Wednesday, January 19, 2022

3 TOPICS: Blackmailed...Doom and Gloom...The Mark of the Beast Fatigue

To THE BLACKMAILED  Free yourself, no more secrets!

What if those being enslaved to extortion right now were to repent? What if they just faced the consequences for their evil actions, and at the same time ratted out who their blackmailers are?! It’s all become so pathetic of late as we witness soul-less fools parrot tasteless lluminati music, global oppressive politics, sickening medical cures, and detrimental religious fallacies. The blackmailed are not just the opulent in high places, it includes parents, children, relatives, and coworkers. What a terrible burden to be a modern-day slave to someone because you did some criminal sin, took on an impossible debt, or you fear someone’s power to destroy your life. The webs of sin are everywhere of late. Only the discernment of God’s Holy Spirit can protect you! Pray for the slaves of the world that they will expose the horrific sin of blackmailing, which has been Satan’s lying manipulating tool from the beginning. 

DOOM & GLOOM FATIGUE    Our daily diet

After the Garden of Eden we all have been seeded with a fascination for gaining knowledge, even of it is of the kind that involves fearful consequences and danger. Playing on our carnal appetites, Satan’s minions daily feed the masses a daily doom and gloom news so this base is well covered. It’s as Jesus predicted, wars and rumors of wars, of pestilences (the current viruses), of starvations, betrayals, false Christs, and on and on. I propose some people have a sick body and spirit because only this negativity is their daily diet. Jesus intended for us to feed off of Him, being the true vine, and to fill our spirits with His peace, love, and happiness so it overflows on others. The world seems to have only two camps now, the humble sweet sheep of Jesus, and the rebellious destructive goats that seek our demise. Jesus followers can handle doom and gloom because we have our hope in His return with a new heaven and earth. The people of the world cannot handle doom and gloom. In fear they perceive we are on a doomed planet on fire and if they are going to die sliding into hell, they want everyone to go down with them. The problem is their doom and gloom knowledge is from false science and evil men who have them under a spell of despair. But Jesus said in Matthew 24:35

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” There will be a glorious ending when Jesus resets the earth with His return and then we will not have to bear the diet of daily discouragements, instead His light will sustain us forever!  

MARK OF THE BEAST FATIGUE   Watch out, this is how many get deceived! 

For the past 40 years ever since the 666 technology has been possible for implementation, it seems many Christians have been on the alert, warning others and studying more on the subject. Popular culture, rock bands, movies, and writers have included the ‘one world government’, ‘mark of the beast’ themes but with many deviances from the Bible, trivializing it, and often making it appear as glamourous. And religious teachers? How much money have the pocketed off of books with their own personal interpretations? We cannot say people have not heard about it! Sincere Christians have investigated deeper truths on the matter, but some have been deceived by false doctrines, lost total interest in the subject, and others are preaching they can get it with no consequence!? See Revelation 16:2. A world currency crisis could reset all world financial systems, so this may be very close or we may have a few years, regardless of when, live ready, live holy, live with no apologies due no one, and love Jesus and your neighbor daily! Watch and pray!      

Sunday, January 16, 2022




Revelation 12:10 (b) Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the ACCUSER of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

NERO burnt Rome and the ACCUSED the Christians of doing it! History repeats itself and those in power, inspired by demons, always use the same tactic when they are almost caught; they DIVERT, ALERT, AND SUBVERT with accusations so the blame goes onto another. But those with God’s discerning Spirit see right through their tactics and know that their judgement is near. In the meantime though, many innocent people are killed, as a matter of fact in the past century over 100 million were killed for their Christian faith, or for resistance against the murderous political powers that waged war on their innocent people. Today laws are rapidly changing, and a DYSTOPIAN DICTATORIAL DOMINION is arising and only the strong will survive. The ones strong in God will be the victors because when Jesus returns the evil ones will finally have hell to pay for their lies, murders, exploitations of the poor, and injustices! When we see innocent people suffer, we all suffer! Hypocrisy and evil practiced by buffoon principalities will not go unpunished; this is our hope!  Psalm 7:11 God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. EXPOSE exploitations, Jesus did, EXPOSE false religious practices, Jesus did, and stay faithful until the end because faithfulness to our righteous loving Lord will gain us a crown of life in His eternal beautiful kingdom full of innocent creatures who suffered in this life.  

I’m from the GOVERNMENT… and I want to give you more RIGHTS?! Really? 

So called leaders push for your ______RIGHTS, really? 

Psalm 116:11 I said in my haste, All men are liars.

