Saturday, January 25, 2020

Be ‘Awake’, Be Free: Not Asleep!

Be ‘Awake’, Be Free: Not Asleep!                   Kelly Durant

Joel 1:5 Awake, ye drunkards, and weep; and howl, all ye drinkers of wine, because of the new wine; for it is cut off from your mouth. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2. How awake are you? Pinch the person beside you and see if they react? Oh, they did, so there is proof we all can feel through our physical bodies. But what about our spiritual bodies? Do you feel things in your spirit. When hearing music or looking at art can you get a vibe of what spirit it is from, a good one or a bad one? How much of a new person in Christ are you?

I am addressing this issue as I find that many people today are actually asleep spiritually, which is comparable to being drunk or in a stupor, and they do not discern what is good or bad anymore. They may have come to church all their lives, but unless they have repented and truly given their entire lives to Jesus, their hearts souls and minds (key element), then they are incapable of knowing Christ and having the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.

People say it is in the water, the air, in the wine or drugs, or in the pop entertainment messages, it’s something terrible, and we must wake up to see is that there is a number of things warping people’s perceptions, consciousness, and ability to have common sense and judgement. Something is making them be asleep in the spirit! How is it a majority have lost awareness and they can’t even know if a boy is a boy or not? How do many not see that thoughts and actions lead to repercussions and consequences, either a reaping of good, or that of evil?

3. What confusion!... but we knew it was coming, but the answer is always found in the Sacred Scriptures. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. We are living in dangerous times and we have never seen corruption, perversion, and idiocy legitimized and promoted in our face as we have in recent years. Perdition has exponentially augmented this century and when the anti-Christ arrives, most everyone because they are asleep spiritually will blindly follow him.

Most Christians understand that the ‘falling away’ implies that many ‘so called’ Christians will leave the church and be overcome by the doctrines of devils. This is clearly happening. We see people leaving the faith and it breaks our hearts! It hurts to see people not care about you and our brothers and sisters, the Bible, or the mission of helping those suffering anymore! What made them fall asleep?  

I get upset at people who let their lights go out and their love grow cold! I have to fight this temptation like anyone else but I refuse to give up, how could I fail Jesus?! Satan tempts everyone with discouragement all the time to try to get you or me to say, ‘the hell with it all!’ With 90% of the people served and cared for unthankful, one might ask why do I keep on doing it? I keep on for the love of God and the lost! If in my life I only won a dozen souls to Jesus, it will be worth it all.

4. Reflecting on this matter of people who put their desires before God’s will I am reminded of this verse, 1 John 2: 15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

This verse is key as it mentions the lust of the eyes, you see their eyes open, but they are wide shut on the inside, asleep to knowing God’s will and light. Think about it, most people in the entire world today are getting 2 to 8 hours of screen time and their eyes are seeing anything they please, either good things, or seductive, perverse, immoral things. And just from looking at the wrong things people get addicted and in chains spiritually because they go  to sleep to what has happened to their spirit.

Habits are like strings that become ropes and then heavy chains! We all have grown up on entertainment, too much of it, and I see the world like one scene from ‘The Wizard of Oz’. Alice and the travelers were warned to not sleep where the flowers were, which is like our parents and church leaders who warn us and others to not linger in the zones of temptations. But what often happens? The young ones, the weak ones, and the spiritually lazy ones do not take the council and they don’t fight against the toxic environment and they end up lying down and going to sleep! And then it is when all evil attacks and takes over them! 

5. We have often heard about the analogy of the caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly and often we might compare it to a person when they receive Jesus and they transform totally. This is a good example of what it means to be a new creature! The old ground is left behind, and the new is something that is on a whole different plane of existence. You and me were once a common worm but now we have become something majestic, empowered by the Holy Spirit to live in the dimension of God’s beautiful Spirit world seeing things as Jesus saw them. 

