Friday, February 16, 2018

Proud Soldiers: Countering the Anti-Soldier Culture

Proud Soldiers: Countering the Anti-Soldier Culture                         Kelly Durant

2 Timothy 2:3 You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. :4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.

2. I grew up in the 1960s and there were several TV shows with Army Soldiers as the main characters. These characters were usually funny, and most every American enjoyed seeing all the funny situations. Have you heard of Gomer Pyle USMC? Mash? How about Hogan’s Heroes? If not, look them up someday, they will make you laugh! These were all Soldiers in typical settings living their daily lives in the barracks. Soldier characters were loved and applauded.

In the 1960s the population of the USA was half that of today, and probably about 1 in every 5 men back then had been in the armed forces either from WW1, WW2, of the Korean War. In that time period every family had someone in it who had served in the Armed Forces.

After World War 11 it was exposed how Hitler and others had horrifically killed mega millions of people and everyone was relieved that the USA, England, and Russia won. The Japanese were suicidal demons as well and if either of those demonic powers had succeeded, they would have killed and enslaved the whole planet! It was God’s grace, and the bravery and death of many Soldiers, that saved us from a hellish kingdom of Satan on earth. Soldiers were the heroes!

3. So what happened to the popularity of the Soldier? Why is it today some comfortable rebellious people decide that soldiers and uniforms are not cool, that they represent repression and evil war, that young people should be rude, disrespect, and be belligerent and speak up against them? Good people with common sense know that the killers of killers are the heroes. It is Satanic to mock and reject the ones who prevent warmongering Satanic murderers from having free reign. How absurd to propose that any aggressive attackers should just murder, rape, and pillage innocent ones as they please! Divisive abusive destroyers deserve no pity! Murder and evil has no justification that, ‘Oh they had a bad life’, Oh, that’s their religion, or Oh, that’s their culture’. Stop the sympathy for Satan! Evil is evil and only righteous judgement stops it.

The seeds of disrespect were sewn in the 1960s. The Vietnam era was a time in which 600,000 U.S. men went to war and 300,000 returned injured with 60,000 killed. It was very unpopular because it seemed that battling with small battalions invading villages and caves that the war would never end. The basis of the war was to prevent the spread of communism, but the noble sense of mission got lost once all the suffering of both sides was exposed by the press. It seems the press has always created controversy and brought division, but they get to go home and be comfortable while the rest of the people suffer the consequences of their revealing of secrets.

So what happened in the 1960s? I think we are all still trying to figure that out! Why all the protests? It was sad that the returning soldiers were not treated with the attention they deserved; they needed jobs, medical, mental and spiritual attention but that was scarce. The wave of protests was not for the favor of the hurting soldiers, it was mostly about countering the evil establishment that propagated wars. It was ironic hippie clothes included military shirts with flowery bell bottoms!

4. The system was exposed as corrupt, making certain politicians filthy rich through the sale of arms and young people were infused with the idea they could make a better world with love and peace. These ideas came from the liberal colleges and from music that had the most amazing new sounds, message, and creativity ever heard. The protests were spiritually and morally reinforced by the gathering of people at concerts and, the rebellion to stop the war was so great that Pres. Jimmy Carter had to announce that we were pulling out because it was not winnable; The draft stopped.

After many millions of Vietnamese dead, the communists seemed to be the victors, as the world ended up with a North and South Vietnam, not long after having to accept a North and South Korea. It seemed the world was divided, made up of huge nations with suffering people behind iron curtains, enslaved under dictators, getting paid pennies per hour, getting killed for speaking against the system, while the rest of the world was free from tyranny. ‘Freedom’ was the buzz word for the 60s generation but that freedom always has cost the sacrifice of heroes.

The American Soldier for the longest time represented the good guys, the liberators, the brave sacrificial victorious ones who countered the pure murderous evil empires. Despite the evils in this country, I still believe that it is the U.S. military that keeps at bay the armies of Satan who would impose world dominion if not resisted. Enemies within disagree though, they think our sins of war are worse than others and think that the U.S. Soldier is evil, but statistics prove other Soldiers throughout history are more horrific. Evil ones have killed hundreds of millions! 

5. Today I gave you a very brief history lesson on the role of Soldiers in the world, which is to fight the cruel, murderous, enemy invaders so why do we as Christians identify in the role as Soldiers? How are we fighting? Is it good to appear to fight when all the world seems to be tired of fighting and hating, and a few are convinced we should not fight at all?

