The Holy Spirit Makes You Glow! Kelly Durant 6-27-10 Re 6-11-23
We are all just worms, according to the scripture!
Job 25:6
6 how much less man, who is but a maggot —
a son of man, who is only a worm!"
Eccl 8:1
Who is like the wise man?
Who knows the explanation of things?
Wisdom brightens a man's face
and changes its hard appearance.
2. There is story about the boy who went with his father fishing, but the boy was going through a stage in his age that he was unthankful and complained for everything. The father said enough is enough, if you complain anymore, I will make you eat a worm! The boy complained again, and then again about something that morning so they got when home the father said, “Alright, here is the worm on the plate, now eat it!” The boy complained, “Well at least fry it and put salt on it!” Then the boy said, “This is so unfair, I will eat half only if you will eat half too!” The father feeling bad that he punished him this way said, “Okay, look I am eating half!” Then the boy put on a frown cried and complained again. “What is it this time?” demanded the father. The boy said, “You ate the half that was going to be mine so I can’t eat the half you left!” (wahaa!)
There are many types of worms, but one type is special, a glow worm, it glows in the dark. We as people are as worms, but for God we can be a glow worm! He makes our faces to shine!
3.Today we will examine the HS in your life. I want to start off with a neglected part of the spirit of God, the part that makes us glow, the HS. Remember when Moses spent time with God, he came down from the mountain glowing like the sun and they had to cover his face to keep from blinding the people! On the day of Pentecost the HS glowed around the heads of the disciples. And Stephen, the first martyr had the glow of the H.S. on his face too!
Anyone with God’s Holy Spirit will have God’s shine. It is a light, a happiness, a radiance that bears witness of the power of God in us! The HS is also wisdom.
Eccl 8:1
Who is like the wise man?
Who knows the explanation of things?
Wisdom brightens a man's face
and changes its hard appearance.
4. In the NT, we conclude that Stephen was glowing like an angel when they stoned him. Despite having a face full of strength, light, and the HS, they stoned him to death.
Acts 6:15
15 All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.
Acts 7:55-56
55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."
Most of you are familiar, to get God’s Spirit, all you need to do is ask for it! It will make you more beautiful, it is God’s testimony for all to see! Your glow!
5. How do we get it? We ask for it! Luke 11:13
13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
In the Salvation Amy we emphasize the HS as a part of our being. Many songs speak of asking God to send the fire today, like the fire on the flag, we will not do God’s work without his Spirit present in our lives. In reality, historically, the SA appears to be sort of like a precursor to the Pentecostal movement for their emphasis on the HS! The founders had it!
No one can deny that few Christian movements have ever accomplished in only 150 years what the SA has accomplished in 130+ countries with multi-millions of souls saved, lives restored from vices, and multi-millions given aid to help in their poverty or disaster! In the end, you can be proud you are one of the Soldiers who serve others in need with the HS as your strength! But serving is a burden and duty if you do not have the H.S. in you!
6. Why Study Spiritual Gifts? Acts 1:8
1. It’s a Matter of Obedience – 1 Corinthians 12:1
“Now about your gifts…I do not want you to be ignorant.”
2. They will benefit and its ministries will become increasingly effective as its member discuss and use their gifts.
3. Individual believers will mature in their self-image and faith as they experience the competence of God.
Let’s examine the church historically. The HS has often been neglected by the power-hungry church due to its potential to empower the believer, or average man or woman. Look at Peter, a rough middle to low class fisherman, and with the HS he preached sermons that converted thousands!
Historical Overview
• Augustine – disregarded what texts stated – minimized the role of the Holy Spirit in imparting divine enabling to Christians. Vague, at best in dealing with the pace and meaning of Spiritual gifts.
• Emperor Constantine – Made Christianity a state religion. Concept of priesthood strengthened – (empowered) Regarded as the primary means of grace. Weak, passive laity.