I postulate this, those that turn their back on God and go with the world’s delusional drunken influence never did the step of going into the cocoon. They just slept instead, and until now have never woke up! To grow in God you must work at it, you must ask God to reveal to you everything about yourself so you can change all things and start a new life praying, and obeying His Word. It is a time out growth phase that is missing in the lives of many! The pastor can’t do it for you either even though he guides with the Word, but each person is responsible for their own change, to want to be remade in God’s image as clay in the hands of the potter. God will do it, but he needs our commitment.

I can tell you my testimony on how I transformed, I moved far away from friends who were prisoners of their own destructive lusts so I would not be tempted to continue with their addictions and habits which the world praises as ‘cool’. I started memorizing Bible verses, one a day, and did that for 2 years. I also read the Word of God 1 to 2 hours daily, and I prayed usually for 20 minutes or more. And then I agreed to do a long service mission work, deciding to leave behind my possessions (idols such as guitars, LP records, & spiritual books etc.) And when one arrives in a foreign land as I did (Brazil), and you do not know the language, and your mission is to evangelize and pray with the folks on the street, it will drive you to desperately seek God for help! I literally cried to learn Portuguese so I could be effective for Jesus! 14 years of battle in South America toughened me up and I saw miracles and lives changed by sharing the Word of God!

6. So what is causing people to sleep, spiritually? Some claim the fluoride in the water hardens the pineal gland so that your internal spiritual receptor can no longer receive discernments and premonitions as our parents use to be able to.

Others claim that our air is the problem; being sprayed from above the chemicals of lithium and aluminum are being housed in our brains so that the elements that seed cloud formations, are being breathed in and dulling human brains on a mass scale. And read on 5G; many claim this will cook our brains like in a microwave oven! Smoking, or even overeating will pollute the body and then limit abilities.

Since about half of the population takes pills for all kinds of ills, many people think this is the main problem clouding minds, provoking our societal mental dysfunctionalities; and drunkenness still enslaves mega millions! Many are working too many hours so they get money for the body but starve the soul. In the end the conclusion is the population in mass are being downgraded so they can be easily manipulated by evil spirits who program the people of the world with these contaminating tools so all systems can be controlled by them..  

7. Education systems as well are now just indoctrination factories. Over and over glamourized by musicians and entertainers, with their illuminati hand signs and messages, the deception that immorality, perversions, and excessive materialism are exciting and a ‘must have’ is one of the stronger pulls from the dark spirit world. Wide is the gate that has taken in the unprepared ones, those not warned, these of this new generation of folks who often appear as zombies glued to flashing screens! Only Jesus can cause a person to see through the programing of  these enslaving destructive hooks for what they are and break free. 

As fuel to the fire, 90% of the movies, books, and songs repeatedly assault us mentally that Christians should break free from their blind, outdated, stupid faith in Jesus. Wake up and ask, why do they attack Jesus followers (and no other faith) so much? Because knowing Jesus is the only way one can become totally free from their deceptive addictive tricks designed to keep you and me enslaved to their illuminati systems so you consume and consume from their evil plate until you destroy your body, mind, and soul. And then Satan has you forever! 

Forgive this analogy, but a person without Jesus is comparable to a zombie, a lifeless creature that has no purpose and all it does is destroy everything in it’s path! And Satanists actually consume human blood and flesh! How sick the world really is! The line in ‘Amazing Grace’ rings so true, ‘I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.’ Those in sin never see it as sin, the blind are leading the blind today as never before! Blindness and a deep sleep is overtaking so many because Jesus is not getting into their hearts, minds, and souls!

8. The Lord commands us to wake up! See the evil everywhere, the hardened hearts and the dull minds! Judges 5:12 Awake, awake, Deborah (women leqders): awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barak (men leaders), and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam. The leaders of old were told to go and awake their people with songs of the Lord, with the message that the ones captive in the spirit can now become the captors to dominate their enslavers! This is what we need to understand today! 

This is still our mission, to wake up, and then to wake up others with the knowledge of Jesus! We can see it clearly, Satan has taken over the world in all aspects, in the physical realm with toxic substances, in the mental realm captivating minds to be hooked on the fake worlds of entertainment, false religions, and politics, and in the Spirit his demons manipulate others to do crimes and evil abominable perverse works of destruction! 

