Romans”.  For example in Bolivia the buses were always full and it was the custom if you were one of the last ones in to ride with one foot in the bus step and one foot out, and I did this many times to avoid being crushed inside. Also, I could breathe fresh air! We all learn to adapt!

   Considering we are going through some adaptations with the culture of immigration in America, I want to focus in on the philosophy and traditions of the world, such as the one in the phrase about Rome. For example, would it have been appropriate for a Christian in Rome to act like a Roman and accept the entertainment of the killing of other Christians by lions in the Coliseum? Absolutely not! Romans 1 reveals what Christians are to reject about them!

  Some things we can adapt to but we should not accept everything about the culture of any certain nation! In reality none of us here are Roman but everyone has been influenced by a certain culture that has some Godly attributes and other ungodly perverse attributes. Thank God Rome’s culture of dominance by cruelty, their culture of enjoying blood and fights to the death has finished years ago! It ended when Jesus Christ’s teachings of love finally took over the leadership of the empire in 333 AD! But even then it was too late and they fell a hundred years later. But historically God’s love always wins despite the evil and we are still battling horrible influences!

3. Let’s return to verse 31: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. What does it mean for the glory of God? It means that you should do the things that promote the culture of the kingdom of God, sharing together with others. For the ‘glory of God’ implies to be done as it pleases Him!

Jesus said, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. In heaven all is pure, peaceful, and divine. In the presence of God are the angels, (and in the future we will be there as resurrected humans),and all is holy, without sin, full of pure love for God and others; and all have their being as like Jesus, in total humility, powerful, and beautiful!

32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God. This verse implies that if we do not do things for the glory of God then we will be doing the opposite promoting our own selves or Satan (which is often the same!). As a consequence we then will be causing others to not want to be a part of God’s fellowship and this is making people revert deeper into the culture of the world away from God.

4. If we just look at the word stumble in the Greek meaning, it means to offend, even to offend by hitting. All of us communicate. Our facial expression, our body language, our words, all communicate to others what we are feeling. All of these expressions can be like a strike or a blow, or they are like an embrace and a comfort to another person.

 Most people have never seen their selves video recorded. They are not aware of what they are communicating with their body language and for that matter many people offend others without even knowing it! And many do not care either! For example, have you ever met person who says, “I am so happy to meet you!” but at the same time their eyes, or their handshake is telling you the opposite?

   If this person is in a church and we assume they are Christian, but then they are being conflictive in their message and also are causing you or me to be confused. Remember this; God can only love through you!  You are his smile and his hands to serve. If people cannot see love in you, then how are they going to believe there is a God of love up there and be convinced that someone loves them?

  5.So many times you have to forgive other people in the world. And sadly you have to forgive people in churches that communicate to you that they really don’t like you and you feel they have no love for you at all. And what did Jesus say, “Forgive us our debts as we forgive those who sin against us.” To not love is a sin!

   Focus in on the verse 32, Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God.  Why does Paul mention the Greek and the Jews and the church? The culture of the Greeks and Jews had extreme major differences in accepting each other and accepting completely the teachings of Christ which were taught and practiced in the body of believers. What he wrote said that they needed more of Jesus and less our their own habits, ways, mind-frames, and culture!

   Who was getting offended in Paul’s day? It was between the Greeks, the Jews, and the Romans, and they all were in the body of believers, the church, and were Christians at the same time!

  6. Today we can compare this to Latinos, and Blacks, Anglos, Asians, or to anyone the race does not matter; the point is the same, all of these cultures were growing as Christians. Paul requires, as from God’s word, that we are not to stumble and offend one another! I can tell you there are many Christians who have never obeyed this command and it sad and those guilty will have to answer to God!

  Paul goes on to say he does things so he will be pleasant to others, even though he may not even like to be that way. Look at verse 33 ‘even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.’

Let’s repeat this verse together,
“For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved”.

 7. The lesson we are learning in this church amongst all people and all nations has always been in learning how to love those different from ourselves winning souls to Jesus!

This is an issue that man with his culturally conditioned sinful nature will always struggle against. Just think how the Jews hated the Romans because they exploited them, and even enslaved them, but God called a Roman Jew Pharisee, Paul, to be the most powerful leader of the early church and all of his writings are considered to be the inspired word of God! Jesus did it but Paul was the first example of another crossing the border lines of cultures.  

I want to tell you I find it is an honor for the Latinos (which includes most all races) to be called to win and teach the other cultures of the Blacks, Koreans, and Anglos to Jesus Christ in this melting pot of soup or salad we call America! God wants to raise up everyone and some cultures respond more in numbers than others!

8. Did I tell you a few years ago that the U.S. is not the leading nation in sending missionaries into the world anymore? Do you know which country it is? It is Brazil! The Latinos are being called to be the leaders in Christian evangelism. God’s spirit works through those who are the most willing! Christians must reject criticism and do God’s will!

So all of this begs you and I to obey as Jesus commanded in Matt 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven.

