Sunday, November 17, 2013

St. Francis And William Booth’s Effective Practices

St. Francis And William Booth’s Effective Practices                  by Kelly Durant   11-17-13
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
2. How many of you like non-conformists? These are people with fresh new ideas, leaders who having experienced the ineffective old established systems and in frustration decided to be strong enough to expose the dysfunctions by doing something about them? What do iconic figures do that leaves an impression so deep it lasts for centuries?  For one, they do not accept the routine broken system that has no inspiration or life in it but instead they create new means and methods. Then they went out to start a new wave of enthusiasm! True revolutionaries of God motivate their followers to win souls to Christ as a means to bring about a positive change in the debauched, corrupted institutions and authorities in the community! 
Jesus took on the status quo! Jesus impact, his life, death, and resurrection put into effect a radical change in society so much so that after a few hundred years Rome’s corruption and false worship of gods collapsed under Christianity. Jesus first message, the Sermon on the Mount, is a radical guide on how to live out God’s values which are diametrically opposite to the values of proud hypocritical abusive average people following the authorities in power.
When you and I love Jesus, I think we also love all the other radical men of God who bring about positive changes as He did, don’t you agree? Jesus is my and your first love, and all of us who have accepted Him will always recall our first impressions of learning His Word and experiencing the internal change of heart and mind and attitude. But despite our internal change, each of us need to see how Jesus love works through the lives of leaders who were effective to better understand how to put into practice what He taught.
3. Before I became enthusiastic about William Booth ( studied about his life), I was an admirer of historical iconoclasts such as Martin Luther, and St Francis of Assisi. Since Francis is recognized by the Catholic Church it may seem strange that this admiration would come from me being an evangelical, right? But I think all of us should remain open to honor those to whom honor is due regardless of their affiliation. After all, there was no Salvation Army in the 1100’s! Francis was The Salvation Army for those of his day!
The current Pope has his identity in St. Francis and they are calling his influence of modest austerity the Francis Effect. Considering multimillions are influenced by him, it is important to tune into what others are being influenced by.  It is important that every Christian become more educated by what influences are taking place in all groups with power and influence.
In his time period Francis of Assisi was considered an unpopular crazy revolutionary by the Catholic Church and considered a nobody outcast, but when they started losing a lot of followers to him, they had to reconsider his effect. Very soon the church wised up and quickly included him as a saint so that the common people would think good of the church for their acceptance of him because he defended the plight of the poor.   
4. After I studied about the life of St. Francis about 40 years ago, his life’s accomplishments helped me realize how my service in Christianity could be improved with even more self-sacrifice and giving to the poor. The more I learned about him the more I realized that joy and happiness comes from being a real Christian that serves the poorest of the poor and the worst of the worst.
My wife knows we spent many hours and years of our lives on the phone asking for food and clothing donations in South America and then we would go in a taxi and pick them up. For example, a 50 pound bag of something and deliver it to a local orphanage. What motivated us to spend our time on these things? It is because Jesus changed our lives! 
Everyone to keep the change alive and real needs to be active, serving, loving, praying, encouraging, and being a channel for the Lord’s work of love and salvation to flow!
5. Does anyone recall the old movie of the life of Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth by Franco Zeffirelli? The same producer also made a movie that was a hit in Bolivia (and around the world) called, Brother Sun and Sister Moon about the life of St. Francis, did any of you see that movie?
Francis returns wounded and disillusioned from a war and while healing in bed he discovers God’s beauty in nature and the need to serve the suffering people and he decides to dedicate his life in service as a monk. His father, being a wealthy man running a sweat shop of several hundred people who dyed clothing, did not want any part of his spirituality and he had raging fits over his son’s strange dedication to God and not to making money.
The day came that Francis knew he had to leave town and start a work with the poor. His father was cruel to mock him so in front of the town’s people one day he gave away all the clothes of the store of his father (since his father was rich by exploiting the poor) and then he shockingly took off his clothes and returned them to his father and said, here take back what is yours that you lent me. He began his devotion to help the poor and he rebuilt an abandoned church and it quickly filled up with followers much like a homeless shelter today. He was loved by all!
6. Why did he have such an impact? Because he rescued the Church system from totally collapsing! Scandals had plagued the Catholic Church in the 11th Century including despicable sexual activity along with the exploitation of the poor by phony doctrines and indulgences which permitted the clergy leaders to fleece others so they could live shamefully lavish lifestyles.
Compassion and love for the poor was absent so for Francis to give the example of taking from the rich (as he did from his father) and giving to the poor was an example of what would resonate with the people and become a model for Christianity;  one of including the ministries of showing mercy on the poor. Jesus commanded to “do unto others” so, how is it the church neglected it? The first Christians shared as every man had need in Acts 2:44-45
Christian leaders in his day had perverted the religion of Christianity into a corrupt business and they sold so called antique relics and indulgences so you could pay for a prayer for a family member’s soul to get out of hell?  Corruption, power, and politics, were manipulated in order for a person to secure their salvation. The church, not Jesus, determined who was saved?!
These postures led people to distrust the church, and by association, the gospel itself!  In response, Francis began a movement that restored people’s love for the person and message of Jesus. This gave people reason to trust the church again, bringing a revival in Europe which lasted more than 500 years. In an old Time magazine (need to find edition) Francis even ranked 9th on the list of the most important influential people of the last millennia!
7. What do I bring up the past? Because corruption is multiplying today in the church and within all authorities in power! God’s formula is always the same: Christians must live out the example of the life of Jesus Christ in order to bring a reverse change converting others to Him. Take note of these 5 points that were practiced by Francis de Assisi and William Booth which serve as an example to us today. How much do you practice them?
1. Extravagant Love for the Poor
Their followers were renowned for doing something radical to alleviate the suffering of the poor. They were willing to step into their world of suffering and serve and help them. This simple mission silenced the critics. After all, the higher ups did not want to get dirty doing the job of ministering to the derelicts, homeless, and alcoholics.
When it comes to materialistic lifestyles, Christians and non-Christians live about the same these days (in the USA), yet some have become extreme in their wealth. Jesus said in Matthew 8:20 Jesus answered him, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lie down and rest. Francis says, “It is faster to get to heaven from a hut than a palace.” Booth and his Salvation Army usually lived right there in the same poor neighborhoods where they ministered, and this system continues in most places in the entire world today! 
8. 2. Peacemaking
Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
William Booth preached an all-inclusive love that brought in peace between the rich and the poor, between the haves and the have-nots and between ideologies.  It seems ironic but declaring war on sin and marching into battle to free souls from hell brings the results of peace and well-being to the every person in the community. It is the Holy Spirit’s work in the hearts of men and where God’s presence is, peace multiplies.
Francis taught non-violence. He traveled to Egypt hoping to forge a truce between the Christian Crusaders and the Muslims. Francis refused to bear arms and it was a condition for obtaining membership in his Order. If peace is taught and expected, then peace results are the outcome.
You and I do want the gospel heard in a culture that is increasingly cynical towards it, so we must always approach others in peace.  We must make peacemaking a priority at home and practice it with everyone we come in contact with.
9. 3. Love for Creation
I am not sure if you can imagine the smelly muddy streets of East London in the 1800’s but practically the entire city was a depressing hell hole! Many of our U.S. cities have become like this as well. It was a time where drunken sailors, prostitutes, and Jack-the-Ripper types roamed the tunnels and streets day and night. This is why Booth suggested that his followers move to farm colonies where the countryside could refresh them. In other words, those that love God, want time with his beautiful creation in nature!
We hear many wild stories about Francis personal interactions while out in nature. He would preach to the birds, and he befriended wolves. Whether these stories are true or not is immaterial, they reveal that he had a fame for having love for animals and all creation.
Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Being God’s child, we all should love and respect His nature and do our part to not be cruel, wasteful, or destructive because taking care of God’s earth is a part of our heritage.
10. 4. Contemplative Prayers
A person’s prayers can be spoken out loud, but prayers also are frequently internal, and not always vocal. Prayer should include not just a speaking to our Lord, but also a time of listening, of meditating, of taking a moment of silence to let God come through. In the ancient time, this silence was known as contemplative praying. Francis rekindled this practice.
Booth listened to God for all decisions or he would not have succeeded as he did in establishing such a huge work in such a short time! I have read how he did a daily devotions, and then he prayed, listened to God and then acted.
Francis promoted contemplation. This practice of meditative silence allows God to speak to your spirit. Consider these Psalms which teach us to meditate or contemplate.
Psalm 1:2
But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
Psalm 63:6
When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.
Psalm 77:12
I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.
Psalm 119:15 I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.

