Saturday, July 19, 2014

Jesus, Not Religion

Jesus, Not Religion                                                           by Kelly Durant    7-20-14
James 1:27 Pure religious conviction and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
2. In our English language there is an expression for people that seem to radically change their lifestyle, for example they stop drinking, smoking, cursing, and start being nice when they were mean, it is the cliché, “They found religion”. This might be a good thing if a person “found” (discovered) salvation in Jesus, but to people in the world “finding religion” usually implies something bad. It implies that that person is now committed to some traditional rigid set of rules by some big organized institution. Religion might imply something that is all controlling, and dominating over every aspect of one’s life. “Finding religion” means that that friend may not remain your friend anymore. This is a sad reality and with some religions and cults this is true, they make you leave behind all your friends and family for their cause!
Why bring this up? Many young people today write blogs questioning the good and bad in churches, religion, and yes, even in the Salvation Army. To grow our church and win new youth and more people we must focus in on what people perceive about religion! We must change  as well. As beings influenced culture, it is easy to have a love/hate relationship with ‘religion’. I grew up in the 60s and 70s hearing old gospel songs like, ‘Give me that old time religion…and its good enough for me’. No one sings that song anymore, why not ? It’s catchy!! Consider that our current tech culture has influenced the minds of many with more information on the details of what global religions and sects are all about. We have discovered over time that not all religions and denominations are so nice with their ‘old time’ tradition, cold formalities, and rules. However, critics of religion are usually ignorant of the cultural contexts, not factoring in the life threatening surroundings of the time. For example, Martin Luther is a liberating hero but still some are confused by his animosity towards the Jews; to understand the whys you must read much history, but times change and it is what is relevant today that matters. No person has ever had every detail of what they believe or comment on correct all the time and my wife and I have learned to not split hairs over opinions as we all have all eternity for Jesus correct us.
Back to influences, in the 70s John Lennon’s song, ‘Imagine’ was a song expressing a dream for a perfect world to come filled with peace. It had a resonating phrase in it that spoke of a utopian future with things passé; it was a world with no heaven or hell and ‘no religion too’. Of course this song is regarded by many as a expressing non-Biblical views but it struck a chord with several million confirming that they were tired of religion as man has made it. Remember the Beatles had just been recently burned by the Maharishi in India that wanted their money and wives. The frustration humanity has is that nothing seems to bring us closer a utopia, no religion, politics, technology; nothing seems to transform the people of the world into a system where a heaven of love and peace rules ending poverty, war, and violence. Hearts continue evil.
3. So what is religion? In itself, referring to spiritual methods or means by which one is devoted to God, shouldn’t it be something good? When one does a search with Biblegateway, one only finds the word ‘religion’ in the Bible (KJV) 5 times in the N.T., and 3 times it is referring to the Jews. But it is defined clearly in James 1:27 ‘Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world’.  What a surprise that Jesus never used the word religion to describe following His teachings. What a surprise the Bible reveals that it is something simple!
So if the Bible defines clearly what religion should be for us as Christians, we should do our best to live by what is stated here which means we are to love God and others, and show compassion on those who have needs and suffer, and also, to live a pure life, unspotted by corruption. Living in “holiness” goes hand in hand with being compassionate. If you let this definition of religion sink in you will start to wonder, what has happened then, why do people understand religion to mean something totally different from what we find in the Bible here?