  God is asking you and me to mature to fully obey the command of        Matt 22:37-39
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

 9. Come and pray God will empower you to have love for all people and tolerance towards the cultures! God gave me that inclusive love because I prayed for it and he can give it to you too! God can give you forgiveness, with the conviction that each of us can and must give up seeking our own good and inappropriately proclaiming our own cultural identity. We can seek the greater good of others who are in our community and cross over into their world and mindset to win them as God is good! Jesus is the only one who can unite us all!

Maybe God is calling you to be more humble and to practice showing His love to another culture. You may not be getting back any love from them but love anyway. Forget about the color or country of the person, we all have human hearts the same!

Love loves anyway, despite how unlovely you think another is! Stop yourself if you perceive you are being rude or judgmental of another, remember we are all just strangers and foreigners passing through. That is the problem, some people do not care if they offend others by being rude: ask God to help you to repent and change! Be all things to all men so you can win some for Jesus! We want everyone from every culture to be saved and live forever with Jesus, amen?

Ephesians 2:19 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Loyalty: If you have it for God, you have it for others!

Loyalty: If you have it for God, you have it for others!                   Kelly Durant

Matthew 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

2. When my mother worked as an information operator for Southwestern Bell (AT&T) she shared the switchboard for 411 calls with about 80 other women looking up addresses and phone numbers for information. Yes, you actually got to talk to a real person back then!  I recall one time she mentioned to me that she thought it was outrageous how some girls took advantage of the men. She would tell me don’t let someone take advantage of you, and don’t you take advantage of others either.

She would explain that a few of them would always tell stories and laugh about some guy that took them out on the weekend and bought them flowers and an expensive dinner while all the time they thought he was ugly and stupid.  And they got the men to spend a few $100s! How funny!?

This lesson stuck with me even though I was about age 12 when I heard it. There will always be people in life who will appreciate you, who are loyal and sincere, and then there will be those who are just playing you and the challenge is to determine who is who. Every person we meet has a motive for being your friend, do you know what the motives of those near you are? How faithful are you as a mate? As a father or parent? As a church member or soldier?

3. What is good about being older is you get to stay in contact with precious friends who have continued to be faithful to Jesus over the years. The lifestyle of my wife and I, and it is the same for those who travel from place to place to serve God, is sort of like being a pop star. You meet many people, sometimes dozens in one day that come into your life for friendship or a need and they are there a few weeks, a few months, or several years but then you or they move on and you always wonder, how are they doing now? Never be afraid to ask how a person is doing!

Have you ever thought about it, but it is actually only ‘a faithful loyalty to Jesus’ that can keep us together as friends? Even after we move on doing God’s work, we are still your friends forever because we have Jesus and His work in common! I love it when you can look up a friend from 20 years ago and find they are still the same, they still love Jesus, and they still remain active for God. How many of you have friends like that? There are several dozen in our lives!  

Well, I am not saying we will wait 20 years to talk with you again on the phone or come visit you, because you or I may not even be around that long! The point is there is no satisfaction better than to know that someone you love and cared for is still on the path of loving Jesus and serving Him as best they can until they graduate to receive the crown of life.

4. What is wonderful about the Salvation Army is you can make friends over time with hundreds of people from all races, economic levels, and age groups and see them year after year in camps or big meetings and you know inside that they are your brother or sister serving God as you do. Our church is all about service to God and others, and those that remain as Soldiers and volunteers prove what their motive is for being here. Friends in this church are not here for the wealth, size, or power of our church because, thank God, we don’t have or promote that! Our mission is to go for souls, and for the lowest of the low that no one in society wants to deal with!

But on a personal level, in order to have a friend, or to have a person in your life that you truly can call them a brother, a friend, or spouse, I think you or I must have a certain level of respect for that person, a respect that involves how dedicated they are to a Godly work without them gaining personally from it. Real parents sacrificially give to their kids! And in our Corps we can greatly respect our altruistic volunteers and Soldiers who teach Bible, cook, clean, drive, or visit homes and pray doing what they can for Jesus. 

There is also a respect that comes when you see Holy Spirit inspired gifts and talents in a person and you know that such amazing ability comes only from being dedicated to God having a clean heart to receive it. In other words, our connectedness, through dedication and faithfulness are in a certain way is tied together with holiness. It is obvious that it is a continued love for Jesus and others that keeps us on the right path uniting us with a supernatural bond. A father, relative, or friend only is close if they have bonded with you, right?

5. After spending all our time daily in loving you, and everyone out there in town who will let us, cultivating friendships, it should be a given that you know that there is nothing we want more than to know you have learned to obey Jesus so that His words we review today are a reality for you:  Matthew 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. The stewardship here refers to obedience, and a winning of others to the Lord! 

Friendships based on what you can give me, or what can I give you, are shallow and fade away, and my wife and I have lost thousands of so called friends who were not close to us for Jesus but for who knows what other reason. Our whole life is a mission and your mission as a Christian should be the same, to be as faithful to Jesus as you can, knowing that this life is only a preparation for eternity. How faithful are you with people to win them to Jesus?

When I love a person as a friend, I don’t want them as a friend for as long as I live in a certain city or country, I want them as a friend forever! A real love for another involves getting them on the path of salvation, faithfulness, and holiness so that when we all can pass on to go to share heaven together; we will be proud of each other for doing all of what Jesus commanded.  