The only hope for anyone is Jesus! No political or philosophical movement will ever be victorious in dominating the evils in the world, only Jesus return can do that. Jesus warned us of this: John 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. Not just from the synagogues, from all other religious movements as well! Note that atheistic communists have murdered hundreds of millions of people within the last century!

9. So how can you or I wake others up to how they are captive and asleep by means of illusions by the devil’s design? How can we help people see the devil is using them to be a part of the problem, a part of the controlled systems, and not a part of the solution? I think the only hope is Jesus, like water on the fire! Jesus is the new wine as in Joel 1:5 that wakes us up, not put us to sleep!

You and I can only pray that they will receive Jesus for real and become a new creation in God! Salvation in the end is a personal matter, we can share Jesus message with others, but it is up to them to act upon it, obey, and do their part. Asking for the Holy Spirit to guide them to grow in faith is also a must! 

Philippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Our part is to share the message of Jesus, pray for the lost souls, and then be there when they need us when they are in the middle of the battle against the demons trying to hold onto them. Millions escape, but many go back. Do your part, wake up someone with God’s Word today!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Jesus Judged The Prejudiced Ones, But Was Not A Racist

Jesus Judged The Prejudiced Ones, But Was Not A Racist     Kelly Durant  1-19-20
Matthew 23: 23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. 33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

2. Did you know the Salvation Army (my opinion) is one of the least racist churches that exist? And I have witnessed hundreds! This is one of the reasons I am serving in this organization, there are people here who have a great ability to adapt, to respect, and to be successful with programs that are tailored to fit the needs of any culture. You cannot work in 130 countries without being highly unbiased and flexible! It has a lot to do with allowing local leaders rule their own.

In our Army I know many biracial married couples, and they are usually highly compassionate and adaptable. After all, I am married to a Bolivian, and having made myself be mixed with another race and culture, I consider that I am in the blessed predicament to work with those of different races. Why can’t we all just be non-discriminatory and openly loving minded to everyone as Jesus was?

Picture this, in a city like Atlanta where you have all kinds of white churches, black churches, or Korean, etc., a mixed couple in their presence, being biracial would probably feel out of place. Sadly, as some mature Christians deduct, Sunday is the day that we witness the most prejudice in our society; the day in which all the birds of a feather flock together. It appears clustering occurs somewhat naturally as we are drawn to those like ourselves but personally I think a majority of people miss out on sharing with those different from themselves. Jesus condoned acceptance, even the loving of your enemies, which often are the ones we identify as those of another race or culture. 

3. This is the Cultural Reconciliation Sunday, or in essence an anti-discrimination promotion emphasis taking into account the memory of Dr. MLK, Jr., a preacher who fought for the marginalized people to be respected, and he made a lot of progress from what was happening in the 1960s. He exposed an evil in society called “prejudice” which is a pre-judging, discrimination, or disqualifying of a person without giving them a deserving respect proportioned to them by God as the creator of them. I worked 14 years in other countries, God can use anyone! 

We still have a problem with some people thinking they are better than other people in our society. It seems the race issue is more complex than just “the race” being the issue for divisions. It has more to do with pride and arrogance. I have brothers and sisters in the Lord that are from all different races, Hispanic, black, and Asian, and all mature Christians have no racial issues, if they are authentic. 

As Christians we are no longer of the blood of a certain tribe or race, we are of the same blood of Jesus, who came to save “all”, Romans 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. A quote by MLK I like is, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend”.

4. We all conclude it is ugly and inappropriate to be racist and discriminatory, but here is a the question, who then amongst us can correct the racists, the sinful, and the prideful? How did Jesus handle this? By example! He mixed with the racists, and he told stories to expose them, and finally he vehemently rebuked the ones who were unloving, oppressive, and hypocritical!   

Two quick examples: Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 for her to have salvation and the water of life. Remember, the Jews hated that mixed race, and they returned the favor of hating the Jews back, so for her and Jesus to talk was taboo on the part of both of them. So, here we see Jesus gave us the example to mix with and accept those normally rejected by our group or race.