11. 5. The Rebuilding Of God’s Church
When William Booth brought the homeless and drunks into the stale church of his day, the comfortable folks did not want them there.  So God inspired him to start anew church, to rebuild a compassionate church, to start a new revolution of taking the gospel to the streets. His first churches were made by converting the very same pub drinking places used for debauchery into places of worship.  How is that for taking back the enemies territory!
St Francis of Assisi’s ministry began when he heard Jesus say to him, “Francis, rebuild my church, don’t you see it’s in disrepair?”  This message agrees with Jesus gospel which continues on today. Too many churches in our world are uncaring, self-serving, rich and comfortable. People need to see an example of a new type of people in Christ that are “others” serving!
We are living in a time when our culture is facing many of the same challenges St Francis and William Booth faced in their eras, one of acute decadence in the church and society. To prevent our own spiritual decline, it is time we must start doing the time proven practices of the ones before us of helping the poor, being peacemakers, loving creation, meditating on God in prayer time, and to start the rebuilding of church the way God wants it by being others serving! Church, or “ecclesia” in the Greek means nothing more than the “called out people”, and they must be ones who are loving God and others in words and deeds effectively.  
12. Francis, Booth, and countless others truly inspire us to sacrifice more, to love more, and most of all to preach Jesus more! Contemplate on this powerful prayer…
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life.

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