6. Where I am going with this message is to make the point that loyalty, which is a form of faithfulness, is connected to friendships, and friendships only last if they are connected to the source of love, the life giving vine, Jesus! John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Jesus also here reminds us to stay connected to Him, the true vine or we die.

It is sad but true that in most families, there is very little love and loyalty amongst those of the same blood because your non-Christian average person is selfishly and competitively pursuing their own possessions, pride, and glory. Here is a verse that is very relevant to all of us, Proverbs 18:24 ‘A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.’ I have, and have had, many friends who have been as brothers to me and I have been a brother to many! We can conclude that our Christian family is what matters the most as they are the ones just down the street who can be there for you, whereas family is usually far away and many do not share the same love and faith that you have. Many fathers and mothers do not even talk much because one is a Christian and the other is not.

I, like all of you, must depend on all kinds of friends in order to be able to get anything done in this life. I know many of you may think I have the strangest people as friends, but consider this verse and ask yourself if you are obeying it, or just comfortably avoiding it. Luke 16:9 And I say unto you, ‘Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations’. This verse basically implies that we as Christians are not going to be experts in all things and we need friends (even those of the world) so when we mess up something, they can help us fix it and save our situation. And, how are you and I going to win any souls to Jesus if we are not mixing with the people of the world?

7. I have never regretted being loyal to those who serve Jesus, here, and everywhere where we have lived. It is true that some Christian friends will confuse you and I as you may observe that not all of their decisions were taken by prayerful holiness, but I know God will sort it out, He is the judge and not you or me.

What we need most in life is discernment! ‘Who do you love?’ is the age old question! Who are you spending your time and resources on? Whoever that is reveals who you are loyal to. If your time, talent, and treasure is going to God’s work and His people, then you are being a faithful servant and God will make you ruler over much one day. If not, everything, even your whole life, will just be wasted and unappreciated by the fools around you. Today more than ever fathers and mothers, and friends, are not as appreciated as they deserve! 

What I hate to see is wasted resources. There are some people or friends, fathers or children, who no matter how much you do for them, no matter how much you give them, they will never appreciate it, understand it, or be loyal back to you! Many are not loyal to the church either! My daughter, Renee, has had to learn about bad friends, and even young people have to deal with others who are not real friends but users who use you and me for time, money, transportation, or selfish consolation dropping on you so much drama that would never have happened if they were more prayerful, forgiving, loving, and obedient to Jesus.  

8. And how can you or I ever develop a loyalty to a person who is always having a drama and wanting too much attention to their selves? Some people will have you doing their personal business all day if you will let them! There are people who can talk on and on, on the phone 45 minutes with you, talking about their pains, their problems, how someone was unfair to them, how no one will help them. It is okay to share with another but some of our friends need Jesus to talk to as a friend! You and I need discernment to know if what they say is real or what we might be attending to is a person who is poor spiritually with no friends because all they have tried to do in life is suck out energy from me, you, and others instead of praying, forgiving, and seeking God to mature and be consoled. We may feel pity or compassion for a person as some may deserve it with circumstances outside their control, but one seeking self-pity all the time will burn you and use you; how disappointing, right? Only God can fix their pain and confusion. We can help, but they must do their part for God to work. 

I remember a line I heard somewhere and it says, ‘Misery loves company, you’ve got friends, but you don’t have me’. My challenge to you today is to stop investing so much in people who are like dead plants that won’t come to life no matter how much water and plant food you add to them. As Christians, we want to see fruit for Jesus but some people are not in your life or in the church for Jesus, they are in your life and the church for material gain, selfish attention, or some ego need we are unaware of.

Start investing more in Jesus and His work here in this Corps! We are here to learn how to be loving, faithful, loyal, obedient, and joyful serving Jesus! To carry out Jesus mission there must exist a well-organized structure, the Salvation Army has a solid structure, and even though we may not like the transfers of the Officers, the overall mission has grown and worked extremely well all around the world no matter the race, culture, or country.

9. So I pray that our friendship with each of you has been one that has taught you by example to be faithful to Jesus! Loyalty I cannot teach you, only Jesus can! Never be disloyal and speak bad of a friend or you will reap the consequences of not having any friends. Never be like the shallow Godless telephone operators who only seek who to take advantage of another and then laugh about it. 

Only Jesus can convict your heart to be recognizing the seriousness of being dedicated to Him and His mission of winning lost souls, being loyal to each other as well so in unity great things are accomplished. In this world Jesus made it clear there are sheep and there are wolves, and then there is also sheep in wolves clothing! The sheep all live happy together following Jesus being protected by Him. The stray sheep get eaten by wolves. 

In life, sadly we will see some friends get lost from the shepherd and the consequences are tragic! We must maintain our salvation! Not all friends will remain as friends in our lives, but if a person continues to love Jesus, and you as well, there is a good chance you will always stay connected and they will be family to you. 

Decide today that you will be loyal and faithful to Jesus and to His followers so you will have friends forever, amen? You will inherit leadership in heaven! Stay loyal to the Salvation Army and see how God does great things for you and others! Get practice in loyalty now for heaven soon to come!