Also, in the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10 we learn from His teachings that the most evil ones might even be those of your own race, and the one who might save you might be of a race that normally appears to reject you. What is taught is we are to love, heal, and take care of each other no matter the race!

5. There is a complicated dynamic when it comes to us wanting to correct racism, it is that of being able to get the ones whom we are correcting to be willing to listen and take it in. I have been in company of many mature Christians of other races and we have been able to discuss the faults and weaknesses of our own races without any hard feelings, we are only looking at the facts, stats, and community.

Paul corrected all the races with which he was familiar. With salvation and repentance as the motive, he harshly rebukes and corrects the Romans (he was one by status), the Greeks in Corinthians (whom he lived around all his life) and the Jews within the other writings (of whose race He was). In the past it took one of their own to correct them and it still works that way today.

Think about neighborhoods and areas of predominately one race only. If a person of another race goes preaching to them about their sins, they get furious as they feel this person has no right to be insulting them and their ways, being racist and corrective. What is needed is a Martin Luther King Jr. type, one who can articulate what is happening across the board so all will listen and a change of attitude can take place. MLK was Christian and things improved with him calling things out, but others, as national leaders or persons of influence, who have not been Christian, have not united us more as MLK Jr. did but they rather divided us more. Only Jesus’ love can heal us and help us to see our own sins so we repent.  
6. So in the end, it is best that rebukes come from one of your own to be accepted. Jesus rebuked the false hypocritical Jews in a harsh way. He warned them that all their obedience to their own ways of tradition and law was disqualifying, insulting, and offensive to God because they were not exemplifying real justice by judgment, mercy, and faith! And most of all love!

They hated Him for those rebukes, but those warnings of hell had to come from Him, God’s Son who had done miracles in their presence yet they refused to believe. No one wants to hear that they will go to hell over their hard heart and deeds, but if it is true, they need to be told and warned, especially if they know to do right and do it not. We as Christians get hated for calling out sin, do we not?

Imagine, Jesus was not rebuking the prostitutes, the sinning heathen, or the barbaric other races around Him who deep inside knew they needed God’s mercy. Those kinds, time and again, proved to Jesus they had great faith in Him, and they were more humble and just in their dealings with their neighbors than His fellow Pharisaical Jews.

7. So applying this concept today do not be as the fake Christians, especially the ones on television, who preach 50 out of 52 sermons a year on tithing (even your spices as mint, anise and cumin) and giving them thousands of dollars for their luxuries, even private jets! Jesus blood must boil to witness some of the false teachings of today from the greedy, carnal, hypocritical preachers who outwardly appear perfect, but they are dried up bones of death on the inside. They are being as abusive as the Jews were perverting and misapplying the law and love of God making God appear to be a lover of luxury, oppression, being unjust, and unholy. How damaging and destructive! Hell will be their punishment. Matthew 7:21
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Jesus sees and condemns those who claim to follow God but do not live practicing true judgment, mercy, and faith (which infers being non prejudiced) as serpents and vipers! The serpent leaders belong to Satan! Vipers offer no love, healing or wisdom, only poison, pain, and death! And snake cults, being those who claim wisdom comes from them, have existed since Adam and Eve’s children! 

8. So when we face Jesus one day, we do not want to have to be rebuked as an unloving, unmerciful, faithless, biased, proud, unrepentant hypocrite! How horrible to have that on your soul! Hell is the retribution for that. No one can despise anyone of a different race anymore! Jesus proved how love overcomes!

No race is exempt from judgment as no race is better than another, God weighs the heart, and justification with God or special privilege does not come by the observance of some group’s cultural traditional religious deeds. In every race there exists the Pharisaical hypocrites who are cold hearted, haughty, arrogant, better-than-you, stand offish, proud, ignorant, and ungodly! Evil exists in all the colors and shades! The point is not to be as one of them, but to be like Jesus! 