You are aware we live in the times of apostasy. There are many church denominations that have been invaded by Satanic doctrines of late and they are, after hundreds of years, rejecting many foundations of the original founding fathers of the faith. Some churches even want to ban songs, songs like, ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’ as they feel that a militant display of Christ is incorrect. Is it incorrect? Do we not represent a fight against evil? Jesus was a fighter for God’s values and truth combating boldly against the false doctrine of the religious zealous despots, hypocrites and the self-righteous, and he liberated the demon possessed!

I think showing your Christian faith as a faithful Soldier for Jesus is an honor! That is what the scripture of today implies. Also, several times the New Testament the brothers are addressed as Soldiers. It is unique that no one adopted uniforms as The Salvation Army did before we did. Philemon 1:2 to the beloved Apphia, Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house: No one can deny that it is Biblical to compare the Christian to the Soldier.

6. So what are the characteristics of the Christian Soldier that are distinctly different from the Soldiers of the nations of the world?  We never physically kill anyone but instead we lay down our lives as Jesus did to serve God, to proclaim His righteousness, truth, and salvation.

Read here how we are to be equipped as God’s Soldiers to fight evil:
Ephesians 6: 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Our representation as God’s Soldiers is to fight against evil and to save the souls of the lost, confused people who are entrapped by the world, and enslaved to their own sins reinforced by the demons of hell!

7. Today sadly, there is amongst a few, an anti-authority, anti-police, anti-soldier attitude. But before one joins the sheeple (people who follow the trends of the world without any spiritual discernment or analytic investigative judgment), shouldn’t one question these movements? Is anarchy really going to make a better world? What should Christians defend, isn’t it not the right to proclaim Jesus freely, the right to love and live in peace and prosperity, and the right to stop evil when it is destroying others? Especially when it destroys and enslaves the weak and innocent ones?

The question you should be asking is what is the source of these instigations, of these belligerent rebellious opinions? Paul in Romans makes it clear to submit to the authorities. It seems opinions never stop, but doesn’t the Holy Spirit give us, the Christian Soldier, the wisdom on which battles to fight? Resistance and criticism never stopped a dedicated soldier.

Shouldn’t the Christian be prepared with the Holy Spirit’s discernment to know who is worth hearing out with a legitimate complaint and who is just emotionally sounding off false words in order to bring on in-fighting, discord, and confusion?
Proverbs6:16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

8. The pattern of Satan is to always, ‘divide and conquer’, so it is Satan that always wants the breakdown of order so that his people, in the midst of the confusion, may come in and dominate with their abominable lies which will lead others into His enslaving destructions.
Satan is too alive and well in our schools, universities, governments, and churches! 

The twisted values of our current world were prophesied over almost 2,000 years ago.
2 Timothy 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

As Christian Soldiers, all of this described in these verses, is what we must fight against amongst those in the community and even in our own families. We fight to expose the cruelty and hypocrisy of the selfish, jealous, proud, carnal, aggressive, blasphemous, disobedient, unthankful, unholy, perverted, lying, accusing, emotionally fierce, demons who hate God’s good people. So, with a uniform on or not, we fight against these evils! If the uniform makes one a target, well so be it! In the Salvation Army we wear it to show we are serving Jesus!

There is no question, we are in a war, some think it is cultural, some think it’s generational, but we know it is spiritual, so we must fight as Soldiers or evil is going to win. Soldiers in the world take on extreme disciple and can take apart and put back together their guns in the dark. How I wish all Christians knew the Bible (The Sword) as the Soldier knows his weapon.

9. It may seem like Satan is temporarily winning. His propaganda machine is sewing discord amongst society and the Christian 24/7. As the Christian Soldier population decreases, the Satanic opposition increases. But the Satanic opposition has physical armies with real guns and swords and intend to enslave and kill all the Christians they can! History proves this fact!

We must remain firm and continue to shout out our ‘War Cry’ countering evil by exposing it and replacing it with goodness, purpose, love, and salvation. So can you shame me for wearing a uniform and proclaiming I am a Soldier of Jesus? Never! I chose sides 40 years ago, and each of you must chose the side you will be fighting on everyday! Are you on the side of God with his righteous holy ones, or on the side of the degraded, debauched, betraying, lying political ones who always seek division, dominion, and pride.

All history reveals that fighting physical wars is disastrous and atrocious!  Too many always die, and many take advantage to gain wealth, but in the end war is a necessary evil when the aggressors are hell bent on imposing a Satanic oppressive doctrine and system upon the people enslaving and murdering them. Before a physical war comes, a spiritual war ensues. When too many leave the faith over the dividing concepts of the world, horrible consequences follow. The bigger war is coming. You had better fight in the spiritual war now on Jesus side or your loss will be with the ones who chose the wrong side! Be a proud Soldier of Jesus and He will be proud of you putting honors on you in heaven once the final battle is over!

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