Why change LAWS that when correctly enforced work just fine? Here is the pattern for greedy leaders to gain power: Create a CRISIS, a lack of LAW enforcement, wait for the public REACTION demanding it be fixed, CHANGE the LAWS claiming it is now more FAIR and grants more RIGHTS! WHAT?  How many times have you and I bought this BAIT AND SWITCH tactic? You are offered a better system, (ex.) for healthcare, for utilities, only to find it is a WORSE, terrible, and irreversible mistake! Changes of late are proposed to direct more power to the GLOBAL AGENDAISTS! NOT to benefit you! Most people don’t care NOW, but they will when they no longer HAVE ANY RIGHTS! Speak up or you will not be allowed to later, you might even be eliminated! Don’t be like the foolish lazy ones as here in Proverbs 22:13 The slothful man saith, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets. KD  


RESIST THE IMAGES, PICS, & GOD OPPOSING IDEAS in our manipulating society.

2 Corinthians 10:5 ‘Casting down IMAGINATIONS, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;’ Our society has shifted away from so many wordy explanations of things to a world full of IMAGES, TALKS in video clips, and SYMBOLS to identify who is with who. Scrolling through 100s of news articles one will see the faces of corrupt people over and over as a reminder that they GET AWAY WITH MURDER! But YOU? The smallest thing, like no mask in a school, will land you jail time! These preselected IMAGES are designed to play with your frustration, anger, and helplessness making you feel that we are in a very UNJUST society and NO ONE CARES to uphold the LAW and fix it! All news outlets daily show you needles in people’s ARMS (even of children) so we must CAST OUT these multiple dozens of worthless trust-in-the-science IMAGES from our minds. If the science worked, we would not need a 4th one! To keep our MINDS PURE, we have to FLUSH OUT the exaggerated bombardment of IMAGES that go against ‘THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’. It is either OBEDIENCE TO CHRIST, or obedience to the world, and GOD FORGIVES when we make mistakes, SO START CHOOSING WISELY. Everyone should be “thrice bitten THRICE SHY” by now! We have FATIGUE! FATIGUE of the medical, crony, corrupt mafia media and leadership in our society. Jesus offered us TRUTH which sets us FREE, so PRAY for those ‘captive’ not to God, but to corrupt abusers and manipulators. Bet on the winner, it’s Jesus that conquers sickness and death in the end. KD


What ever happened to ‘do not’ STEREOTYPE?

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

INDIVIDUALISM should be victor over COLLECTIVISM, but our paradigm has been shifted! Personal responsibility, to accept your own choices, to accept that God is your final judge (not the collective medical techno governmental educational media mafia) has disappeared. What a mistake to not have FAITH IN GOD because then one is propense to be lumped into a dystopian COLLECTIVE shaming system, done by individuals fully dedicated to subjugating Christians, independents, and conservatives (those who want Godly laws and values proven effective over time). To affirm you want to be an INDIVIDUAL today gets you STEREOTYPED into the crowd of the despicables, the ignorant tin foil hat ones, the domestic terrorists who are a danger to our nation?! How have we accepted COLLECTIVE SHAMING?! Well, I haven’t and many others as well, but we must stand up and demand that “I count!” I pay taxes, I obey laws, I chose to practice the Christian faith because the freedom in the Constitution grants it, so it’s time we SHAME THE SHAMERS. The ones that want to lump you into any class of people (white, conservative, etc.) are violating God’s laws usurping His authority that has us ACCOUNTABLE for our own choices, and all of us being SINNERS, I refuse to accept some pious self-righteous senseless person representing some group (science, education, perverted governing) demanding that I be under their COLLECTIVE system. Being connected to God you have peace, but under these disturbing people you have frustration, diysfuntionalism, and it will make your MIND and BODY SICK. Choose Jesus to clean you of sins and see your world get better! “I” did and it works! KD


Do MEDIA POSTS help fight injustice?

Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (This implies by all means possible) 

Jesus first sermon on the mount addresses all our current issues on poverty, pain, pride, suffering, and injustices. To not be disturbed by injustices is to not have a HEART FOR OTHERS SUFFERING! How can we observe man’s-injustice-to-man and do nothing?! The only solution to everything is the gospel of Jesus! Jesus fought against the injustices of the hypocrites, of the wealthy not helping the poor, of racism not caring for those abandoned, and this is the good news of JESUS. People obsessed with funny video clips, with illuminati worshipping artists, with any distraction not helping our neighbor to improve are just empty shells. God so loved the world, and we too must LOVE people into HEAVEN with Jesus’ answers to injustices. Posting that we are in shock over an evil act brings it to light so that others too will join in for justice and this causes evil ones to fear and cringe seeing the masses turning against them. They know that their judgement is near. We offer salvation, righteousness, peace, comfort, and love with every post that edifies with the gospel. Individually, we can speak up, and this, we hope, will lead up to an outcry that will save ourselves and other innocent ones in the community from further abuse, control, and evil. KD


Matthew:23-35 (The debtor who was forgiven much but later would not forgive a little)