Also, don’t let the people of the world confuse you; their idea of discrimination and bias is quite different, even opposite, from God’s view. Just follow Jesus example, reach out to help those whom many consider to be sinners, and reach out to those whom certain communities reject over their race or culture. There is hope for everyone! Jesus came to save all, everyone that will receive Him! Remember this about heaven, it is full of all races from all the ages! Revelation 7:9
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands. I can’t wait to be in the company of those loving saints, can you? Jesus saves, receive Him!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Human Trafficking: It’s Worse Than What You Have Ever Known!

Human Trafficking: It’s Worse Than What You Have Ever Known!  
  Kelly Durant

2 Peter 2:2-4 King James Version (KJV)
2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

2. How many of you of think we are in better times, that in general slavery has been abolished? No longer are people wearing chains plowing in farm fields but is the era of slavery really over? This is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and we must all be instrumental in helping to rescue and heal those caught up in it. How sickening and sad to know many children are used and abused and many corrupt officials are getting paid off to let it keep happening!

I did a google search and this is what came up concerning slavery today…. ‘Estimates of the number of slaves today range from around 21 million to 46 million, depending on the method used to form the estimate and the definition of slavery being used. Slavery in the 21st century - Wikipedia › wiki › Slavery_in_the_21st_century’

Is that not shocking? That is like the entire population of Colombia, or Spain! And honestly, I think those numbers are low! Many of the persons trafficked are prostitutes. Here is web site for that info which states that 42 million are involved in that! About 2 million are in the United States and many of them are minorities.

3. How does God feel about people owning other people as their slaves to be abused, adulterated, and extortioned? He detests it and excludes these kinds of people from heaven! 1 Corinthians 6:8-10 King James Version (KJV) 8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

But as you all well know, we live in a fallen world, taken over by Satan’s authorities which control religious, governmental, and entertainment organizations, and since we are in the endtimes, we can only expect more of these above named evil activities to increase. 

It sad because so many young people, especially those of minorities groups or with single parents, fall into the trap of evil seducers who promise them big money and hob knobbing with influential people in exchange for committing crimes against God and humanity. After 5 or so years of abuse, they are then thrown away to the street like a sick ugly dog. These human extortioners, which range from street low-lifes to billionaires control their naïve victims usually by getting them addicted to drugs, by enticing them with wealth and fame, by exercising over them extreme fear and intimidation, and by disorientation moving them to another city or country, or island. As in the case of Epstein, many employ mind control tactics. They evade the law usually because the victims are afraid for their lives, for the lives of their families, and consequently they suffer in silence never seeking help.

4. Okay, now that I have shared the shocking information about how massive this abominable soul condemning abuse is, we must now ask ourselves, how can we be a part of the solution to help save the suffering? To begin with, you and I can pray God will use you and me one day to see an injustice and then act to do something about it. If only one person in every hundred people aggressively tried to help a victim out, we could rid ourselves of this plague in a few years. We might need to quadruple our jail space size though!

Here is a major problem I see, Christians and most large churches are afraid to tackle this issue but they should actually be the first ones to respond! It is a moral and physical injustice! And sadly, for some huge churches worldwide, sexual exploitation is ignored, covered up, and under Satan’s control, keeps on proliferating. Sexual sins are dividing and destroying the churches everywhere!

Millions of people commit the sin of omission for not denouncing this and doing something when they learn of someone being abused or falling into the hands of evil abusive people. I am very thankful that our church, The Salvation Army has safe houses for the victims in almost every State in the U.S., and we also have them in around the world where victims can get rehab, learn a skill, live in a new city, and start a new life. 

5. What is sad is that the world promotes sexual exploitation sins (porn, prostitution, etc) as if they are normal, legal, and acceptable. A friend of ours who ran to be Mayor of a (certain) City told us that the first ones to come offer him money (in case he were the victor) were the owners of the strip clubs! Evil exploiters always work in the dark from behind the scenes, it is Satan’s secretive way.

The mafias in New York and L.A. don’t even need to pay off officials anymore to sneak in illegal drugs, all they have to do is find some rebellious teenager online that wants to run away from home! They get enticed by people they have never met and then after meeting up with them are trapped and enslaved just like in the movie 2017 ‘Trafficked’.  

