2020 Vision: Some Will See Clearer, Others More Blurry Kelly Durant
2 Timothy 3:12-14 King James Version (KJV)
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
2.It’s 2020! The theme everywhere is ‘vision’. What is your vision? How will it be? Positive or negative, or a mix of both? I think as Christians as we advance in time and age all we want is more peace, more love, more of God and Jesus in our lives to make things right.
After all, we never know when our year will come to leave this earth, and most of us think about that at least for a moment, and we are concerned about having a pure life to present in God’s presence. And have you considered what you will leave behind? Not just the car and the property items, the legacy of how you will be remembered, as one who loved God and others and helped many lives?
Or is there not much there in your mind from past deeds done? If there is not enough that you have done yet, in your own and possibly God’s opinion, then consider this, you get to have a new start! A whole new year to make your plan and then work your plan of doing the most good that you can. It takes vision, discipline, dedication, conviction, and God’s leading of the Holy Spirit to accomplish anything! Everyone wants to be ‘positive about 2020, but it will take work! All things change but ask, how can we be the influencers for the good?
3.With every year that passes I always wonder, where are we on God’s clock? Is it the 11thhour? Or is it the 10th? Or is it 10 minutes to the midnight of when Jesus returns as a thief in the night?! Since we do not know the hour or day, all we can do is be ready, or get ready, I should say. Evil has multiplied and many events as described in Matthew 24 are happening.
We already know that as a Christian, our main goal is to get closer to God year after year. On December 31st we always do our candle light service to say what we are most thankful for, what we would like for God to help us with in the new year, our goals, and to claim a Bible verse so we do move forward with seriousness and dedication.
But did you notice something different from last year and the year before? Did you notice some of the people who promised God they would do more for him, the ones that swore to serve Him more by helping others and the Corps, are not here anymore? How sad, right? People despite making promises and swearing to God, can fail; And there are consequences. James 5:12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.
4.In 2019 we witnessed disasters like never before. The worst fires ever in Australia (CA as well) burning hundreds of thousands of acres, the most snow (30 feet) ever dumped on Iceland, the Victoria Falls, one of the largest in the world, drying up. We have seen our skies look like checker boards with sprays from airplanes over most every major city. Chile had a 9.5 earthquake, the biggest ever recorded. If our natural world is out of balance, we can only expect more of these same kinds of events in 2020 and in the years to come. (See Matthew 24:7)
We have witnessed hate, deception, and lying accusations off the charts from political opponents. There is mini-war within each U.S. State as leaders attempt to pass draconian laws to control the people, and many are getting armed fearing a civil war. The New World Order will be with this type of anti-Christ changes. Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
More South American countries are almost at a full civil war level with violent riots of the poor classes demanding the rich share their wealth. It sounds good to the ears but in practice socialism only shifts the wealth to new greedy despot dictators and then the sharing becomes extreme poverty! Also, we have learned that China and Russia have united to buildup war weapons as never experienced before. Through atheism or false religions Satan desires to dominate all people!
5. It seems like Satan has been working overtime everywhere and we see Christian churches losing members and read that Satanic cults are growing. There are mini-wars amongst family members over opinions, and wars over church members whether to promote liberal or conservative doctrines.
We have gotten to the point that if you speak the truth quoting Biblical scripture you are considered a bigot, a racist, and a whole number of -phobes! Being a Christian in many places disenfranchises you and makes you a target of mockery. So make yourself strong in the Lord Jesus Christ so you can take the heat because…12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
What was in the past, is what is in the present, people are becoming more demonic yet those that see with their eyes, and hear with their ears what the Spirit has to say are becoming wiser, more clear minded, and solid in God’s word. 2 Tim. 3: 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
6. In order to have a clear vision of God’s plan in your life in this blurry, confused, dying, decaying, degrading, despotic, perverted, murderous, blasphemous, deceptive world, you must clean your mind, like cleaning a dirty pair of glasses with God’s pure water!