• Thomas Aquinas – Drew parallel between Spiritual gifts and Spiritual fruits. Equated Spiritual gifts with inner virtues (love, hope) Standard view of Roman Catholicism thus did not develop an adequate theology of Spiritual Gifts.
• John Calvin – Ambiguous at best, lumping together all things pertaining to true knowledge of God as gift of the Holy Spirit. Supernatural gifts ceased with the death of the last apostles.
• John Wesley – Christians should concentrate on a more excellent way “ – love”
• Holiness Movement – Late 1800’s makeup largely of Methodists. Became interested in the nature of Spiritual gifts.
• Spawned the Pentecostal Movement – emphasized some of the gifts listed in Scripture
n The fruit of the Spirit produces ethical character
n All of the fruit of the Spirit is for each Spirit-filled believer
n The fruit of the Spirit is reflective of maturity in Christ.
n The fruit of the Spirit deals with inward attitudes
n The fruit of the Spirit is an indication of Spirit-filled life
n The fruit of the Spirit is difficult to imitate
n The fruit of the Spirit is continually with us, because it is a maturity of a Spirit-filled life
n The gifts of the Spirit produce Christian Service
n Some of the gifts of the Spirit are for each Spirit-filled believer
n The gifts of the Spirit are reflective of the blessings of Christ
n The gifts of the Spirit deal with outward actions.
n The gifts of the Spirit are not and indication of Spirit-filled life
n The gifts of the Spirit are easier to imitate
n The gifts of the Spirit may come and go – may not always be evident
9. The 5 basic principles:
- God imparts spiritual gifts according to His divine grace; they cannot be earned through human merit.
- God gives spiritual gifts according to his own discretion; He is not bound by man’s wishes.
- God wills that every Christian exercise spiritual gifts; these divine enablings are not limited to a few believers.
- God provides gifts for the purpose of ministry and service; they are not given in order to draw attention to man or to satisfy his ego.
- God intends that the ministry of the church be accomplished through spiritual gifts; human talents are not adequate for spiritual ministry.
-God imparts spiritual gifts according to His divine grace
-God gives spiritual gifts according to his own discretion
-God wills that every Christian exercise spiritual gifts
-God provides gifts for the purpose of ministry and service
-God intends that the ministry be accomplished through spiritual gifts
10. A Chart of the New Testament Charismata
Romans 12:6-8 | I Corinthians 12:4-11 | I Corinthians 12:28 | Ephesians 4:11 |
• Prophecy • Teaching • Serving • Exhortation • Giving • Giving Aid • Compassion | • Prophecy • Healing • Working Miracles • Tongues • Interpretation of tongues • Wisdom • Knowledge • Faith • Discernment | • Prophecy • Teaching • Healing • Working Miracles • Tongues • Interpretation of tongues • Apostleship • Helps • Administration | • Prophecy • Teaching • Apostleship • Evangelism • Shepherding |
11. We are human, we are worms. All of us may be weak at times, people complain and are not happy at times, all of us have our trials in life that seem very hard to bear at times but what is the answer?
Where would you rather be, in the dirt, or in the light? The HS is like a fire, shining with a light of love that warms everyone in their path! We must ask God for the gifts of the Spirit!
The answer is to be busy for God, applying ourselves in His work, in His kingdom with the power of the HS! Doing God’s work without the HS is like burning an old kerosene lamp on empty. Instead of burning the oil, we can be burning the wick of our own flesh, and when we do, all the people see the light going out and smell the burnt dry attitude.
Having God and Jesus in your life means having the H.S. fruit and gifts too! The people who really serve God, serving Him not out of duty, not out of pressure, but serve out of love for God with the power of the HS have a shine on their face! The people with the HS in their lives attract others to love and serve God like a light that attracts all the creatures in the night to surround it.
Does your face and heart glow with the HS? Being reminded of the gifts and fruits of the HS, do you believe God is using you in one or more of these areas?
If not, now is your time to come for prayer and to ask for the HS!
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