These evil gangs can put her or him in a hotel room and make more than $1,000 per night, so one youth over time can make someone a million dollars before they are abandoned or killed! This is like having a chain on someone who is forced to labor. It is a hell with no freedom, no education, and no normal life like others. 

6. Have you ever wondered, what happens to all the missing children year after year? In the U.S. alone 800,000 go missing! That is almost 1 in every 100! Apart from exploitation many children are captured for Satanic ritual abuse (SRA)! The practice of abusing children and then killing them has been Satan’s game from the beginning of time! People who play with Satan’s crowd are commanded to perform acts that will guarantee them hell as a punishment for abominable works.

 The children of Israel were forbidden to offer their children to the false pagan (Satanic) gods who always wanted human sacrifice. Leviticus 18:21
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord.

This is why Satanic groups in society are nothing to play with nor respect! Due to their secret evil practices by blackmail and coercion, Christians must demand they never be allowed in our community schools, libraries, or clubs and organizations. Their statues in public must come down! They are parasite vermin destroying communities from within by their immorality, corruption, murders and extortions.

7. Those of us who love God are often naïve to all the evil around us, while the people of the world think violence, disappearances, and exploitations are just the normal ways of the world. Those living a lie hold the truth as the enemy! Vs 2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

The pattern we observe is that people who are evil, violent, vile and abusive, with secret sins having a double life, are the ones who are most outspoken against the people of God because we speak the truth, and the truth exposes their evil and lies! Christians usually are the only ones who expose their deeds as evil so we are hated the most, maligned and under attack, either to be sabotaged in our fellowships internally by Judases, shamed by the media, or shut down by new illogical laws targeting us. 

After all the agendas are in place already, there is a now a new push to normalize pedophilia. Marriage, or casual you know what, between an 8 year old and a 50 year old should be legal and normal, according to many people who support certain political and religious views!? So if the murder of a newborn is fine, then why not any s_x as one pleases? We are as in the days of violent Sodom and Gomorrah.

8. So we are on God’s side and what is He going to do about it? Vs 3. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

God is going to judge, condemn, and lock into hell the demons and the dead souls who have practiced these abominable acts! The practice of demons is to own their host, to have them as their property or merchandise so they do extreme lude and offensive acts. They get them to recruit and entice others into a sinful lifestyle as well which will bring upon their souls and bodies horrible consequences and judgement. Beware that certain political parties, certain religions, and certain companies want to own you and me. They will punish you or kill you if you do not think, act, speak, and support all the soul damaging agendas they dictate to you. 

Satan hates God’s beautiful creation of humankind and he wants all ages and races of people to be rapidly killed by extreme exploitation! What a crime and an outrage that people would destroy their own, even those from their own families and neighbors by trying to own another’s soul, mind, and activity in order to make money from them, or get them to do evil. 

9. So we need to warn everyone, even the children, and we need to do awareness campaigns to expose that this type of evil is an abomination to God and a crime against humanity. Human trafficking may include exploiting others for the drug trade, sexual abuse, and unpaid labor and an infinite amount of secretive sinful activities.

Take note that this abuse happens on a scale of entire nations! In (fill in the blank) if you do not like their government and policies, and if you do not conform to their abuse of you as a slave to their leaders to labor in a factory, you will end up in a slave prison camp. There your kidneys, or any body part, will be harvested at any moment they please so the state can then make a huge financial profit off of you! Atheistic political parties, or false Satanic domineering cult-like religions (those opposing the glorifying of Jesus), are murderous and abusive and never fulfil their promises to you for peace, equality, justice, and a god-like status. 

Watch and pray and be very cautious with certain organizations, gangs, mafias, and even your neighbor down the street, as Satan is always on the prowl, like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour. Pray that you and I can protect our own from being owned by another person who will make merchandise of them. Save your own, and save a stranger when possible! Jesus will guide you, be courageous! Let’s expose human trafficking so the cannot operate in our neighborhoods! 