My mother use to say I had life better than what she did. A true statement! As a child she picked cotton for a drunken father who abandoned her and 4 siblings when she was 10 right after WW2. She, as a divorced single mother, was able to work a lifetime at Bell South and did provide all my basic needs and I had the FREEDOM to choose what I wanted in life. Some folks today, with those of my BABY BOOM gen, growing up in FREEDOM tend to want to ENSLAVE their children, spoiling them to stay home, or lock them into a way of life (family business, strict religion, gov. job, welfare, etc.) I understand the FRUSTRATION some youth feel as they see few options for their dreams. But now because they are taught that they are NOT FREE but are ‘systemically enslaved’, they want to OPPRESS and discriminate?! (Obeying the 1% they claim to hate) Remember, most boundaries begin in the fallible HUMAN MIND! Some people we are dealing with want to accuse, insult, plunder, and abuse those who have not limited them on anything! God allowed us to win WW2 but with many deaths of our own or we would have been SLAVE lab rats for Josef Mengele experiments. BUT wait, aren’t we being OPPRESSD again to do what the SYSTEM/establishment DEMANDS? My GEN had to rise up and yell, “NO MORE WAR”! to prevent another 60,000 deaths and 300,000 wounded in Vietnam. This GEN, being FREE, must get over their perceptions of oppressions and just FORGIVE whatever is embittering them and allow forgiveness of everyone in society (except for guilty murderers, extortioners, etc.) I pray the youth will rise up and not become a ‘forger of chains’ to place on themselves and others. We see FREE ones determined to subjugate others over different views… Are we so dumb to ENSLAVE our own selves while having FREEDOM? Lord help us! KD    


More on 2022 ISSUES...Wise up, watch out for psycho tricks

WISE UP!  It’s 2022 

Ephesians 4:14  ‘that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting.’

I foresee we are entering into a future where those deceived will become even more demanding and unyielding, like a spoiled child who cares for nothing but his own way, not perceiving his own selfishness, destructiveness, and hypocrisy. There are many infants in the Christian faith that ever since the beginning, as in Ephesians, are prone to be swayed by trickery, agenda plots, and evil devices. Do these Christians perceive their gullibility and immaturity? Usually not… being blinded by their pride, shallowness, and being consumed by the deceitful expectations placed on people today in this decaying satanically governed world. But we are commended to ‘no longer be children’ which in ignorance believe too much of what they are told. We must grow up and WISE UP! An adult no longer goes back and forth over what’s right and wrong, over who said to do what, but rather understands consequences and sees through deceptions. 2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. WISE UP, ask Jesus for the Holy Spirit, passionately read the Bible, and pray God opens your eyes with the TRUTH this year. See the truth of substitute doctrines and ‘sciences’ popularized with buzz words such as ‘woke’, ‘progressive’, and ‘agnostic’. It’s 2022. Let’s discipline ourselves to study to be OLDER AND WISER becoming more LOVING AND CARING as Jesus Himself was.  KD


PSYCHOLOGICAL DEGENERATION: 2022   The new 10 second brain span

2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of FEAR; but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND. The issues back when this was written are our issues today! People acted out of FEAR, inordinately submitting to the Romans. People lost their MINDS! Today we have many NOT POWERFUL, NOT LOVING people because of a lack of faith and knowledge of GOD which grants them a SOUND (strong) MIND. What has degenerated our concentration (the devil’s plan) so that people will not have the patience to read the Bible, hear a sermon, or focus on anything allowing God to help them have a better life? Mental escapes preventing thinking! Current escapes include prescription/illegal DRUGS, TIK TOK type distractions (10 second laughs), NEWS addictions (tell me lies syndrome), and electronic GAMING (eyes and ears covered blocking out the world). Many other reasons exist but no one denies that we observe a dumbing down of our intelligence. In the Bible God’s people have always been the ones with superior intelligence so to overcome the current mental degeneration we must connect with HIM. Ask Jesus today to give you a SOUND MIND, to take away any fears, to make you POWERFUL and LOVING! And claim this verse above for God’s protection, it really works, I know because I have prayed it dozens of times when scared out of my mind! And the Lord brought me through, my mind belongs to HIM, and His WORD is real making you and me victorious.  KD




The end of the 1960s and the start of the 1970s invoked many new and unusual movements many of which people became a part of, particularly the youth. I was always ready to try something NEW because the continued obvious is that the current manipulated systems are NOT WORKING providing for us a HEAVENLY WORLD in which to live. The problem with the items below is that most people have been programmed to NEGATIVELY RESPOND to these movements and postures as they contradict conformity and enslavement and the goals of the world’s global cabals. These movements were infiltrated and sabotaged years ago, yet true forms of them still persist , so ask yourself WHY DOES THE SPIRIT of THESE MOVEMENTS (not attached to them by these original names) still attract many in our current year?