The Wikipedia definition of religion is (but still not how everyone understands it): “A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence.” The word ‘religion’ conjures up the images of what religion includes; most of us imagine people in a special style of clothes in diverse positions, like Jews praying at the Wall, or gurus in orange gowns sitting meditating, or Muslims bowing towards Mecca. It is natural for people to reject things not understood, especially the observance of strange ways of worship. It is natural to reject becoming subject to a system that we perceive will exploit us, break our wills, and force us to conform to strange interpretations of what God expects from you and what He wants everyone subjected to. Sad but true, usually religious teachings enslave instead of liberate, but Jesus spoke that His truth would “make you free”!  (John 8:32)
4. On the flip side of these negative perceptions, most professionals assess that the human race has a strong tendency to be religious. As people we want to be in community, we want to have a purpose, we actually want to worship God with the assurance He is a higher power caring for us and interested in us. Every human being has a God shaped hole in them that only He can fill! Everyone wants to experience the unexplainable, a connected feeling one gets when worshipping  God,  and depending on the culture, family, and mindset nearby influencing each person, most people conform to the religious beliefs and practices of their cultural at large. But tragically many people discover that their local religions often do not connect them to God. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. I have worshipped with many diverse religions, and I affirm that only Jesus and the Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways! All the others leave you waiting in nothingness!
So what happens to the people who get a bad taste of the dominant local religion?  What happens when some bad experience or some abusive person causes someone to see religion or God as undesirable?  Often, in search of God still, that person will try something radically different! This was my case and the case of multi-millions of young people in the 60s & 70s who experimented with meditation and oriental religions. The fact remains that all religions contain some wise teachings, certain universal truths, and certain practices that are good for the spirit such as meditation and prayer.  But in the end only Jesus gave up his life on a cross to erase our sins with forgiveness, and not by our earning it though a religion made by man! Resurrection and eternal life come through the belief and submission to a life in Jesus Christ, and no other religion or prophet has the power, and glory, and authority to grant this! Only Jesus produced followers willing to die for Him because His resurrection was and is real! Martyrs still are dying!   
The reality of the 70s (and still remains today in a different way today) is that the Christian ‘religion’ has not been in step with James 1:27, being compassionate and being pure. Christianity will always suffer being sabotaged and under attack to become the opposite of what it should be! A sad reality is the fact that many self-serving and corrupt religions and churches exist! Here is the matter on religion: Christianity should always be at war with the impure uncompassionate because ambitious leaders will always try to consolidate wealth and power by turning worship into a rigid mold of a certain set of rules and traditions (condemning all others) while by effect render the faith ineffective and worthless.
5. So erase from your mind that the Christian religion means that you must copy a certain model, have a certain haircut, a certain way of dress, a certain slang talk of adding brother and sister in every sentence, or if not one is not welcomed in the church! According to this verse in James it is the uncompassionate and impure ones that should be considered as having no religion! (unless they repent, of course) Some churches have been learning to be more tolerant and to have compassion on others while others are stuck in their own clicks not winning new converts. So ask yourself if you are on the path of compassion and purity in your personal life?
Today, ask yourself, what religion do I preach with my actions? Is my religion one that shines with a light of compassion healing the hurting ones? Am I striving to be pure in all ways pleasing God in all things? Remember God’s love includes us loving the unlovely and the dirty undesirable sinners, prostitutes and street people (publicans). Paul, being a Jew, in a culture where all had to be sterile and kosher spent most of his time with the argumentative Greeks, and the sexually immoral, corrupted Romans and pagans in order to win them for Christ! Jesus and Paul led by example, so we could follow in their steps.
Years ago I was converted back to Jesus (conversion is supposed to be just once, right?), after I met some Christians that were different and not judgmental of me as a sinner for having my long hair, and they were tolerant to spend hours with me teaching me the Bible when I wanted to argue in favor of yoga and other concepts of my understanding of God’s nature. What converted me was their love and compassion and application of the word of God, as they were unquestionably pure compassionate people. It was their perplexing example and dedication that won me over. I woke up to the fact that I had been foolish to abandon my Christian faith for the contradictory teachings of the gurus of India that at that time seemed more convincing to awaken spirituality. I observed that most gurus seek wealth; what a disillusion! 