Saturday, January 4, 2020

2020 Vision: Some Will See Clearer, Others More Blurry

2020 Vision: Some Will See Clearer, Others More Blurry        Kelly Durant

2 Timothy 3:12-14 King James Version (KJV)
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
2.It’s 2020! The theme everywhere is ‘vision’. What is your vision? How will it be? Positive or negative, or a mix of both?  I think as Christians as we advance in time and age all we want is more peace, more love, more of God and Jesus in our lives to make things right. 
After all, we never know when our year will come to leave this earth, and most of us think about that at least for a moment, and we are concerned about having a pure life to present in God’s presence. And have you considered what you will leave behind? Not just the car and the property items, the legacy of how you will be remembered, as one who loved God and others and helped many lives? 
Or is there not much there in your mind from past deeds done? If there is not enough that you have done yet, in your own and possibly God’s opinion, then consider this, you get to have a new start! A whole new year to make your plan and then work your plan of doing the most good that you can. It takes vision, discipline, dedication, conviction, and God’s leading of the Holy Spirit to accomplish anything! Everyone wants to be ‘positive about 2020, but it will take work! All things change but ask, how can we be the influencers for the good?
3.With every year that passes I always wonder, where are we on God’s clock? Is it the 11thhour? Or is it the 10th? Or is it 10 minutes to the midnight of when Jesus returns as a thief in the night?! Since we do not know the hour or day, all we can do is be ready, or get ready, I should say. Evil has multiplied and many events as described in Matthew 24 are happening.
We already know that as a Christian, our main goal is to get closer to God year after year. On December 31st we always do our candle light service to  say what we are most thankful for, what we would like for God to help us with in the new year, our goals, and to claim a Bible verse so we do move forward with seriousness and dedication. 
But did you notice something different from last year and the year before? Did you notice some of the people who promised God they would do more for him, the ones that swore to serve Him more by helping others and the Corps, are not here anymore? How sad, right? People despite making promises  and swearing to God, can fail; And there are consequences. James 5:12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation. 
4.In 2019 we witnessed disasters like never before. The worst fires ever in Australia (CA as well) burning hundreds of thousands of acres, the most snow (30 feet) ever dumped on Iceland, the Victoria Falls, one of the largest in the world, drying up. We have seen our skies look like checker boards with sprays from airplanes over most every major city. Chile had a 9.5 earthquake, the biggest ever recorded. If our natural world is out of balance, we can only expect more of these same kinds of events in 2020 and in the years to come. (See Matthew 24:7)
We have witnessed hate, deception, and lying accusations off the charts from political opponents. There is mini-war within each U.S. State as leaders attempt to pass draconian laws to control the people, and many are getting armed fearing a civil war. The New World Order will be with this type of anti-Christ changes. Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.   
More South American countries are almost at a full civil war level with violent riots of the poor classes demanding the rich share their wealth. It sounds good to the ears but in practice socialism only shifts the wealth to new greedy despot dictators and then the sharing becomes extreme poverty! Also, we have learned that China and Russia have united to buildup war weapons as never experienced before. Through atheism or false religions Satan desires to dominate all people! 
5. It seems like Satan has been working overtime everywhere and we see Christian churches losing members and read that Satanic cults are growing. There are mini-wars amongst family members over opinions, and wars over church members whether to promote liberal or conservative doctrines. 
We have gotten to the point that if you speak the truth quoting Biblical scripture you are considered a bigot, a racist, and a whole number of -phobes! Being a Christian in many places disenfranchises you and makes you a target of mockery. So make yourself strong in the Lord Jesus Christ so you can take the heat because…12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 
What was in the past, is what is in the present, people are becoming more demonic yet those that see with their eyes, and hear with their ears what the Spirit has to say are becoming wiser, more clear minded, and solid in God’s word. 2 Tim. 3: 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
6. In order to have a clear vision of God’s plan in your life in this blurry, confused, dying, decaying, degrading, despotic, perverted, murderous, blasphemous, deceptive world, you must clean your mind, like cleaning a dirty pair of glasses with God’s pure water!
Jesus made in clear in John 15 that he was the true vine and that we could only survive in this world by being connected to Him, the source of all truth and life. The people of faith, those that get filled with God’s Word (by reading it daily) these are the ones that will have clarity and vison to all that is happening and how God wants you and I to respond to it. We pray and serve the damaged ones