The HIPPIE MOVEMENT: a longing to return to simplicity, creativity, connectedness, an agricultural life, a rejection of crony capitalism, a rejection of war as a solution to all foreign disputes, a rejection of being a victim to sales marketing and the lavish styles of the ‘jet set’, a desire for music and spirituality as inspiration. (The SABOTAGE includes the 3 letter agencies introducing psychotic and dangerous drugs, alternative violent inciteful music, mockery by the media, and fractural divisions by introducing perverted sexual practices)

The JESUS MOVEMENT: a longing to connect with GOD and JESUS without all the control of the luxurious church demands; movements in which HOME BIBLE STUDIES were the basis for learning, adapting proselytization (Mark 16:15) and a passion for a deep connection through prayer, praise music/hymns, and the Bible. (The SABOTAGE includes rejection, persecution, and mockery by the powerful mega-churches, the media, and governing authorities, the introduction of Hinduism, new-age, and other religious movements, and a more forceful push of reeducation in schools for kids to accept materialism, communism, and carnal pleasures as the only valid pursuits for meaning and happiness, however, this does not fill the soul’s void.) 

The ECOLOGY/environmental MOVEMENTS: a longing to preserve resources without the wasteful destruction done by poisonous chemicals inferior foods, and greedy food conglomerates that force the foreclosure of small farms. (The SABOTAGE includes ultra-wealthy businessmen buying up even more land for geo-engineered food productions, the continued use of poisons just paying the fines and lawsuits for the death of others, and the paying off of politicians to change laws for their control over what we consume resulting in even more toxins in our current foods, water, and drugs)

There are many other movements, but this is a sample to propose that idealistic fresh minds of the past have always been at odds against the harmful SYSTEMIC structures of the CURRENT AGE. Caring people, usually Christians, being those concerned for caring for others, loving God, and wanting a more pure and positive world for ourselves and our descendants, have frequently been speaking and standing up but what happens? They are silenced, sabotaged by Judases, persecuted by the current deceptive powers, and are marginalized as outcasts and dregs. But never give up! Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. One day, with JESUS’ RETURN, justice will prevail, righteousness, holiness, and peace will reign, and a heavenly realm will be our reality! In the meantime, an outcry should be made over injustices, but be careful, usually these movements are sabotaged. KD



Hebrews 10:25

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching.

The GLOBAL AGENDAISTS (aka atheistic scientists, greedy politicians, Satanistic entertainers etc.) are well pleased with the negative mental and spiritual effects of the SCAMDEMIC. After the 2 years of closures and openings then closures again, many Christians have STOPPED GOING TO CHURCH and this is a damaging mistake as people need EACH OTHER and their FAITH in hard times. Why do these schemers want closures in the church? Because the people in church gain TRUTH from the Holy Scriptures, share real life stories of tragedies or of healings much of which contradicts the news’ narratives, and because these bought-by-the-devil authorities want to be your sole (soul) obsession, your absolute source for info, and be your spiritual, mental, and physical controller. But learning about the corrupt hypocritical extortionary lives these pretenders live, I offer a RESOUNDING NO THANK YOU for their care of my well-being. May we all become ‘woke’ to the fact that only Jesus and the Holy Spirit can give us clarity of mind, peace in our spirits, and unite us with others different form ourselves in one Christian FAITH as we gather together not just to worship, but to organize how to help the needy within our fellowships and in the community, and save souls from death and hell.  KD


 2022 SOYLENT GREEN movie…Globalist say we are almost there, so just accept cannibalism!

The horror movie that impacted you and me in 1973 was set in world where starvation was massive, yet the 1% wealthy enjoyed excessive luxuries. Today a Washington Post Article seems to want us in fear that we have almost arrived to this point! And climate change has brought it on! Really? The climate as we know has natural cycles, and the shortage blame is more from governmental controls and mismanagement, crony capitalism and communism, and an overt Globalist Agenda to subdue everyone on the planet! The depopulation and world dominion agenda is no longer a conspiracy theory as it is happening in plain sight. The U.N., Economic Forums, the Georgia Guidestones, and other documents reveal the intent of these anti-Christ leaders and they will seize power by all means possible! We-the-people are shocked at cannibalism, human-trafficking, forced labor, murder, extortion, drug abuse, direct lies, and more but not these elitist globalists… its normal business for them! Be warned! They want you and me diminished/eliminated as they cruelly subjugate us as sacrificial lambs for experimentation and the food chain playing out the horrors of the predictable programming as in horror sci-fi movies.   Matthew 25:32 ‘And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats’. Be a lamb for God that will be saved from demonic evil intentions, and never be a part of the destructive rebellious Baphomet goat elitist globalist clan that are not bound for a simple meat market to make Soylent Green, but are bound for an eternal hell for attempting to destroy God’s innocent people. KD