6.  So how are you going to apply James 1:27? I am thankful the Salvation Army has Women’s, Men’s and Youth groups dedicated to the visitation of the abandoned and suffering ones in rest homes, and dedicated to helping others. The practice of compassion for the suffering ones was what attracted me to the Salvation Army and here I remain for 20 plus years! I saw it was a church with mostly humble people serving the outcasts with active ministries, with compassionate people, and it was not another typical mega-type church that serves just the pastor and their selves.
When I discovered they had hundreds of facilities worldwide for the homeless, alcohol rehab centers, gymnasiums, daycares, health clinics, and community centers, I was in awe that finally I found a church that was helping with the needs of the community, and preaching the gospel! They were not only open on Sundays but every day! This was a religion in action, the way that I understood religion was intended to be! I praise the work, but there is always room for improvement.
But generally, unfortunately many wars have been and are being fought over religion and many today are disillusioned. Tom Lerhrer (popular in 60s) wrote a song that says, “The Hindus hate the Muslims, the Protestants hate the Catholics, and everyone hates the Jews”.  He continues, “The same sects fight each other.  It's ridiculous and it's a fight over each other’s mythology, that's right, over each interpretation of made up stuff. I'm totally against organized religion.” Many people today, as this artist, I believe could be converted if they only could learn of how we can change the world: by love, compassion, and purity. 
7. Here is a case study that indicates people are hungry for a relationship with God, but not so willing to accept ‘religion’. Dr. Alex Himaya is the author of a book, "Jesus Hates Religion: Finding Grace in a Works Driven Culture" and he is founding and Senior Pastor of the CHURCH at Battle Creek, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  He has one of the fastest growing churches in America, having grown from 120 to over 5,500 in just eight years!
So is it possible that, “God Hates Religion”? It depends on how you define ‘religion’ and which religion, right? But basically we can conclude that a majority of religious worship has been man made and not God inspired! Jesus’ religion (if we dare to call it that) was what we just confirmed in James 1:27, a practice of having a relationship with God that erases sins and makes one pure through the study and application of the Holy Scriptures, preaching the gospel and praying, which leads followers into doing deeds of compassion for those who are suffering. Suffering caused by life’s circumstances is not for us to judge, it just for us to do something about!
The design of God is that people reap what they sew, so if your concept of religion is to live pure and sew compassion, which is the gospel of Jesus which brings eternal life (salvation) in others, then the compassion from God (and sometimes from others) will reciprocate back to you.  God we know ‘hates’ sin, but He probably forgives ignorance by those with religion.
8. So what is our religion? Is Christianity a religion? A few billion may be classified as of that ‘religion’, but even Christianity is a plethora of conglomerates with such diverse practices it confuses the observer over what it actually is. Christianity should mean being ‘Christ-like’! You, as a Christian, please make it clear to others that Jesus never spoke of ‘religion’ but rather He taught of your relationship with God: to worship Him in spirit and in truth! The Salvation Army is defined as a ‘movement’ instead of a religion; I like that, don’t you? “A MOVEMENT” implies a forward action, a belief system in action, doing, and moving! This is such a good title!
Are you loving, compassionate, and pure? Is God doing a work in your life so much so that what you practice as your belief or religion glorifies Him as the scriptures indicate? Tune out what other religions are doing, if you ever are trying to compare yourself to their idea of purity and worship! Don’t be foolish as I was to think there is high value in other global religions, to the contrary, there is low value. And the ‘Co-exist’ idea (as on some bumper stickers) is non-functional! Only with Jesus is there an authentic worship and relationship with God! Only He saves, inspires, and motivates one to have an authentic selfless sacrificial focus.  
9. In the time of Paul Christians were not labeled as religious ones but labeled, ‘those of the way’ (Jesus said, ‘I am the Way’…) Jesus ‘way’ was this, Matthew 22:37-39  37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.38 This is the first and great commandment.39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Conclusion: We have a relationship, not a religion! You belong to a church that is a movement and not a religion! To connect with God and have purpose, it is not with religion that does it, but it is in being compassionate and living pure that does it! It is simple: love God and others!

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