John 15 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 
7. At the end of every year we should do an assessment. What did I do that was unique and was a blessing for others? What did I do that I believe God was pleased with? And the flip side of the coin would be, what did I do that was a failure? What did I do that was from my own flesh and not of God’s Holy Spirit? What did I do that is a lesson to learn from so I don’t repeat it again? 
I think some of us do these things in our heads but for too brief of a moment. You and I should write things down so we remember better and keep them in mind so we live each year differently, doing better each time. You have to know yourself and if you have a bad habit, ask God to help you work at changing that habit or it could damage you and even worse damage your relationship with God! 
We have to live day by day and pray and read the word each day to be positive in this negative world. How you see things makes the difference. If a person is not led by the Lord, then they will be led by the trends of the world. The sad part is some Christians are asleep and they go with the flow, like a person being led by the hand because they can’t see. Seeing as God sees is everything!
8. When we see through God’s lens, our hearts break for the lost souls. We see the evil in the world as something that was prophesied over and predicted by Jesus, the Revelator, over 2,000 years ago. We can’t stop what will happen year to year as people have freewill. Satan and his demons have highjacked the world and it’s eventual destruction is eminent. But the beauty is God wins the final battle and Jesus kingdom will reign for ever and ever! We choose God’s side from year to year to do good and God records it in his books. We are absolved from the guilt of participating in Satan’s systems that are perverse, greedy, cruel, and destructive. 
See through the farce Satan pulls. He inspires wars, destructions, and pollutions that destroy our planet and the people, and then he wants us to have the guilt for it. So since we are to blame for consuming energy, by driving cars, and turning on lights, then we are to blame for the climate changes?! Now we hear more and more that Satan’s people want to solve this abuse of mother earth all under a one-world dictatorship with Him to be revealed as the intelligent savior imposing new laws and slave communistic systems. Year to year be careful, often the remedy people offer can be worse than the sickness! 
Imagine, us as frail humans being convinced that we the people (being predominantly secular humanist Satanists false religionists) can control the climate change, and bring prosperity to poor nations, by conforming to a one world control. No amount of money for noble accords and projects is going to stop the run-away train of the world’s evil systems. You put out one fire and two more start up! Satan is more than ever controlling the world’s systems, be they political, religious, or financial. Only Jesus return can fix all of this mess! We expect a WW III for the anti-Christ to take over but we always hope it is far in the future but we do not know in what year it will happen. Just be ready, live holy!
9. Luke 10:23 Then He turned to His disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; 24 for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it.” This verse rings true today! Today there are many archeological proofs of Jesus’ life that we can see in Israel and there are many articles to read about all the things happening that Jesus spoke about in His prophecies.
The reality is, people in daily life, are only going to see what they want to see. The lenses of glasses distort light in many directions, and we need the light focused on our work for God, on the souls we can save for Jesus. The people of the world often shut out the light with pitch dark glasses. They want to just stay to their comfortably numb selves and do not want the light of God penetrating their inner souls. How sad it is to see a majority of the people willfully blind their selves to the truth, to the spiritual dimension God’s wisdom Jesus could give them.  
God’s vision for the world is salvation, restoration, and heaven in the end! He wants to bless those who live by His love, for those who live worthy of their calling, for those who choose to live in purity (holiness) who make their selves into people of righteousness, peace, and mercy. 
10.So endure hardships! In 2020 some things will get better, and some things will get worse! But since our focus is on getting closer to Jesus, getting clean by his word, getting our glasses wiped off to see how important it is that we need Him in this evil world, we will live at peace, growing in love despite disturbing turmoil.
We must warn others of the evils of this world but what is our standard as a Christian?Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
If each one of us prays more and grows stronger in God’s Word, then we will be strong. Goals are personal, such as losing weight, etc., but God’s goals for you must be the priority. How will you grow spiritually this year closer to Him? How will the Lord use you more this year? What will you do differently to serve Him more?