Jesus made in clear in John 15 that he was the true vine and that we could only survive in this world by being connected to Him, the source of all truth and life. The people of faith, those that get filled with God’s Word (by reading it daily) these are the ones that will have clarity and vison to all that is happening and how God wants you and I to respond to it. We pray and serve the damaged ones
John 15 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
7. At the end of every year we should do an assessment. What did I do that was unique and was a blessing for others? What did I do that I believe God was pleased with? And the flip side of the coin would be, what did I do that was a failure? What did I do that was from my own flesh and not of God’s Holy Spirit? What did I do that is a lesson to learn from so I don’t repeat it again?
I think some of us do these things in our heads but for too brief of a moment. You and I should write things down so we remember better and keep them in mind so we live each year differently, doing better each time. You have to know yourself and if you have a bad habit, ask God to help you work at changing that habit or it could damage you and even worse damage your relationship with God!
We have to live day by day and pray and read the word each day to be positive in this negative world. How you see things makes the difference. If a person is not led by the Lord, then they will be led by the trends of the world. The sad part is some Christians are asleep and they go with the flow, like a person being led by the hand because they can’t see. Seeing as God sees is everything!
8. When we see through God’s lens, our hearts break for the lost souls. We see the evil in the world as something that was prophesied over and predicted by Jesus, the Revelator, over 2,000 years ago. We can’t stop what will happen year to year as people have freewill. Satan and his demons have highjacked the world and it’s eventual destruction is eminent. But the beauty is God wins the final battle and Jesus kingdom will reign for ever and ever! We choose God’s side from year to year to do good and God records it in his books. We are absolved from the guilt of participating in Satan’s systems that are perverse, greedy, cruel, and destructive.
See through the farce Satan pulls. He inspires wars, destructions, and pollutions that destroy our planet and the people, and then he wants us to have the guilt for it. So since we are to blame for consuming energy, by driving cars, and turning on lights, then we are to blame for the climate changes?! Now we hear more and more that Satan’s people want to solve this abuse of mother earth all under a one-world dictatorship with Him to be revealed as the intelligent savior imposing new laws and slave communistic systems. Year to year be careful, often the remedy people offer can be worse than the sickness!
Imagine, us as frail humans being convinced that we the people (being predominantly secular humanist Satanists false religionists) can control the climate change, and bring prosperity to poor nations, by conforming to a one world control. No amount of money for noble accords and projects is going to stop the run-away train of the world’s evil systems. You put out one fire and two more start up! Satan is more than ever controlling the world’s systems, be they political, religious, or financial. Only Jesus return can fix all of this mess! We expect a WW III for the anti-Christ to take over but we always hope it is far in the future but we do not know in what year it will happen. Just be ready, live holy!
9. Luke 10:23 Then He turned to His disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; 24 for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it.” This verse rings true today! Today there are many archeological proofs of Jesus’ life that we can see in Israel and there are many articles to read about all the things happening that Jesus spoke about in His prophecies.
The reality is, people in daily life, are only going to see what they want to see. The lenses of glasses distort light in many directions, and we need the light focused on our work for God, on the souls we can save for Jesus. The people of the world often shut out the light with pitch dark glasses. They want to just stay to their comfortably numb selves and do not want the light of God penetrating their inner souls. How sad it is to see a majority of the people willfully blind their selves to the truth, to the spiritual dimension God’s wisdom Jesus could give them.
God’s vision for the world is salvation, restoration, and heaven in the end! He wants to bless those who live by His love, for those who live worthy of their calling, for those who choose to live in purity (holiness) who make their selves into people of righteousness, peace, and mercy.
10.So endure hardships! In 2020 some things will get better, and some things will get worse! But since our focus is on getting closer to Jesus, getting clean by his word, getting our glasses wiped off to see how important it is that we need Him in this evil world, we will live at peace, growing in love despite disturbing turmoil.
We must warn others of the evils of this world but what is our standard as a Christian?Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
If each one of us prays more and grows stronger in God’s Word, then we will be strong. Goals are personal, such as losing weight, etc., but God’s goals for you must be the priority. How will you grow spiritually this year closer to Him? How will the Lord use you more this year? What will you do differently to serve Him more?
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